Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/promice/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/promice/qscroller.js |
/* QScroller Copyright 2008 Massimo Giagnoni. All rights reserved. Vesrion 1.0.1 (Mootools 1.11) QScroller is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ var QScroller = new Class({ options: { slides: 'qslide', direction: 'h', duration: 3000, auto: false, delay: 1000, transition: Fx.Transitions.linear }, initialize: function(wrapper,options) { this.setOptions(options); this.wrapper = $(wrapper); this.wrapper.setStyles({ position: 'relative', overflow: 'hidden' }); this.wrapper.addEvent('mouseenter', this.fireEvent.pass('onMouseEnter',this)); this.wrapper.addEvent('mouseleave', this.fireEvent.pass('onMouseLeave',this)); this.slideOut = new Element('div').setStyles({ position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden', top: 0, left: 0, width: this.wrapper.getStyle('width'), height: this.wrapper.getStyle('height') }).injectInside(this.wrapper); this.slideIn = this.slideOut.clone(); this.slideIn.injectInside(this.wrapper); this.slides = $$('.'+this.options.slides); if($defined(this.options.buttons)) { if($defined(this.options.buttons.next)) { $(this.options.buttons.next).addEvent('click', this.next.bind(this)); } if($defined(this.options.buttons.prev)) { $(this.options.buttons.prev).addEvent('click', this.prev.bind(this)); } if($defined(this.options.buttons.play)) { $(this.options.buttons.play).addEvent('click', this.play.bind(this)); } if($defined(this.options.buttons.stop)) { $(this.options.buttons.stop).addEvent('click', this.stop.bind(this)); } } this.auto = this.options.auto; this.idxSlide = 0; this.step = 0; this.isFirst = true; }, load: function() { if(!this.isFirst) { this.idxSlide += this.step; if(this.idxSlide > this.slides.length-1) { this.idxSlide = 0; } else if(this.idxSlide < 0) { this.idxSlide = this.slides.length-1; } } this.curSlide = this.slides[this.idxSlide].clone(); this.show(); }, show: function() { var slide = this.slideIn.getElement('div'); if(slide) { slide.replaceWith(this.curSlide); } else { this.curSlide.injectInside(this.slideIn); } this.doEffect(); }, doEffect: function() { this.fxOn = true; var d = this.isFirst ? 0:this.options.duration; var t = this.options.transition; var fxObj = this.slideIn.effects({ duration:d, transition: t }); var inX = 0; var inY = 0; var outX = 0; var outY = 0; var ww = this.wrapper.getStyle('width').toInt(); var wh = this.wrapper.getStyle('height').toInt(); if(this.step > 0) { if(this.options.direction == 'h') { inX = -ww; outX = ww; } else { inY = -wh; outY = wh; } } else { if(this.options.direction == 'h') { inX = ww; outX = -ww; } else { inY = wh; outY = -wh; } } if(this.isFirst) { if(this.auto) { this.step = 1; } this.isFirst = false; } fxObj.start({ top: [inY, 0], left: [inX, 0], opacity: [1, 1] }); this.slideOut.effects({ duration: d, transition: t }).start({ top: [0, outY], left: [0, outX] }); this.fxEnd.delay(d + 75, this); }, fxEnd: function() { this.fxOn = false; this.swapSlides(); if(this.auto) { $clear(this.timer); this.timer = this.load.delay(this.options.delay, this); } }, stop: function(){ $clear(this.timer); this.auto = false; }, play: function() { if(!this.auto ) { $clear(this.timer); this.auto=true; this.step = 1; if(!this.fxOn) { this.load(); } } }, next: function() { this.stop(); if(this.fxOn) { return; } this.step = 1; this.load(); }, prev: function() { this.stop(); if(this.fxOn) { return; } this.step = -1; this.load() }, swapSlides: function() { this.slideOut.setStyles({ zIndex: 0, opacity: 0 }); var t = this.slideOut; this.slideOut =this.slideIn; this.slideIn = t; } }); QScroller.implement(new Options, new Events);