Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/promice/modules/mod_jvslideshow/assets/js/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/promice/modules/mod_jvslideshow/assets/js/jvslideshow.vslider.js |
/* Script: JVSlideshow - The JV Slideshow Module allows to display the images with effects. License: Proprietary - JoomlaVi Club members only Copyright: Copyright (C) JoomlaVi. All rights reserved. */ var JVSlideshow = new Class({ options:{ captions: 1, autoHideCaptions: 1, arrows: 1, autoHideArrows: 1, controls: 1, keyboard: 1, autoPlay: 1, width: false, height: false, captionsOpacity: 0.7, captionsHeight: 50, display: 0, delay: 5000, duration: 500, slices: 20, transition: Fx.Transitions.Sine.easeInOut, forceEffect: 1, fx: 'fade', imagesPath: '', linkTarget: '_blank', itemsClass: '.jv-slideshow-items', captionsClass: '.jv-slideshow-captions', arrowsClass: '.jv-slideshow-arrows', controlsClass: '.jv-slideshow-controls' }, initialize: function(selector, data, options){ this.setOptions(options); this.selector = $(selector); if(!this.selector) return; this.setup(data); this.firstTime = true; }, setup: function(data){ var that = this; if(!this.selector) return; if($type(data) != 'array') return; this.len = data.length; if(this.len < 1) return; that.options.display = Math.min(Math.max(0, that.options.display), that.len - 1); this.data = data; this.preload(); this.items = this.selector.getElement(that.options.itemsClass); var itemsSize = this.items.getSize(); this.options.width = this.options.width || itemsSize.size.x; this.options.height = this.options.height || itemsSize.size.y; this.selector.setStyles({ 'width': that.options.width, 'height': that.options.height }); this.effectComplete = true; this.itemLoader = this.items.getElement('.loader'); this.itemLoader.fx = new Fx.Styles(this.itemLoader).set({opacity:1}); this.initSlices(); this.itemLink = new Element('a', { 'class': 'link', 'href': '#' }).inject(this.items); if(that.options.keyboard == 1){ this.initKeyboard(); } if(that.options.captions == 1){ this.captions = this.selector.getElement(that.options.captionsClass); this.initCaptions(); } if(that.options.arrows == 1){ this.arrows = this.selector.getElement(that.options.arrowsClass); this.initArrows(); } if(that.options.controls == 1){ this.controls = this.selector.getElement(that.options.controlsClass); this.initControls(); } if(that.options.autoPlay == 1){ this.initAutoPlay(); } this.counter = 0; this.paused = false; this.load(that.options.display); }, initSlices: function(){ var that = this; for(var i = 0; i<this.options.slices; i++){ var sliceElement = new Element('div', { 'class': 'slice' }); sliceElement.inject(this.items); var sliceStyles = { top: 0, left: Math.round(that.options.width/that.options.slices) * i, width: (i == this.options.slices - 1) ? that.options.width - (Math.round(that.options.width/that.options.slices) * i) : Math.round(that.options.width/that.options.slices), height: 0 }; sliceElement.coord = sliceStyles; sliceElement.fx = new Fx.Styles(sliceElement, { duration: that.options.duration, transition: that.options.transition }); sliceElement.setStyles(sliceStyles); } }, initCaptions: function(){ if(this.options.autoHideCaptions == 1){ this.captions.fx = new Fx.Styles(this.captions, {wait: false}).set({height: 0 , opacity: this.options.captionsOpacity}); this.selector.addEvents({ 'mouseenter': function(){ this.captions.fx.stop().start({height: this.options.captionsHeight, opacity: this.options.captionsOpacity}); }.bind(this), 'mouseleave': function(){ this.captions.fx.stop().start({height: 0, opacity: 0}); }.bind(this) }); } else{ this.captions.fx = new Fx.Styles(this.captions, {wait: false}).set({height: this.options.captionsHeight , opacity: this.options.captionsOpacity}); } }, initKeyboard: function(){ var that = this; var keyupEvt = function(e){ e = new Event(e); switch(e.key){ case 'left': that.load(e.shift ? 0 : that.options.display > 0 ? that.options.display - 1: that.len - 1); clearInterval(that.autoTimer); if(!that.paused && that.options.autoPlay == 1) that.initAutoPlay(); break; case 'right': that.load(e.shift ? that.len - 1 : that.options.display < that.len - 1 ? that.options.display + 1 : 0); clearInterval(that.autoTimer); if(!that.paused && that.options.autoPlay == 1) that.initAutoPlay(); break; case 'p': if(that.arrows.getElement('.pause')){ that.arrows.getElement('.pause').fireEvent('click'); } break; } }.bind(this); document.addEvent('keyup', keyupEvt); }, initArrows: function(){ var that = this; if(this.options.autoHideArrows == 1){ this.arrows.fx = new Fx.Styles(this.arrows, {wait: false}).set({opacity:0}); this.selector.addEvents({ 'mouseenter': function(){ this.arrows.fx.stop().start({opacity: 1}); }.bind(this), 'mouseleave': function(){ this.arrows.fx.stop().start({opacity: 0}); }.bind(this) }); } else{ this.arrows.fx = new Fx.Styles(this.arrows, {wait: false}).set({opacity:1}); } ['first', 'prev', 'next', 'last'].each(function(func, index){ if(that.arrows.getElement('.' + func)){ that.arrows.getElement('.' + func).addEvent('click', function(){ that[func].call(that); }); } }); if(this.arrows.getElement('.pause')){ this.arrows.getElement('.pause').addEvent('click', function(){ if(this.hasClass('play')){ this.removeClass('play'); that.paused = false; if(that.options.autoPlay == 1){ that.initAutoPlay(); } } else{ this.addClass('play'); that.paused = true; clearInterval(that.autoTimer); } }); } }, initControls: function(){ var that = this; this.controls.fx = new Fx.Styles(this.controls, {wait: false}).set({opacity:0}); this.selector.addEvents({ 'mouseenter': function(){ this.controls.fx.stop().start({opacity: 1}); }.bind(this), 'mouseleave': function(){ this.controls.fx.stop().start({opacity: 0}); }.bind(this) }); this.controls.getElements('a').each(function(aLink){ aLink.addEvent('click', function(e){ e = new Event(e).stop(); that.load(this.getProperty('title').trim().toInt() - 1); }); }); }, initAutoPlay: function(){ var that = this; if(that.len <= 1) return; clearInterval(this.autoTimer); this.autoTimer = setInterval(function(){ that.load(that.options.display < that.len - 1 ? that.options.display + 1 : 0); }, that.options.delay); }, preload: function(){ var that = this; this.data.each(function(imgdata, index){ if(!imgdata.image && index != that.options.display){ var assetImg = new Asset.image(that.options.imagesPath + imgdata.name, { onload: function(){ imgdata.image = assetImg; } }); } }); }, load: function(index){ this.options.display = index; if(!this.data[index].image){ if(this.data[index].image !== false){ clearInterval(this.autoTimer); this.itemLoader.fx.stop().start({opacity: 1}); this.data[index].image = false; var that = this, assetImg = new Asset.image(that.options.imagesPath + that.data[index].name, { onload: function(){ that.data[index].image = assetImg; } }); } this.load.delay(50, this, index); }else{ if(!this.paused && this.options.autoPlay == 1) this.initAutoPlay(); this.show(); } }, first: function(){ this.load(0); }, prev: function(){ this.load(this.options.display > 0 ? this.options.display - 1: this.len - 1); }, next: function(){ this.load(this.options.display < this.len - 1 ? this.options.display + 1 : 0); }, last: function(){ this.load(this.len - 1); }, show: function(fx){ var fxType = this.options.fx.split(',').getRandom(); if(this.options.captions == 1){ this.captions.fx.clearChain(); if(this.options.autoHideCaptions == 1){ this.captions.fx.stop().start({height: 0, opacity: 0}).chain(this.start.bind(this, fxType)); } else{ this.captions.fx.stop().start({opacity: 0}).chain(this.start.bind(this, fxType)); } }else{ this.start(fxType); } }, start: function(fx){ var effect = fx ? fx : this.options.fx, data = this.data[this.options.display], image = data.image; this.image = image; this.timer = 0; if(this.firstTime){ effect = 'fade'; this.firstTime = false; this.items.setStyle('background-image', 'url(' + this.image.getProperty('src') + ')'); } if(!this.image || (!this.effectComplete && this.options.forceEffect)){ return; } if(this.options.captions == 1){ this.captions.getElement('.description').setHTML(data.description); if(this.options.autoHideCaptions == 1){ this.captions.fx.stop().start({height: this.options.captionsHeight, opacity: this.options.captionsOpacity}); } else{ this.captions.fx.stop().start({opacity: this.options.captionsOpacity}); } } this.itemLink.setProperty('title', data.title); if(data.link != ''){ this.itemLink.setProperty('href', data.link); } else{ this.itemLink.removeProperty('href'); } this.itemLink.setProperty('target', this.options.linkTarget); this.itemLoader.fx.stop().start({opacity:0}); this.effectComplete = false; this[effect].call(this); if(this.options.controls == 1){ this.controls.getElements('a').removeClass('active')[this.options.display].addClass('active'); } }, reset: function(){ this.items.getElements('.slice').each(function(sliceElement, index){ var coord = sliceElement.coord; sliceElement.fx.stop(); sliceElement.setStyles({ background: 'url(' + this.image.getProperty('src') + ') no-repeat -'+ coord.left + 'px ' + coord.top * -1 + 'px', top: 0, left: coord.left, width: coord.width, height: coord.height, opacity: 0, bottom: 'auto', right: 'auto' }); }.bind(this)); }, fade: function(){ var that = this; this.reset(); var sliceElement = this.items.getElements('.slice')[0]; var sliceFx = { opacity: 1 }; sliceElement.setStyles({ width: this.options.width, height: this.options.height }); this.runFx(sliceElement, sliceFx, true); }, fold: function(){ this.reset(); this.items.getElements('.slice').each(function(sliceElement, index){ var sliceFx = { opacity: 1, width: sliceElement.getCoordinates().width }; sliceElement.setStyles({ width: 0, height: this.options.height, top: 0, bottom: 'auto' }); this.runFx.delay(100 + this.timer, this, [sliceElement, sliceFx]); this.timer += 50; }.bind(this)); }, sliceDownLeft: function(){ this.reset(); var slices = this.items.getElements('.slice'); slices.reverse(); var sliceFx = { opacity: 1, height: this.options.height }; slices.each(function(sliceElement, index){ sliceElement.setStyles({ top: 0, bottom: 'auto' }); this.runFx.delay(100 + this.timer, this, [sliceElement, sliceFx]); this.timer += 50; }.bind(this)); }, sliceDownRight: function(){ this.reset(); var slices = this.items.getElements('.slice'); var sliceFx = { opacity: 1, height: this.options.height }; slices.each(function(sliceElement, index){ sliceElement.setStyles({ top: 0, bottom: 'auto' }); this.runFx.delay(100 + this.timer, this, [sliceElement, sliceFx]); this.timer += 50; }.bind(this)); }, sliceUpDownLeft: function(){ this.reset(); var slices = this.items.getElements('.slice'); slices.reverse(); var sliceFx = { opacity: 1, height: this.options.height }; slices.each(function(sliceElement, index){ if(index % 2 == 0){ sliceElement.setStyles({ top: 0, bottom: 'auto' }); } else{ sliceElement.setStyles({ bottom: 0, top: 'auto' }); } this.runFx.delay(100 + this.timer, this, [sliceElement, sliceFx]); this.timer += 50; }.bind(this)); }, sliceUpDownRight: function(){ this.reset(); var slices = this.items.getElements('.slice'); var sliceFx = { opacity: 1, height: this.options.height }; slices.each(function(sliceElement, index){ if(index % 2 == 0){ sliceElement.setStyles({ top: 0, bottom: 'auto' }); } else{ sliceElement.setStyles({ bottom: 0, top: 'auto' }); } this.runFx.delay(100 + this.timer, this, [sliceElement, sliceFx]); this.timer += 50; }.bind(this)); }, sliceUpLeft: function(){ this.reset(); var slices = this.items.getElements('.slice'); slices.reverse(); var sliceFx = { opacity: 1, height: this.options.height }; slices.each(function(sliceElement, index){ sliceElement.setStyles({ bottom: 0, top: 'auto' }); this.runFx.delay(100 + this.timer, this, [sliceElement, sliceFx]); this.timer += 50; }.bind(this)); }, sliceUpRight: function(){ this.reset(); var slices = this.items.getElements('.slice'); var sliceFx = { opacity: 1, height: this.options.height }; slices.each(function(sliceElement, index){ sliceElement.setStyles({ bottom: 0, top: 'auto' }); this.runFx.delay(100 + this.timer, this, [sliceElement, sliceFx]); this.timer += 50; }.bind(this)); }, wipeLeft: function(){ this.reset(); var sliceElement = this.items.getElements('.slice')[0]; var sliceFx = { width: this.options.width }; sliceElement.setStyles({ opacity: 1, width: 0, height: this.options.height }); this.runFx(sliceElement, sliceFx, true); }, wipeRight: function(){ this.reset(); var sliceElement = this.items.getElements('.slice')[0]; var sliceFx = { width: this.options.width }; sliceElement.setStyles({ opacity: 1, width: 0, height: this.options.height, backgroundPosition: 'top right', left: 'auto', right: 0 }); this.runFx(sliceElement, sliceFx, true); }, runFx: function(sliceElement, fxStyle, isFinish){ sliceElement.fx.start(fxStyle).chain(function(){ this.counter++; if(this.counter == this.options.slices || isFinish){ this.effectComplete = true; this.items.setStyle('background-image', 'url(' + this.image.getProperty('src') + ')'); this.counter = 0; } }.bind(this)); } }); JVSlideshow.implement(new Options); JVSlideshow.implement(new Events);