Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/promice/components/com_linkr/assets/js/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/promice/components/com_linkr/assets/js/object-UCP.js |
/* * Linkr - Generic Class * */ var LinkrObject = { /* * Settings */ options : { // Plugin title title : 'Linkr', // Object name objName : 'LinkrObject', // List styles selectListStyle : { margin : '0 2px' }, // Layout header format layoutHeaderDirection : 'horizontal', // Itemid selection // 0: None // 1: Most recent defaultItemid : 0, // Cookie settings cookieSettings : { duration : 14, autoSave : false } }, /* * Search functionality */ search : { // Default search type defaultType : '', defaultListType : false, // Enable use of search options enableOptions : false, // Enable sorting of search results enableSorting : false, // Enable displaying of uncategorized items enableUncategorized : 0, // Search type names name : {}, // Search options options : {}, // Methods for displaying results (by type) result : {}, // Current type (multiple types only) selectedType : '', // Search sorting by type sort : {}, // Sort titles sortName : { id : 'ID', title : 'Title', name : 'Name', date : 'Date', created : 'Created', modified : 'Modified', ordering : 'Ordering' }, // Search queries by type sql : {} }, /* * Sort methods */ sort : { // Sort by id id : function(r, k) { k = $pick(k, 'id'); return r.sort(function(a, b) { return (a[k].toInt() - b[k].toInt()); }); }, // Sort by title title : function(r, k) { k = $pick(k, 'title'); return r.sort(function(a, b) { return a[k] == b[k] ? 0 : (a[k] > b[k] ? 1 : -1); }); }, // Sort by date date : function(r, k) { k = $pick(k, 'date'); return r.sort(function(a, b) { return (b[k].replace(/(\s|:|-)/g, '') - a[k].replace(/(\s|:|-)/g, '')); }); }, name : function(r) { return this.sort.title(r, 'name'); }, created : function(r) { return this.sort.date(r, 'created'); }, modified : function(r) { return this.sort.date(r, 'modified'); }, ordering : function(r) { return this.sort.id(r, 'ordering'); } }, /* * Layout methods */ layout : { // Generic layout _genericLayout : function(lyt) { // Content DIV var cnt = new Element('div'); // Links var cfg = false; var tb = $pick(lyt.toolbar, 0); if ($type(tb) == 'object') cfg = this.tmpl.insertToolbar(tb, cnt); // Link configuration... load URL later this.tmpl.getConfig($pick(lyt.config, {})).injectInside(cnt); // Item description container var inf = new Element('div', { styles : {margin : 5} }).injectInside(cnt); // Header var ll = false; var hd = $pick(lyt.header, 0); if ($type(hd) == 'object') ll = this.tmpl.insertHeader(hd, inf); // Description var ds = $pick(lyt.description, 0); if ($type(ds) == 'object') this.tmpl.insertContent(ds, inf); // Load layout this.display(cnt); // Setup config link if (cfg) this.tmpl.setupToggleLink(inf); // Load lists if (ll) ll.each(function(lf) {lf.call()}); // Return page var r = $pick(lyt.returnPage, false); if (r) { var rt = $type(r); if (rt == 'string') this.setReturnPage(r); if (rt == 'array') this.setReturnPage(r[0], r[1]); } // Callback function if ($defined(lyt.onComplete) && $type(lyt.onComplete) == 'function') lyt.onComplete.attempt(); }, _genericLayoutDelayed : function(a, d) { Linkr.delayDisplay('layout', $pick(d, 70), this.layout._genericLayout.bind(this, a)); }, // Uncategorized layout uncategorized : function() { this.setMsg('"Uncategorized" layout not set'); this.display(); } }, /* * Layout helper methods */ tmpl : { // Toolbar links e.g. back, configure link, get link insertToolbar : function(b, d) { var bl = []; var c = false; for (l in b) { // Back link if (l == 'back') { bl.include([0, '« '+ this._('BACK').toLowerCase(), b.back]); } // Config link else if (l == 'config') { c = true; bl.include(['toggleConfig', this._('CONFIGURE_LINK')]); } // Insert link else if (l == 'insert') { bl.include([0, this._('GET_LINK'), b.insert]); } // Custom link else if ($type(b[link]) == 'array') { bl.include(b[link]); } } // Insert toolbar links Linkr.htmlTBLinks(bl).injectInside(d); // Return "true" if config is enabled return c; }, // Creates a header useful for a layout insertHeader : function(hd, d) { // Header container var hr = new Element('div', { styles : {'margin-bottom' : 5} }).injectInside(d); // Header element format if (this.options.layoutHeaderDirection == 'vertical') { var he = 'div'; var hs = { 'margin-bottom' : 5, 'text-align' : 'center' }; } else { var he = 'span'; var hs = {'margin-left' : 15}; } // List loading functions var l = []; for (t in hd) { // String var h = hd[t]; var ht = $type(h); if (ht == 'string') { new Element(he, { styles : hs }).setHTML(h).injectInside(hr); } // Label/value pair else if (ht == 'array') { var hee = new Element(he, { styles : hs }).injectInside(hr); // Insert label new Element('span').setHTML(h[0] +': ').injectInside(hee); // Insert value new Element('strong').setHTML(h[1]).injectInside(hee); } // Element else if (ht == 'element') { h.injectInside(hr); } // Select list (to load later) else if (ht == 'object') { var wrp = new Element(he, { styles : hs }).injectInside(hr); // Insert label if ($defined(h.label)) { new Element('span').setHTML(h.label).injectInside(wrp); } // Insert select list new Element('span', { id : t }).setHTML(Linkr.loading).injectInside(wrp); // Load list function l.include(this.loadList.create({ 'bind' : this, 'attempt' : true, 'arguments' : [ $pick(h.type, this.search.defaultType), t, $pick(h.databaseID, false), $pick(h.styles, false), $pick(h.enableUncategorized, 0), $pick(h.sqlOptions, false) ]})); } } // Return list loaders return l.length > 0 ? l : false; }, // Renders item description insertContent : function(c, d) { // Element already rendered if ($defined(c.element)) { c.element.injectInside(d); } // Render description else { // DIV style var s = $pick(c.styles, { padding : 3, 'background-color' : '#eeeeee' }); // Insert description new Element('div', { styles : s }).setHTML($pick(c.text, '')).injectInside(d); } }, // Creates toggle link for config box setupToggleLink : function(e, a, b) { // Link IDs b = $pick(b, 'settings'); a = $pick(a, 'toggleConfig'); // Toggle link + fade content away (not so nice) /*Linkr.createToggleLink(b, a, 400, function(s) { // Get element e = $(e); if (!e) return; // Start effect var fx = new Fx.Style(e, 'opacity', {duration : 250}); s ? fx.start(1.0, 0) : fx.start(0, 1.0); });*/ // Create toggle link Linkr.createToggleLink(b, a); }, // Renders link configuration DIV getConfig : function(o) { // Config div var cd = new Element('div', {id : 'settings'}); // Title new Element('div', { styles : { 'text-align' : 'center', 'font-weight' : 'bold' } }).setHTML(this._('LC_ATTRIBUTES')).injectInside(cd); // Link text this.tmpl.getLabel('linkText', this._('LC_TEXT')).injectInside(cd); this.tmpl.getInput('linkText', Linkr.getDefaultText($pick(o.text, ''))).injectInside(cd); this.tmpl.clear().injectInside(cd); // Link target if ($pick(o.target, true)) { this.tmpl.getLabel('target', this._('LC_TARGET')).injectInside(cd); Linkr.htmlSelectCustom([ ['_self', this._('LC_TARGET_SELF'), 'selected'], ['_blank', this._('LC_TARGET_BLANK')] ], {id : 'target'}).injectInside(cd); this.tmpl.clear().injectInside(cd); } // Link title this.tmpl.getLabel('linkTitle', this._('LC_TITLE')).injectInside(cd); this.tmpl.getInput('linkTitle', $pick(o.linkTitle, '')).injectInside(cd); this.tmpl.clear().injectInside(cd); // Link class this.tmpl.getLabel('linkClass', this._('LC_CLASS')).injectInside(cd); this.tmpl.getInput('linkClass', $pick(o.linkClass, '')).injectInside(cd); this.tmpl.clear().injectInside(cd); // Link relation this.tmpl.getLabel('linkRelation', this._('LC_RELATION')).injectInside(cd); this.tmpl.getInput('linkRelation', $pick(o.linkRelation, '')).injectInside(cd); this.tmpl.clear().injectInside(cd); // Single URL var u = $pick(o.url, 'index.php'); var ut = $type(u); if (ut == 'string') this.tmpl.getInput('linkURL', u, 'hidden').injectInside(cd); // Several URLs if (ut == 'object' && $defined(u.list)) { this.tmpl.getLabel('linkURL', $pick(u.label, 'Itemid')).injectInside(cd); Linkr.htmlSelectCustom(u.list, { id : 'linkURL', name : 'linkURL', 'class' : 'inputbox value' }).injectInside(cd); this.tmpl.clear().injectInside(cd); } // Itemids var iid = false; if (ut == 'object' && $defined(u.options)) { iid = new Element('div', { id : 'urlDiv' }).setHTML(Linkr.wideLoading).injectInside(cd); } // Page format var frt = $pick(o.format, false); if ($type(frt) == 'array' && frt.length > 0) { this.tmpl.getLabel('format', this._('LC_FORMAT')).injectInside(cd); Linkr.htmlSelectCustom(frt, {id : 'format'}).injectInside(cd); this.tmpl.clear().injectInside(cd); } // Page anchors var ans = $pick(o.anchor, 0); if ($type(ans) == 'array') { // Anchor list ans = [['', '-- '+ this._('PICK') +' --']].merge(ans); // Display list this.tmpl.getLabel('anchor', this._('LC_ANCHOR')).injectInside(cd); Linkr.htmlSelectCustom(ans, {id : 'anchor'}).injectInside(cd); this.tmpl.clear().injectInside(cd); } // Pagebreaks var pbs = $pick(o.pageBreak, 0); if ($type(pbs) == 'array') { // Page break links var cbs = [['', '-- '+ this._('PICK') +' --']]; pbs.each(function(b, i) { if (b.length > 1) cbs.include([i, b]); }); cbs.include(['all', '('+ this._('ALL') +')']); // Display list this.tmpl.getLabel('pageBreak', this._('LC_PAGEBREAK')).injectInside(cd); Linkr.htmlSelectCustom(cbs, {id : 'pageBreak'}).injectInside(cd); this.tmpl.clear().injectInside(cd); } // Custom configuration if ($type($pick(o.custom, 0)) == 'object') { for (c in o.custom) { var co = o.custom[c]; var cot = $type(co); // Preformatted element if (cot == 'element') { co.injectInside(cd); this.tmpl.clear().injectInside(cd); } // Label-input pair else if (cot == 'array' && co.length == 2) { co[0].injectInside(cd); co[1].injectInside(cd); this.tmpl.clear().injectInside(cd); } } } // Load URLs if (iid) this._getItemidUrls(u.query, u.options, iid, true); return cd; }, // Returns a label element getLabel : function(a, b) { return new Element('label', {'for' : a}).setHTML(b); }, // Returns an input element getInput : function(a, b, c) { // 2.3.9: IE9 compatibility //return new Element('input', { return new Element(document.createElement('input'), { id : a, name : a, value : b, type : $pick(c, 'text'), 'class' : 'inputbox value' }); }, // "Clear" div shortcut clear : function() { return new Element('div', {styles : {clear : 'both'}}); }, // LinkrHelper.dbList shortcut dbList : function(q, s, l, c, a) { var d = Linkr.dbList(q, s, l, c, a); return d === false ? this.home() : null; }, // LinkrHelper.dbObject shortcut dbObject : function(q, c, a) { var d = Linkr.dbObject(q, c, a); return d === false ? this.home() : null; }, // Check database object for errors isError : function(o) { // Check object if (!Linkr.isDBRO(o)){ return 'Linkr Error: Invalid database object'; } // Check for errors if (Linkr.isError(o)) return 'Database Error: '+ o.msg; return false; }, // Returns anchors in text htmlAnchors : function(txt) { // Performance check if ($type(txt) != 'string' || txt.length < 10) return false; // Get anchors var as = txt.match(/<a[^>]*name="([^"]+)"[^>]*>[^<]*<\/a>/ig); if (!as) return false; // Return anchor names var ans = []; as.each(function(a) { var s = a.indexOf('name="'); var e = a.indexOf('"', s + 6); ans.include(a.substring(s + 6, e)); }); return ans; }, // Returns page breaks pageBreaks : function(txt) { // Performance check if ($type(txt) != 'string' || txt.length < 35) return false; // Get page breaks var bs = txt.match(/<hr[^>]*class="system-pagebreak"[^>]*\/>/ig); if (!bs) return false; // Return page break names var bns = []; bs.each(function(b) { var s = b.indexOf('title="'); var e = b.indexOf('"', s + 7); bns.include(b.substring(s + 7, e)); }); return bns; } }, /* * Sliders */ sliders : {}, /* * Returns an instance of LinkrObject * * var o = {}; // Object settings * var so = {}; // Search settings * var lo = {}; // Layout methods * var to = {}; // Miscellaneous methods * var myObject = LinkrObject.getInstance(o, so, lo, to); */ getInstance : function(c, o, p, y) { // Defaults c = $type(c) == 'object' ? c : {}; o = $type(o) == 'object' ? o : {}; p = $type(p) == 'object' ? p : {}; y = $type(y) == 'object' ? y : {}; // Copy var copy = new Class(this); copy.implement(new Options, new Events); // Return copy return new copy(c, o, p, y); }, /* * Initialize object instance. Called automatically */ initialize : function(o, s, l, t) { // Set settings this.setOptions(o); // Set search options this.search = $merge(this.search, $pick(s, {})); // Set layout methods this.layout = $merge(this.layout, $pick(l, {})); // Set template methods this.tmpl = $merge(this.tmpl, $pick(t, {})); // Fixup method references for (m in this.layout) this.layout[m] = this.layout[m].bind(this); for (m in this.tmpl) this.tmpl[m] = this.tmpl[m].bind(this); // Sort titles this.search.sortName = $merge(this.search.sortName, { title : this._('TITLE'), name : this._('NAME'), date : this._('DATE'), created : this._('CREATED'), modified : this._('MODIFIED'), ordering : this._('ORDERING') }); // Call custom "initialize" function if (this.options.initialize) this.options.initialize.call(this); }, /* * Messages */ msg : [], setMsg : function(m, r) { var ms = false; // Save message if ($type(m) == 'string' && m.length > 0) { this.msg[this.msg.length] = m; ms = m; } else if ($type(m) == 'array' && m.length > 0) { this.msg.merge(m); ms = m.join('; '); } // Log message in LinkerHelper if (ms) Linkr.setError('['+ this.objName +': message] '+ ms); // Return passed value return r; }, /* * Sets Linkr return page */ setReturnPage : function(m, a) { // Check class name var o = this.options.objName; if (o == 'LinkrObject' || o == '') return this.setMsg('Invalid object name (options.objName)'); // Home page if (m == 'home' || m == 'landing') return Linkr.setReturnPage([o, m]); // Check method if ($type(this.layout[m]) != 'function') return this.setMsg('Invalid return page'); // Set return page Linkr.setReturnPage([o, '_return'], [m, a]); }, /* * Return page callback method */ _return : function(p, a) { // Call layout function if ($type(this.layout[p]) == 'function') return this.layout[p].attempt(a, this); // Go home this.setMsg('Notice: could not load "'+ p +'"'); this.home(); }, /* * Loads content into Linkr */ display : function(c, e) { var h = new Element('div'); // Messages this.setMsg(Linkr.getAllErrors()); Linkr.insertMsgDiv(this.msg, h); this.msg = []; // Content Linkr.htmlContent(h, c, false); // Load in element if (['element', 'string'].contains($type(e))) { h.injectInside($(e).empty()); } // Layout else { Linkr.htmlLayout(this.options.title, h); } }, /* * Landing page. Fades in the home page */ landing : function() { Linkr.delayIdleDiv('layout', this.home.bind(this)); }, /* * Home page (default layout) */ home : function() { // Container DIV var cnt = new Element('div').setStyle('text-align', 'center'); // Select DIV var ld = new Element('div', { id : 'selectDiv' }).injectInside(cnt); // Select list... load later new Element('span', { id : 'selectList' }).setHTML(Linkr.loading).injectInside(ld); // "Search" elements var sr = this._homeInsertSearch(cnt, ld); // Display home layout this.display(cnt); // Create sliders this.sliders.select = new Fx.Slide(ld, {duration : 100}); this.sliders.search = new Fx.Slide(sr[0], {duration : 100}).hide(); if ($type(sr[1]) == 'element') this.sliders.options = new Fx.Slide(sr[1], {duration : 100}).hide(); // Somehow this is referenced throughout the LinkrObject instances else this.sliders.options = false; // Populate select list var t = this.search.defaultType; var u = this.search.enableUncategorized; u = u > 0 ? true : false; var s = this.options.selectListStyle; this.loadList(t, 'selectList', false, s, u); // Set Linkr return page this.setReturnPage('home'); }, _homeInsertSearch : function(cDiv, sDiv) { // Get search options var o = this.search; // "Toggle search" link new Element('span', { styles : {'margin-left' : 5} }).setHTML(this._('OR') +' ').injectInside(sDiv); new Element('a', { href : 'javascript:void(0);', events : { click : function(e) { new Event(e).stop(); this.sliders.select.slideOut(); this.sliders.search.slideIn.delay(100, this.sliders.search); $('query').focus(); }.bind(this) } }).setHTML(this._('BTN_SEARCH') +' »').injectInside(sDiv); // Search DIV var qDiv = new Element('div', { id : 'searchDiv' }).injectInside(cDiv); // "Switch back" link var back = $pick(o.selectListText, this._('CATEGORY')); new Element('a', { href : 'javascript:void(0);', styles : {'margin-right' : 5}, events : { click : function(e) { new Event(e).stop(); this.sliders.search.slideOut(); this.sliders.select.slideIn.delay(100, this.sliders.select); }.bind(this) } }).setHTML('« '+ back.toLowerCase()).injectInside(qDiv); // Search input // 2.3.9: IE9 compatibility //new Element('input', { new Element(document.createElement('input'), { id : 'query', type : 'text', 'class' : 'inputbox', styles : { margin : '0 2px', width : 130 } }).injectInside(qDiv); // Search type list if (this.isSearchMultiple()) { var qol = []; var qnl = $pick(o.name, {}); // Set search type if (o.selectedType.length < 1) { var cs = this.getCookie() || {}; o.selectedType = $pick(cs.st, ''); } // Add search types to list for (ty in o.sql) { // Get option name var n = $pick(qnl[ty], ty); // "Selected" attribute var a = ty == o.selectedType ? 'selected' : ''; // Add option to list qol.include([ty, n, a]); } // Create type select list Linkr.htmlSelectCustom(qol, { id : 'searchType' }).injectInside(qDiv); } else { // 2.3.9: IE9 compatibility //new Element('input', { new Element(document.createElement('input'), { id : 'searchType', type : 'hidden', value : (o.defaultSearchType ? o.defaultSearchType : o.defaultType) }).injectInside(qDiv); } // Search button // 2.3.9: IE9 compatibility //new Element('input', { new Element(document.createElement('input'), { type : 'button', value : this._('BTN_SEARCH'), styles : {margin : '0 2px'}, events : { click : function(e) { new Event(e).stop(); if ($('query').getValue().trim().length < 1) return $('query').focus(); Linkr.delayIdleDiv('results', true, 70); this.dbSearch.delay(90, this, true); }.bind(this) } }).injectInside(qDiv); // Search options var oDiv = false; if (o.enableOptions) oDiv = this._homeInsertOptions(cDiv, qDiv); // Search results new Element('div', {id : 'results'}).injectInside(cDiv); return [qDiv, oDiv]; }, _homeInsertOptions : function(cDiv, sDiv) { // Search settings var o = this.search; // Checks if ($type(o.options) != 'object') return this.setMsg('Invalid search options'); // Options button // 2.3.9: IE9 compatibility //new Element('input', { new Element(document.createElement('input'), { id : 'searchOptions', type : 'button', value : this._('BTN_OPTIONS'), styles : {margin : '0 2px'}, events : { click : function(e) { new Event(e).stop(); this.sliders.options.toggle(); }.bind(this) } }).injectInside(sDiv); // Search options var oDiv = new Element('div', { styles : { margin : '5px 150px', 'text-align' : 'left' } }).injectInside(cDiv); // Option values var def = this.getCookie() || {}; // Load search options for (son in o.options) { // Get label var so = o.options[son]; var soId = 'so-'+ son; var sol = $pick(so.label, son); this.tmpl.getLabel(soId, sol).injectInside(oDiv); // Get selected value var sos = $pick(def[son], ''); sos = sos.length > 1 ? sos : $pick(so.defaultValue, '-'); // Options select list var soa = []; for (soe in so.values) { var val = so.values[soe]; var sel = soe == sos ? 'selected' : ''; soa.include([soe, val, sel]); } Linkr.htmlSelectCustom(soa, { id : soId, 'class' : 'option-element', styles : {'text-align' : 'center'} }).injectInside(oDiv); this.tmpl.clear().injectInside(oDiv); } return oDiv; }, /* * Retrieves list of URLs (by Itemid) * Original call: Query variables, menu/link options, config DIV * Callback: dbResult, menu/link options, config DIV */ _getItemidUrls : function(a, b, c, z) { // Get ItemIDs if (z === true) return Linkr.getItemids(a, b, [this, '_getItemidUrls'], [b, c]); // Check for errors var e = this.tmpl.isError(a); if (e !== false) return this.display(e); // No Itemids var d = b.defaultURL; if (a.result.length < 1) return c.replaceWith(this.tmpl.getInput('linkURL', d, 'hidden')); // URL list var ul = [[d, this._('NONE')]]; a.result.each(function(i, n) { ul.include([ d +'&Itemid='+ i.id, Linkr.UTF8.Decode(i.name) +' ('+ i.id +')' ]); }); // Selected item if (this.options.defaultItemid == 0) ul[0].include('selected'); else ul[ul.length-1].include('selected'); // Select list, label var sl = Linkr.htmlSelectCustom(ul, { id : 'linkURL', name : 'linkURL', 'class' : 'inputbox value' }, true); c.replaceWith(sl); this.tmpl.clear().injectAfter(sl); this.tmpl.getLabel('linkURL', 'ItemID').injectBefore(sl); }, /* * Populates a select list * Original call: type, element ID, database ID, styles, "uncategorized" element, SQL options * Callback: dbResult, type, element ID, styles, "uncategorized" element */ loadList : function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { // Get sections from database if ($type(a) == 'string') { // Build SQL query var id = c ? c.toInt() : false; var sql = this._buildSQL(a, id, false, f); // Get list return Linkr.dbList(sql, 0, 0, [this, 'loadList'], [a, b, d, e]); } // Check for errors var err = this.tmpl.isError(a); if (err !== false) return this.display(err); // Set "Uncategorized" to "true" or "false" if (e !== true && e !== false) { e = this.search.enableUncategorized == 2 ? true : false; } // Empty if ((!a.result || a.result.length < 1) && e !== true) { var list = new Element('span', { styles : {'font-weight' : 'bold'} }).setHTML(this._('NONE')); return $(c).replaceWith(list); } // Create select list var styles = $type(d) == 'object' ? d : this.options.selectListStyle; var list = new Element('select', { id : c, styles : styles, events : { change : function(el) { // Get element, value var el = $(el); if (!el) return; var id = el.getValue().toInt(); // Uncategorized if (id == 0) { Linkr.delayIdleDiv('results', true, 70); this.layout.uncategorized.delay(90, this, true); } // List option else if (id > -1) { Linkr.delayIdleDiv('layout', true, 70); this.layout[b].delay(90, this, id); } }.bind(this, c) } }); // First option var pick = this._('PICK'); if (this.isSearchMultiple() && $defined(this.search.name[b])) { pick += ' ('+ this.search.name[b].toLowerCase() +')'; } new Element('option', { value : -1 }).setHTML('-- '+ pick +' --').injectInside(list); // "Uncategorized" option if (e === true) { new Element('option', { value : 0 }).setHTML('-- '+ this._('UNCATEGORIZED') +' --').injectInside(list); } // List options if ($type(a.result) == 'array' && a.result.length > 0) { a.result.each(function(o, i) { var on = $pick(o.title, $pick(o.name, '')); new Element('option', { value : o.id }).setHTML(Linkr.UTF8.Decode(on)).injectInside(list); }); } // Load list $(c).replaceWith(list); }, /* * Searches the database */ dbSearch : function(dbr, ty) { // Query database if (dbr === true) { // Search text var txt = $('query').getValue().trim(); // Hide options, show loading icon if (this.sliders.options) this.sliders.options.slideOut(); // Save search options var opts = {}; var oList = $$('.option-element'); var sets = this.getCookie() || {}; if (oList && oList.length > 0) { oList.each(function(o) { var on = o.getProperty('id').replace('so-', ''); opts[on] = o.getValue(); sets[on] = opts[on]; }); } // Save search type var t = $('searchType').getValue(); sets.st = t; this.search.selectedType = t; this.setCookie(sets); // Build query var sql = this._buildSQL(t, false, txt, opts); var done = Linkr.dbList(sql, 0, 100, [this, 'dbSearch'], t); return done === false ? this.home() : null; } // Display results Linkr.delayDisplay('results', 70, [this, 'listResults'], [dbr, ty]); }, listResults : function(dbr, ty, hd) { // Check for errors var err = this.tmpl.isError(dbr); if (err !== false) return this.display(err); if (dbr.result.length < 1) { return this.display(new Element('div', { styles : { 'margin-top' : 15, 'letter-spacing' : 3 } }).setHTML(this._('NORESULTS')), 'results'); } // Format results var rDiv = new Element('div'); // Heading if ($type(hd) == 'string') { var hm = hd; } else { var tn = $pick(this.search.name[ty], ty); var hm = this._('SEARCH_TYPE_RESULTS', [tn, dbr.result.length]); } new Element('div', { styles : { width : '100%', margin : '10px 0 7px 0', 'font-weight' : 'bold' } }).setHTML(hm).injectInside(rDiv); // Sorting if (this.search.enableSorting === true) this._insertSortLinks(rDiv, ty); // Clear this.tmpl.clear().setHTML(' ').injectInside(rDiv); // Search results this.searchType = ty; this.searchResults = dbr.result; var rlist = new Element('div', {id : 'rlist'}); this.displayResults(false, rlist); rlist.injectInside(rDiv); // Clear this.tmpl.clear().setHTML(' ').injectInside(rDiv); // Display results this.display(rDiv, 'results'); }, _insertSortLinks : function(rDiv, ty) { // Get sort columns var cs = $pick(this.search.sort[ty], ['id', 'title']); if ($type(cs) != 'array' || cs.length < 1) return; // Sort DIV var sDiv = new Element('div', { styles : { margin : '0 0 2px 0', padding : '0 0 2px 0', 'border-bottom' : '1px solid #eeeeee' } }).injectInside(rDiv); // Instructions new Element('span').setHTML(this._('SORT_BY') +' ').injectInside(sDiv); // Sorting cs.each(function(c) { // Get column name (for read) var n = $pick(this.search.sortName[c], c); // Insert sort link this._getSortLink(c, n).injectInside(sDiv); new Element('span').setHTML(' • ').injectInside(sDiv); }, this); // Remove last bullet sDiv.getLast().remove(); }, displayUncategorized : Class.empty, /* * Returns sort link for search */ _getSortLink : function(s, t) { return new Element('a', { href : '#', id : 'sort-'+ s, 'class' : 'sort-link', styles : {margin : '0 3px'}, events : { click : function(e) { new Event(e).stop(); this.displayResults(s); }.bind(this) } }).setHTML(t); }, /* * Displays sorted search results */ displayResults : function(s, d) { // Check search results var r = this.searchResults; if ($type(r) != 'array' || r.length < 1) return; // Get results list var d = d ? d : $('rlist'); if ($type(d) != 'element') return; // Sort results if (s && $defined(this.sort[s])) { r = this.sort[s].attempt([r], this); } // Display results d.empty(); var ty = this.searchType; r.each(function(sr) { // 3 col width: 188px var i = new Element('div', { styles : { margin : 3, width : 560, 'float' : 'left', 'text-align' : 'left' } }).injectInside(d); // Get name var n = false; if ($defined(this.search.result[ty])) var n = this.search.result[ty].attempt(sr, this); if (!n) { n = $pick(sr.title, $pick(sr.name, '??')); n = Linkr.UTF8.Decode(n); } // Add link new Element('a', { href : 'javascript:void(0)', events : { click : function(e) { new Event(e).stop(); this.layout[ty].attempt(sr.id.toInt(), this); }.bind(this) } }).setHTML('• '+ n).injectInside(i); }, this); // Update sort links if (s) { $$('.sort-link').each(function(el) { if (el.getProperty('id') == 'sort-'+ s) { el.setStyle('color', '#666666'); } else { el.setStyle('color', ''); } }); } }, /* * Checks if multiple search is enabled */ isSearchMultiple : function() { if ($defined(this._mstype)) return this._mstype; // Check search type if ($type(this.search.sql) != 'object') { this.search.sql = {}; this._mstype = false; return this.setMsg('Invalid search type', false); } // Set multiple search this._mstype = $pick(this.search.multiple, false); this._mstype = this._mstype ? true : false; return this._mstype; }, /* * Inserts a link */ insert : function() { // Check elements var te = $('linkText'); if (!te) return this.setMsg('Missing "linkText" element'); var ue = $('linkURL'); if (!ue) return this.setMsg('Missing "linkURL" element'); // Check text var txt = te.getValue(); if (txt.trim().length == 0) { return alert(Linkr.missingText); } // Get URL var u = ue.getValue(); // Add format var fe = $('format'); if (fe) { var f = fe.getValue(); switch (f) { case 'rss': case 'atom': u += '&format=feed&type='+ f; break; default: if (f != '' && f != 'html') u += '&format='+ f; } } // Add pagebreak page number var pb = $('pageBreak'); if (pb) { if (pb.getValue() == 'all') u += '&showall=1'; else if (pb.getValue() > 0) u += '&limitstart='+ pb.getValue(); } // Add page anchor var an = $('anchor'); if (an && an.getValue() != '') u += '#'+ an.getValue(); Linkr.link(u, txt); }, link : function() { return this.insert(); }, /* * Build SQL search query */ _buildSQL : function(t, id, w, o) { // Database ID idt = $type(id); if (idt != 'number' && (idt != 'string' || id.length < 1)) id = false; // Search word if ($type(w) == 'string' && w.length > 0) w = Linkr.dbQuote('%'+ w.toLowerCase() +'%', true); else w = false; // Search options o = $pick(o, {}); // Get query var q = false; var qo = $pick(this.search.sql[t], false); var qot = $type(qo); if (qot != 'object' && qot != 'function') { var e = 'Invalid SQL query type "'+ t +'"'; return this.setMsg(e, ''); } // From function if (qot == 'function') { q = qo.attempt([id, w, o], this); } // From string if (qot == 'object') { q = $pick(qo.all, ''); if (w) q = $pick(qo.query, q).replace(/\[query]/g, w); if (id) q = $pick(qo.id, q).replace(/\[id]/g, id); } // Check query if ($type(q) != 'string' || q.length < 1) { var e = 'Invalid SQL query type "'+ t +'"'; return this.setMsg(e, ''); } return q; }, /* * Cookie shortcuts */ getCookie : function(rc) { return Linkr.getCookie(this.options.objName, this.options.cookieSettings, rc); }, setCookie : function(v) { return Linkr.setCookie(this.options.objName, v, this.options.cookieSettings); }, /* * UTF8 shortcuts */ UTF8en : function(str) { return Linkr.UTF8.Encode(str); }, UTF8de : function(str) { return Linkr.UTF8.Decode(str); }, /* * LinkrHelper.getL18N shortcut */ _ : function(t, a) { return Linkr.getL18N(t, a); }, /* * Debugging */ dump : function(a) { var dump = Linkr.dump(a, false, true); dump = dump.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>'); dump = dump.replace(/\s/g, ' '); this.display(dump); return false; } };