Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/promice/components/com_linkr/assets/js/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/promice/components/com_linkr/assets/js/debug.js |
/* * Linkr - Debug Plugin */ var LinkrDebug = { load : function(p) { if (typeof MooTools != 'object') return alert('MooTools is not loaded!'); //if (MooTools.version >= 1.2) return alert('You\'re running MooTools 1.2!'); if (typeof Linkr != 'object') return alert('There\'s an error in the Linkr script!'); if (!$defined(this.s)) this._s(); p = typeof p == 'string' ? p : 'home'; Linkr.delayIdleDiv('layout', this[p].bind(this)); }, _s : function() { this.s = {img : Linkr.siteRoot +'components/com_linkr/assets/img/'}; Linkr.onJsonFailure = this.jsf.bind(this); }, jsf : function(r) { alert(r.status +':'+ responseText); }, home : function() { var h = this._('DEBUG_ABOUT') +'<br />' + this._('PLEASE SELECT A CATEGORY.') +'<br /><br />' + this._plk('Database Tests', 'db') + this._plk('Miscellaneous Tests', 'm'); Linkr.htmlLayout('Linkr Debug (MooTools: '+ MooTools.version +')', this.hd(h)); }, _plk : function(t, c) { return '<div style="margin:5px;"><a href="javascript:LinkrDebug.load(\''+ c +'\')">'+ t +'</a> <img src="'+ this.s.img +'arrow.right.sel.png" alt="»" /></div>'; }, // Renders test page _dp : function(c, b) { var d = new Element('div', { styles : { margin : 5, padding : 5, 'text-align' : 'right' } }); new Element('img', { src : this.s.img +'arrow.left.sel.png', styles : {margin : '0 2px'} }).inject(d); b = typeof b == 'string' ? b : 'LinkrDebug.load()'; new Element('a', { href : 'javascript:'+ b }).setHTML('back').inject(d); c.include(d); Linkr.htmlLayout('Linkr Debug', c); }, // Database page db : function() { var c = []; c.include(this.hd('Database Test')); c.include(this.td('dbl', 'Database list')); c.include(this.td('dbo', 'Single database object')); c.include(this.td('dboid', 'Fetch article with this ID:', '99')); c.include(this.td('dbids', 'Itemid fetching')); c.include(this.td('dbe', 'Generate a database error')); this._dp(c); }, dbe : function(r) { if (r !== 1) return this.udb('dbe', r); this.itd('dbe'); Linkr.dbObject('SELECT * FROM ?', this.dbe.bind(this)); }, dbl : function(r) { if (r !== 1) return this.udb('dbl', r); this.itd('dbl'); Linkr.dbList('SELECT id FROM #__content', 0, 1, this.dbl.bind(this)); }, dbo : function(r) { if (r !== 1) return this.udb('dbo', r); this.itd('dbo'); Linkr.dbObject('SELECT * FROM #__components WHERE id = 20', this.dbo.bind(this)); }, dboid : function(r) { if (r !== 1) return this.udb('dboid', r); this.itd('dboid'); var id = $('dboid-i').getValue().replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''); if (id.length < 1) id = 1; $('dboid-i').value = id; Linkr.dbObject('SELECT * FROM #__content WHERE id = '+ id, this.dboid.bind(this)); }, dbids : function(r) { if (r !== 1) return this.udb('dbids', r); this.itd('dbids'); Linkr.getItemids(0, {parent : 0}, this.dbids.bind(this)); }, // Misc page m : function() { var c = []; c.include(this.hd('Files, Folders, Other')); c.include(this.td('mjs', 'AJAX Test')); c.include(this.td('md', 'Directory list')); c.include(this.td('mf', 'Get files in this directory:', 'images/stories')); this._dp(c); }, md : function(r) { if (r === 1) { this.itd('md'); new Json.Remote(Linkr.createRequest('dirs'), { onComplete : this.md.bind(this) }).send(); return; } var s = $('md-s'); var m = $('md-m'); if (typeof r != 'object') { s.setProperty('src', this.s.img +'disabled.png'); m.setStyle('background-color', '#990000'); return m.setHTML('Could not receive results'); } if (Linkr.isError(r)) { s.setProperty('src', this.s.img +'disabled.png'); m.setStyle('background-color', '#990000'); return m.setHTML('Error: '+ r.msg); } if (typeof r.folders != 'object') { s.setProperty('src', this.s.img +'disabled.png'); m.setStyle('background-color', '#990000'); return m.setHTML('Could not retrieve directory list'); } if (r.folders.length < 1) { s.setProperty('src', this.s.img +'tick.png'); m.setStyle('background-color', '#697c9d'); return m.setHTML('Received empty list!'); } s.setProperty('src', this.s.img +'tick.png'); }, mf : function(r) { if (r !== 1) return this.udb('mf', r); this.itd('mf'); var f = $('mf-i').getValue().replace(/[^0-9a-z_\.\-\/]/ig, ''); if (f.length < 1) f = 'images/stories'; $('mf-i').value = f; Linkr.listFiles(f, 'all', this.mf.bind(this)); }, mjs : function(r) { if (r !== 1) return this.udb('mjs', r); this.itd('mjs'); Linkr.json(Linkr.createRequest('mjs'), this.mjs.bind(this)); }, // Info DIV hd : function(txt) { return new Element('div', { styles : { margin : 5, padding : 5, 'background-color' : '#eee' } }).setHTML(txt); }, // Test DIV td : function(id, txt, x) { var div = new Element('div', { styles : { margin : 5, 'border-bottom' : '1px dotted #aaa' } }); var lnk = new Element('div', { styles : { 'float' : 'left', padding : '0 10px', width : 350, 'text-align' : 'right' } }).inject(div); var img = new Element('div', { styles : { 'float' : 'left', width : 200 } }).inject(div); new Element('img', { id : id +'-s', src : this.s.img +'blank.png' }).inject(img); new Element('div', { id : id +'-m', styles : { 'float' : 'none', padding : 5, clear : 'both', width : 560, color : '#fff' } }).inject(div); new Element('a', { href : 'javascript:LinkrDebug.'+ id +'(1)' }).setHTML(txt).inject(lnk); if (x) { new Element('input', { id : id +'-i', type : 'text', value : x, styles : { margin : '0 0 0 5px' } }).inject(lnk); } return div; }, // Idle DIV itd : function (id) { $(id +'-s').setProperty('src', this.s.img +'loading.gif'); $(id +'-m').setHTML('').setStyle('background-color', 'transparent'); }, // Updates test DIV with result udb : function(id, r) { var s = $(id +'-s'); var m = $(id +'-m'); if (!Linkr.isDBRO(r)) { s.setProperty('src', this.s.img +'disabled.png'); m.setStyle('background-color', '#990000'); return m.setHTML('Could not receive results'); } if (Linkr.isError(r)) { s.setProperty('src', this.s.img +'disabled.png'); m.setStyle('background-color', '#990000'); return m.setHTML('Error: '+ r.msg); } if (!r.result || r.result.length < 1) { s.setProperty('src', this.s.img +'tick.png'); m.setStyle('background-color', '#697c9d'); return m.setHTML('Received an empty object (no results)'); } s.setProperty('src', this.s.img +'tick.png'); }, _ : function(t, a) { return Linkr.getL18N(t, a); } };