Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/promice/components/com_linkr/assets/js/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/promice/components/com_linkr/assets/js/article-UCP.js |
/* * Linkr - Articles Plugin * */ /* * Object settings */ var ArtOpts = { // Plugin title title : 'Articles', // Object name objName : 'LinkrArticle', // Use slug slug : true, // Layout header format layoutHeaderDirection : 'vertical', // Initialize initialize : function() { // Plugin title this.options.title = this._('ARTICLES'); // Search options this.search.selectListText = this._('SECTION'); this.search.options.column = { label : this._('SEARCH_IN'), values : { '-' : '-- '+ this._('PICK') +' --', title : this._('TITLE'), desc : this._('DESCRIPTION') } }; // Query type names this.search.name = { section : this._('SECTIONS'), category : this._('CATEGORIES'), article : this._('ARTICLES') }; } }; /* * Search settings */ var ArtSrch = { defaultType : 'section', selectedType : 'article', enableOptions : true, enableSorting : true, enableUncategorized : 1, multiple : true, options : {}, result : { article : function(sr) { var n = sr.id +" / "+ sr.title; // Add modified date if (sr.modified.length > 0 && sr.modified != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { n += ' ('+ this._('MODIFIED') +': '+ sr.modified.substr(0, 10).replace(/-/g, '.') +')'; } // Add created date else if (sr.created.length > 0 && sr.created != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { n += ' ('+ this._('CREATED') +': '+ sr.created.substr(0, 10).replace(/-/g, '.') +')'; } return n; } }, sort : { section : ['id', 'title', 'ordering'], category : ['id', 'title', 'ordering'], article : ['id', 'title', 'created', 'modified', 'ordering'] }, sql : { // Section query section : function(id, q, o) { var sql = 'SELECT id, title, ordering'+ ' FROM #__sections'+ ' WHERE published = 1'+ ' AND access <= '+ Linkr.userAccessLevel + ' AND scope = '+ Linkr.dbQuote('content'); // Search query if (q) { if ($defined(o.column) && o.column.length > 1) { var c = o.column == 'desc' ? 'description' : 'title'; sql += ' AND LOWER('+ c +') LIKE '+ q; } else { sql += ' AND (LOWER(title) LIKE '+ q + ' OR LOWER(name) LIKE '+ q + ' OR LOWER(alias) LIKE '+ q + ' OR LOWER(description) LIKE '+ q +')'; } } return sql +' ORDER BY ordering ASC, title ASC, name ASC'; }, category : function(id, q, o) { var sql = 'SELECT c.id, c.title, c.ordering'+ ' FROM #__categories AS c'+ ' LEFT JOIN #__sections AS s ON s.id = c.section'+ ' WHERE c.published = 1'+ ' AND c.access <= '+ Linkr.userAccessLevel + ' AND CAST(s.id AS CHAR) IS NOT NULL'; // Search query if (q) { if ($defined(o.column) && o.column.length > 1) { var c = o.column == 'desc' ? 'description' : 'title'; sql += ' AND LOWER(c.'+ c +') LIKE '+ q; } else { sql += ' AND (LOWER(c.title) LIKE '+ q + ' OR LOWER(c.name) LIKE '+ q + ' OR LOWER(c.alias) LIKE '+ q + ' OR LOWER(c.description) LIKE '+ q +')'; } } // Section ID if ($type(id) == 'number') sql += ' AND s.id = '+ id; return sql +' ORDER BY c.ordering ASC, c.title ASC, c.name ASC'; }, article : function(id, q, o) { var sql = 'SELECT a.id, a.title, a.created, a.modified, a.ordering'+ ' FROM #__content AS a'+ ' LEFT JOIN #__categories AS c ON c.id = a.catid'+ ' WHERE a.state = 1'+ ' AND a.access <= '+ Linkr.userAccessLevel; // Search query if (q) { if ($defined(o.column) && o.column.length > 1) { if (o.column == 'desc') { sql += ' AND ( LOWER(a.introtext) LIKE '+ q + ' OR LOWER(a.fulltext) LIKE '+ q +' ) '; } else { sql += ' AND LOWER(a.title) LIKE '+ q; } } else { sql += ' AND ( LOWER(a.title) LIKE '+ q + ' OR LOWER(a.alias) LIKE '+ q + ' OR LOWER(a.introtext) LIKE '+ q + ' OR LOWER(a.fulltext) LIKE '+ q +' ) '; } } // Section ID if ($type(id) == 'number') sql += ' AND c.id = '+ id; return sql +' ORDER BY a.ordering ASC, a.title ASC'; } } }; /* * Layout methods */ var ArtLay = { // Section layout section : function(dbs) { // Get section information if ($type(dbs) == 'number') { // SQL query var q = 'SELECT id, title, description'+ ' FROM #__sections'+ ' WHERE published = 1 AND id = '+ dbs + ' AND access <= '+ Linkr.userAccessLevel; // Get results return this.tmpl.dbObject(q, this.layout.section.bind(this)); } // Check for errors var e = this.tmpl.isError(dbs); if (e !== false) return this.display(e); // Section var d = false; var s = dbs.result; var id = s.id.toInt(); var t = this.UTF8de(s.title); if (s.description.length > 0) d = { text : this.UTF8de(s.description) }; // Fade in layout this.layout._genericLayoutDelayed({ description : d, returnPage : ['section', id], // Toolbar settings toolbar : { back : this.home.bind(this), config : true, insert : this.insert.bind(this) }, // Header settings header : { // Section title (key name not important) a : [this._('SECTION'), t], // Category list (load later) categoryList : { type : 'category', databaseID : id, label : this._('CATEGORIES') +': ' } }, // Link configuration settings config : { // Default text text : t, // URLs (Itemid) url : { query : ['view=section', 'id='+ id], options : { componentid : 20, defaultURL : this.tmpl.url('section', id) } }, // Formats format : [ ['html', 'HTML', 'selected'], ['rss', 'RSS'], ['atom', 'Atom'] ] } }); }, // Category layout category : function(dbc) { // Get category information if ($type(dbc) == 'number') { // SQL query var q = 'SELECT id, title, description, section,'+ ' CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(":", id, alias)'+ ' ELSE id END AS slug'+ ' FROM #__categories'+ ' WHERE published = 1 AND id = '+ dbc + ' AND access <= '+ Linkr.userAccessLevel; // Get results return this.tmpl.dbObject(q, this.layout.category.bind(this)); } // Check for errors var e = this.tmpl.isError(dbc); if (e !== false) return this.display(e); // Category details var d = false; var c = dbc.result; var id = c.id.toInt(); c.section = c.section.toInt(); var slug = this.options.slug ? c.slug : id; var t = this.UTF8de(c.title); if (c.description.length > 0) d = { text : this.UTF8de(c.description) }; // Fade in layout this.layout._genericLayoutDelayed({ description : d, returnPage : ['category', id], // Toolbar settings toolbar : { back : this.layout.section.bind(this, c.section), config : true, insert : this.insert.bind(this) }, // Header settings header : { // Category title a : [this._('CATEGORY'), t], // Category list (load later) articleList : { type : 'article', databaseID : id, label : this._('ARTICLES') +': ' } }, // Link configuration settings config : { // Default text text : t, // URLs (Itemid) url : { query : { a : ['view=category', 'id='+ id], b : ['view=section', 'id='+ c.section] }, options : { componentid : 20, defaultURL : this.tmpl.url('category', slug) } }, // Formats format : [ ['html', 'HTML', 'selected'], ['rss', 'RSS'], ['atom', 'Atom'] ] } }); }, // Article layout article : function(dba) { // Get article information if ($type(dba) == 'number') { // Build SQL query var q = 'SELECT a.id, a.title, a.introtext AS description, a.catid, a.sectionid,'+ ' CONCAT_WS("", a.introtext, a.fulltext) AS text,'+ ' CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(a.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(":", a.id, a.alias)'+ ' ELSE a.id END as slug,'+ ' CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(c.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(":", c.id, c.alias)'+ ' ELSE c.id END as cslug'+ ' FROM #__content AS a'+ ' LEFT JOIN #__categories AS c ON c.id = a.catid'+ ' WHERE a.state = 1 AND a.id = '+ dba + ' AND a.access <= '+ Linkr.userAccessLevel; // Get results return this.tmpl.dbObject(q, this.layout.article.bind(this)); } // Check for errors var e = this.tmpl.isError(dba); if (e !== false) return this.display(e); // Article details var d = false; var a = dba.result; var id = a.id.toInt(); a.catid = a.catid.toInt(); a.sectionid = a.sectionid.toInt(); var txt = this.UTF8de(a.text); var slug = this.options.slug ? a.slug : id; var cslug = this.options.slug ? a.cslug : a.catid; var t = this.UTF8de(a.title); if (a.description.length > 0) d = { text : this.UTF8de(a.description) }; // "Back" link var bck = this.home.bind(this); if (a.catid > 0) bck = this.layout.category.bind(this, a.catid); // Fade in layout this.layout._genericLayoutDelayed({ description : d, returnPage : ['article', id], // Toolbar settings toolbar : { back : bck, config : true, insert : this.insert.bind(this) }, // Header settings header : { // Article title a : [this._('ARTICLE'), t] }, // Link configuration settings config : { // Default text text : t, // URLs (Itemid) url : { query : { a : ['view=article', 'id='+ id], b : ['view=category', 'id='+ a.catid], c : ['view=section', 'id='+ a.sectionid] }, options : { componentid : 20, defaultURL : this.tmpl.url('article', slug, cslug) } }, // Formats format : [ ['html', 'HTML', 'selected'], ['pdf', 'PDF'] ], // Anchors anchor : this.tmpl.htmlAnchors(txt), // Pagebreaks pageBreak : this.tmpl.pageBreaks(txt) } }); }, // Uncatgorized layout uncategorized : function(dbr) { // Query database if (dbr === true) { // Build query var q = 'SELECT id, title, created, modified, ordering'+ ' FROM #__content'+ ' WHERE state = 1 AND sectionid = 0'+ ' AND access <= '+ Linkr.userAccessLevel + ' ORDER BY ordering ASC, title ASC '; // Hide options if (this.sliders.options) this.sliders.options.slideOut(); // Get results return this.tmpl.dbList(q, 0, 0, this.layout.uncategorized.bind(this)); } // Display results Linkr.delayDisplay('results', 70, this.listResults.bind(this, [dbr, 'article', this._('UNCATEGORIZED')])); } }; // Template methods var ArtTmpl = { // Returns default URL url : function(t, id, cid) { // Base URL var u = 'index.php?option=com_content'; switch (t) { case 'section': case 'category': u += '&view='+ t +'&id='+ id; break; case 'article': if (cid && cid != 'null') u += '&view=article&catid='+ cid +'&id='+ id; else u += '&view=article&id='+ id; break; } return u; } };