? GR0V Shell

GR0V shell

Linux www.koreapackagetour.com 2.6.32-042stab145.3 #1 SMP Thu Jun 11 14:05:04 MSK 2020 x86_64

Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/promice/components/com_jsjobs/models/
File Upload :
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/promice/components/com_jsjobs/models/jsjobs.php

 + Created by:	Ahmad Bilal
 * Company:		Al-Barr Technologies
 + Contact:		www.al-barr.com , info@al-barr.com
 * Created on:	Jan 11, 2009
 + Project: 		Job Posting and Employment Application
 * File Name:	models/jsjobs.php
 * Description: Model class for application data
 * History:		NONE

defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');


$option = JRequest :: getVar('option', 'com_jsjobs');

class JSJobsModelJsjobs extends JModel
	var $_id = null;
	var $_uid = null;
	var $_application = null;
	var $_applications = array();
	var $_options = null;
	var $_empoptions = null;
	var $_searchoptions = null;
	var $_config = null;
	function __construct()
		parent :: __construct();

		$user	=& JFactory::getUser();

	function &getJobSearch($title,$jobcategory,$jobtype,$jobstatus,$jobsalaryrange,$education
		$result = array();
		$db = &$this->getDBO();
		// here AlexeyR patch to more flexible SQL request for Title,Company,City fields
		$wherequery = '';
		if ($title != '') $wherequery .= " AND job.title LIKE '%".str_replace("'","",$db->Quote($title))."%'";
		if ($jobcategory != '') $wherequery .= " AND job.jobcategory = ".$db->Quote($jobcategory);
		if ($jobtype != '') $wherequery .= " AND job.jobtype = ".$db->Quote($jobtype);
		if ($jobstatus != '') $wherequery .= " AND job.jobstatus = ".$db->Quote($jobstatus);
		if ($jobsalaryrange != '') $wherequery .= " AND job.jobsalaryrange = ".$db->Quote($jobsalaryrange);
		if ($education != '') $wherequery .= " AND job.heighestfinisheducation = ".$db->Quote($education);
		if ($company != '') $wherequery .= " AND job.company LIKE '%".str_replace("'","",$db->Quote($company))."%'";
		if ($country != '') $wherequery .= " AND country.name LIKE ".$db->Quote($country);
		if ($state != '') $wherequery .= " AND state.name LIKE ".$db->Quote($state);
		if ($county != '') $wherequery .= " AND county.name LIKE ".$db->Quote($county);
		if ($city != '') $wherequery .= " AND city.name LIKE '%".str_replace("'","",$db->Quote($city))."%'";
		if ($zipcode != '') $wherequery .= " AND job.zipcode = ".$db->Quote($zipcode);

		$query = "SELECT count(job.id) FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobs')." AS job, ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_categories')." AS cat 
		WHERE job.jobcategory = cat.id AND job.status = 1 AND (job.jobstatus BETWEEN 1 AND 5)";
		$query .= $wherequery; 
		//echo '<br> SQL '.$query;
		$total = $db->loadResult();

		$limit = $limit ? $limit : 5;
		if ( $total <= $limit ) { 
			$limitstart = 0;
		$query = "SELECT job.*, cat.cat_title , salary.rangestart, salary.rangeend, country.name AS countryname
		FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobs')." AS job
			LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_salaryrange')." AS salary ON job.jobsalaryrange = salary.id 
			LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_countries')." AS country ON job.country = country.code 
			, ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_categories')." AS cat "; 
		if ($country != '') $query .= " , ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_countries')." AS country ";
		if ($state != '') $query .= " , ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_states')." AS state ";
		if ($county != '') $query .= " , ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_counties')." AS county ";
		if ($city != '') $query .= " , ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_cities')." AS city ";
		$query .= "WHERE job.jobcategory = cat.id AND job.status = 1 AND (job.jobstatus BETWEEN 1 AND 5) ";
		$query .= $wherequery;
		$query .= " ORDER BY  ".$sortby;
		//echo '<br> SQL '.$query;
		//$db->setQuery($query, $limitstart, $limit);
		$this->_applications = $db->loadObjectList();

		$result[0] = $this->_applications;
		$result[1] = $total;
		return $result;

	function &getMyJobs($u_id,$sortby,$limit,$limitstart)
		$result = array();
		$db = &$this->getDBO();

		$query = "SELECT count(job.id) 
		FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobs')." AS job
		WHERE job.uid = ".$db->Quote($u_id);
		//echo '<br> SQL '.$query;
		$total = $db->loadResult();

		$limit = $limit ? $limit : 5;
		if ( $total <= $limit ) { 
			$limitstart = 0;
		$query = "SELECT job.*, cat.cat_title , salary.rangestart, salary.rangeend, country.name AS countryname
		FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobs')." AS job
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_salaryrange')." AS salary ON job.jobsalaryrange = salary.id 
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_countries')." AS country ON job.country = country.code 
				, ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_categories')." AS cat 
		WHERE job.jobcategory = cat.id AND job.uid = ".$db->Quote($u_id)." ORDER BY  ".$sortby;
		//echo '<br> SQL '.$query;
		$db->setQuery($query, $limitstart, $limit);
		$this->_applications = $db->loadObjectList();

		$result[0] = $this->_applications;
		$result[1] = $total;
		return $result;

	function &getjob($job_id) // <<<--- this isn't used
		$db = &$this->getDBO();
		$query = "SELECT job.*, cat.cat_title, city.name AS cityname, county.name AS countyname
		, state.name AS statename, country.name AS countryname
		, salary.rangestart, salary.rangeend
		FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobs')." AS job 
		JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_categories')." AS cat ON job.jobcategory = cat.id 
		LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_salaryrange')." AS salary ON job.jobsalaryrange = salary.id 
		LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_cities')." AS city ON job.city = city.code
		LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_counties')." AS county ON job.county = county.code
		LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_states')." AS state ON job.state = state.code 
		LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_countries')." AS country ON job.country = country.code 
		WHERE job.id = ".$db->Quote($job_id);
		//echo $query;
		$this->_application = $db->loadObject();
		return $this->_application;

	function &getJobcat()
		$db = &$this->getDBO();
		$query =  "SELECT  DISTINCT cat.id, cat.cat_title, ";
		$query .=  " (SELECT COUNT(job.id) from ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobs')."  AS job WHERE cat.id = job.jobcategory AND job.status = 1 AND job.jobstatus BETWEEN 1 AND 5) as catinjobs";
		$query .=  " FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_categories')." AS cat left JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobs')."  AS job ";
		$query .=  " ON cat.id = job.jobcategory ";
		$query .=  " WHERE cat.isactive = 1 ";
		$query .=  " ORDER BY 'id' ";
		//echo '<br> SQL '.$query;
		$this->_application = $db->loadObjectList();
		return $this->_application;
	function &getJobsbyCategory($cat_id,$sortby,$limit,$limitstart)
		$db = &$this->getDBO();
		$result = array();

		$query = "SELECT COUNT(job.id) FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobs')." AS job, ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_categories')." AS cat 
		WHERE job.jobcategory = cat.id AND job.status = 1 AND (job.jobstatus BETWEEN 1 AND 5) AND cat.id = ".$db->Quote($cat_id);
		//echo '<br> SQL '.$query;
		$total = $db->loadResult();

		$limit = $limit ? $limit : 5;
		if ( $total <= $limit ) { 
			$limitstart = 0;
		$query = "SELECT job.*, cat.cat_title, salary.rangestart, salary.rangeend, country.name AS countryname
				FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobs')." AS job
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_salaryrange')." AS salary ON job.jobsalaryrange = salary.id 
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_countries')." AS country ON job.country = country.code 
				, ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_categories')." AS cat 
				WHERE job.jobcategory = cat.id AND job.status = 1 AND (job.jobstatus BETWEEN 1 AND 5) AND cat.id = ".$db->Quote($cat_id)." 
				ORDER BY  ".$sortby;
		//echo '<br> SQL '.$query;
		$db->setQuery($query, $limitstart, $limit);
		$this->_applications = $db->loadObjectList();

		$result[0] = $this->_applications;
		$result[1] = $total;
		return $result;

	function &getJobbyId($job_id)
		$db = &$this->getDBO();
		$query = "SELECT job.*, cat.cat_title FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobs')." AS job, ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_categories')." AS cat 
		WHERE job.jobcategory = cat.id AND job.id = ".$db->Quote($job_id);
		//echo '<br> SQL '.$query;
		$this->_application = $db->loadObject();
		return $this->_application;

	function &getMyApplication($u_id)
		$db = &$this->getDBO();
		$query = "SELECT id, application_title, create_date, status 
		FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_resume')."	WHERE uid = ".$db->Quote($u_id);
		//echo '<br> SQL '.$query;
		$this->_application = $db->loadObject();
		return $this->_application;

	function &getMyAppliedJobs($u_id,$sortby,$limit,$limitstart)
		$db = &$this->getDBO();
		$result = array();

		$query = "SELECT COUNT(job.id) FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobs')." AS job, ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobapply')." AS apply  
		WHERE apply.jobid = job.id AND apply.uid = ".$db->Quote($u_id);
		//echo '<br> SQL '.$query;
		$total = $db->loadResult();

		$limit = $limit ? $limit : 5;
		if ( $total <= $limit ) { 
			$limitstart = 0;

		$query = "SELECT job.*, cat.cat_title, apply.apply_date , salary.rangestart, salary.rangeend, country.name AS countryname
		FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobs')." AS job
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_salaryrange')." AS salary ON job.jobsalaryrange = salary.id 
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_countries')." AS country ON job.country = country.code 
				, ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_categories')." AS cat
				, ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobapply')." AS apply  
		WHERE job.jobcategory = cat.id AND apply.jobid = job.id AND apply.uid = ".$db->Quote($u_id)." ORDER BY  ".$sortby;
		//echo '<br> SQL '.$query;
		$db->setQuery($query, $limitstart, $limit);
		$this->_applications = $db->loadObjectList();

		$result[0] = $this->_applications;
		$result[1] = $total;
		return $result;

	function &getJobsAppliedApplications($u_id,$sortby,$limit,$limitstart)
		$db = &$this->getDBO();
		$result = array();

		$query = "SELECT COUNT(job.id)
		FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobs')." AS job, ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_categories')." AS cat 
		WHERE job.jobcategory = cat.id AND job.uid= ".$db->Quote($u_id);
		//echo '<br> SQL '.$query;
		$total = $db->loadResult();

		$limit = $limit ? $limit : 5;
		if ( $total <= $limit ) { 
			$limitstart = 0;
		$query = "SELECT DISTINCT job.*, cat.cat_title ,
		(SELECT COUNT(apply.id) FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobapply')." AS apply WHERE apply.jobid = job.id ) as appinjob
		FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobs')." AS job, ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_categories')." AS cat 
		WHERE job.jobcategory = cat.id AND job.uid= ".$db->Quote($u_id)." ORDER BY  ".$sortby;
		//echo '<br> SQL '.$query;
		$db->setQuery($query, $limitstart, $limit);
		$this->_applications = $db->loadObjectList();

		$result[0] = $this->_applications;
		$result[1] = $total;
		return $result;

	function &getJobAppliedApplications($u_id,$jobid,$sortby,$limit,$limitstart)
		$db = &$this->getDBO();
		$result = array();

		$query = "SELECT COUNT(job.id)
		FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobs')." AS job
		, ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobapply')." AS apply  , ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_resume')." AS app  
		WHERE apply.jobid = job.id AND apply.cvid = app.id AND apply.jobid = ".$db->Quote($jobid);
		//echo '<br> SQL '.$query;
		$total = $db->loadResult();

		$limit = $limit ? $limit : 5;
		if ( $total <= $limit ) { 
			$limitstart = 0;
		$query = "SELECT job.id, cat.cat_title ,apply.apply_date, app.id AS appid, app.first_name, app.last_name, app.email_address, app.jobtype, app.jobsalaryrange, salary.rangestart, salary.rangeend
		FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobs')." AS job, ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_categories')." AS cat
		, ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobapply')." AS apply  , ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_resume')." AS app
		LEFT OUTER JOIN  ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_salaryrange')." AS salary	ON	app.jobsalaryrange=salary.id
		WHERE job.jobcategory = cat.id AND apply.jobid = job.id AND  apply.cvid = app.id 
		AND apply.jobid = ".$db->Quote($jobid)." ORDER BY  ".$sortby;
		//echo '<br> SQL '.$query;
		$db->setQuery($query, $limitstart, $limit);
		$this->_applications = $db->loadObjectList();

		$result[0] = $this->_applications;
		$result[1] = $total;
		return $result;

	function &getCurUserAllow($u_id)
		$db = &$this->getDBO();

		$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_userallow') ." WHERE uid= ".$db->Quote($u_id);
		//echo '<br> SQL '.$query;
		$this->_application = $db->loadObject();
		return $this->_application;

	function &getConfig()
		if ( !$this->_config ){
			$db = &$this->getDBO();

			$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_config');
			//echo '<br> SQL '.$query;
			$this->_config = $db->loadObjectList();
		return $this->_config;

	function storejob() //store job
		$row = &$this->getTable('jobposting');
		$data = JRequest :: get('post');
		if ( !$this->_config )
		foreach ($this->_config as $conf){
			if ($conf->configname == 'jobautoapprove')
				$data['status'] = $conf->configvalue;
			if ($data['applyinfo'] == '')
				$data['applyinfo'] = "0";
		if (!$row->bind($data))
			return false;
		if (!$row->check())
			return 2;

		if (!$row->store())
			return false;

		return true;

	function jobapply()
		$row = &$this->getTable('jobapply');
		$data = JRequest :: get('post');

		if (!$row->bind($data))
			return false;
		if (!$row->check())
			return false;

		if ($data['id'] == ''){ // only for new
			if ($result == true)
				return 3;
		if (!$row->store())
			return false;
		$emailrerurn=$this->sendMail($data['jobid'], $data['uid']);
		return true;

	function storeUserAllow($u_id)
		$row = & $this->getTable('userallow');

			$data['uid'] = $u_id;
			if ( !$this->_config )
			foreach ($this->_config as $conf){
				if ($conf->configname == 'defaultempallow')
					$data['empallow'] = $conf->configvalue;
				if ($conf->configname == 'defaultjoballow')
					$data['joballow'] = $conf->configvalue;

		if (!$row->bind($data))
			return false;
		if (!$row->check())
			return 2;
		if (!$row->store())
			return false;
		return true;


	function jobApplyValidation($u_id, $jobid)
		$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
		$query = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM #__js_job_jobapply 
		WHERE uid = ".$db->Quote($u_id) ." AND jobid = ".$db->Quote($jobid);
		echo '<br>sql '.$query;
		$db->setQuery( $query );
		$result = $db->loadResult();
		//echo '<br>r'.$result;
		if ($result == 0)
			return false;
			return true;

	//send mail
	function &sendMail($jobid, $uid)
		$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
		$jobquery = "SELECT users.name, users.email, job.title, job.applyinfo FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__users') ."AS users, ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_jobs') ." AS job  
		WHERE users.id = job.uid  AND job.id = ".$db->Quote($jobid);
		//echo '<br>sql '.$jobquery;
		$db->setQuery( $jobquery );
		$jobuser = $db->loadObject();
		if ($jobuser->applyinfo == '1'){
			$userquery = "SELECT name, email FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__users') ."
			WHERE id = ".$db->Quote($uid);
			//echo '<br>sql '.$userquery;
			$db->setQuery( $userquery );
			$user = $db->loadObject();


			if ( !$this->_config )
			foreach ($this->_config as $conf){
				if ($conf->configname == 'mailfromname')
					$senderName = $conf->configvalue;
				if ($conf->configname == 'mailfromaddress')
					$senderEmail = $conf->configvalue;

			$message =& JFactory::getMailer();
			$message->addRecipient($EmployerEmail); //to email

			$message->setSubject("JS Jobs :  $ApplicantName apply for $JobTitle");
			$siteAddress = JURI::base();
			$msgBody="Hello  $EmployerName , \n\n Mr/Mrs  $ApplicantName  apply for $JobTitle.\n Login and view detail at $siteAddress  \n\nPlease do not respond to this message. It is automatically generated and is for information purposes only.";
			$sender = array( $senderEmail, $senderName );
			$sent = $message->send();
			return $sent;
			//if ($sent != 1) echo 'Error sending email';

	//Employement Application
		// get application for the set id
	function &getEmpApplicationbyid($id) // <<<--- this isn't used
		$db = &$this->getDBO();
		$query = "SELECT app.* , cat.cat_title AS job_category, salary.rangestart, salary.rangeend
				, address_city.name AS address_city , address_county.name AS address_county , address_state.name AS address_state , address_country.name AS address_country 
				, institute_city.name AS institute_city , institute_county.name AS institute_county , institute_state.name AS institute_state , institute_country.name AS institute_country 
				, employer_city.name AS employer_city , employer_county.name AS employer_county , employer_state.name AS employer_state , employer_country.name AS employer_country 
				FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_resume')." AS app 
				JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_categories')." AS cat ON app.job_category = cat.id 
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_salaryrange')." AS salary ON app.jobsalaryrange = salary.id 
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_cities')." AS address_city ON app.address_city = address_city.code
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_counties')." AS address_county ON app.address_county = address_county.code
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_states')." AS address_state ON app.address_state = address_state.code 
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_countries')." AS address_country ON app.address_country = address_country.code 
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_cities')." AS institute_city ON app.institute_city = institute_city.code
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_counties')." AS institute_county ON app.institute_county = institute_county.code
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_states')." AS institute_state ON app.institute_state = institute_state.code 
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_countries')." AS institute_country ON app.institute_country = institute_country.code 
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_cities')." AS employer_city ON app.employer_city = employer_city.code
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_counties')." AS employer_county ON app.employer_county = employer_county.code
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_states')." AS employer_state ON app.employer_state = employer_state.code 
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_countries')." AS employer_country ON app.employer_country = employer_country.code 
				WHERE app.id = ".$db->Quote($id);
		//echo '<br> sql '.$query;
		$this->_application = $db->loadObject();
		return $this->_application;

	function &getEmpApplicationbyuserid($u_id) 
		$db = &$this->getDBO();
		$query = "SELECT app.* , cat.cat_title AS job_category, salary.rangestart, salary.rangeend
				, address_city.name AS address_city , address_county.name AS address_county , address_state.name AS address_state , address_country.name AS address_country 
				, institute_city.name AS institute_city , institute_county.name AS institute_county , institute_state.name AS institute_state , institute_country.name AS institute_country 
				, employer_city.name AS employer_city , employer_county.name AS employer_county , employer_state.name AS employer_state , employer_country.name AS employer_country 
				FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_resume')." AS app 
				JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_categories')." AS cat ON app.job_category = cat.id 
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_salaryrange')." AS salary ON app.jobsalaryrange = salary.id 
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_cities')." AS address_city ON app.address_city = address_city.code
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_counties')." AS address_county ON app.address_county = address_county.code
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_states')." AS address_state ON app.address_state = address_state.code 
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_countries')." AS address_country ON app.address_country = address_country.code 
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_cities')." AS institute_city ON app.institute_city = institute_city.code
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_counties')." AS institute_county ON app.institute_county = institute_county.code
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_states')." AS institute_state ON app.institute_state = institute_state.code 
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_countries')." AS institute_country ON app.institute_country = institute_country.code 
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_cities')." AS employer_city ON app.employer_city = employer_city.code
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_counties')." AS employer_county ON app.employer_county = employer_county.code
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_states')." AS employer_state ON app.employer_state = employer_state.code 
				LEFT JOIN ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_countries')." AS employer_country ON app.employer_country = employer_country.code 
				WHERE app.uid = ".$db->Quote($u_id);
		//echo '<br> sql '.$query;
		$this->_application = $db->loadObject();
		return $this->_application;

	function &getEmpApplicationbyuid($u_id)
		$db = &$this->getDBO();
		$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_resume')." WHERE ".$db->nameQuote('uid')." = ".$db->Quote($u_id);
		//echo '<br> sql '.$query;
		$this->_application = $db->loadObject();
		return $this->_application;
	function storeEmpApp()
		global $resumedata;
		$row = &$this->getTable('empapp');
		$resumedata = JRequest :: get('post');
		if ( !$resumedata['id'] ){
			if ( !$this->_config )
			foreach ($this->_config as $conf){
				if ($conf->configname == 'empautoapprove')
					$resumedata['status'] = $conf->configvalue;
		$resumedata['resume'] = JRequest::getVar('resume', '', 'post', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
		$returnvalue = $this->uploadResume($resumedata['uid']);
		if ($returnvalue != 1)
			return $returnvalue;

		if (!$row->bind($resumedata))
			return false;
		if (!$row->check())
			return 2;

		if (!$row->store())
			return false;

		return true;

	function uploadResume($u_id)
		global $resumedata ;
		$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
		$resumequery = "SELECT * FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_resume') ."
		WHERE uid = ".$db->Quote($u_id);
		//echo '<br>sql '.$resumequery;

		if($_FILES['resumefile']['size'] > 0){
			$file_name = $_FILES['resumefile']['name']; // file name
			$file_tmp = $_FILES['resumefile']['tmp_name']; // actual location
			$file_size = $_FILES['resumefile']['size']; // file size
			$file_type = $_FILES['resumefile']['type']; // mime type of file determined by php
			$file_error = $_FILES['resumefile']['error']; // any error!. get reason here

			if( !empty($file_tmp)){	// only MS office and text file is accepted.
				if( !(($file_type=="application/msword") || ($file_type=="text/plain")) )
					return 6; //file type mistmathc

			$path =JPATH_BASE.'/components/com_jsjobs/resume';
			if (!file_exists($path)){ // creating resume directory
				mkdir($path, 0777);
			$userpath= $path . '/'.$u_id;
			if (!file_exists($userpath)){ // create user directory
				mkdir($userpath, 0777);
			$files = glob($userpath.'/*.*');
			array_map('unlink', $files);  //delete all file in user directory
			move_uploaded_file($file_tmp, $userpath.'/' . $file_name);
			$resumedata['filename'] = $file_name;
			$resumedata['filecontent'] = '';
			return 1;
		}else {
			if ($resumedata['deleteresumefile'] == 1){
				$path =JPATH_BASE.'/components/com_jsjobs/resume';
				$userpath= $path . '/'.$u_id;
				$files = glob($userpath.'/*.*');
				array_map('unlink', $files);
				$resumedata['filename'] = '';
				$resumedata['filecontent'] = '';
				$db->setQuery( $resumequery );
				$resume = $db->loadObject();
				if ( isset($resume) ){ // if already file upload then pick the path
						$resumedata['filename'] = $resume->filename;
						$resumedata['filecontent'] = '';
			return 1;


	function &listAddressData($data,$val)
		$db = &$this->getDBO();
		if ($data=='country') {  // country
			$query  = "SELECT code, name FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_countries')."  ORDER BY name ASC";
			$result = $db->loadObjectList();

			if (empty($result))	{
				$return_value = "<input class='inputbox' type='text' name='country' size='40' maxlength='100'  />";
			}else {
				$return_value = "<select name='country' onChange=\"dochange('state', this.value)\">\n";
				$return_value .= "<option value='0'>". JText::_('JP_CHOOSE_COUNTRY') ."</option>\n";

				foreach($result as $row){
			       $return_value .= "<option value=\"$row->code\" >$row->name</option> \n" ;
				$return_value .= "</select>\n";

		}else if ($data=='state') {  // states
		    $query  = "SELECT code, name from ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_states')."  WHERE countrycode= '$val' ORDER BY name ASC";
			$result = $db->loadObjectList();
			if (empty($result))	{
				$return_value = "<input class='inputbox' type='text' name='state' size='40' maxlength='100'  />";
			}else {
				$return_value = "<select name='state' class='inputbox' onChange=\"dochange('county', this.value)\">\n";
				$return_value .= "<option value='0'>". JText::_('JP_CHOOSE_STATE') ."</option>\n";

				foreach($result as $row){
					   $return_value .= "<option value=\"$row->code\" >$row->name</option> \n" ;
				$return_value .= "</select>\n";
		}else if ($data=='county') {  // county
		    $query  = "SELECT code, name from ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_counties')."  WHERE statecode= '$val' ORDER BY name ASC";
			$result = $db->loadObjectList();

			if (empty($result))
				$return_value = "<input class='inputbox' type='text' name='county' size='40' maxlength='100'  />";
				  $return_value = "<select name='county' class='inputbox' onChange=\"dochange('city', this.value)\">\n";
				  $return_value .= "<option value='0'>". JText::_('JP_CHOOSE_COUNTY') ."</option>\n";
				  foreach($result as $row){
				       $return_value .= "<option value=\"$row->code\" >$row->name</option> \n" ;
				$return_value .= "</select>\n";

		} else if ($data=='city') { // city
		    $query  = "SELECT code, name from ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_cities')."  WHERE countycode= '$val' ORDER BY 'name'";
			$result = $db->loadObjectList();
			//if (mysql_num_rows($result)== 0)
			if (empty($result))
				$return_value = "<input class='inputbox' type='text' name='city' size='40' maxlength='100'  />";
				  $return_value = "<select name='city' class='inputbox' onChange=\"dochange('zipcode', this.value)\">\n";
				  $return_value .= "<option value='0'>". JText::_('JP_CHOOSE_CITY') ."</option>\n";
				  foreach($result as $row){
				       $return_value .= "<option value=\"$row->code\" >$row->name</option> \n" ;
				$return_value .= "</select>\n";

		return $return_value;

	function &listSearchAddressData($data,$val)
		$db = &$this->getDBO();
		if ($data=='country') {  // country
			$query  = "SELECT code, name FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_countries')."  ORDER BY name ASC";
			$result = $db->loadObjectList();

			if (empty($result))	{
				$return_value = "<input class='inputbox' type='text' name='country' size='40' maxlength='100'  />";
			}else {
				$return_value = "<select name='country' onChange=\"dochange('state', this.value)\">\n";
				$return_value .= "<option value=''>".JText::_('JP_SEARCH_ALL')."</option>\n";

				foreach($result as $row){
			       $return_value .= "<option value=\"$row->code\" >$row->name</option> \n" ;
				$return_value .= "</select>\n";

		}else if ($data=='state') {  // states
		    $query  = "SELECT code, name from ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_states')."  WHERE countrycode= '$val' ORDER BY name ASC";
			$result = $db->loadObjectList();
			if (empty($result))	{
				$return_value = "<input class='inputbox' type='text' name='state' size='40' maxlength='100'  />";
			}else {
				$return_value = "<select name='state' class='inputbox' onChange=\"dochange('county', this.value)\">\n";
				$return_value .= "<option value=''>".JText::_('JP_SEARCH_ALL')."</option>\n";

				foreach($result as $row){
					   $return_value .= "<option value=\"$row->code\" >$row->name</option> \n" ;
				$return_value .= "</select>\n";
		}else if ($data=='county') {  // county
		    $query  = "SELECT code, name from ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_counties')."  WHERE statecode= '$val' ORDER BY name ASC";
			$result = $db->loadObjectList();

			if (empty($result))	{
				$return_value = "<input class='inputbox' type='text' name='county' size='40' maxlength='100'  />";
				  $return_value = "<select name='county' class='inputbox' onChange=\"dochange('city', this.value)\">\n";
				  $return_value .= "<option value=''>".JText::_('JP_SEARCH_ALL')."</option>\n";
				  foreach($result as $row){
				       $return_value .= "<option value=\"$row->code\" >$row->name</option> \n" ;
				$return_value .= "</select>\n";

		} else if ($data=='city') { // city
		    $query  = "SELECT code, name from ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_cities')."  WHERE countycode= '$val' ORDER BY 'name'";
			$result = $db->loadObjectList();
			//if (mysql_num_rows($result)== 0)
			if (empty($result))	{
				$return_value = "<input class='inputbox' type='text' name='city' size='40' maxlength='100'  />";
				  $return_value = "<select name='city' class='inputbox' onChange=\"dochange('zipcode', this.value)\">\n";
				  $return_value .= "<option value=''>".JText::_('JP_SEARCH_ALL')."</option>\n";
				  foreach($result as $row){
				       $return_value .= "<option value=\"$row->code\" >$row->name</option> \n" ;
				$return_value .= "</select>\n";

		return $return_value;

	function &listEmpAddressData($name, $myname, $nextname, $data, $val)
		$db = &$this->getDBO();

		if ($data=='country') {  // country
			$query  = "SELECT code, name FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_countries')."  ORDER BY name ASC";
			$result = $db->loadObjectList();

			if (empty($result))	{
				$return_value = "<input class='inputbox' type='text' name='$name' size='40' maxlength='100'  />";
			}else {

				$return_value = "<select name='$name' onChange=\"dochange(\"$myname\",'state', this.value)\">\n";
				$return_value .= "<option value='0'>". JText::_('JP_CHOOSE_COUNTRY') ."</option>\n";

				foreach($result as $row){
				   $return_value .= "<option value=\"$row->code\" >$row->name</option> \n" ;
				$return_value .= "</select>\n";

		}else if ($data=='state') {  // states
		    $query  = "SELECT code, name from ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_states')."  WHERE countrycode= '$val' ORDER BY name ASC";
			$result = $db->loadObjectList();
			if (empty($result))	{
				$return_value = "<input class='inputbox' type='text' name='$name' size='40' maxlength='100'  />";
				$return_value = "<select name='$name' class='inputbox' onChange=\"dochange('$myname','$nextname','','county', this.value)\">\n";
				$return_value .= "<option value='0'>". JText::_('JP_CHOOSE_STATE') ."</option>\n";
				foreach($result as $row){
					   $return_value .= "<option value=\"$row->code\" >$row->name</option> \n" ;
				$return_value .= "</select>\n";
		}else if ($data=='county') {  // county
		    $query  = "SELECT code, name from ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_counties')."  WHERE statecode= '$val' ORDER BY name ASC";
			$result = $db->loadObjectList();

			if (empty($result))	{
				$return_value = "<input class='inputbox' type='text' name='$name' size='40' maxlength='100'  />";
				$return_value = "<select name='$name' class='inputbox' onChange=\"dochange('$myname','','','city', this.value)\">\n";
				$return_value .= "<option value='0'>". JText::_('JP_CHOOSE_COUNTY') ."</option>\n";
				foreach($result as $row){
					   $return_value .= "<option value=\"$row->code\" >$row->name</option> \n" ;
				$return_value .= "</select>\n";

		} else if ($data=='city') { // second dropdown
		    $query  = "SELECT code, name from ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_cities')."  WHERE countycode= '$val' ORDER BY 'name'";
			$result = $db->loadObjectList();
			if (empty($result))	{
				$return_value = "<input class='inputbox' type='text' name='$name' size='40' maxlength='100'  />";
				$return_value = "<select name='$name' class='inputbox' onChange=\"dochange('zipcode', this.value)\">\n";
				$return_value .= "<option value='0'>". JText::_('JP_CHOOSE_CITY') ."</option>\n";
				foreach($result as $row){
				    $return_value .= "<option value=\"$row->code\" >$row->name</option> \n" ;
				$return_value .= "</select>\n";

		return $return_value;

	function &getEmpOptions()
		if ( !$this->_empoptions )
			$this->_empoptions = array();
			$job_type = array(
				'0' => array('value' => JText::_(1),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBTYPE_FULLTIME')),
				'1' => array('value' => JText::_(2),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBTYPE_PARTTIME')),
				'3' => array('value' => JText::_(3),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBTYPE_INTERNSHIP')),);

			$heighesteducation = array(
				'0' => array('value' => JText::_(1),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBEDUCATION_UNIVERSITY')),
				'1' => array('value' => JText::_(2),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBEDUCATION_COLLEGE')),
				'2' => array('value' => JText::_(2),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBEDUCATION_HIGH_SCHOOL')),
				'3' => array('value' => JText::_(3),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBEDUCATION_NO_SCHOOL')),);

			$job_categories = $this->getCategories();
			$job_salaryrange = $this->getJobSalaryRange();
			$countries = $this->getCountries();

			if(isset($this->_application))$address_states = $this->getStates($this->_application->address_country);
			if(isset($this->_application))$address_counties = $this->getCounties($this->_application->address_state);
			if(isset($this->_application))$address_cities = $this->getCities($this->_application->address_county);

			if(isset($this->_application))$institute_states = $this->getStates($this->_application->institute_country);
			if(isset($this->_application))$institute_counties = $this->getCounties($this->_application->institute_state);
			if(isset($this->_application))$institute_cities = $this->getCities($this->_application->institute_county);

			if(isset($this->_application))$employer_states = $this->getStates($this->_application->employer_country);
			if(isset($this->_application))$employer_counties = $this->getCounties($this->_application->employer_state);
			if(isset($this->_application))$employer_cities = $this->getCities($this->_application->employer_county);
			if ( isset($this->_application) )
				$this->_empoptions['job_category'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $job_categories, 'job_category', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->job_category);

				$this->_empoptions['address_country'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $countries, 'address_country','class="inputbox" '.'onChange="dochange(\'address_state\', \'address_county\',\'address_city\', \'state\', this.value)"', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->address_country);
				if ($address_states[1] != '')$this->_empoptions['address_state'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $address_states, 'address_state', 'class="inputbox" '. 'onChange="dochange(\'address_county\, \'address_city\', , this.value)"', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->address_state);
				if ($address_counties[1] != '')$this->_empoptions['address_county'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $address_counties, 'address_county', 'class="inputbox" '. 'onChange="dochange(\'address_city\, , , this.value)"', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->address_county);
				if ($address_cities[1] != '')$this->_empoptions['address_city'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $address_cities, 'address_city', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->address_city);
				$this->_empoptions['institute_country'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $countries, 'institute_country','class="inputbox" '.'onChange="dochange(\'institute_state\', \'institute_county\',\'institute_city\', \'state\', this.value)"', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->institute_country);
				if ($institute_states[1] != '')$this->_empoptions['institute_state'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $institute_states, 'institute_state', 'class="inputbox" '. 'onChange="dochange(\'institute_county\, \'institute_city\', , this.value)"', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->institute_state);
				if ($institute_counties[1] != '')$this->_empoptions['institute_county'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $institute_counties, 'institute_county', 'class="inputbox" '. 'onChange="dochange(\'institute_city\,  , , this.value)"', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->institute_county);
				if ($institute_cities[1] != '')$this->_empoptions['institute_city'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $institute_cities, 'institute_city', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->institute_city);

				$this->_empoptions['employer_country'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $countries, 'employer_country','class="inputbox" '.'onChange="dochange(\'employer_state\', \'employer_county\',\'employer_city\',\'state\', this.value)"', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->employer_country);
				if ($employer_states[1] != '')$this->_empoptions['employer_state'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $employer_states, 'employer_state', 'class="inputbox" '. 'onChange="dochange(\'employer_county\, \'employer_city\', , this.value)"', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->employer_state);
				if ($employer_counties[1] != '')$this->_empoptions['employer_county'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $employer_counties, 'employer_county', 'class="inputbox" '. 'onChange="dochange(\'employer_city\,  , , this.value)"', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->employer_county);
				if ($employer_cities[1] != '')$this->_empoptions['employer_city'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $employer_cities, 'employer_city', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->employer_city);

				$this->_empoptions['jobtype'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $job_type, 'jobtype', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->jobtype);
				$this->_empoptions['heighestfinisheducation'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $heighesteducation, 'heighestfinisheducation', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->heighestfinisheducation);
				$this->_empoptions['jobsalaryrange'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $job_salaryrange, 'jobsalaryrange', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->jobsalaryrange);
				$this->_empoptions['job_category'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $job_categories, 'job_category', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', '');
				$this->_empoptions['address_country'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $countries, 'address_country','class="inputbox" '.'onChange="dochange(\'address_state\', \'address_county\',\'address_city\', \'state\', this.value)"', 'value', 'text', '');
				//echo '<br> st '.$address_states[1];
				if ( isset($address_states[1]) )if ($address_states[1] != '')$this->_empoptions['address_state'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $address_states, 'address_state', 'class="inputbox" '. 'onChange="dochange(\'address_county\, \'address_city\', , this.value)"', 'value', 'text', '');
				if ( isset($address_counties[1]) )if ($address_counties[1] != '')$this->_empoptions['address_county'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $address_counties, 'address_county', 'class="inputbox" '. 'onChange="dochange(\'address_city\, , , this.value)"', 'value', 'text', '');
				if ( isset($address_cities[1]) )if ($address_cities[1] != '')$this->_empoptions['address_city'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $address_cities, 'address_city', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', '');
				$this->_empoptions['institute_country'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $countries, 'institute_country','class="inputbox" '.'onChange="dochange(\'institute_state\', \'institute_county\',\'institute_city\', \'state\', this.value)"', 'value', 'text', '');
				if ( isset($institute_states[1]) )if ($institute_states[1] != '')$this->_empoptions['institute_state'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $institute_states, 'institute_state', 'class="inputbox" '. 'onChange="dochange(\'institute_county\, \'institute_city\', , this.value)"', 'value', 'text', '');
				if ( isset($institute_counties[1]) )if ($institute_counties[1] != '')$this->_empoptions['institute_county'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $institute_counties, 'institute_county', 'class="inputbox" '. 'onChange="dochange(\'institute_city\,  , , this.value)"', 'value', 'text', '');
				if ( isset($institute_cities[1]) )if ($institute_cities[1] != '')$this->_empoptions['institute_city'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $institute_cities, 'institute_city', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->institute_city);

				$this->_empoptions['employer_country'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $countries, 'employer_country','class="inputbox" '.'onChange="dochange(\'employer_state\', \'employer_county\',\'employer_city\',\'state\', this.value)"', 'value', 'text', '');
				if ( isset($employer_states[1]) )if ($employer_states[1] != '')$this->_empoptions['employer_state'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $employer_states, 'employer_state', 'class="inputbox" '. 'onChange="dochange(\'employer_county\, \'employer_city\', , this.value)"', 'value', 'text', '');
				if ( isset($employer_counties[1]) )if ($employer_counties[1] != '')$this->_empoptions['employer_county'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $employer_counties, 'employer_county', 'class="inputbox" '. 'onChange="dochange(\'employer_city\,  , , this.value)"', 'value', 'text', '');
				if ( isset($employer_cities[1]) )if ($employer_cities[1] != '')$this->_empoptions['employer_city'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $employer_cities, 'employer_city', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', '');

				$this->_empoptions['jobtype'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $job_type, 'jobtype', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', '');
				$this->_empoptions['heighestfinisheducation'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $heighesteducation, 'heighestfinisheducation', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', '');
				$this->_empoptions['jobsalaryrange'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $job_salaryrange, 'jobsalaryrange', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', '');
		return $this->_empoptions;

	function &getSearchOptions()
		//echo '<br> search options';
		if ( !$this->_searchoptions )
			$this->_searchoptions = array();
			$jobtype = array(
				'0' => array('value' => JText::_(''),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_SEARCH_ALL')),
				'1' => array('value' => JText::_(1),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBTYPE_FULLTIME')),
				'2' => array('value' => JText::_(2),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBTYPE_PARTTIME')),
				'3' => array('value' => JText::_(3),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBTYPE_INTERNSHIP')),);
			$jobstatus = array(
				'0' => array('value' => JText::_(''),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_SEARCH_ALL')),
				'1' => array('value' => JText::_(1),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBSTATUS_SOURCING')),
				'2' => array('value' => JText::_(2),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBSTATUS_INTERVIEWING')),
				'3' => array('value' => JText::_(3),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBSTATUS_CLOSED')),
				'4' => array('value' => JText::_(4),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBSTATUS_FINALISTS')),
				'5' => array('value' => JText::_(5),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBSTATUS_PENDING')),
				'6' => array('value' => JText::_(6),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBSTATUS_HOLD')),);
			$heighesteducation = array(
				'0' => array('value' => JText::_(''),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_SEARCH_ALL')),
				'1' => array('value' => JText::_(1),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBEDUCATION_UNIVERSITY')),
				'2' => array('value' => JText::_(2),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBEDUCATION_COLLEGE')),
				'3' => array('value' => JText::_(2),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBEDUCATION_HIGH_SCHOOL')),
				'4' => array('value' => JText::_(3),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBEDUCATION_NO_SCHOOL')),);
			$job_categories = $this->getSearchCategories();
			$job_salaryrange = $this->getSearchJobSalaryRange();
			//$countries = $this->getSearchCountries();

				$this->_searchoptions['jobcategory'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $job_categories, 'jobcategory', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', '');
				$this->_searchoptions['jobsalaryrange'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $job_salaryrange, 'jobsalaryrange', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', '');
				//$this->_searchoptions['country'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $countries, 'country', 'class="inputbox" '. '','javascript=onchange()', 'value', 'text', '');
				$this->_searchoptions['jobstatus'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $jobstatus, 'jobstatus', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', '');
				$this->_searchoptions['jobtype'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $jobtype, 'jobtype', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', '');
				$this->_searchoptions['heighestfinisheducation'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $heighesteducation, 'heighestfinisheducation', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', '');

		return $this->_searchoptions;

	function getSearchCategories(  )
		$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
		$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_categories')." WHERE isactive = 1 ORDER BY 'id' ";
		//echo '<br>sql '.$query;
		$db->setQuery( $query );
		$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
		if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
			echo $db->stderr();
			return false;
		$jobcategories = array();

		$jobcategories[] =  array('value' => JText::_(''),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_SEARCH_ALL'));
		foreach($rows as $row)
			$jobcategories[] =  array('value' => JText::_($row->id),
								'text' => JText::_($row->cat_title));
		return $jobcategories;	

	function getSearchJobSalaryRange(  )
		$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
		$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_salaryrange')." ORDER BY 'id' ";
		//echo '<br>sql '.$query;
		$db->setQuery( $query );
		$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
		if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
			echo $db->stderr();
			return false;
		$jobsalaryrange = array();
		$jobsalaryrange[] =  array('value' => JText::_(''),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_SEARCH_ALL'));

		if ( !$this->_config )
		foreach ($this->_config as $conf){
			if ($conf->configname == 'currency')
				$currency = $conf->configvalue;
		foreach($rows as $row)
			$salrange = $currency . $row->rangestart.' - '.$currency . $row->rangeend;
			$jobsalaryrange[] =  array('value' => JText::_($row->id),
								'text' => JText::_($salrange));
		return $jobsalaryrange;	
	// we're just setting our option type values for the html output
	function &getOptions()
		if ( !$this->_options )
			$this->_options = array();
			$jobtype = array(
				'0' => array('value' => JText::_(1),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBTYPE_FULLTIME')),
				'1' => array('value' => JText::_(2),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBTYPE_PARTTIME')),
				'2' => array('value' => JText::_(3),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBTYPE_INTERNSHIP')),);
			$jobstatus = array(
				'0' => array('value' => JText::_(1),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBSTATUS_SOURCING')),
				'1' => array('value' => JText::_(2),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBSTATUS_INTERVIEWING')),
				'2' => array('value' => JText::_(3),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBSTATUS_CLOSED')),
				'3' => array('value' => JText::_(4),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBSTATUS_FINALISTS')),
				'4' => array('value' => JText::_(5),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBSTATUS_PENDING')),
				'5' => array('value' => JText::_(6),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBSTATUS_HOLD')),);
			$heighesteducation = array(
				'0' => array('value' => JText::_(1),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBEDUCATION_UNIVERSITY')),
				'1' => array('value' => JText::_(2),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBEDUCATION_COLLEGE')),
				'2' => array('value' => JText::_(2),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBEDUCATION_HIGH_SCHOOL')),
				'3' => array('value' => JText::_(3),
								'text' => JText::_('JP_JOBEDUCATION_NO_SCHOOL')),);
			$job_categories = $this->getCategories();
			$job_salaryrange = $this->getJobSalaryRange();
			$countries = $this->getCountries();
			if ( isset($this->_application) ){
				$states = $this->getStates($this->_application->country);
				$counties = $this->getCounties($this->_application->state);
				$cities = $this->getCities($this->_application->county);

			if ( isset($this->_application) )
				$this->_options['jobcategory'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $job_categories, 'jobcategory', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->jobcategory);
				$this->_options['jobsalaryrange'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $job_salaryrange, 'jobsalaryrange', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->jobsalaryrange);
				$this->_options['country'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $countries, 'country','class="inputbox required" '.'onChange="dochange(\'state\', this.value)"', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->country);
				if ( isset($states[1]) ) if ($states[1] != '')$this->_options['state'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $states, 'state', 'class="inputbox" '. 'onChange="dochange(\'county\', this.value)"', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->state);
				if ( isset($counties[1]) ) if ($counties[1] != '')$this->_options['county'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $counties, 'county', 'class="inputbox" '. 'onChange="dochange(\'city\', this.value)"', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->county);
				if ( isset($cities[1]) ) if ($cities[1] != '')$this->_options['city'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $cities, 'city', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->city);
				$this->_options['jobstatus'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $jobstatus, 'jobstatus', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->jobstatus);
				$this->_options['jobtype'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $jobtype, 'jobtype', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->jobtype);
				$this->_options['heighestfinisheducation'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $heighesteducation, 'heighestfinisheducation', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', $this->_application->heighestfinisheducation);

				$this->_options['jobcategory'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $job_categories, 'jobcategory', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', '');
				$this->_options['jobsalaryrange'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $job_salaryrange, 'jobsalaryrange', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', '');
				$this->_options['country'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $countries, 'country','class="inputbox required" '.'onChange="dochange(\'state\', this.value)"', 'value', 'text', '');
				if ( isset($states[1]) ) if ($states[1] != '')$this->_options['state'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $states, 'state', 'class="inputbox" '. 'onChange="dochange(\'county\', this.value)"', 'value', 'text', '');
				if ( isset($counties[1]) ) if ($counties[1] != '')$this->_options['county'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $counties, 'county', 'class="inputbox" '. 'onChange="dochange(\'city\', this.value)"', 'value', 'text', '');
				if ( isset($cities[1]) ) if ($cities[1] != '')$this->_options['city'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $cities, 'city', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', '');
				$this->_options['jobstatus'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $jobstatus, 'jobstatus', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', '');
				$this->_options['jobtype'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $jobtype, 'jobtype', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', '');
				$this->_options['heighestfinisheducation'] = JHTML::_('select.genericList', $heighesteducation, 'heighestfinisheducation', 'class="inputbox" '. '', 'value', 'text', '');
		return $this->_options;

	function getCategories(  )
		$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
		$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_categories')." WHERE isactive = 1 ORDER BY 'id' ";
		//echo '<br>sql '.$query;
		$db->setQuery( $query );
		$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
		if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
			echo $db->stderr();
			return false;
		$jobcategories = array();
		foreach($rows as $row)
			$jobcategories[] =  array('value' => JText::_($row->id),
								'text' => JText::_($row->cat_title));
		return $jobcategories;	

	function getJobSalaryRange(  )
		$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
		$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_salaryrange')." ORDER BY 'id' ";
		//echo '<br>sql '.$query;
		$db->setQuery( $query );
		$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
		if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
			echo $db->stderr();
			return false;
		if ( !$this->_config )
		foreach ($this->_config as $conf){
			if ($conf->configname == 'currency')
				$currency = $conf->configvalue;

		$jobsalaryrange = array();
		foreach($rows as $row)
			$salrange = $currency . $row->rangestart.' - '.$currency . $row->rangeend;
			$jobsalaryrange[] =  array('value' => JText::_($row->id),
								'text' => JText::_($salrange));
		return $jobsalaryrange;	

	function getCountries(  )
		$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
		$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_countries')." ORDER BY name ASC ";
		//echo '<br>sql '.$query;
		$db->setQuery( $query );
		$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
		if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
			echo $db->stderr();
			return false;
		$countries = array();
		$countries[] =  array('value' => JText::_(''),
							'text' => JText::_('JP_CHOOSE_COUNTRY'));
		foreach($rows as $row)
			$countries[] =  array('value' => JText::_($row->code),
							'text' => JText::_($row->name));
		return $countries;	

	function getStates( $countrycode )
//		if ($this->_application->country != ''){
			$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
			$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_states')." WHERE countrycode = '". $countrycode ."' ORDER BY name ASC ";
			$db->setQuery( $query );
			$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
			if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
				echo $db->stderr();
				return false;
			$states = array();
			$states[] =  array('value' => JText::_(''),
							'text' => JText::_('JP_CHOOSE_STATE'));
			foreach($rows as $row)
				$states[] =  array('value' => JText::_($row->code),
								'text' => JText::_($row->name));
//		}
		return $states;	
	function getCounties( $statecode )
//		if ($this->_application->state != ''){
			$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
			$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_counties')." WHERE statecode = '". $statecode ."' ORDER BY name ASC ";
			$db->setQuery( $query );
			$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
			if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
				echo $db->stderr();
				return false;
			$counties = array();
			$counties[] =  array('value' => JText::_(''),
							'text' => JText::_('JP_CHOOSE_COUNTY'));
			foreach($rows as $row)
				$counties[] =  array('value' => JText::_($row->code),
								'text' => JText::_($row->name));
//		}
		return $counties;	
	function getCities( $countycode )
//		if ($this->_application->county != ''){
			$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
			$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$db->nameQuote('#__js_job_cities')." WHERE countycode = '". $countycode ."' ORDER BY name ASC ";
			$db->setQuery( $query );
			$rows = $db->loadObjectList();
			if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
				echo $db->stderr();
				return false;
			$cities = array();
			$cities[] =  array('value' => JText::_(''),
							'text' => JText::_('JP_CHOOSE_CITY'));
			foreach($rows as $row)
				$cities[] =  array('value' => JText::_($row->code),
								'text' => JText::_($row->name));
//		}
		return $cities;	

