Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/promice/components/com_joomgallery/models/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/promice/components/com_joomgallery/models/image.php |
<?php // $HeadURL: https://joomgallery.org/svn/joomgallery/JG-1.5/JG/trunk/components/com_joomgallery/models/image.php $ // $Id: image.php 3377 2011-10-07 15:35:41Z erftralle $ /****************************************************************************************\ ** JoomGallery 1.5.7 ** ** By: JoomGallery::ProjectTeam ** ** Copyright (C) 2008 - 2011 JoomGallery::ProjectTeam ** ** Based on: JoomGallery 1.0.0 by JoomGallery::ProjectTeam ** ** Released under GNU GPL Public License ** ** License: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or have a look ** ** at administrator/components/com_joomgallery/LICENSE.TXT ** \****************************************************************************************/ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.'); /** * Image Model * * Creates the output of a single image. * * @package JoomGallery * @since 1.5.5 */ class JoomGalleryModelImage extends JoomGalleryModel { /** * The ID of the image * * @access protected * @var int */ var $_id; /** * The image data * * @access protected * @var int */ var $_image; /** * Constructor * * @access protected * @return void * @since 1.5.5 */ function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $id = JRequest::getInt('id'); $this->setId($id); } /** * Method to set the image id * * @access public * @param int Image ID number * @since */ function setId($id) { // Set new image ID if valid and wipe data if(!$id) { JError::raiseError(500, JText::_('JGS_COMMON_NO_IMAGE_SPECIFIED')); } $this->_id = $id; $this->_image = null; } /** * Method to get the identifier * * @access public * @return int identifier * @since */ function getId() { return $this->_id; } /** * Method to get the image data * * @access public * @return object Holds the image data * @since 1.5.5 */ function getImage() { if(!$this->_loadImage()) { return false; } $image = $this->_image; if($this->_user->get('aid') < $image->access) { $this->_mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?view=gallery'), JText::_('JGS_NOT_ALLOWED_VIEW_PICTURE'), 'notice'); } // Source url $image->img_src = $this->_ambit->getImg('img_url', $image); // Information about original image if available $orig = $this->_ambit->getImg('orig_path', $image); if(JFile::exists($orig)) { $image->orig_exists = true; $orig_info = getimagesize($orig); $orig_size = filesize($orig); } else { $image->orig_exists = false; $orig_info[0] = 0; $orig_info[1] = 0; } // Information about detail image $img = $this->_ambit->getImg('img_path', $image); $img_info = getimagesize($img); $img_size = filesize($img); $image->img_size = number_format($img_size / 1024, 2, JText::_('JGS_COMMON_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR'), JText::_('JGS_COMMON_THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR')).' KB'; $image->orig_width = $orig_info[0]; $image->orig_height = $orig_info[1]; $image->img_width = $img_info[0]; $image->img_height = $img_info[1]; $image->bigger_orig = false; if( $image->orig_exists && $image->orig_width > $image->img_width && $image->orig_height > $image->img_height ) { $image->bigger_orig = true; } if($this->_config->get('jg_resizetomaxwidth')) { $ratio = max($image->img_width, $image->img_height); $ratio = ($ratio/$this->_config->get('jg_maxwidth')); $ratio = max($ratio, 1.0); $image->width = (int)($image->img_width / $ratio); $image->height = (int)($image->img_height / $ratio); } else { $image->width = $image->img_width; $image->height = $image->img_height; } return $image; } /** * Method to increment the hit counter for the image * * @access public * @return boolean True on success, false otherwise * @since 1.5.5 */ function hit() { if($this->_id && !$this->countstop()) { $image = &$this->getTable('joomgalleryimages'); $image->hit($this->_id); return true; } return false; } /** * Method to check whether the hit counter should be incremented * * @access public * @return boolean True, if the hit counter is locked, false otherwise * @since 1.5.5 */ function countstop() { $session = & JFactory::getSession(); $session_id = $session->getToken(); $stoptime = $this->_mainframe->getCfg('lifetime') * 60; $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // Delete all dated entries $this->_db->setQuery("DELETE FROM "._JOOM_TABLE_COUNTSTOP." WHERE NOW() > date_add(cstime, interval ".$stoptime." SECOND) "); $this->_db->query(); // Check whether entry exists $this->_db->setQuery("SELECT COUNT(cspicid) FROM "._JOOM_TABLE_COUNTSTOP." WHERE cssessionid = '".$session_id."' AND csip = '".$ip."' AND cspicid = ".$this->_id." "); if($this->_db->loadResult()) { // Lock the counter return true; } else { // New entry $this->_db->setQuery("INSERT INTO "._JOOM_TABLE_COUNTSTOP." (csip, cssessionid, cspicid, cstime) VALUES ('".$ip."', '".$session_id."', ".$this->_id.", NOW()) "); $this->_db->query(); return false; } } /** * Method to check whether a given image is a gif file * * @access public * @param string $file Path to the image to check * @return boolean True, if the given image is a gif file, false otherwise * @since 1.5.5 */ function isGif($file) { jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); // Reads file content into string $filecontents = JFile::read($file); $str_loc = 0; $count = 0; // Checks if there is more than one frame while($count < 2) { $where1 = strpos($filecontents, "\x00\x21\xF9\x04", $str_loc); if(!$where1) { break; } else { $str_loc = $where1+1; $where2 = strpos($filecontents, "\x00\x2C", $str_loc); if(!$where2) { break; } else { if($where1+8 == $where2) { $count++; } $str_loc = $where2+1; } } } // Returns true if more then one frame is found if($count > 1) { return true; } return false; } /** * Method to include the watermark selected in * the configuration manager into a given image * * @access public * @param string $file Path to the image into which the watermark shall be included * @param resource $src_img GD image resource, will be used instead of $file if it is set * @return boolean True on success, false otherwise * @since 1.5.5 */ function includeWatermark($file, $src_img = null, $cropwidth = 0, $cropheight = 0) { // Path to the watermarkfile $watermark = JPath::clean(JPATH_ROOT.DS.$this->_config->get('jg_wmpath').$this->_config->get('jg_wmfile')); // Checks if watermark file is existent if(!JFile::exists($watermark)) { $this->_mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?view=gallery', false), JText::_('Watermark does not exist'), 'error'); } // Gets information of the image (height, width, mime) if(!$src_img) { $info_img = getimagesize($file); } else { $info_img = array(0 => imagesx($src_img), 1 => imagesy($src_img)); } $info_wat = getimagesize($watermark); // Gets the position of the watermark $t_x = 0; $t_y = 0; $position = $this->_config->get('jg_watermarkpos'); // Position x switch(($position - 1) % 3) { case 1: $pos_x = round(($info_img[0] - $info_wat[0]) / 2, 0); break; case 2: $pos_x = $info_img[0] - $info_wat[0]; break; default: $pos_x = 0; break; } // Position y switch(floor(($position - 1) / 3)) { case 1: $pos_y = round(($info_img[1] - $info_wat[1]) / 2, 0); break; case 2: $pos_y = $info_img[1] - $info_wat[1]; break; default: $pos_y = 0; break; } if(!$src_img) { switch($info_img[2]) { case 1: $src_img = imagecreatefromgif($file); $mime_img = 'image/gif'; break; case 2: $src_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($file); $mime_img = 'image/jpeg'; break; case 3: $src_img = imagecreatefrompng($file); $mime_img = 'image/png'; break; default: JError::raiseError(404, JText::sprintf('Mime not allowed: %s', $info_img[2])); break; } } // Check if image is smaller than watermark and return image without watermark if($info_img[0] < $info_wat[0] || $info_img[1] < $info_wat[1]) { return $src_img; } // Watermark procedure switch($info_wat[2]) { case 1: $watermark = imagecreatefromgif($watermark); $mime_wat = 'image/gif'; break; case 2: $watermark = imagecreatefromjpeg($watermark); $mime_wat = 'image/jpeg'; break; case 3: $watermark = imagecreatefrompng($watermark); $mime_wat = 'image/png'; break; default: JError::raiseError(404, JText::sprintf('Mime not allowed: %s', $info_wat[2])); break; } $watermark_width = imagesx($watermark); $watermark_height = imagesy($watermark); imagealphablending($src_img, true); imagealphablending($watermark, true); imagecolortransparent($watermark, imagecolorat($watermark, $t_x, $t_y)); imagecopyresampled($src_img, $watermark, $pos_x, $pos_y, 0, 0, $watermark_width, $watermark_height, $watermark_width, $watermark_height); return $src_img; } /** * Method to load image data * * @access private * @return boolean True on success, false otherwise * @since 1.5.5 */ function _loadImage() { if(!$this->_id) { return false; } // Load the image data if it doesn't already exist if(empty($this->_image)) { $this->_db->setQuery("SELECT a.*, a.owner AS imgowner, c.* FROM "._JOOM_TABLE_IMAGES." AS a LEFT JOIN "._JOOM_TABLE_CATEGORIES." AS c ON c.cid = a.catid WHERE a.id = ".$this->_id." AND a.published = 1 AND a.approved = 1 AND c.published = 1 AND c.access <= ".$this->_user->get('aid') ); if(!$row = $this->_db->loadObject()) { JError::raiseError(500, JText::sprintf('Image with ID %d not found', $this->_id)); } $this->_image = $row; return true; } return true; } /** * Method to crop a image * * @access public * @param string $img Path to image * @param int $cropwidth Width of resulting image * @param int $cropheight Height of resulting image * @param int $croppos Offset position of cropping window * @param int $offsetx Offset x-coordinate * @param int $offsety Offset y-coordinate * @return image Image ressource of cropped image or image if no cropping * false if no cropping has been done * @since 1.5.6 */ function cropImage(&$img, &$cropwidth, &$cropheight, &$croppos, $offsetx = 0, $offsety = 0) { // Get information of image $imginfo = getimagesize($img); // Height/width $srcWidth = $imginfo[0]; $srcHeight = $imginfo[1]; $srcImgtype = $imginfo[2]; // If both crop settings identical to the source dimensions, return null if($srcWidth == $cropwidth && $srcHeight == $cropheight) { return null; } if($croppos) { // Calculate the offsets for cropping the source image according // to thumbposition switch($croppos) { // Right upper corner case 1: $offsetx = floor($srcWidth - $cropwidth); $offsety = 0; break; // Left lower corner case 3: $offsetx = 0; $offsety = floor($srcHeight - $cropheight); break; // Right lower corner case 4: $offsetx = floor($srcWidth - $cropwidth); $offsety = floor($srcHeight - $cropheight); break; // default center default: $offsetx = floor(($srcWidth - $cropwidth) * 0.5); $offsety = floor(($srcHeight - $cropheight) * 0.5); break; } } switch($srcImgtype) { // GIF case 1: $src_img = imagecreatefromgif($img); break; // JPEG case 2: $src_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($img); break; // PNG case 3: $src_img = imagecreatefrompng($img); break; default: $src_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($img); break; } $cropimg = imagecreatetruecolor($cropwidth, $cropheight); // Check if the cropped image should be filled with background color if($cropwidth > $srcWidth || $cropheight > $srcHeight) { // Get background color for cropped image $cropbgcol = $this->_config->get('jg_dyncropbgcol'); // Calculate a rgb code from hex value $rgb[0] = hexdec(substr($cropbgcol, 0, 2)); $rgb[1] = hexdec(substr($cropbgcol, 2, 2)); $rgb[2] = hexdec(substr($cropbgcol, 4, 2)); // Allocate the color and fill the background of cropped image $bgcolor=imagecolorallocate($cropimg, $rgb[0], $rgb[1], $rgb[2]); imagefill($cropimg, 0, 0, $bgcolor); } $dst_x = 0; $dst_y = 0; $src_w = $cropwidth; $src_h = $cropheight; // The starting position '$offsetx' for the crop must be within the source image if($offsetx < 0 || $offsetx > $srcWidth) { $offsetx = 0; } // Check, if the cropped image width will be larger than the source image width if($cropwidth > $srcWidth) { // Center source image horizontal $dst_x = floor(($cropwidth - $srcWidth) * 0.5); // Reduce width to copy to the source image width $src_w = $srcWidth; } // The starting position '$offsety' for the crop must be within the source image if($offsety < 0 || $offsety > $srcHeight) { $offsety = 0; } // Check, if the cropped image height will be larger than the source image height if($cropheight > $srcHeight) { // Center source image vertical $dst_y = floor(($cropheight - $srcHeight) * 0.5); // Reduce height to copy to the source image height $src_h = $srcHeight; } imagecopy($cropimg, $src_img, $dst_x, $dst_y, $offsetx, $offsety, $src_w, $src_h); return $cropimg; } }