Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/promice/components/com_ckforms/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/promice/components/com_ckforms/controller.php |
<?php /** * Ck forms default controller * * @package CK.Joomla * @subpackage Components * @link http://www.cookex.eu * @license GNU/GPL */ jimport('joomla.application.component.controller'); /** * Ck forms Component Controller * * @package CkForms */ class CkformsController extends JController { /** * Method to display the captcha to validate the form * * @access public */ function captcha() { include("components/com_ckforms/captcha/securimage.php"); $document = &JFactory::getDocument(); $doc = &JDocument::getInstance('raw'); $document = $doc; $img = new Securimage(); $img->ttf_file = "components/com_ckforms/captcha/elephant.ttf"; $img->show(); } function display() { $model = $this->getModel('ckforms'); $model->addHits(); $_SESSION['ck_send_once'.JRequest::getCmd('id')] = "1"; $_SESSION['ck_cache_page_'.JRequest::getCmd('id')] = md5(JRequest::getURI()); parent::display(); } /** * save a record (and redirect to main page) * and send emails * @return void */ function send() { $model = $this->getModel('ckforms'); $ckform = $model->getData(); if ($ckform->captcha == 1) { include("components/com_ckforms/captcha/securimage.php"); $img = new Securimage(); $valid = $img->check($_POST['ck_captcha_code']); if($valid == false) { JError::raiseWarning( 0, JText::_( "Sorry, the code you entered was invalid" )); $this->display(); return false; } } if (isset($_SESSION['ck_send_once'.$ckform->id])) { session_unregister('ck_send_once'.$ckform->id); } else { JError::raiseWarning( 0, JText::_( "Sorry, you can send the form only once" )); return false; } session_unregister('securimage_code_value'); $post = JRequest::get('post', JREQUEST_ALLOWHTML); $model->saveData($post); if (isset($_SESSION['ck_cache_page_'.$ckform->id])) { $cacheid = $_SESSION['ck_cache_page_'.$ckform->id]; $cache = &JFactory::getCache(); $cacheresult = $cache->remove($cacheid, 'page'); } $msg = JText::sprintf('Form successfully sent', 1); if ( isset($ckform->redirecturl) && $ckform->redirecturl != "") { $params = ''; if ($ckform->redirectdata == 1) { foreach ($post as $key => $value) { $params = $params . '&'. $key.'='.htmlentities($value); } if (strlen($params) > 0 && strpos($ckform->redirecturl, '?') === false) { $params = '?'.substr($params, 1); } } $this->setRedirect($ckform->redirecturl.$params); } else if ((isset($ckform->redirecturl) == false || $ckform->redirecturl == "") && ((isset($ckform->textresult) == false || $ckform->textresult == ""))) { $this->setRedirect(JURI::base(), $msg); } JRequest::setVar( 'view', 'ckforms' ); JRequest::setVar( 'layout', 'message' ); parent::display(); } } ?>