Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/plugins/system/t3/base-bs3/js/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/plugins/system/t3/base-bs3/js/menu.js |
/** *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @package T3 Framework for Joomla! *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-2013 JoomlArt.com. All Rights Reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt * @authors JoomlArt, JoomlaBamboo, (contribute to this project at github * & Google group to become co-author) * @Google group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/t3fw * @Link: http://t3-framework.org *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ ;(function($){ var T3Menu = function(elm, options){ this.$menu = $(elm); if (!this.$menu.length){ return; } this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.t3menu.defaults, options); this.child_open = []; this.loaded = false; this.start(); }; T3Menu.prototype = { constructor: T3Menu, start: function () { //init once if (this.loaded){ return; } this.loaded = true; //start var self = this, options = this.options, $menu = this.$menu; this.$items = $menu.find('li'); this.$items.each(function (idx, li) { var $item = $(this), $child = $item.children('.dropdown-menu'), $link = $item.children('a'), item = { $item: $item, child: $child.length, link: $link.length, clickable: !($link.length && $child.length), mega: $item.hasClass('mega'), status: 'close', timer: null, atimer: null }; //store $item.data('t3menu.item', item); //click action if ($child.length && !options.hover) { $item.on('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); if ($item.hasClass('group')) { return; } if (item.status == 'close') { e.preventDefault(); self.show(item); } }); } else { //stop if click on menu item - prevent bubble event $item.on('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation() }); } // click on caret, no action on link $item.find ('a > .caret').on ('click tap', function(e) { item.clickable = false; }); if (options.hover) { $item.on('mouseover', function (e) { if ($item.hasClass('group')) return ; // check and handle only once - replace for stopPropagation var $target = $(e.target); if ($target.data('show-processed')) return ; $target.data('show-processed', true); setTimeout(function(){$target.data('show-processed', false);}, 10); self.show(item); }).on('mouseleave', function (e) { if ($item.hasClass('group')) return ; // check and handle only once - replace for stopPropagation var $target = $(e.target); if ($target.data('hide-processed')) return ; $target.data('hide-processed', true); setTimeout(function(){$target.data('hide-processed', false);}, 10); self.hide(item); }); //if has child, don't goto link before open child - fix for touch screen if ($link.length && $child.length) { $link.on('click', function (e) { return item.clickable; }); } } }); $(document.body).on('tap hideall.t3menu', function(e){ clearTimeout(self.timer); self.timer = setTimeout($.proxy(self.hide_alls, self), e.type == 'tap' ? 500 : self.options.hidedelay); }); // ignore click on direct child $menu.find('.mega-dropdown-menu').on('hideall.t3menu', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); }, show: function (item) { // hide all others menu of this instance if($.inArray(item, this.child_open) < this.child_open.length -1){ this.hide_others(item); } // hide all for other instances as well $(document.body).trigger('hideall.t3menu', [this]); clearTimeout(this.timer); //hide alls clearTimeout(item.timer); //hide this item clearTimeout(item.ftimer); //on hidden clearTimeout(item.ctimer); //on hidden if(item.status != 'open' || !item.$item.hasClass('open') || !this.child_open.length){ if(item.mega){ //remove timer clearTimeout(item.astimer); //animate clearTimeout(item.atimer); //animate //place menu this.position(item.$item); // add class animate item.astimer = setTimeout(function(){item.$item.addClass('animating')}, 10); item.atimer = setTimeout(function(){item.$item.removeClass('animating')}, this.options.duration + 50); item.timer = setTimeout(function(){item.$item.addClass('open')}, 100); } else { item.$item.addClass('open'); } item.status = 'open'; if (item.child && $.inArray(item, this.child_open) == -1) { this.child_open.push(item); } } item.ctimer = setTimeout($.proxy(this.clickable, this, item), 300); }, hide: function (item) { clearTimeout(this.timer); //hide alls clearTimeout(item.timer); //hide this item clearTimeout(item.astimer); //animate timer clearTimeout(item.atimer); //animate timer clearTimeout(item.ftimer); //on hidden if(item.mega){ //animate out item.$item.addClass('animating'); item.atimer = setTimeout(function(){item.$item.removeClass('animating')}, this.options.duration); item.timer = setTimeout(function(){item.$item.removeClass('open')}, 100); } else { item.$item.removeClass('open'); } item.status = 'close'; for (var i = this.child_open.length; i--;){ if (this.child_open[i] === item){ this.child_open.splice(i, 1); } } item.ftimer = setTimeout($.proxy(this.hidden, this, item), this.options.duration); this.timer = setTimeout($.proxy(this.hide_alls, this), this.options.hidedelay); }, hidden: function (item) { //hide done if (item.status == 'close') { item.clickable = false; } }, hide_others: function (item) { var self = this; $.each(this.child_open.slice(), function (idx, open) { if (!item || (open != item && !open.$item.has(item.$item).length)) { self.hide(open); } }); }, hide_alls: function (e, inst) { if(!e || e.type == 'tap' || (e.type == 'hideall' && this != inst)){ var self = this; $.each(this.child_open.slice(), function (idx, item) { item && self.hide(item); }); } }, clickable: function (item) { item.clickable = true; }, position: function ($item) { var sub = $item.children('.mega-dropdown-menu'), is_show = sub.is(':visible'); if(!is_show){ sub.show(); } var offset = $item.offset(), width = $item.outerWidth(), screen_width = $(window).width() - this.options.sb_width, sub_width = sub.outerWidth(), level = $item.data('level'); if(!is_show){ sub.css('display', ''); } //reset custom align sub.css({left : '', right : ''}); if(level == 1){ var align = $item.data('alignsub'), align_offset = 0, align_delta = 0, align_trans = 0; if(align == 'justify'){ return; //do nothing } if(!align){ align = 'left'; } if(align == 'center'){ align_offset = offset.left + (width /2); if(!$.support.t3transform){ align_trans = -sub_width /2; sub.css(this.options.rtl ? 'right' : 'left', align_trans + width /2); } } else { align_offset = offset.left + ((align == 'left' && this.options.rtl || align == 'right' && !this.options.rtl) ? width : 0); } if (this.options.rtl) { if(align == 'right'){ if(align_offset + sub_width > screen_width){ align_delta = screen_width - align_offset - sub_width; sub.css('left', align_delta); if(screen_width < sub_width){ sub.css('left', align_delta + sub_width - screen_width); } } } else { if(align_offset < (align == 'center' ? sub_width /2 : sub_width)){ align_delta = align_offset - (align == 'center' ? sub_width /2 : sub_width); sub.css('right', align_delta + align_trans); } if(align_offset + (align == 'center' ? sub_width /2 : 0) - align_delta > screen_width){ sub.css('right', align_offset + (align == 'center' ? (sub_width + width) /2 : 0) + align_trans - screen_width); } } } else { if(align == 'right'){ if(align_offset < sub_width){ align_delta = align_offset - sub_width; sub.css('right', align_delta); if(sub_width > screen_width){ sub.css('right', sub_width - screen_width + align_delta); } } } else { if(align_offset + (align == 'center' ? sub_width /2 : sub_width) > screen_width){ align_delta = screen_width - align_offset -(align == 'center' ? sub_width /2 : sub_width); sub.css('left', align_delta + align_trans); } if(align_offset - (align == 'center' ? sub_width /2 : 0) + align_delta < 0){ sub.css('left', (align == 'center' ? (sub_width + width) /2 : 0) + align_trans - align_offset); } } } } else { if (this.options.rtl) { if ($item.closest('.mega-dropdown-menu').parent().hasClass('mega-align-right')) { //should be align to the right as parent // $item.removeClass('mega-align-left').addClass('mega-align-right'); // check if not able => revert the direction if (offset.left + width + sub_width > screen_width) { $item.removeClass('mega-align-right'); //should we add align left ? it is th default now if(offset.left - sub_width < 0){ sub.css('right', offset.left + width - sub_width); } } } else { if (offset.left - sub_width < 0) { $item.removeClass('mega-align-left').addClass('mega-align-right'); if(offset.left + width + sub_width > screen_width){ sub.css('left', screen_width - offset.left - sub_width); } } } } else { if ($item.closest('.mega-dropdown-menu').parent().hasClass('mega-align-right')) { //should be align to the right as parent // $item.removeClass('mega-align-left').addClass('mega-align-right'); // check if not able => revert the direction if (offset.left - sub_width < 0) { $item.removeClass('mega-align-right'); //should we add align left ? it is th default now if(offset.left + width + sub_width > screen_width){ sub.css('left', screen_width - offset.left - sub_width); } } } else { if (offset.left + width + sub_width > screen_width) { $item.removeClass('mega-align-left').addClass('mega-align-right'); if(offset.left - sub_width < 0){ sub.css('right', offset.left + width - sub_width); } } } } } } }; $.fn.t3menu = function (option) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this), data = $this.data('megamenu'), options = typeof option == 'object' && option; // Ignore off-canvas navigation if ($this.parents('#off-canvas-nav').length) return ; if ($this.parents('#t3-off-canvas').length) return ; if (!data) { $this.data('megamenu', (data = new T3Menu(this, options))); } else { if (typeof option == 'string' && data[option]){ data[option]() } } }) }; $.fn.t3menu.defaults = { duration: 400, timeout: 100, hidedelay: 200, hover: true, sb_width: 20 }; //apply script $(document).ready(function(){ //detect settings var mm_duration = $('.t3-megamenu').data('duration') || 0; if (mm_duration) { $('<style type="text/css">' + '.t3-megamenu.animate .animating > .mega-dropdown-menu,' + '.t3-megamenu.animate.slide .animating > .mega-dropdown-menu > div {' + 'transition-duration: ' + mm_duration + 'ms !important;' + '-webkit-transition-duration: ' + mm_duration + 'ms !important;' + '}' + '</style>').appendTo ('head'); } var mm_timeout = mm_duration ? 100 + mm_duration : 500, mm_rtl = $(document.documentElement).attr('dir') == 'rtl', mm_trigger = $(document.documentElement).hasClass('mm-hover'), sb_width = (function () { var parent = $('<div style="width:50px;height:50px;overflow:auto"><div/></div>').appendTo('body'), child = parent.children(), width = child.innerWidth() - child.height(100).innerWidth(); parent.remove(); return width; })(); //lt IE 10 if(!$.support.transition){ //it is not support animate $('.t3-megamenu').removeClass('animate'); mm_timeout = 100; } //get ready $('ul.nav').has('.dropdown-menu').t3menu({ duration: mm_duration, timeout: mm_timeout, rtl: mm_rtl, sb_width: sb_width, hover: mm_trigger }); $(window).load(function(){ //check we miss any nav $('ul.nav').has('.dropdown-menu').t3menu({ duration: mm_duration, timeout: mm_timeout, rtl: mm_rtl, sb_width: sb_width, hover: mm_trigger }); }); }); })(jQuery);