Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/plugins/system/jsntplframework/libraries/joomlashine/widget/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/plugins/system/jsntplframework/libraries/joomlashine/widget/update.php |
<?php /** * @version $Id$ * @package JSNExtension * @subpackage JSNTPLFramework * @author JoomlaShine Team <support@joomlashine.com> * @copyright Copyright (C) 2012 JoomlaShine.com. All Rights Reserved. * @license GNU/GPL v2 or later http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * Websites: http://www.joomlashine.com * Technical Support: Feedback - http://www.joomlashine.com/contact-us/get-support.html */ // No direct access to this file defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); /** * Template update widget * * @package JSNTPLFramework * @subpackage Template * @since 1.0.0 */ class JSNTplWidgetUpdate extends JSNTplWidgetBase { private $_templateVersionData; /** * Checking template version for auto update * * @return void */ public function checkUpdateAction () { $response = array(); try { $templateVersion = JSNTplHelper::getTemplateVersion($this->template['name']); $templateInfo = JSNTplApiLightcart::getProductDetails('cat_template', $this->template['id']); $response['template'] = array( 'currentVersion' => $templateVersion, 'newVersion' => $templateInfo->version, 'hasUpdate' => version_compare($templateInfo->version, $templateVersion, '>') ); } catch (Exception $ex) { $response['template'] = array( 'currentVersion' => $templateVersion, 'newVersion' => $templateVersion, 'hasUpdate' => false ); } try { $frameworkInfo = JSNTplApiLightcart::getProductDetails('cat_template', JSN_TPLFRAMEWORK_ID); $response['framework'] = array( 'currentVersion' => JSN_TPLFRAMEWORK_VERSION, 'newVersion' => $frameworkInfo->version, 'hasUpdate' => version_compare($frameworkInfo->version, JSN_TPLFRAMEWORK_VERSION, '>') ); } catch (Exception $ex) { $response['framework'] = array( 'currentVersion' => JSN_TPLFRAMEWORK_VERSION, 'newVersion' => JSN_TPLFRAMEWORK_VERSION, 'hasUpdate' => false ); } $this->setResponse($response); } /** * Authentication action before install sample data * * @return void */ public function confirmAction () { $target = $this->request->getString('target'); if ($target == 'framework') { // Check if template has update also $this->checkUpdateAction(); $result = $this->getResponse(); $this->render('framework_confirm', array( 'manifest' => JSNTplHelper::getManifestCache('jsntplframework'), 'template' => $this->template['name'], 'templateHasUpdate' => $result['template']['hasUpdate'] )); return; } // Check if user account was stored before $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $q = $db->getQuery(true); $q->select('params'); $q->from('#__extensions'); $q->where('`type` = ' . $q->quote('template')); $q->where('`element` = ' . $q->quote($this->template['name'])); $db->setQuery($q); $account = json_decode($db->loadResult()); $account = ($account && isset($account->username) && isset($account->password)) ? $account : false; // Process posted back data that sent from client if ($account || $this->request->getMethod() == 'POST') { // Checking customer information $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input; $username = $this->request->getMethod() == 'POST' ? $input->getString('username', '') : $account->username; $password = $this->request->getMethod() == 'POST' ? $input->getString('password', '') : $account->password; // Try retrieve ordered editions to check customer information try { JSNTplApiLightcart::getOrderedEditions($this->template['id'], $username, $password); // Store user account for later reference if ($this->request->getMethod() == 'POST') { $q = $db->getQuery(true); $q->update('#__extensions'); $q->set("`params` = '" . json_encode(array('username' => $input->getString('username'), 'password' => $input->getString('password'))) . "'"); $q->where('`type` = ' . $q->quote('template')); $q->where('`element` = ' . $q->quote($this->template['name'])); $db->setQuery($q); if (method_exists($db, 'execute')) { $db->execute(); } else { $db->query(); } } return; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($this->request->getMethod() == 'POST') { throw $e; } } } // Retrieve version data try { $versionData = JSNTplHelper::getVersionData(); } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } // Find template information by identify name foreach ($versionData['items'] AS $item) { if ($item['identified_name'] == $this->template['id']) { if ((isset($item['edition']) AND ! empty($item['edition'])) OR (@is_array($item['editions']) AND count($item['editions']) == 1)) { $template = @is_array($item['editions']) ? $item['editions'][0] : $item; // Render login view $this->render('confirm', array( 'template' => $this->template, 'authenticate' => $template['authentication'] )); } else { foreach ($item['editions'] AS $template) { $edition = trim($template['edition']); if (str_replace('PRO ', '', $this->template['edition']) == str_replace('PRO ', '', $edition)) { // Render login view $this->render('confirm', array( 'template' => $this->template, 'authenticate' => $template['authentication'] )); break; } } } break; } } } /** * Render UI for install update screen * * @return void */ public function installAction () { $target = $this->request->getString('target'); if ($target == 'framework') { $this->render('framework_install', array( 'manifest' => JSNTplHelper::getManifestCache('jsntplframework') )); return; } $this->render('install', array('template' => $this->template)); } /** * Download update package for template * * @return void */ public function downloadAction () { // Process posted back data that sent from client if ($this->request->getMethod() == 'POST') { // Checking customer information $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input; $username = $input->getString('username', ''); $password = $input->getString('password', ''); if (empty($username) && empty($password)) { // Check if user account was stored before $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $q = $db->getQuery(true); $q->select('params'); $q->from('#__extensions'); $q->where('`type` = ' . $q->quote('template')); $q->where('`element` = ' . $q->quote($this->template['name'])); $db->setQuery($q); $account = json_decode($db->loadResult()); if ($account && isset($account->username) && isset($account->password)) { $username = $account->username; $password = $account->password; } } // Load template xml file $edition = strtoupper(trim($this->template['edition'])); if ($edition != 'FREE' AND strpos($edition, 'PRO ') === false) { $edition = 'PRO ' . $edition; } JSNTplHelper::isDisabledFunction('set_time_limit') OR set_time_limit(0); // Download package file try { JSNTplApiLightcart::downloadPackage($this->template['id'], $edition, $username, $password); } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } } } /** * Check files modification state based on checksum. * Files that are not being updated will be ignored. * * @return void */ public function checkBeforeUpdateAction() { $packageFile = JFactory::getConfig()->get('tmp_path') . '/jsn-' . $this->template['id'] . '.zip'; // Check if downloaded template package existen if ( ! is_readable($packageFile)) { throw new Exception(JText::_('JSN_TPLFW_ERROR_DOWNLOAD_PACKAGE_FILE_NOT_FOUND')); } // Get list of modified files that are being updated $modifiedFiles = JSNTplHelper::getModifiedFilesBeingUpdated($this->template['name'], $packageFile); $hasModification = count($modifiedFiles); // Backup modified files that are being updated if ($hasModification) { $integrity = new JSNTplWidgetIntegrity; $integrity->backupAction(); } $this->setResponse(array( 'hasModification' => (boolean) $hasModification )); } /** * Start process to install template update * * @return void */ public function installPackageAction () { // Initialize variables $joomlaConfig = JFactory::getConfig(); $packageFile = $joomlaConfig->get('tmp_path') . '/jsn-' . $this->template['id'] . '.zip'; $packagePath = substr($packageFile, 0, -4); $templatePath = JPATH_ROOT . '/templates/' . $this->template['name']; // Checking downloaded template package if ( ! is_file($packageFile)) { throw new Exception(JText::_('JSN_TPLFW_ERROR_DOWNLOAD_PACKAGE_FILE_NOT_FOUND')); } // Check if template is copied to another name if ($xml = simplexml_load_file($packagePath . '/template/templateDetails.xml')) { if (strcasecmp($this->template['name'], trim((string) $xml->name)) != 0) { // Update templateDetails.xml with new name $content = str_replace((string) $xml->name, $this->template['name'], JFile::read($packagePath . '/template/templateDetails.xml')); JFile::write($packagePath . '/template/templateDetails.xml', $content); } } // Get list of files to be updated try { $update = JSNTplHelper::getFilesBeingUpdated($this->template['name'], $packageFile); if ( ! $update) { throw new Exception(JText::_('JSN_TPLFW_ERROR_DOWNLOAD_PACKAGE_FILE_NOT_FOUND')); } } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } // Include template checksum and manifest files in_array('template.checksum', $update['edit']) OR $update['edit'][] = 'template.checksum'; in_array('templateDetails.xml', $update['edit']) OR $update['edit'][] = 'templateDetails.xml'; // Import necessary libraries jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); jimport('joomla.installer.helper'); // Update the template foreach ($update AS $action => $files) { foreach ($files AS $file) { if ($action != 'add') { JFile::delete($templatePath . '/' . $file); } if ($action != 'delete' AND JFolder::create(dirname($templatePath . '/' . $file))) { JFile::copy($packagePath . '/template/' . $file, $templatePath . '/' . $file); } } } // Move backup file to template directory $source = $joomlaConfig->get('tmp_path') . '/' . $this->template['name'] . '_modified_files.zip'; $target = $templatePath . '/backups/' . date('y-m-d_H-i-s') . '_modified_files.zip'; if (is_readable($source)) { JFile::copy($source, $target); // Remove backup file in temporary directory filesize($source) != filesize($target) OR JFile::delete($source); } // Clean up temporary data JInstallerHelper::cleanupInstall($packageFile, $packagePath); // Check if update success $messages = JFactory::getApplication()->getMessageQueue(); if (class_exists('JError')) { $messages = array_merge(JError::getErrors(), $messages); } foreach ($messages AS $message) { if ( (is_array($message) AND @$message['type'] == 'error') OR (is_object($message) AND ( ! method_exists($message, 'get') OR $message->get('level') == E_ERROR)) ) { $msg = str_replace(JPATH_ROOT, '', is_array($message) ? $message['message'] : $message->getMessage()); $errors[$msg] = 1; } } if (@count($errors)) { throw new Exception('<ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', array_keys($errors)) . '</li></ul>'); } // Update template version in manifest cache $manifest = JSNTplHelper::getManifest($this->template['name'], true); $template = JTable::getInstance('extension'); $template->load(array( 'type' => 'template', 'element' => $this->template['name'] )); if ($template->extension_id) { // Decode manifest cache $template->manifest_cache = json_decode($template->manifest_cache); // Set new template version $template->manifest_cache->version = (string) $manifest->version; // Re-encode manifest cache $template->manifest_cache = json_encode($template->manifest_cache); // Store new data $template->store(); } // Update template version in template definition file $content = preg_replace( '/\$JoomlaShine_Template_Version = \'[^\']+\';/i', '$JoomlaShine_Template_Version = \'' . (string) $manifest->version . '\';', JFile::read($templatePath . '/template.defines.php') ); JFile::write($templatePath . '/template.defines.php', $content); // Clear backup state JFactory::getApplication()->setUserState('jsn-tplfw-backup-done', 0); // Clean up compressed files $this->_cleanCache(); } public function downloadFrameworkAction() { if (!JSNTplHelper::isDisabledFunction('set_time_limit')) { set_time_limit(0); } // Download package file try { JSNTplApiLightcart::downloadPackage('tpl_framework'); } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } } public function installFrameworkAction () { $packageFile = JFactory::getConfig()->get('tmp_path') . '/jsn-tpl_framework.zip'; // Checking downloaded template package if (!is_file($packageFile)) { throw new Exception(JText::_('JSN_TPLFW_ERROR_DOWNLOAD_PACKAGE_FILE_NOT_FOUND')); } // Load install library jimport('joomla.installer.helper'); // Turn off debug mode to catch install error $conf = JFactory::getConfig(); $conf->set('debug', 0); $unpackedInfo = JInstallerHelper::unpack($packageFile); $installer = new JInstaller(); $installer->setUpgrade(true); $installResult = $installer->install($unpackedInfo['dir']); // Clean up temporary data JInstallerHelper::cleanupInstall($packageFile, $unpackedInfo['dir']); // Clean up compressed files $this->_cleanCache(); // Send error if install is failure if (class_exists('JError')) { $error = JError::getError(); if (!empty($error)) throw $error; } } /** * Keep this method for backward compatible with template framework pre-1.1.0 version. * * @return void */ public function backupAction() { // Backup modified files $integrity = new JSNTplWidgetIntegrity; $integrity->backupAction(); // Set response $this->setResponse('index.php?widget=integrity&action=download&type=update&template=' . $this->template['name']); } private function _cleanCache() { // Import necessary library jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); // Get all template style parameter $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $q = $db->getQuery(true); $q->select('params'); $q->from('#__template_styles'); $q->where('template = ' . $q->quote($this->template['name'])); $db->setQuery($q); if ($styles = $db->loadColumn()) { foreach ($styles AS $style) { $cache = 'cache/'; if ($params = json_decode($style) AND isset($params->cacheDirectory)) { $cache = $params->cacheDirectory; } if ( ! preg_match('#^(/|\\|[a-z]:)#i', $cache)) { $cache = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . rtrim($cache, '\\/'); } else { $cache = rtrim($cache, '\\/'); } $cache = $cache . '/' . $this->template['name']; // Clean up compressed files ! is_dir($cache) OR JFolder::delete($cache); } } } }