Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/plugins/system/jcemediabox/js/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/plugins/system/jcemediabox/js/jcemediabox-src.js |
/** * JCEMediaBox 1.1.22 * @package JCEMediaBox * @url http://www.joomlacontenteditor.net * @copyright Copyright (C) 2006 - 2015 Ryan Demmer. All rights reserved * @copyright Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB * @license GNU/GPL Version 2 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * @date 04 April 2015 * This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * */ (function (window) { /** * * Base64 encode / decode * http://www.webtoolkit.info/ * **/ var Base64 = { // private property _keyStr: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", // public method for encoding encode: function (input) { var output = ""; var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; input = Base64._utf8_encode(input); while (i < input.length) { chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++); enc1 = chr1 >> 2; enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4); enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6); enc4 = chr3 & 63; if (isNaN(chr2)) { enc3 = enc4 = 64; } else if (isNaN(chr3)) { enc4 = 64; } output = output + Base64._keyStr.charAt(enc1) + Base64._keyStr.charAt(enc2) + Base64._keyStr.charAt(enc3) + Base64._keyStr.charAt(enc4); } return output; }, // public method for decoding decode: function (input) { var output = ""; var chr1, chr2, chr3; var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, ""); while (i < input.length) { enc1 = Base64._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc2 = Base64._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc3 = Base64._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc4 = Base64._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4); chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2); chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4; output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1); if (enc3 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2); } if (enc4 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3); } } output = Base64._utf8_decode(output); return output; }, // private method for UTF-8 encoding _utf8_encode: function (string) { string = string.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); var utftext = ""; for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) { var c = string.charCodeAt(n); if (c < 128) { utftext += String.fromCharCode(c); } else if ((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) { utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); } else { utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224); utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); } } return utftext; }, // private method for UTF-8 decoding _utf8_decode: function (utftext) { var string = ""; var i = 0; var c = 0, c1 = 0, c2 = 0; while (i < utftext.length) { c = utftext.charCodeAt(i); if (c < 128) { string += String.fromCharCode(c); i++; } else if ((c > 191) && (c < 224)) { c1 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c1 & 63)); i += 2; } else { c1 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1); c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 2); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c1 & 63) << 6) | (c2 & 63)); i += 3; } } return string; } }; // patch in btoa if (!window.btoa) { window.btoa = Base64.encode; } // patch in atob if (!window.atob) { window.atob = Base64.decode; } // html5 element support var support = {}; /* * From Modernizr v2.0.6 * http://www.modernizr.com * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Faruk Ates, Paul Irish, Alex Sexton */ support.video = (function () { var el = document.createElement('video'); var bool = false; // IE9 Running on Windows Server SKU can cause an exception to be thrown, bug #224 try { if (bool = !!el.canPlayType) { bool = new Boolean(bool); bool.ogg = el.canPlayType('video/ogg; codecs="theora"'); // Workaround required for IE9, which doesn't report video support without audio codec specified. // bug 599718 @ msft connect var h264 = 'video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E'; bool.mp4 = el.canPlayType(h264 + '"') || el.canPlayType(h264 + ', mp4a.40.2"'); bool.webm = el.canPlayType('video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"'); } } catch (e) { } return bool; })(); var entities = { '\"': '"', "'": ''', '<': '<', '>': '>', '&': '&' }; /* * From Modernizr v2.0.6 * http://www.modernizr.com * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Faruk Ates, Paul Irish, Alex Sexton */ support.audio = (function () { var el = document.createElement('audio'); try { if (bool = !!el.canPlayType) { bool = new Boolean(bool); bool.ogg = el.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"'); bool.mp3 = el.canPlayType('audio/mpeg;'); // Mimetypes accepted: // https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Media_formats_supported_by_the_audio_and_video_elements // http://bit.ly/iphoneoscodecs bool.wav = el.canPlayType('audio/wav; codecs="1"'); bool.m4a = el.canPlayType('audio/x-m4a;') || el.canPlayType('audio/aac;'); bool.webm = el.canPlayType('audio/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"'); } } catch (e) { } return bool; })(); window.JCEMediaBox = { /** * Global Options Object */ options: { popup: { width: '', height: '', legacy: 0, lightbox: 0, shadowbox: 0, overlay: 1, overlayopacity: 0.8, overlaycolor: '#000000', resize: 0, icons: 1, fadespeed: 500, scalespeed: 500, hideobjects: 1, scrolling: 'fixed', //protect : 1, close: 2, labels: { 'close': 'Close', 'next': 'Next', 'previous': 'Previous', 'numbers': '{$current} of {$total}', 'cancel': 'Cancel' }, cookie_expiry: 7, google_viewer: 0, pdfjs: 0 }, tooltip: { speed: 150, offsets: { x: 16, y: 16 }, position: 'br', opacity: 0.8, background: '#000000', color: '#ffffff' }, base: '/', pngfix: false, pngfixclass: '', theme: 'standard', imgpath: 'plugins/system/jcemediabox/img' }, init: function (options) { this.extend(this.options, options); // Clear IE6 background cache if (this.isIE6) { try { document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true); } catch (e) { } } this.ready(); }, /** * Function to determine if DOM is ready. * Based on JQuery 'bindReady' function - http://jquery.com/ * Copyright (c) 2009 John Resig */ ready: function () { // Mozilla, Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this event if (document.addEventListener) { // Use the handy event callback document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", arguments.callee, false); return JCEMediaBox._init(); }, false); // If IE event model is used } else if (document.attachEvent) { // ensure firing before onload, // maybe late but safe also for iframes document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function () { if (document.readyState === "complete") { document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", arguments.callee); return JCEMediaBox._init(); } }); // If IE and not an iframe // continually check to see if the document is ready if (document.documentElement.doScroll && window == window.top) { (function () { if (JCEMediaBox.domLoaded) return; try { // If IE is used, use the trick by Diego Perini // http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/ document.documentElement.doScroll("left"); } catch (error) { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0); return; } // and execute any waiting functions return JCEMediaBox._init(); })(); } } // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work JCEMediaBox.Event.add(window, "load", function () { return JCEMediaBox._init(); }); }, /** * Get the Site Base URL * @method getSite * @return {String} Site Base URL */ getSite: function () { var base = this.options.base; if (base) { // Get document location var site = document.location.href; // Split into port (http) and location var parts = site.split(':\/\/'); var port = parts[0]; var url = parts[1]; // Get url part before base if (url.indexOf(base) != -1) { url = url.substr(0, url.indexOf(base)); // Get url part before first slash } else { url = url.substr(0, url.indexOf('/')) || url; } // Return full url return port + '://' + url + base; } // Can't get site URL! return null; }, /** * Private internal function * Initialize JCEMediaBox */ _init: function () { if (this.domLoaded) return; this.domLoaded = true; var t = this, na = navigator, ua = na.userAgent; /** * Constant that is true if the browser is Opera. * * @property isOpera * @type Boolean * @final */ t.isOpera = window.opera && opera.buildNumber; /** * Constant that is true if the browser is WebKit (Safari/Chrome). * * @property isWebKit * @type Boolean * @final */ t.isWebKit = /WebKit/.test(ua); t.isChrome = /Chrome\//.test(ua); t.isSafari = /Safari\//.test(ua); /** * Constant that is true if the browser is IE. * * @property isIE * @type Boolean * @final */ t.isIE = !t.isWebKit && !t.isOpera && (/MSIE/gi).test(ua) && (/Explorer/gi).test(na.appName) && !!window.ActiveXObject; /** * Constant that is true if the browser is IE 6 or older. * * @property isIE6 * @type Boolean * @final */ t.isIE6 = t.isIE && /MSIE [56]/.test(ua) && !window.XMLHttpRequest; /** * Constant that is true if the browser is IE 7. * * @property isIE7 * @type Boolean * @final */ t.isIE7 = t.isIE && /MSIE [7]/.test(ua) && !!window.XMLHttpRequest && !document.querySelector; /** * Constant that tells if the current browser is an iPhone or iPad. * * @property isiOS * @type Boolean * @final */ t.isiOS = /(iPad|iPhone)/.test(ua); t.isAndroid = /Android/.test(ua); /** * Get the Site URL * @property site * @type String */ this.site = this.getSite(); // Can't get reliable site URL if (!this.site) { return false; } // Initialize Popup / Tooltip creation this.Popup.init(); this.ToolTip.init(); }, /** * Performs an iteration of all items in a collection such as an object or array. This method will execure the * callback function for each item in the collection, if the callback returns false the iteration will terminate. * The callback has the following format: cb(value, key_or_index). * * @method each * @param {Object} o Collection to iterate. * @param {function} cb Callback function to execute for each item. * @param {Object} s Optional scope to execute the callback in. * @copyright Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB */ each: function (o, cb, s) { var n, l; if (!o) { return 0; } s = s || o; if (o.length !== undefined) { // Indexed arrays, needed for Safari for (n = 0, l = o.length; n < l; n++) { if (cb.call(s, o[n], n, o) === false) { break; } } } else { // Hashtables for (n in o) { if (o.hasOwnProperty(n)) { if (cb.call(s, o[n], n, o) === false) { break; } } } } return o; }, /** * Extends an object with the specified other object(s). * * @method extend * @param {Object} o Object to extend with new items. * @param {Object} e..n Object(s) to extend the specified object with. * @return {Object} o New extended object, same reference as the input object. * @copyright Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB */ extend: function (obj, ext) { var i, l, name, args = arguments, value; for (i = 1, l = args.length; i < l; i++) { ext = args[i]; for (name in ext) { if (ext.hasOwnProperty(name)) { value = ext[name]; if (value !== undefined) { obj[name] = value; } } } } return obj; }, /** * Removes whitespace from the beginning and end of a string. * * @method trim * @param {String} s String to remove whitespace from. * @return {String} New string with removed whitespace. * @copyright Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB */ trim: function (s) { return (s ? '' + s : '').replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, ''); }, /** * Find index of item in array * @param {array} a Array to look in * @param {mixed} s Item to find * @return {Number, i} Index */ inArray: function (a, s) { var i, l; if (a) { for (i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) { if (a[i] === s) { return i; } } } return -1; }, /** * DOM functions */ DOM: { /** * Get an Element by ID * @param {Object} s ID */ get: function (s) { if (typeof (s) == 'string') return document.getElementById(s); return s; }, /** * Return elements matching a simple selector, eg: a, a[id], a.classname * @param {Object} o Selector * @param {Object} p Parent Element */ select: function (o, p) { var t = this, r = [], s, parts, at, tag, cl, each = JCEMediaBox.each; p = p || document; // Return all elements if (o == '*') { return p.getElementsByTagName(o); } // Use native support if available if (p.querySelectorAll) { return p.querySelectorAll(o); } /** * Internal inArray function * @param {Object} a Array to check * @param {Object} s Key to check for */ function inArray(a, v) { var i, l; if (a) { for (i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) { if (a[i] === v) return true; } } return false; } // Split selector s = o.split(','); each(s, function (selectors) { parts = JCEMediaBox.trim(selectors).split('.'); // Element tag = parts[0] || '*'; // Class cl = parts[1] || ''; // Handle attributes if (/\[(.*?)\]/.test(tag)) { tag = tag.replace(/(.*?)\[(.*?)\]/, function (a, b, c) { at = c; return b; }); } // Get all elements for the given parent and tag var elements = p.getElementsByTagName(tag); // If class or attribute if (cl || at) { each(elements, function (el) { // If class if (cl) { if (t.hasClass(el, cl)) { if (!inArray(r, el)) { r.push(el); } } } // If attribute if (at) { if (el.getAttribute(at)) { if (!inArray(r, el)) { r.push(el); } } } }); } else { r = elements; } }); return r; }, /** * Check if an element has a specific class * @param {Object} el Element * @param {Object} c Class */ hasClass: function (el, c) { return new RegExp(c).test(el.className); }, /** * Add a class to an element * @param {Object} el Element * @param {Object} c Class */ addClass: function (el, c) { if (!this.hasClass(el, c)) { el.className = JCEMediaBox.trim(el.className + ' ' + c); } }, /** * Remove a class from an element * @param {Object} el Element * @param {Object} c Class to remove */ removeClass: function (el, c) { if (this.hasClass(el, c)) { var s = el.className; var re = new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + c + "(\\s+|$)", "g"); var v = s.replace(re, ' '); v = v.replace(/^\s|\s$/g, ''); el.className = v; } }, /** * Show an element * @param {Object} el Element to show */ show: function (el) { el.style.display = 'block'; }, /** * Hide and element * @param {Object} el Element to hide */ hide: function (el) { el.style.display = 'none'; }, /** * Remove an element or attribute * @param {Object} el Element * @param {String} attrib Attribute */ remove: function (el, attrib) { if (attrib) { el.removeAttribute(attrib); } else { var p = el.parentNode || document.body; p.removeChild(el); } }, /** * Set or retrieve a style * @param {Object} el Target Element * @param {Object} s Style to set / get * @param {Object} v Value to set */ style: function (n, na, v) { var isIE = JCEMediaBox.isIE, r, s; if (!n) { return; } // Camelcase it, if needed na = na.replace(/-(\D)/g, function (a, b) { return b.toUpperCase(); }); s = n.style; // Get value if (typeof v == 'undefined') { if (na == 'float') na = isIE ? 'styleFloat' : 'cssFloat'; r = s[na]; if (document.defaultView && !r) { if (/float/i.test(na)) na = 'float'; // Remove camelcase na = na.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (a) { return '-' + a; }).toLowerCase(); try { r = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(n, null).getPropertyValue(na); } catch (e) { } } if (n.currentStyle && !r) r = n.currentStyle[na]; return r; } else { switch (na) { case 'opacity': v = parseFloat(v); // IE specific opacity if (isIE) { s.filter = v === '' ? '' : "alpha(opacity=" + (v * 100) + ")"; if (!n.currentStyle || !n.currentStyle.hasLayout) s.display = 'inline-block'; } s[na] = v; break; case 'float': na = isIE ? 'styleFloat' : 'cssFloat'; break; default: if (v && /(margin|padding|width|height|top|bottom|left|right)/i.test(na)) { // Add pixel value if number v = /^[\-0-9\.]+$/.test(v) ? v + 'px' : v; } break; } s[na] = v; } }, /** * Set styles * @param {Object} el Target Element * @param {Object} props Object of style key/values */ styles: function (el, props) { var t = this; JCEMediaBox.each(props, function (v, s) { return t.style(el, s, v); }); }, /** * Set an Element attribute * @param {Object} el * @param {Object} s * @param {Object} v */ attribute: function (el, s, v) { if (typeof v == 'undefined') { if (s == 'class') { return el.className; } v = el.getAttribute(s); // Remove anonymous function from events if (v && /^on/.test(s)) { v = v.toString(); v = v.replace(/^function\s+anonymous\(\)\s+\{\s+(.*)\s+\}$/, '$1'); } // Fix Hspace if (s == 'hspace' && v == -1) { v = ''; } return v; } // Remove attribute if no value if (v === '') { el.removeAttribute(s); } switch (s) { case 'style': if (typeof v == 'object') { this.styles(el, v); } else { el.style.cssText = v; } break; case 'class': el.className = v || ''; break; default: el.setAttribute(s, v); break; } }, /** * Set Attributes on an Element * @param {Object} el Target Element * @param {Object} attribs Attributes Object */ attributes: function (el, attribs) { var t = this; JCEMediaBox.each(attribs, function (v, s) { t.attribute(el, s, v); }); }, /** * Create an Element * @param {Object} el Element to create * @param {Object} attribs Attributes * @param {Object} styles Styles * @param {Object} html HTML */ create: function (el, attribs, html) { var o = document.createElement(el); this.attributes(o, attribs); if (typeof html != 'undefined') { o.innerHTML = html; } return o; }, /** * Add an element to another * @param {Object} n Element to add to * @param {Object} o Element to add. Will be created if string * @param {Object} a Optional attributes * @param {Object} h Optional HTML */ add: function (n, o, a, h) { if (typeof o == 'string') { a = a || {}; o = this.create(o, a, h); } n.appendChild(o); return o; }, /** * Add an element before the passed in element * @param {Object} n Element to insert into * @param {Object} o Element to insert * @param {Object} c Element to insert before */ addBefore: function (n, o, c) { if (typeof c == 'undefined') { c = n.firstChild; } n.insertBefore(o, c); }, /** * IE6 PNG Fix * @param {Object} el Element to fix */ png: function (el) { var s; // Image Elements if (el.nodeName == 'IMG') { s = el.src; if (/\.png$/i.test(s)) { this.attribute(el, 'src', JCEMediaBox.site + 'plugins/system/jcemediabox/img/blank.gif'); this.style(el, 'filter', "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + s + "')"); } // Background-image styles } else { s = this.style(el, 'background-image'); if (/\.png/i.test(s)) { var bg = /url\("(.*)"\)/.exec(s)[1]; this.styles(el, { 'background-image': 'none', 'filter': "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + bg + "', sizingMethod='image')" }); } } }, encode: function (s) { return ('' + s).replace(/[<>&\"\']/g, function (c) { return entities[c] || c; }); }, decode: function (s) { var el; el = document.createElement("div"); el.innerHTML = s; return el.textContent || el.innerText || s; } }, /** * Event Functions */ Event: { events: [], /** * Add an Event handler * @param {Object} o Target Element * @param {Object} n Event name * @param {Object} f Callback function * @param {Object} s Scope * @copyright Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB */ add: function (o, n, f, s) { var t = this; // Setup event callback cb = function (e) { // Is all events disabled if (t.disabled) return; e = e || window.event; // Patch in target, preventDefault and stopPropagation in IE it's W3C valid if (e && JCEMediaBox.isIE) { if (!e.target) { e.target = e.srcElement || document; } if (!e.relatedTarget && e.fromElement) { e.relatedTarget = e.fromElement == e.target ? e.toElement : e.fromElement; } // Patch in preventDefault, stopPropagation methods for W3C compatibility JCEMediaBox.extend(e, { preventDefault: function () { this.returnValue = false; }, stopPropagation: function () { this.cancelBubble = true; } }); } if (e && JCEMediaBox.isWebKit) { if (e.target.nodeType == 3) { e.target = e.target.parentNode; } } if (!s) return f(e); return f.call(s, e); }; // Internal function to add an event to an object function _add(o, n, f) { if (o.attachEvent) { o.attachEvent('on' + n, f); } else if (o.addEventListener) { o.addEventListener(n, f, false); } else { o['on' + n] = f; } } t.events.push({ obj: o, name: n, func: f, cfunc: cb, scope: s }); // Add event _add(o, n, cb); }, /** * Removes the specified event handler by name and function from a element or collection of elements. * * @method remove * @param {String/Element/Array} o Element ID string or HTML element or an array of elements or ids to remove handler from. * @param {String} n Event handler name like for example: "click" * @param {function} f Function to remove. * @return {bool/Array} Bool state if true if the handler was removed or an array with states if multiple elements where passed in. * @copyright Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB */ remove: function (o, n, f) { var t = this, a = t.events, s = false; JCEMediaBox.each(a, function (e, i) { if (e.obj == o && e.name == n && (!f || (e.func == f || e.cfunc == f))) { a.splice(i, 1); t._remove(o, n, e.cfunc); s = true; return false; } }); return s; }, /** * Internal function to remove an Event * @param {Object} o * @param {Object} n * @param {Object} f * @copyright Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB */ _remove: function (o, n, f) { if (o) { try { if (o.detachEvent) o.detachEvent('on' + n, f); else if (o.removeEventListener) o.removeEventListener(n, f, false); else o['on' + n] = null; } catch (ex) { // Might fail with permission denined on IE so we just ignore that } } }, /** * Cancels an event for both bubbeling and the default browser behavior. * * @method cancel * @param {Event} e Event object to cancel. * @return {Boolean} Always false. * @copyright Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB */ cancel: function (e) { if (!e) return false; this.stop(e); return this.prevent(e); }, /** * Stops propogation/bubbeling of an event. * * @method stop * @param {Event} e Event to cancel bubbeling on. * @return {Boolean} Always false. * @copyright Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB */ stop: function (e) { if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); else e.cancelBubble = true; return false; }, /** * Prevent default browser behvaior of an event. * * @method prevent * @param {Event} e Event to prevent default browser behvaior of an event. * @return {Boolean} Always false. * @copyright Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB */ prevent: function (e) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false; return false; }, /** * Destroys the instance. * * @method destroy * @copyright Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB */ destroy: function () { var t = this; JCEMediaBox.each(t.events, function (e, i) { t._remove(e.obj, e.name, e.cfunc); e.obj = e.cfunc = null; }); t.events = []; t = null; }, /** * Adds an unload handler to the document. This handler will be executed when the document gets unloaded. * This method is useful for dealing with browser memory leaks where it might be vital to remove DOM references etc. * * @method addUnload * @param {function} f Function to execute before the document gets unloaded. * @param {Object} s Optional scope to execute the function in. * @return {function} Returns the specified unload handler function. * @copyright Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB */ addUnload: function (f, s) { var t = this; f = { func: f, scope: s || this }; if (!t.unloads) { function unload() { var li = t.unloads, o, n; if (li) { // Call unload handlers for (n in li) { o = li[n]; if (o && o.func) o.func.call(o.scope, 1); // Send in one arg to distinct unload and user destroy } // Detach unload function if (window.detachEvent) { window.detachEvent('onbeforeunload', fakeUnload); window.detachEvent('onunload', unload); } else if (window.removeEventListener) window.removeEventListener('unload', unload, false); // Destroy references t.unloads = o = li = w = unload = 0; // Run garbarge collector on IE if (window.CollectGarbage) CollectGarbage(); } } ; function fakeUnload() { var d = document; // Is there things still loading, then do some magic if (d.readyState == 'interactive') { function stop() { // Prevent memory leak d.detachEvent('onstop', stop); // Call unload handler if (unload) unload(); d = 0; } ; // Fire unload when the currently loading page is stopped if (d) d.attachEvent('onstop', stop); // Remove onstop listener after a while to prevent the unload function // to execute if the user presses cancel in an onbeforeunload // confirm dialog and then presses the browser stop button window.setTimeout(function () { if (d) d.detachEvent('onstop', stop); }, 0); } } ; // Attach unload handler if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('onunload', unload); window.attachEvent('onbeforeunload', fakeUnload); } else if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener('unload', unload, false); // Setup initial unload handler array t.unloads = [f]; } else t.unloads.push(f); return f; }, /** * Removes the specified function form the unload handler list. * * @method removeUnload * @param {function} f Function to remove from unload handler list. * @return {function} Removed function name or null if it wasn't found. */ removeUnload: function (f) { var u = this.unloads, r = null; JCEMediaBox.each(u, function (o, i) { if (o && o.func == f) { u.splice(i, 1); r = f; return false; } }); return r; } }, Dimensions: { /** * Get client window width */ getWidth: function () { return document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth || window.innerWidth || 0; }, /** * Get client window height */ getHeight: function () { if (JCEMediaBox.isiOS || JCEMediaBox.isAndroid) { // Get zoom level of mobile Safari // Note, that such zoom detection might not work correctly in other browsers // We use width, instead of height, because there are no vertical toolbars :) var zoomLevel = document.documentElement.clientWidth / window.innerWidth; // window.innerHeight returns height of the visible area. // We multiply it by zoom and get out real height. return window.innerHeight * zoomLevel; } return document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight || window.innerHeight || 0; }, /** * Get client window scroll height */ getScrollHeight: function () { return document.documentElement.scrollHeight || document.body.scrollHeight || 0; }, /** * Get client window scroll width */ getScrollWidth: function () { return document.documentElement.scrollWidth || document.body.scrollWidth || 0; }, /** * Get client window scroll top */ getScrollTop: function () { return document.documentElement.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop || 0; }, /** * Get the page scrollbar width */ getScrollbarWidth: function () { var DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM; if (this.scrollbarWidth) { return this.scrollbarWidth; } var outer = DOM.add(document.body, 'div', { 'style': { position: 'absolute', visibility: 'hidden', width: 200, height: 200, border: 0, margin: 0, padding: 0, overflow: 'hidden' } }); var inner = DOM.add(outer, 'div', { 'style': { width: '100%', height: 200, border: 0, margin: 0, padding: 0 } }); var w1 = parseInt(inner.offsetWidth); outer.style.overflow = 'scroll'; var w2 = parseInt(inner.offsetWidth); if (w1 == w2) { w2 = parseInt(outer.clientWidth); } document.body.removeChild(outer); this.scrollbarWidth = (w1 - w2); return this.scrollbarWidth; }, /** * Get the outerwidth of an element * @param {Object} n Element */ outerWidth: function (n) { var v = 0, x = 0; x = n.offsetWidth; if (!x) { JCEMediaBox.each(['padding-left', 'padding-right', 'border-left', 'border-right', 'width'], function (s) { v = parseFloat(JCEMediaBox.DOM.style(n, s)); v = /[0-9]/.test(v) ? v : 0; x = x + v; }); } return x; }, /** * Get the outerheight of an Element * @param {Object} n Element */ outerHeight: function (n) { var v = 0, x = 0; x = n.offsetHeight; if (!x) { JCEMediaBox.each(['padding-top', 'padding-bottom', 'border-top', 'border-bottom', 'height'], function (s) { v = parseFloat(JCEMediaBox.DOM.style(n, s)); v = /[0-9]/.test(v) ? v : 0; x = x + v; }); } return x; } }, /** * FX Functions * @param {Object} t * @param {Object} b * @param {Object} c * @param {Object} d */ FX: { animate: function (el, props, speed, cb) { var DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM; var options = { speed: speed || 100, callback: cb || function () { } }; var styles = {}, sv; JCEMediaBox.each(props, function (v, s) { // Find start value sv = parseFloat(DOM.style(el, s)); styles[s] = [sv, v]; }); new JCEMediaBox.fx(el, options).custom(styles); return true; } } }; /** * XHR Functions * Based on XHR.js (Mootools) and XHR.js (TinyMCE) * Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB, <http://tinymce.moxiecode.com> * copyright (c) 2007 Valerio Proietti, <http://mad4milk.net> */ JCEMediaBox.XHR = function (options, scope) { this.options = { //method: 'GET', async: true, headers: { //'User-Agent' : 'XMLHTTP/1.0', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Accept': 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*' }, data: null, encoding: 'UTF-8', success: function () { }, error: function () { } }; // Set options JCEMediaBox.extend(this.options, options); // optional scope for callback functions this.scope = scope || this; }; JCEMediaBox.XHR.prototype = { /** * Set transport method */ setTransport: function () { function get(s) { var x = 0; try { x = new ActiveXObject(s); } catch (ex) { } return x; } this.transport = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : get('Microsoft.XMLHTTP') || get('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); }, /** * Process return */ onStateChange: function () { if (this.transport.readyState != 4 || !this.running) { return; } this.running = false; if ((this.transport.status >= 200) && (this.transport.status < 300)) { var s = this.transport.responseText; var x = this.transport.responseXML; this.options.success.call(this.scope, s, x); } else { this.options.error.call(this.scope, this.transport, this.options); } // Clean up this.transport.onreadystatechange = function () { }; this.transport = null; }, /** * Send request * @param {Object} url URL * @param {Object} options Request options * @param {Object} s Scope */ send: function (url) { var t = this, extend = JCEMediaBox.extend; if (this.running) { return this; } this.running = true; // Set request transport method this.setTransport(); // store request method as uppercase (GET|POST) var method = this.options.data ? 'POST' : 'GET'; // set encoding var encoding = (this.options.encoding) ? '; charset=' + this.options.encoding.toUpperCase() : ''; // Set standard GET header var contentType = { 'Content-type': 'text/html' + encoding }; // Set URL Encoded / POST header options if (this.options.data) { contentType = { 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' + encoding }; } extend(this.options.headers, contentType); // Open transport this.transport.open(method, url, this.options.async); // Set readystatechange function this.transport.onreadystatechange = function () { return t.onStateChange(); }; /*if (method == 'POST' && this.transport.overrideMimeType) { extend(this.options.headers, { 'Connection': 'close' }); }*/ // set headers for (var type in this.options.headers) { try { this.transport.setRequestHeader(type, this.options.headers[type]); } catch (e) { } } // send request this.transport.send(this.options.data); } }, /** * Core Fx Functions * @param {Object} el Element to animate * @param {Object} props A set of styles to animate * @param {String} speed Speed of animation in milliseconds * @param {Object} cb Optional Callback when the animation finishes */ JCEMediaBox.fx = function (el, options) { this.element = el; this.callback = options.callback; this.speed = options.speed; this.wait = true; this.fps = 50; this.now = {}; }; /** * Based on Moo.Fx.Base and Moo.Fx.Styles * @copyright (c) 2006 Valerio Proietti (http://mad4milk.net). MIT-style license. */ JCEMediaBox.fx.prototype = { step: function () { var time = new Date().getTime(); if (time < this.time + this.speed) { this.cTime = time - this.time; this.setNow(); } else { var t = this; this.clearTimer(); this.now = this.to; setTimeout(function () { t.callback.call(t.element, t); }, 10); } this.increase(); }, setNow: function () { var p; for (p in this.from) { this.now[p] = this.compute(this.from[p], this.to[p]); } }, compute: function (from, to) { var change = to - from; return this.transition(this.cTime, from, change, this.speed); }, clearTimer: function () { clearInterval(this.timer); this.timer = null; return this; }, start: function (from, to) { var t = this; if (!this.wait) this.clearTimer(); if (this.timer) return; this.from = from; this.to = to; this.time = new Date().getTime(); this.timer = setInterval(function () { return t.step(); }, Math.round(1000 / this.fps)); return this; }, custom: function (o) { if (this.timer && this.wait) return; var from = {}, to = {}, property; for (property in o) { from[property] = o[property][0]; to[property] = o[property][1]; } return this.start(from, to); }, increase: function () { for (var p in this.now) { this.setStyle(this.element, p, this.now[p]); } }, transition: function (t, b, c, d) { return -c * Math.cos(t / d * (Math.PI / 2)) + c + b; }, setStyle: function (e, p, v) { JCEMediaBox.DOM.style(e, p, v); } }, /** * Core Tooltip Object * Create and display tooltips * Based on Mootools Tips Class * copyright (c) 2007 Valerio Proietti, <http://mad4milk.net> */ JCEMediaBox.ToolTip = { /** * Initialise the tooltip * @param {Object} elements * @param {Object} options */ init: function () { var t = this; // Load tooltip theme var theme = JCEMediaBox.options.theme == 'custom' ? JCEMediaBox.options.themecustom : JCEMediaBox.options.theme; this.tooltiptheme = ''; new JCEMediaBox.XHR({ success: function (text, xml) { var re = /<!-- THEME START -->([\s\S]*?)<!-- THEME END -->/; if (re.test(text)) { text = re.exec(text)[1]; } t.tooltiptheme = text; t.create(); } }).send(JCEMediaBox.site + JCEMediaBox.options.themepath + '/' + theme + '/tooltip.html'); }, /** * Create tooltips in the cuurent document or node * @param o Option parent node, defaults to document */ create: function (o) { var t = this, each = JCEMediaBox.each, DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM, Event = JCEMediaBox.Event; /** * Private internal function to exclude children of element in event * @param {Object} el Element with event * @param {Object} e Event object * @param {Object} fn Callback function */ function _withinElement(el, e, fn) { // Get target var p = e.relatedTarget; // If element is not target and target not within element... while (p && p != el) { try { p = p.parentNode; } catch (e) { p = el; } } if (p != el) { return fn.call(this); } return false; } // Add events to each found tooltip element each(DOM.select('.jcetooltip, .jce_tooltip', o), function (el) { // store away title DOM.attribute(el, 'data-title', el.title); DOM.remove(el, 'title'); var n = el; // set event element as parent if popup icon if (el.nodeName == 'IMG' && el.parentNode.className == 'jcemediabox-zoom-span') { n = el.parentNode; } Event.add(n, 'mouseover', function (e) { _withinElement(el, e, function () { return t.start(el); }); }); Event.add(n, 'mouseout', function (e) { _withinElement(el, e, function () { return t.end(el); }); }); Event.add(n, 'mousemove', function (e) { return t.locate(e); }); }); }, /** * Create the tooltip div */ build: function () { if (!this.toolTip) { var DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM; this.toolTip = DOM.add(document.body, 'div', { 'style': { 'opacity': 0 }, 'class': 'jcemediabox-tooltip' }, this.tooltiptheme); if (JCEMediaBox.isIE6) { DOM.addClass(this.toolTip, 'ie6'); } } }, /** * Show the tooltip and build the tooltip text * @param {Object} e Event * @param {Object} el Target Element */ start: function (el) { var t = this, DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM; if (!this.tooltiptheme) return false; // Create tooltip if it doesn't exist this.build(); // Get tooltip text from title var text = DOM.attribute(el, 'data-title') || '', title = ''; // Split tooltip text ie: title::text if (/::/.test(text)) { var parts = text.split('::'); title = JCEMediaBox.trim(parts[0]); text = JCEMediaBox.trim(parts[1]); } var h = ''; // Set tooltip title html if (title) { h += '<h4>' + title + '</h4>'; } // Set tooltip text html if (text) { h += '<p>' + text + '</p>'; } // Set tooltip html var tn = DOM.get('jcemediabox-tooltip-text'); // Use simple tooltip if (typeof tn == 'undefined') { this.toolTip.className = 'jcemediabox-tooltip-simple'; this.toolTip.innerHTML = h; } else { tn.innerHTML = h; } // Set visible DOM.style(t.toolTip, 'visibility', 'visible'); // Fade in tooltip JCEMediaBox.FX.animate(t.toolTip, { 'opacity': JCEMediaBox.options.tooltip.opacity }, JCEMediaBox.options.tooltip.speed); }, /** * Fade Out and hide the tooltip * Restore the original element title * @param {Object} el Element */ end: function (el) { if (!this.tooltiptheme) return false; // Fade out tooltip and hide JCEMediaBox.DOM.styles(this.toolTip, { 'visibility': 'hidden', 'opacity': 0 }); }, /** * Position the tooltip * @param {Object} e Event trigger */ locate: function (e) { if (!this.tooltiptheme) return false; this.build(); var o = JCEMediaBox.options.tooltip.offsets; var page = { 'x': e.pageX || e.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft, 'y': e.pageY || e.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop }; var tip = { 'x': this.toolTip.offsetWidth, 'y': this.toolTip.offsetHeight }; var pos = { 'x': page.x + o.x, 'y': page.y + o.y }; var ah = 0; switch (JCEMediaBox.options.tooltip.position) { case 'tl': pos.x = (page.x - tip.x) - o.x; pos.y = (page.y - tip.y) - (ah + o.y); break; case 'tr': pos.x = page.x + o.x; pos.y = (page.y - tip.y) - (ah + o.y); break; case 'tc': pos.x = (page.x - Math.round((tip.x / 2))) + o.x; pos.y = (page.y - tip.y) - (ah + o.y); break; case 'bl': pos.x = (page.x - tip.x) - o.x; pos.y = (page.y + Math.round((tip.y / 2))) - (ah + o.y); break; case 'br': pos.x = page.x + o.x; pos.y = page.y + o.y; break; case 'bc': pos.x = (page.x - (tip.x / 2)) + o.x; pos.y = page.y + ah + o.y; break; } JCEMediaBox.DOM.styles(this.toolTip, { top: pos.y, left: pos.x }); }, /** * Position the tooltip * @param {Object} element */ position: function (element) { } }, /** * Core Popup Object * Creates and displays a media popup */ JCEMediaBox.Popup = { /** * List of default addon media types */ addons: { 'flash': {}, 'image': {}, 'iframe': {}, 'html': {}, 'pdf': {} }, /** * Extend the addons object with a new addon * @param {String} n Addon name * @param {Object} o Addon object */ setAddons: function (n, o) { JCEMediaBox.extend(this.addons[n], o); }, /** * Return an addon object by name or all addons * @param {String} n Addon name */ getAddons: function (n) { if (n) { return this.addons[n]; } return this.addons; }, /** * Get / Test an addon object * @param {Object} v * @param {Object} n */ getAddon: function (v, n) { var cp = false, r, each = JCEMediaBox.each; addons = this.getAddons(n); each(this.addons, function (o, s) { each(o, function (fn) { r = fn.call(this, v); if (typeof r != 'undefined') { cp = r; } }); }); return cp; }, /** * Clean an event removing anonymous function etc. * @param {String} s Event content * Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB */ cleanEvent: function (s) { return s.replace(/^function\s+anonymous\(\)\s+\{\s+(.*)\s+\}$/, '$1'); }, /** * Create an object from a well formed JSON string * @param {String} data JSON String * @return {Object} * Logic borrowed from JQuery * http://jquery.com/ * Copyright 2010, John Resig */ parseJSON: function (data) { if (typeof data !== "string" || !data) { return null; } if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/ .test(data.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, '@') .replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ']') .replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ''))) { // Try to use the native JSON parser first return window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ? window.JSON.parse(data) : (new Function("return " + data))(); } }, /** * Get a popup parameter object * @param {String} s Parameter string */ params: function (s) { var a = [], x = [], self = this, DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM; function trim(s) { return s = s.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); } if (typeof s == 'string') { // if a JSON string return the object if (/^\{[\w\W]+\}$/.test(s)) { return this.parseJSON(s); } // JCE MediaBox parameter format eg: title[title] if (/\w+\[[^\]]+\]/.test(s)) { s = s.replace(/([\w]+)\[([^\]]+)\](;)?/g, function (a, b, c, d) { return '"' + b + '":"' + DOM.encode(trim(c)) + '"' + (d ? ',' : ''); }); return this.parseJSON('{' + s + '}'); } // if url if (s.indexOf('&') != -1) { x = s.split(/&(amp;)?/g); } else { x.push(s); } } // if array if (typeof s == 'object' && s instanceof Array) { x = s; } JCEMediaBox.each(x, function (n, i) { if (n) { n = n.replace(/^([^\[]+)(\[|=|:)([^\]]*)(\]?)$/, function (a, b, c, d) { if (d) { if (!/[^0-9]/.test(d)) { return '"' + b + '":' + parseInt(d); } return '"' + b + '":"' + DOM.encode(trim(d)) + '"'; } return ''; }); if (n) { a.push(n); } } }); return this.parseJSON('{' + a.join(',') + '}'); }, /** * Gets the raw data of a cookie by name. * Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB * * @method get * @param {String} n Name of cookie to retrive. * @return {String} Cookie data string. */ getCookie: function (n) { var c = document.cookie, e, p = n + "=", b; // Strict mode if (!c) return; b = c.indexOf("; " + p); if (b == -1) { b = c.indexOf(p); if (b != 0) return null; } else { b += 2; } e = c.indexOf(";", b); if (e == -1) e = c.length; return unescape(c.substring(b + p.length, e)); }, /** * Sets a raw cookie string. * Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB * * @method set * @param {String} n Name of the cookie. * @param {String} v Raw cookie data. * @param {Date} e Optional date object for the expiration of the cookie. * @param {String} p Optional path to restrict the cookie to. * @param {String} d Optional domain to restrict the cookie to. * @param {String} s Is the cookie secure or not. */ setCookie: function (n, v, e, p, d, s) { document.cookie = n + "=" + escape(v) + ((e) ? "; expires=" + e.toGMTString() : "") + ((p) ? "; path=" + escape(p) : "") + ((d) ? "; domain=" + d : "") + ((s) ? "; secure" : ""); }, /** * Convert legacy popups to new format */ convertLegacy: function () { var self = this, each = JCEMediaBox.each, DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM; each(DOM.select('a[href]'), function (el) { // Only JCE Popup links if (/com_jce/.test(el.href)) { var p, s, img; var oc = DOM.attribute(el, 'onclick'); if (oc) { s = oc.replace(/'/g, "'").split("'"); p = self.params(s[1]); var img = p.img || ''; var title = p.title || ''; } if (img) { if (!/http:\/\//.test(img)) { if (img.charAt(0) == '/') { img = img.substr(1); } img = JCEMediaBox.site.replace(/http:\/\/([^\/]+)/, '') + img; } DOM.attributes(el, { 'href': img, 'title': title.replace(/_/, ' '), 'onclick': '' }); DOM.addClass(el, 'jcepopup'); } } }); }, /** * Convert lightbox popups to MediaBox */ convertLightbox: function () { var each = JCEMediaBox.each, DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM; each(DOM.select('a[rel*=lightbox]'), function (el) { DOM.addClass(el, 'jcepopup'); r = el.rel.replace(/lightbox\[?([^\]]*)\]?/, function (a, b) { if (b) { return 'group[' + b + ']'; } return ''; }); DOM.attribute(el, 'rel', r); }); }, /** * Convert shadowbox popups to MediaBox */ convertShadowbox: function () { var each = JCEMediaBox.each, DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM; each(DOM.select('a[rel*=shadowbox]'), function (el) { DOM.addClass(el, 'jcepopup'); r = el.rel.replace(/shadowbox\[?([^\]]*)\]?/, function (a, b) { var attribs = '', group = ''; // group if (b) { group = 'group[' + b + ']'; } // attributes if (/;=/.test(a)) { attribs = a.replace(/=([^;"]+)/g, function (x, z) { return '[' + z + ']'; }); } if (group && attribs) { return group + ';' + attribs; } return group || attribs || ''; }); DOM.attribute(el, 'rel', r); }); }, /** * Translate popup labels * @param {String} s Theme HTML */ translate: function (s) { if (!s) { s = this.popup.theme; } s = s.replace(/\{#(\w+?)\}/g, function (a, b) { return JCEMediaBox.options.popup.labels[b]; }); return s; }, /** * Returns a styles object from a parameter * @param {Object} o */ styles: function (o) { var x = []; if (!o) return {}; JCEMediaBox.each(o.split(';'), function (s, i) { s = s.replace(/(.*):(.*)/, function (a, b, c) { return '"' + b + '":"' + c + '"'; }); x.push(s); }); return this.parseJSON('{' + x.join(',') + '}'); }, /** * Get the file type from the url, type attribute or className * @param {Object} el */ getType: function (el) { var o = {}, type = ''; // Media types if (/(director|windowsmedia|mplayer|quicktime|real|divx|flash|pdf)/.test(el.type)) { type = /(director|windowsmedia|mplayer|quicktime|real|divx|flash|pdf)/.exec(el.type)[1]; } o = this.getAddon(el.src); if (o && o.type) { type = o.type; } return type || el.type || 'iframe'; }, /** * Determine media type and properties * @param {Object} c */ mediatype: function (c) { var ci, cb, mt; c = /(director|windowsmedia|mplayer|quicktime|real|divx|flash|pdf)/.exec(c); switch (c[1]) { case 'director': case 'application/x-director': ci = '166b1bca-3f9c-11cf-8075-444553540000'; cb = 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/director/sw.cab#version=8,5,1,0'; mt = 'application/x-director'; break; case 'windowsmedia': case 'mplayer': case 'application/x-mplayer2': ci = '6bf52a52-394a-11d3-b153-00c04f79faa6'; cb = 'http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab#Version=5,1,52,701'; mt = 'application/x-mplayer2'; break; case 'quicktime': case 'video/quicktime': ci = '02bf25d5-8c17-4b23-bc80-d3488abddc6b'; cb = 'http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab#version=6,0,2,0'; mt = 'video/quicktime'; break; case 'real': case 'realaudio': case 'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin': ci = 'cfcdaa03-8be4-11cf-b84b-0020afbbccfa'; cb = ''; mt = 'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin'; break; case 'divx': case 'video/divx': ci = '67dabfbf-d0ab-41fa-9c46-cc0f21721616'; cb = 'http://go.divx.com/plugin/DivXBrowserPlugin.cab'; mt = 'video/divx'; break; case 'pdf': case 'application/pdf': ci = 'ca8a9780-280d-11cf-a24d-444553540000'; cb = ''; mt = 'application/pdf'; break; default: case 'flash': case 'application/x-shockwave-flash': ci = 'd27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000'; cb = 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,124,0'; mt = 'application/x-shockwave-flash'; break; } return { 'classid': ci, 'codebase': cb, 'mediatype': mt }; }, /** * Determine whether the url is local * @param {Object} s */ islocal: function (s) { if (/^(\w+:)?\/\//.test(s)) { return new RegExp('^(' + JCEMediaBox.site + ')').test(s); } else { return true; } }, protocolRelative : function(url) { if (JCEMediaBox.isIE6) { return url; } var local = document.location.href; // both ssl if (url.indexOf('https://') !== -1 && local.indexOf('https://') !== -1) { return url; } return url.replace(/http(s)?:\/\//i, '//'); }, /** * Get the width of the container frame */ frameWidth: function () { var w = 0, el = this.frame; JCEMediaBox.each(['left', 'right'], function (s) { w = w + parseFloat(JCEMediaBox.DOM.style(el, 'padding-' + s)); }); return parseFloat(this.frame.clientWidth - w); }, /** * Get the height of the container frame */ frameHeight: function () { var h = 0, el = this.frame, DIM = JCEMediaBox.Dimensions; JCEMediaBox.each(['top', 'bottom'], function (s) { h = h + parseFloat(JCEMediaBox.DOM.style(el, 'padding-' + s)); }); h = h + ((JCEMediaBox.isIE6 || JCEMediaBox.isIE7) ? DIM.getScrollbarWidth() : 0); return parseInt(DIM.getHeight()) - h; }, /** * Get the width of the usable window */ width: function () { return this.frameWidth() - JCEMediaBox.Dimensions.getScrollbarWidth(); }, /** * Get the height of the usable window less info divs */ height: function () { var h = 0, t = this, each = JCEMediaBox.each, DIM = JCEMediaBox.Dimensions; each(['top', 'bottom'], function (s) { var el = t['info-' + s]; if (el) { h = h + parseInt(DIM.outerHeight(el)); } }); return this.frameHeight() - h; }, /** * Print the page contents (TODO) */ printPage: function () { return false; }, /** * Create a popup zoom icon * @param {Object} el Popup link element */ zoom: function (el) { var DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM, extend = JCEMediaBox.extend, each = JCEMediaBox.each; var children = el.childNodes; // Create basic zoom element var zoom = DOM.create('span'); // add IE6 identifier class if (JCEMediaBox.isIE6) { DOM.addClass(el, 'ie6'); } var cls = DOM.attribute(el, 'class'); // replace icon- with zoom- to avoid bootstrap etc. conflicts cls = cls.replace('icon-', 'zoom-', 'g'); DOM.attribute(el, 'class', cls); var img = DOM.select('img', el); // If child is an image (thumbnail) if (img && img.length) { // get first img tag var child = img[0]; var align = child.getAttribute('align'); var vspace = child.getAttribute('vspace'); var hspace = child.getAttribute('hspace'); var styles = {}; // Transfer margin, padding and border each(['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'], function (pos) { // Set margin styles['margin-' + pos] = DOM.style(child, 'margin-' + pos); // Set padding styles['padding-' + pos] = DOM.style(child, 'padding-' + pos); // Set border each(['width', 'style', 'color'], function (prop) { styles['border-' + pos + '-' + prop] = DOM.style(child, 'border-' + pos + '-' + prop); }); }); // Correct from deprecated align attribute if (/\w+/.test(align)) { extend(styles, { 'float': /left|right/.test(align) ? align : '', 'text-align': /top|middle|bottom/.test(align) ? align : '' }); } // Correct from deprecated vspace attribute if (vspace > 0) { extend(styles, { 'margin-top': parseInt(vspace), 'margin-bottom': parseInt(vspace) }); } // Correct from deprecated hspace attribute if (hspace > 0) { extend(styles, { 'margin-left': parseInt(hspace), 'margin-right': parseInt(hspace) }); } var w = child.getAttribute('width'); var h = child.getAttribute('height'); var ws = child.style.width; // get 'real' width and height var rh = child.height, rw = child.width; // we can only render the zoom icon if we have a valid dimensions for the image if ((!w || !ws) && !rw) { return false; } // height is set but not width, calculate width if (!w && h) { w = h / rh * rw; } if (!w) { // pixel value if (/([0-9]+)(px)?$/.test(ws)) { w = parseFloat(ws); // other value } else { w = child.width; } } // add width values if set if (w) { child.setAttribute('width', w); styles.width = w; } // Add style alignment extend(styles, { 'text-align': child.style.textAlign }); var float = DOM.style(child, 'float'); if (float === "left" || float === "right") { styles.float = float; } /** * Private Internal function * Build and place the icon * @param {Object} el The Parent Link Element * @param {Object} zoom The Zoom Element * @param {Object} zoom The Child Element (Image) * @param {Object} styles Computed Styles object */ function _buildIcon(el, zoom, child, styles) { // Clone image as span element var span = DOM.add(el, 'span', { 'class': 'jcemediabox-zoom-span', 'style': child.style.cssText }); // Set styles DOM.styles(span, styles); if (DOM.hasClass(el.parentNode, 'wf_caption')) { span.style.width = null; DOM.style(span, 'max-width', DOM.style(el.parentNode, 'max-width')); } if (span.style.width) { DOM.style(span, 'max-width', span.style.width); span.style.width = null; } // Move the image into the parent SPAN DOM.add(span, child); // Move the zoom icon into the parent SPAN DOM.add(span, zoom); // Remove attributes that may affect layout each(['style', 'align', 'border', 'hspace', 'vspace'], function (v, i) { child.removeAttribute(v); }); // Add zoom-image class DOM.addClass(zoom, 'jcemediabox-zoom-image'); // Set explicit positions for IE6 when zoom icon is png if (JCEMediaBox.isIE6 && /\.png/i.test(DOM.style(zoom, 'background-image'))) { DOM.png(zoom); } // Remove styles from image DOM.styles(child, { 'margin': 0, 'padding': 0, 'float': 'none', 'border': 'none' }); } // build zoom icon _buildIcon(el, zoom, child, styles); } else { DOM.addClass(zoom, 'jcemediabox-zoom-link'); if (DOM.hasClass(el, 'zoom-left')) { DOM.addBefore(el, zoom); } else { DOM.add(el, zoom); } // IE7 won't accept display:inherit if (JCEMediaBox.isIE7) { DOM.style(zoom, 'display', 'inline-block'); } } // Return zoom icon element return zoom; }, /** * Process autopopups */ auto: function () { var t = this, expires = JCEMediaBox.options.popup.cookie_expiry, dts, key; function makeID(src) { // use the current page URL for unique key var url = document.location.href; // base64 encode key and popup src var key = window.btoa(url + src); // remove non-word characters key = key.replace(/[^\w]/g, ''); // keep it short key = key.substr(0, 24); return key; } JCEMediaBox.each(this.popups, function (el, i) { if (el.auto) { if (el.auto == 'single') { // use element ID or base64 key key = el.id || makeID(el.src); // get cookie var cookie = t.getCookie('jcemediabox_' + key + '_' + i); // create cookie with base64 key and expiry if (!cookie) { // create data if expiry set if (expires) { dts = new Date(); dts.setHours(expires * 24); } t.setCookie('jcemediabox_' + key + '_' + i, 1, dts); t.start(el); } } else if (el.auto == 'multiple') { t.start(el); } } }); }, /** * Initilise popup and create global jcepopup variable * @param {Object} elements Optional array of popup elements */ init: function () { window.jcepopup = this; this.create(); }, /** * Get popup objects * @param {String} s Optional selector * @param {Object} p Optional parent element popups contained within */ getPopups: function (s, p) { var selector = 'a.jcebox, a.jcelightbox, a.jcepopup, area.jcebox, area.jcelightbox, area.jcepopup'; return JCEMediaBox.DOM.select(s || selector, p); }, getData: function (n) { var DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM, o = {}, data; var re = /\w+\[[^\]]+\]/; data = DOM.attribute(n, 'data-mediabox') || DOM.attribute(n, 'data-json'); // try title or rel attributes if (!data) { var title = DOM.attribute(n, 'title'); var rel = DOM.attribute(n, 'rel'); if (title && re.test(title)) { // convert to object o = this.params(title); // restore rel attribute DOM.attribute(n, 'title', o.title || ''); return o; } if (rel && re.test(rel)) { var args = []; rel = rel.replace(/\b((\w+)\[(.*?)\])(;?)/g, function (a, b, c) { args.push(b); return ''; }); o = this.params(args) || {}; // restore rel attribute DOM.attribute(n, 'rel', rel || o.rel || ''); return o; } } else { // remove data attributes n.removeAttribute('data-json'); n.removeAttribute('data-mediabox'); return this.params(data); } return o; }, /** * Process a popup link and return properties object * @param {Object} el Popup link element */ process: function (el) { var DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM, data, o = {}, group = '', auto = false; // Fix title and rel and move parameters var title = el.title || ''; var rel = el.rel || ''; var src = el.href; // Legacy width/height values src = src.replace(/b(w|h)=([0-9]+)/g, function (s, k, v) { k = (k == 'w') ? 'width' : 'height'; return k + '=' + v; }); data = this.getData(el) || {}; // Process rel attribute if (!/\w+\[[^\]]+\]/.test(rel)) { var rx = 'alternate|stylesheet|start|next|prev|contents|index|glossary|copyright|chapter|section|subsection|appendix|help|bookmark|nofollow|licence|tag|friend'; var lb = '(lightbox(\[(.*?)\])?)'; var lt = '(lyte(box|frame|show)(\[(.*?)\])?)'; group = JCEMediaBox.trim(rel.replace(new RegExp('\s*(' + rx + '|' + lb + '|' + lt + ')\s*'), '', 'gi')); } // Get AREA parameters from URL if not set if (el.nodeName == 'AREA') { if (!data) { data = this.params(src); } // Set AREA group group = group || 'AREA_ELEMENT'; // set type if (!data.type) { if (match = /\b(ajax|iframe|image|flash|director|shockwave|mplayer|windowsmedia|quicktime|realaudio|real|divx|pdf)\b/.exec(el.className)) { data.type = match[0]; } } } // check for auto popup //if (el.id) { if (/autopopup-(single|multiple)/.test(el.className)) { auto = /(multiple)/.test(el.className) ? 'multiple' : 'single'; } //} // get group from data object group = group || data.group || ''; // Popup object JCEMediaBox.extend(o, { 'src': src, 'title': data.title || title, 'group': DOM.hasClass(el, 'nogroup') ? '' : group, 'type': data.type || el.type || '', 'params': data, //'id' : el.id || '', 'auto': auto }); // Remove type el.href = el.href.replace(/&type=(ajax|text\/html|text\/xml)/, ''); return o; }, /** * Create a popup from identifiable link or area elements * Load the popup theme * @param {Object} elements Optional array of popup elements */ create: function (elements) { var t = this, each = JCEMediaBox.each, Event = JCEMediaBox.Event, DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM, pageload = false, auto = false; // set pageload marker if (!elements) { pageload = true; this.popups = []; // Converts a legacy (window) popup into an inline popup if (JCEMediaBox.options.popup.legacy == 1) { t.convertLegacy(); } // Converts a lightbox popup into mediabox popup if (JCEMediaBox.options.popup.lightbox == 1) { t.convertLightbox(); } // Converts a shadowbox popup into mediabox popup if (JCEMediaBox.options.popup.shadowbox == 1) { t.convertShadowbox(); } } // get supplied elements or from jcepopup class this.elements = elements || this.getPopups(); // Iterate through all found or specified popup links each(this.elements, function (el, i) { if (el.childNodes.length === 1 && el.firstChild.nodeName === "IMG") { DOM.addClass(el, 'jcemediabox-image'); } // Create zoom icon if (JCEMediaBox.options.popup.icons == 1 && el.nodeName == 'A' && !/(noicon|icon-none|noshow)/.test(el.className) && el.style.display != 'none') { t.zoom(el); } // Simplify class identifier for css if (/(jcelightbox|jcebox)/.test(el.className)) { DOM.removeClass(el, 'jcelightbox'); DOM.removeClass(el, 'jcebox'); DOM.addClass(el, 'jcepopup'); } var o = t.process(el); t.popups.push(o); // new index if not a pageload if (!pageload) { i = t.popups.length - 1; } // Add click event to link Event.add(el, 'click', function (e) { Event.cancel(e); return t.start(o, i); }); }); // if no elements are specified, must be a pageload if (pageload) { // set theme this.popuptheme = ''; // Load the popup theme var theme = JCEMediaBox.options.theme; new JCEMediaBox.XHR({ success: function (text, xml) { var re = /<!-- THEME START -->([\s\S]*?)<!-- THEME END -->/; if (re.test(text)) { text = re.exec(text)[1]; } t.popuptheme = text; // Process auto popups if (!auto) { t.auto(); auto = true; } } }).send(JCEMediaBox.site + 'plugins/system/jcemediabox/themes/' + theme + '/popup.html'); } }, /** * Public popup method * @param {String / Object} data Popup URL string or data object or element * @param {String} title Popup Title * @param {String} group Popup Group * @param {String} type Popup Type, eg: image, flash, ajax * @param {Object} params Popup Parameters Object */ open: function (data, title, group, type, params) { var i, o = {}; if (typeof data == 'string') { data = { 'src': data, 'title': title, 'group': group, 'type': type, 'params': params }; } // process as an element if (typeof (data == 'object') && data.nodeName && (data.nodeName == 'A' || data.nodeName == 'AREA')) { i = JCEMediaBox.inArray(this.elements, data); if (i >= 0) { return this.start(this.popups[i], i); } // process element var o = this.process(data); // add to array var x = this.popups.push(o); // start return this.start(o, x - 1); } return this.start(data); }, /** * Start a popup * @param {Object} o The popup link object * @param {Object} i The popup index */ start: function (p, i) { var n = 0, items = [], each = JCEMediaBox.each, len; // build popup window if (this.build()) { if (p.group) { each(this.popups, function (o, x) { if (o.group == p.group) { len = items.push(o); if (i && x == i) { n = len - 1; } } }); // Triggered popup if (!p.auto && typeof i == 'undefined') { items.push(p); n = items.length - 1; } } else { items.push(p); } return this.show(items, n); } }, /** * Build Popup structure */ build: function () { var t = this, each = JCEMediaBox.each, DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM, Event = JCEMediaBox.Event; if (!this.page) { // Create main page object this.page = DOM.add(document.body, 'div', { id: 'jcemediabox-popup-page' }); if (JCEMediaBox.isIE6) { DOM.addClass(this.page, 'ie6'); } if (JCEMediaBox.isIE7) { DOM.addClass(this.page, 'ie7'); } if (JCEMediaBox.isiOS) { DOM.addClass(this.page, 'ios'); } if (JCEMediaBox.isAndroid) { DOM.addClass(this.page, 'android'); } if (JCEMediaBox.options.popup.overlay == 1) { // Create overlay this.overlay = DOM.add(this.page, 'div', { id: 'jcemediabox-popup-overlay', style: { 'opacity': 0, 'background-color': JCEMediaBox.options.popup.overlaycolor } }); } // Cancel if no theme if (!this.popuptheme) { return false; } // Remove comments this.popuptheme = this.popuptheme.replace(/<!--(.*?)-->/g, ''); // Translate this.popuptheme = this.translate(this.popuptheme); // Create Frame this.frame = DOM.add(this.page, 'div', { id: 'jcemediabox-popup-frame' }, '<div id="jcemediabox-popup-body">' + this.popuptheme + '</div>'); // Create all Popup structure objects each(DOM.select('*[id]', this.frame), function (el) { var s = el.id.replace('jcemediabox-popup-', ''); t[s] = el; DOM.hide(el); }); if ((JCEMediaBox.isiOS || JCEMediaBox.isAndroid) && JCEMediaBox.isWebKit) { // add iPad scroll fix DOM.style(this.content, 'webkitOverflowScrolling', 'touch'); } // Add close function to frame on click if (JCEMediaBox.options.popup.close == 2) { Event.add(this.frame, 'click', function (e) { if (e.target && e.target == t.frame) { t.close(); } }); } // Setup Close link event if (this.closelink) { Event.add(this.closelink, 'click', function () { return t.close(); }); } // Setup Cancel link event if (this.cancellink) { Event.add(this.cancellink, 'click', function () { return t.close(); }); } // Setup Next link event if (this.next) { Event.add(this.next, 'click', function () { return t.nextItem(); }); } // Setup Previous link event if (this.prev) { Event.add(this.prev, 'click', function () { return t.previousItem(); }); } if (this.numbers) { this.numbers.tmpHTML = this.numbers.innerHTML; } if (this.print) { Event.add(this.print, 'click', function () { return t.printPage(); }); } // PNG Fix if (JCEMediaBox.isIE6) { DOM.png(this.body); each(DOM.select('*', this.body), function (el) { // Exclude loaded content if (DOM.attribute(el, 'id') == 'jcemediabox-popup-content') { return; } DOM.png(el); }); } } return true; }, /** * Show the popup window * @param {Array} items Array of popup objects * @param {Int} n Index of current popup */ show: function (items, n) { var DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM, DIM = JCEMediaBox.Dimensions, top = 0; this.items = items; this.bind(true); // Show popup DOM.show(this.body); // Get top position if (!/\d/.test(this.body.style.top)) { top = (DIM.getHeight() - DIM.outerHeight(this.body)) / 2; } // Set top position DOM.style(this.body, 'top', top); // Changes if IE6 or scrollpopup if (JCEMediaBox.isIE6 || JCEMediaBox.isiOS || JCEMediaBox.options.popup.scrolling == 'scroll') { DOM.style(this.page, 'position', 'absolute'); DOM.style(this.overlay, 'height', DIM.getScrollHeight()); DOM.style(this.body, 'top', DIM.getScrollTop() + top); } // Fade in overlay if (JCEMediaBox.options.popup.overlay == 1 && this.overlay) { DOM.show(this.overlay); JCEMediaBox.FX.animate(this.overlay, { 'opacity': JCEMediaBox.options.popup.overlayopacity }, JCEMediaBox.options.popup.fadespeed); } return this.change(n); }, /** * Create event / key bindings * @param {Boolean} open Whether popup is opened or closed */ // TODO - Resize popup when browser window resizes bind: function (open) { var t = this, isIE6 = JCEMediaBox.isIE6, each = JCEMediaBox.each, DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM, Event = JCEMediaBox.Event, DIM = JCEMediaBox.Dimensions; if (isIE6) { each(DOM.select('select'), function (el) { if (open) { el.tmpStyle = el.style.visibility || ''; } el.style.visibility = open ? 'hidden' : el.tmpStyle; }); } if (JCEMediaBox.options.popup.hideobjects) { each(DOM.select('object, embed'), function (el) { if (el.id == 'jcemediabox-popup-object') return; if (open) { el.tmpStyle = el.style.visibility || ''; } el.style.visibility = open ? 'hidden' : el.tmpStyle; }); } var scroll = JCEMediaBox.options.popup.scrollpopup; if (open) { Event.add(document, 'keydown', function (e) { t.listener(e); }); if (isIE6) { Event.add(window, 'scroll', function (e) { DOM.style(t.overlay, 'height', JCEMediaBox.Dimensions.getScrollHeight()); }); Event.add(window, 'scroll', function (e) { DOM.style(t.overlay, 'width', JCEMediaBox.Dimensions.getScrollWidth()); }); } } else { if (isIE6 || !scroll) { Event.remove(window, 'scroll'); Event.remove(window, 'resize'); } Event.remove(document, 'keydown'); } }, /** * Keyboard listener * @param {Object} e Event */ listener: function (e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 27: this.close(); break; case 37: this.previousItem(); break; case 39: this.nextItem(); break; } }, /** * Process a popup in the group queue * @param {Object} n Queue position */ queue: function (n) { var t = this; // Optional element var changed = false; JCEMediaBox.each(['top', 'bottom'], function (s) { var el = t['info-' + s]; if (el) { var v = JCEMediaBox.Dimensions.outerHeight(el); var style = {}; style['top'] = (s == 'top') ? v : -v; JCEMediaBox.FX.animate(el, style, JCEMediaBox.options.popup.scalespeed, function () { if (!changed) { changed = true; JCEMediaBox.FX.animate(t.content, { 'opacity': 0 }, JCEMediaBox.options.popup.fadespeed, function () { return t.change(n); }); } }); } }); }, /** * Process the next popup in the group */ nextItem: function () { if (this.items.length == 1) return false; var n = this.index + 1; if (n < 0 || n >= this.items.length) { return false; } return this.queue(n); }, /** * Process the previous popup in the group */ previousItem: function () { if (this.items.length == 1) return false; var n = this.index - 1; if (n < 0 || n >= this.items.length) { return false; } return this.queue(n); }, /** * Set the popup information (caption, title, numbers) */ info: function () { var each = JCEMediaBox.each, DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM, Event = JCEMediaBox.Event; // Optional Element Caption/Title if (this.caption) { var title = this.active.title || '', text = this.active.caption || '', h = ''; var ex = '([-!#$%&\'\*\+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+@[-!#$%&\'\*\+\\/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+\.[-!#$%&\'*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+)'; var ux = '((news|telnet|nttp|file|http|ftp|https)://[-!#$%&\'\*\+\\/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+\.[-!#$%&\'\*\+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+)'; function processRe(h) { h = h.replace(new RegExp(ex, 'g'), '<a href="mailto:$1" target="_blank" title="$1">$1</a>'); h = h.replace(new RegExp(ux, 'g'), '<a href="$1" target="_blank" title="$1">$1</a>'); return h; } if (title) { h += '<h4>' + DOM.decode(title) + '</h4>'; } if (text) { h += '<p>' + DOM.decode(text) + '</p>'; } // set caption html (may be empty) this.caption.innerHTML = h; // hide caption container if empty if (h != '') { // Process e-mail and urls each(DOM.select('*', this.caption), function (el) { if (el.nodeName != 'A') { each(el.childNodes, function (n, i) { if (n.nodeType == 3) { var s = n.innerText || n.textContent || n.data || null; if (s && /(@|:\/\/)/.test(s)) { if (s = processRe(s)) { n.parentNode.innerHTML = s; } } } }); } }); } } // Optional Element var t = this, len = this.items.length; if (this.numbers && len > 1) { var html = this.numbers.tmpHTML || '{$numbers}'; if (/\{\$numbers\}/.test(html)) { this.numbers.innerHTML = ''; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var n = i + 1; var title = decodeURIComponent(this.items[i].title || n); // Craete Numbers link var link = DOM.add(this.numbers, 'a', { 'href': 'javascript:;', 'title': title, 'class': (this.index == i) ? 'active' : '' }, n); // add click event Event.add(link, 'click', function (e) { var x = parseInt(e.target.innerHTML) - 1; if (t.index == x) { return false; } return t.queue(x); }); } } if (/\{\$(current|total)\}/.test(html)) { this.numbers.innerHTML = html.replace('{$current}', this.index + 1).replace('{$total}', len); } } else { if (this.numbers) { this.numbers.innerHTML = ''; } } each(['top', 'bottom'], function (v, i) { var el = t['info-' + v]; if (el) { DOM.show(el); each(DOM.select('*[id]', el), function (s) { DOM.show(s); }); DOM.style(el, 'visibility', 'hidden'); } }); // Show / Hide Previous and Next buttons DOM.hide(this.next); DOM.hide(this.prev); if (len > 1) { if (this.prev) { if (this.index > 0) { DOM.show(this.prev); } else { DOM.hide(this.prev); } } if (this.next) { if (this.index < len - 1) { DOM.show(this.next); } else { DOM.hide(this.next); } } } }, /** * Change the popup * @param {Integer} n Popup number */ change: function (n) { var t = this, extend = JCEMediaBox.extend, each = JCEMediaBox.each, DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM, Event = JCEMediaBox.Event, isIE = JCEMediaBox.isIE, DIM = JCEMediaBox.Dimensions; var p = {}, o, w, h; if (n < 0 || n >= this.items.length) { return false; } this.index = n; this.active = {}; // Show Container DOM.show(this.container); // Show Loader if (this.loader) { DOM.show(this.loader); } // Show Cancel if (this.cancellink) { DOM.show(this.cancellink); } // Remove object if (this.object) { this.object = null; } this.content.innerHTML = ''; o = this.items[n]; // Get parameters from addon extend(p, this.getAddon(o.src, o.type)); // delete alternate src delete o.params.src; // Get set parameters extend(p, o.params); var width = p.width || JCEMediaBox.options.popup.width || 0; var height = p.height || JCEMediaBox.options.popup.height || 0; if (width && /%/.test(width)) { width = DIM.getWidth() * parseInt(width) / 100; } if (height && /%/.test(height)) { height = DIM.getHeight() * parseInt(height) / 100; } var title = o.title || p.title || ''; var caption = p.caption || ''; if (/::/.test(title)) { var parts = title.split('::'); title = JCEMediaBox.trim(parts[0]); caption = JCEMediaBox.trim(parts[1]); } // decode title title = decodeURIComponent(title); // decode caption caption = decodeURIComponent(caption); extend(this.active, { 'src': p.src || o.src, 'title': title, 'caption': caption, 'type': p.type || this.getType(o), 'params': p || {}, 'width': width, 'height': height }); switch (this.active.type) { case 'image': case 'image/jpeg': case 'image/png': case 'image/gif': case 'image/bmp': if (this.print && this.options.print) { this.print.style.visibility = 'visible'; } this.img = new Image(); this.img.onload = function () { return t.setup(); }; this.img.onerror = function () { t.img.error = true; return t.setup(); }; this.img.src = this.active.src; // fix for resize / transparency issues in IE if (isIE) { DOM.style(this.content, 'background-color', DOM.style(this.content, 'background-color')); } // allow image to be resized if (p.width && !p.height) { this.active.height = 0; } else if (p.height && !p.width) { this.active.width = 0; } break; case 'flash': case 'director': case 'shockwave': case 'mplayer': case 'windowsmedia': case 'quicktime': case 'realaudio': case 'real': case 'divx': if (this.print) { this.print.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } p.src = this.active.src; var base = /:\/\//.test(p.src) ? '' : this.site; this.object = ''; w = this.width(); h = this.height(); var mt = this.mediatype(this.active.type); if (this.active.type == 'flash') { p.wmode = 'transparent'; p.base = base; } if (/(mplayer|windowsmedia)/i.test(this.active.type)) { p.baseurl = base; if (isIE) { p.url = p.src; delete p.src; } } // delete some parameters delete p.title; delete p.group; // Set width/height p.width = this.active.width || this.width(); p.height = this.active.height || this.height(); var flash = /flash/i.test(this.active.type); var pdf = /pdf/i.test(this.active.type); // Create single object for IE / Flash / PDF // set global media type this.active.type = 'media'; this.active.width = p.width; this.active.height = p.height; if (flash || isIE) { this.object = '<object id="jcemediabox-popup-object"'; // Add type and data attribute if (flash && !isIE) { this.object += ' type="' + mt.mediatype + '" data="' + p.src + '"'; } else { this.object += ' classid="clsid:' + mt.classid + '"'; if (mt.codebase) { this.object += ' codebase="' + mt.codebase + '"'; } } for (n in p) { if (p[n] !== '') { if (/^(id|name|style|width|height)$/.test(n)) { t.object += ' ' + n + '="' + decodeURIComponent(p[n]) + '"'; delete p[n]; } } } delete p.type; // Close object this.object += '>'; // Create param elements for (n in p) { t.object += '<param name="' + n + '" value="' + decodeURIComponent(p[n]) + '" />'; } // Add closing object element this.object += '</object>'; // Use embed for non-IE browsers } else { this.object = '<embed id="jcemediabox-popup-object" type="' + mt.mediatype + '"'; for (n in p) { if (v !== '') { t.object += ' ' + n + '="' + v + '"'; } } this.object += '></embed>'; } this.setup(); break; case 'video/x-flv': this.object = '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="' + JCEMediaBox.site + 'plugins/system/jcemediabox/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.swf"'; var src = this.active.src; if (!/:\/\//.test(src)) { src = JCEMediaBox.site + src; } var map = { 'loop': 'loop', 'autoplay': 'autoPlay', 'controls': 'controlBarAutoHide' }; var v, flashvars = ['src=' + src], params = { wmode: 'opaque', allowfullscreen: true }; delete p.type; for (n in p) { if (p[n] !== '') { if (/^(id|name|style|width|height)$/.test(n)) { t.object += ' ' + n + '="' + decodeURIComponent(p[n]) + '"'; } else if (/^(wmode|allowfullscreen|play|menu|quality|scale|salign|wmode|bgcolor|base|fullScreenAspectRatio)$/i.test(n)) { params[n] = p[n]; } else { if (/(loop|autoplay|controls)$/.test(n)) { if (map[n]) { v = (n == 'controls') ? !p[n] : !!p[n]; n = map[n]; } } else { v = p[n]; } flashvars.push(n + '=' + v); } } } this.object += '>'; this.object += '<param name="movie" value="' + JCEMediaBox.site + 'plugins/system/jcemediabox/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.swf" />'; this.object += '<param name="flashvars" value="' + flashvars.join('&') + '" />'; for (n in params) { this.object += '<param name="' + n + '" value="' + params[n] + '" />'; } this.object += '<p>Flash is required to play this video. <a href="http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/" target="_blank">Get AdobeĀ® Flash Player</a></p>'; this.object += '</object>'; // set global media type this.active.type = 'media'; this.setup(); break; case 'video/mp4': case 'audio/mp3': case 'video/webm': case 'audio/webm': var type = this.active.type; var tag = /video/.test(type) ? 'video' : 'audio'; p.width = p.width || this.active.width; p.height = p.height || this.active.height; this.object = '<' + tag + ' type="' + type + '"'; for (n in p) { if (p[n] !== '') { if (/(loop|autoplay|controls|preload)$/.test(n)) { t.object += ' ' + n + '="' + n + '"'; } if (/(id|style|poster|audio)$/.test(n)) { t.object += ' ' + n + '="' + decodeURIComponent(p[n]) + '"'; } } } this.object += '>'; this.object += '<source src="' + this.active.src + '" type="' + type + '" />'; if (type == 'video/mp4' || type == 'audio/mp3') { this.object += '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="' + JCEMediaBox.site + 'plugins/system/jcemediabox/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.swf"'; p.width = p.width || this.active.width; p.height = p.height || this.active.height; var src = this.active.src; if (!/:\/\//.test(src)) { src = JCEMediaBox.site + src; } var map = { 'loop': 'loop', 'autoplay': 'autoPlay', 'controls': 'controlBarMode' }; var flashvars = ['src=' + src]; for (n in p) { if (p[n] !== '') { if (/(loop|autoplay|preload|controls)$/.test(n)) { if (map[n]) { var v = !!p[n]; if (n == 'controls') { if (!v) { flashvars.push('controlBarMode=none'); } } else { flashvars.push(map[n] + '=' + v); } } } if (/(id|style)$/.test(n)) { t.object += ' ' + n + '="' + decodeURIComponent(p[n]) + '"'; } } } this.object += '>'; this.object += '<param name="movie" value="' + JCEMediaBox.site + 'plugins/system/jcemediabox/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.swf" />'; this.object += '<param name="flashvars" value="' + flashvars.join('&') + '" />'; this.object += '<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" />'; this.object += '<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />'; this.object += '<p>Flash is required to play this video. <a href="http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/" target="_blank">Get AdobeĀ® Flash Player</a></p>'; this.object += '</object>'; } this.object += '</' + tag + '>'; //DOM.addClass(this.content, 'broken-media'); // set global media type this.active.type = 'media'; this.setup(); break; case 'ajax': case 'text/html': case 'text/xml': if (this.print && this.options.print) { this.print.style.visibility = 'visible'; } this.active.width = this.active.width || this.width(); this.active.height = this.active.height || this.height(); if (this.islocal(this.active.src)) { if (!/tmpl=component/i.test(this.active.src)) { this.active.src += /\?/.test(this.active.src) ? '&tmpl=component' : '?tmpl=component'; } this.active.type = 'ajax'; } else { this.active.type = 'iframe'; this.setup(); } styles = extend(this.styles(p.styles), { display: 'none' }); this.active.src = this.active.src.replace(/\&type=(ajax|text\/html|text\/xml)/, ''); // show loader if (this.loader) { DOM.show(this.loader); } // create an iframe to load internal content in rather than using ajax so that javascript in the article is processed var iframe = DOM.add(document.body, 'iframe', { src: this.active.src, style: 'display:none;' }); // transfer data and delete iframe when loaded Event.add(iframe, 'load', function () { // Create ajax container t.ajax = DOM.add(t.content, 'div', { id: 'jcemediabox-popup-ajax', 'style': styles }); // transfer data t.ajax.innerHTML = iframe.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML; // Corrective stuff for IE6 and IE7 if (JCEMediaBox.isIE6) { DOM.style(t.ajax, 'margin-right', JCEMediaBox.Dimensions.getScrollbarWidth()); } if (JCEMediaBox.isIE7) { DOM.style(t.ajax, 'padding-right', JCEMediaBox.Dimensions.getScrollbarWidth()); } window.setTimeout(function () { // remove iframe DOM.remove(iframe); }, 10); // process any popups in loaded content t.create(t.getPopups('', t.content)); // process any tooltips in loaded content JCEMediaBox.ToolTip.create(t.content); // setup return t.setup(); }); iframe.onerror = function () { DOM.addClass(this.content, 'broken-page'); return t.setup(); }; break; case 'iframe': case 'pdf': case 'video/youtube': case 'video/vimeo': default: // iOS Safari cannot open PDF files properly if (JCEMediaBox.isiOS || JCEMediaBox.isAndroid && this.active.type === "pdf") { this.close(); return window.open(this.active.src); } if (this.print) { this.print.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } // make URL protocol relative this.active.src = this.protocolRelative(this.active.src); if (this.islocal(this.active.src)) { // add tmpl=component to internal links, skip pdf if (!/tmpl=component/i.test(this.active.src) && !/\.pdf\b/i.test(this.active.src)) { this.active.src += /\?/.test(this.active.src) ? '&tmpl=component' : '?tmpl=component'; } } this.active.width = this.active.width || this.width(); this.active.height = this.active.height || this.height(); this.active.type = 'iframe'; this.setup(); break; } return false; }, /** * Proportional resizing method * @param {Object} w * @param {Object} h * @param {Object} x * @param {Object} y */ resize: function (w, h, x, y) { if (w > x) { h = h * (x / w); w = x; if (h > y) { w = w * (y / h); h = y; } } else if (h > y) { w = w * (y / h); h = y; if (w > x) { h = h * (x / w); w = x; } } w = Math.round(w); h = Math.round(h); return { width: Math.round(w), height: Math.round(h) }; }, /** * Pre-animation setup. Resize images, set width / height */ setup: function () { var t = this, DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM, w, h, o = JCEMediaBox.options.popup; w = this.active.width; h = this.active.height; // Setup info this.info(); // Get image dimensions and resize if necessary if (this.active.type == 'image') { if (t.img.error) { w = 300; h = 300; } var x = this.img.width; var y = this.img.height; if (w && !h) { h = y * (w / x); } else if (!w && h) { w = x * (h / y); } w = w || x; h = h || y; } // Resize to fit screen if (parseInt(o.resize) === 1 || (parseInt(o.resize) === 0 && o.scrolling == 'fixed')) { var x = this.width(); var y = this.height(); var dim = this.resize(w, h, x, y); w = dim.width; h = dim.height; } // set content dimensions DOM.styles(this.content, { width: w, height: h }); DOM.hide(this.content); if (this.active.type == 'image') { if (this.img.error) { DOM.addClass(this.content, 'broken-image'); } else { this.content.innerHTML = '<img id="jcemediabox-popup-img" src="' + this.active.src + '" title="' + this.active.title + '" />'; } // fix resized images in IE if (JCEMediaBox.isIE) { var img = DOM.get('jcemediabox-popup-img'); if (img) { DOM.style(img, '-ms-interpolation-mode', 'bicubic'); } } } // Animate box return this.animate(); }, showInfo: function () { var t = this, each = JCEMediaBox.each, DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM, FX = JCEMediaBox.FX, DIM = JCEMediaBox.Dimensions, Event = JCEMediaBox.Event; var ss = JCEMediaBox.options.popup.scalespeed, fs = JCEMediaBox.options.popup.fadespeed; // Set Information var itop = t['info-top']; if (itop) { each(DOM.select('*[id]', itop), function (el) { if (/jcemediabox-popup-(next|prev)/.test(DOM.attribute(el, 'id'))) { return; } DOM.show(el); }); var h = DIM.outerHeight(itop); DOM.styles(itop, { 'z-index': -1, 'top': h, 'visibility': 'visible' }); FX.animate(itop, { 'top': 0 }, ss); } if (t.closelink) { DOM.show(t.closelink); } var ibottom = t['info-bottom']; if (ibottom) { each(DOM.select('*[id]', ibottom), function (el) { if (/jcemediabox-popup-(next|prev)/.test(DOM.attribute(el, 'id'))) { return; } DOM.show(el); }); var h = DIM.outerHeight(ibottom); DOM.styles(ibottom, { 'z-index': -1, 'top': -h, 'visibility': 'visible' }); FX.animate(ibottom, { 'top': 0 }, ss); } }, /** * Animate the Popup */ animate: function () { var t = this, each = JCEMediaBox.each, DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM, FX = JCEMediaBox.FX, DIM = JCEMediaBox.Dimensions, Event = JCEMediaBox.Event; var ss = JCEMediaBox.options.popup.scalespeed, fs = JCEMediaBox.options.popup.fadespeed; var cw = DIM.outerWidth(this.content); var ch = DIM.outerHeight(this.content); var ih = 0; each(['top', 'bottom'], function (v, i) { var el = t['info-' + v]; if (el) { ih = ih + DIM.outerHeight(el); } }); var st = DOM.style(this.page, 'position') == 'fixed' ? 0 : DIM.getScrollTop(); var top = st + (this.frameHeight() / 2) - ((ch + ih) / 2); if (top < 0) { top = 0; } DOM.style(this.content, 'opacity', 0); // Animate width FX.animate(this.body, { 'height': ch, 'top': top, 'width': cw }, ss, function () { // Iframe if (t.active.type == 'iframe') { // Create IFrame var iframe = DOM.add(t.content, 'iframe', { id: 'jcemediabox-popup-iframe', frameborder: 0, allowTransparency: true, scrolling: t.active.params.scrolling || 'auto', width: '100%', height: '100%' }); // use pdf loader if (/\.pdf\b/.test(t.active.src)) { // Hide loader if (t.loader) { DOM.hide(t.loader); } } else { var doc = iframe.contentWindow.document; var _timer = setInterval(function () { if (doc.readyState === 'complete') { clearInterval(_timer); if (t.loader) { DOM.hide(t.loader); } } }, 1000); Event.add(iframe, 'load', function () { clearInterval(_timer); // Hide loader if (t.loader) { DOM.hide(t.loader); } }); } iframe.setAttribute('src', t.active.src); t.iframe = iframe; } else { // Hide loader if (t.loader) { DOM.hide(t.loader); } // If media if (t.active.type == 'media' && t.object) { t.content.innerHTML = t.object; if (/\.pdf\b/.test(t.active.src) && JCEMediaBox.isiOS) { DOM.styles(DOM.get('jcemediabox-popup-object'), {'height': '1000%', 'width': '150%'}); } } if (t.active.type == 'ajax') { DOM.show(t.ajax); } } DOM.show(t.content); t.content.focus(); // Animate fade in for images only and not on IE6! if (t.active.type == 'image' && !JCEMediaBox.isIE6) { FX.animate(t.content, { 'opacity': 1 }, fs, function () { t.showInfo(); }); } else { DOM.style(t.content, 'opacity', 1); t.showInfo(); } }); }, /** * Close the popup window. Destroy all objects */ close: function (keepopen) { var t = this, each = JCEMediaBox.each, DOM = JCEMediaBox.DOM, DIM = JCEMediaBox.Dimensions, FX = JCEMediaBox.FX; var ss = JCEMediaBox.options.popup.scalespeed; if (this.iframe) { DOM.attribute(this.iframe, 'src', ''); } // Destroy objects each(['img', 'object', 'iframe', 'ajax'], function (i, v) { //t[v] = null; if (t[v]) { DOM.remove(t[v]); } t[v] = null; }); // Hide closelink if (this.closelink) { DOM.hide(this.closelink); } // Empty content div this.content.innerHTML = ''; if (!keepopen) { // Hide info div each(['top', 'bottom'], function (v, i) { var el = t['info-' + v]; if (el) { DOM.hide(el); } }); // reset popups var popups = this.getPopups(); while (this.popups.length > popups.length) { this.popups.pop(); } // remove frame DOM.remove(this.frame); // Fade out overlay if (this.overlay) { if (JCEMediaBox.isIE6) { // Remove event bindings this.bind(); // Remove body, ie: popup DOM.remove(this.page); this.page = null; } else { JCEMediaBox.FX.animate(this.overlay, { 'opacity': 0 }, JCEMediaBox.options.popup.fadespeed, function () { t.bind(); // destroy page DOM.remove(t.page); t.page = null; }); } } else { // destroy page DOM.remove(this.page); this.page = null; } } return false; } }; })(window); // Cleanup events JCEMediaBox.Event.addUnload(function () { JCEMediaBox.Event.destroy(); });