Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/modules/mod_slideshowck/elements/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/modules/mod_slideshowck/elements/ckmodulelayout - Copie.php |
<?php /** * @copyright Copyright (C) 2011 Cedric KEIFLIN alias ced1870 * http://www.joomlack.fr * Module Maximenu CK * @license GNU/GPL * */ defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die; jimport('joomla.html.html'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); jimport('joomla.form.formfield'); jimport('joomla.form.helper'); class JFormFieldCkmoduleLayout extends JFormField { protected $type = 'ckmoduleLayout'; protected function getInput() { // Initialize variables. $icon = $this->element['icon']; $suffix = $this->element['suffixck']; // Get the client id. $clientName = $this->element['client_id']; // Get the client id. $clientId = $this->element['client_id']; if (is_null($clientId) && $this->form instanceof JForm) { $clientId = $this->form->getValue('client_id'); } $clientId = (int) $clientId; $client = JApplicationHelper::getClientInfo($clientId); // Get the module. $module = (string) $this->element['module']; if (empty($module) && ($this->form instanceof JForm)) { $module = $this->form->getValue('module'); } $module = preg_replace('#\W#', '', $module); // Get the template. $template = (string) $this->element['template']; $template = preg_replace('#\W#', '', $template); // Get the style. if ($this->form instanceof JForm) { $template_style_id = $this->form->getValue('template_style_id'); } $template_style_id = preg_replace('#\W#', '', $template_style_id); // If an extension and view are present build the options. if ($module && $client) { // Load language file $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang->load($module . '.sys', $client->path, null, false, false) || $lang->load($module . '.sys', $client->path . '/modules/' . $module, null, false, false) || $lang->load($module . '.sys', $client->path, $lang->getDefault(), false, false) || $lang->load($module . '.sys', $client->path . '/modules/' . $module, $lang->getDefault(), false, false); // Get the database object and a new query object. $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); // Build the query. $query->select('element, name'); $query->from('#__extensions as e'); $query->where('e.client_id = ' . (int) $clientId); $query->where('e.type = ' . $db->quote('template')); $query->where('e.enabled = 1'); if ($template) { $query->where('e.element = ' . $db->quote($template)); } if ($template_style_id) { $query->join('LEFT', '#__template_styles as s on s.template=e.element'); $query->where('s.id=' . (int) $template_style_id); } // Set the query and load the templates. $db->setQuery($query); $templates = $db->loadObjectList('element'); // Check for a database error. if ($db->getErrorNum()) { JError::raiseWarning(500, $db->getErrorMsg()); } // Build the search paths for module layouts. $module_path = JPath::clean($client->path . '/modules/' . $module . '/tmpl'); // Prepare array of component layouts $module_layouts = array(); // Prepare the grouped list $groups = array(); // Add the layout options from the module path. if (is_dir($module_path) && ($module_layouts = JFolder::files($module_path, '^[^_]*\.php$'))) { // Create the group for the module $groups['_'] = array(); $groups['_']['id'] = $this->id . '__'; $groups['_']['text'] = JText::sprintf('JOPTION_FROM_MODULE'); $groups['_']['items'] = array(); foreach ($module_layouts as $file) { // Add an option to the module group $value = JFile::stripExt($file); $text = $lang->hasKey($key = strtoupper($module . '_LAYOUT_' . $value)) ? JText::_($key) : $value; $groups['_']['items'][] = JHtml::_('select.option', '_:' . $value, $text); } } // Loop on all templates if ($templates) { foreach ($templates as $template) { // Load language file $lang->load('tpl_' . $template->element . '.sys', $client->path, null, false, false) || $lang->load('tpl_' . $template->element . '.sys', $client->path . '/templates/' . $template->element, null, false, false) || $lang->load('tpl_' . $template->element . '.sys', $client->path, $lang->getDefault(), false, false) || $lang->load('tpl_' . $template->element . '.sys', $client->path . '/templates/' . $template->element, $lang->getDefault(), false, false); $template_path = JPath::clean($client->path . '/templates/' . $template->element . '/html/' . $module); // Add the layout options from the template path. if (is_dir($template_path) && ($files = JFolder::files($template_path, '^[^_]*\.php$'))) { foreach ($files as $i => $file) { // Remove layout that already exist in component ones if (in_array($file, $module_layouts)) { unset($files[$i]); } } if (count($files)) { // Create the group for the template $groups[$template->element] = array(); $groups[$template->element]['id'] = $this->id . '_' . $template->element; $groups[$template->element]['text'] = JText::sprintf('JOPTION_FROM_TEMPLATE', $template->name); $groups[$template->element]['items'] = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { // Add an option to the template group $value = JFile::stripExt($file); $text = $lang->hasKey($key = strtoupper('TPL_' . $template->element . '_' . $module . '_LAYOUT_' . $value)) ? JText::_($key) : $value; $groups[$template->element]['items'][] = JHtml::_('select.option', $template->element . ':' . $value, $text); } } } } } // Compute attributes for the grouped list $attr = $this->element['size'] ? ' size="' . (int) $this->element['size'] . '"' : ''; $attr .= 'style="width:105px;border-radius:3px;-moz-border-radius:3px;padding:1px;"'; // Prepare HTML code $html = array(); // Compute the current selected values $selected = array($this->value); // Add a grouped list $html[] = $icon ? '<img src="' . $this->getPathToImages() . '/images/' . $icon . '" style="margin-right:5px;" />' : '<div style="float:left;width:15px;margin-right:5px;"> </div>'; $html[] = JHtml::_('select.groupedlist', $groups, $this->name, array('id' => $this->id, 'group.id' => 'id', 'list.attr' => $attr, 'list.select' => $selected)); return implode($html); } else { return ''; } } protected function getPathToImages() { $localpath = dirname(__FILE__); $rootpath = JPATH_ROOT; $httppath = trim(JURI::root(), "/"); $pathtoimages = str_replace("\\", "/", str_replace($rootpath, $httppath, $localpath)); return $pathtoimages; } }