Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/modules/mod_responsivegallery/tmpl/picasa/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/modules/mod_responsivegallery/tmpl/picasa/phpPicasahelper.php |
<?php /* * phpPicasa get datas of galleries, pictures from Picasaweb, titles, captions, user name * * @id $Id$ * @author GraphicAholic.com (c) 2013 * @license GNU/GPL license: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html */ // no direct access class phpPicasahelper { private $url=null; //Google AtomFeed URL private $parsed=array(); //an unprocessed array from AtomFeed XML private $result=array(); //an associative array from parsed array private $userid=null; //Picasaweb username private $albumid=null; //album id */ /* private $albumid=null; //album id */ private $thumbsize=null; //thumbnail size for album lists or photo lists private $picturesize=null; //picture size for photos of an album /* * Function parse parsing Google API AtomFeed XML */ private function parse() { $a=xml_parser_create(); xml_parse_into_struct($a, $this->getUrlContent(), $values); xml_parser_free($a); $this->parsed=$values; } /* * Function makeArrayFull makes an array, * that contain all data comes from Google API AtomFeed XML */ private function makeArrayFull() { $rsstomb=$this->parsed; $result=array(); $level1=1; $level2=2; $level3=3; $level4=4; $level2i=1; $level3i=1; $i=0; $level1name=$rsstomb[$i]['tag']; $i++; while ($rsstomb[$i]['level']!=$level1 or $rsstomb[$i]['type']!='close') { $level2name=$rsstomb[$i]['tag']; if ($level2name==$rsstomb[$i-1]['tag']) { $level2name=$level2name.$level2i++; } else { $level2i=1; } if ($rsstomb[$i]['level']==$level2 and $rsstomb[$i]['type']=='complete') { if (isset($rsstomb[$i]['attributes'])) { $result[$level1name][$level2name]['attributes']=$rsstomb[$i]['attributes']; } if (isset($rsstomb[$i]['value'])) { $result[$level1name][$level2name]['value']=$rsstomb[$i]['value']; } } elseif ($rsstomb[$i]['level']==$level2 and $rsstomb[$i]['type']=='open') { if (isset($rsstomb[$i]['attributes'])) { $result[$level1name][$level2name]['attributes']=$rsstomb[$i]['attributes']; } if (isset($rsstomb[$i]['value'])) { $result[$level1name][$level2name]['value']=$rsstomb[$i]['value']; } $i++; while ($rsstomb[$i]['level']!=$level2 or $rsstomb[$i]['type']!='close') { $level3name=$rsstomb[$i]['tag']; if ($level3name==$rsstomb[$i-1]['tag']) { $level3name=$level3name.$level3i++; } else { $level3i=1; } if ($rsstomb[$i]['level']==$level3 and $rsstomb[$i]['type']=='complete') { if (isset($rsstomb[$i]['attributes'])) { $result[$level1name][$level2name][$level3name]['attributes']=$rsstomb[$i]['attributes']; } if (isset($rsstomb[$i]['value'])) { $result[$level1name][$level2name][$level3name]['value']=$rsstomb[$i]['value']; } } elseif ($rsstomb[$i]['level']==$level3 and $rsstomb[$i]['type']=='open') { if (isset($rsstomb[$i]['attributes'])) { $result[$level1name][$level2name][$level3name]['attributes']=$rsstomb[$i]['attributes']; } if (isset($rsstomb[$i]['value'])) { $result[$level1name][$level2name][$level3name]['value']=$rsstomb[$i]['value']; } $i++; while ($rsstomb[$i]['level']!=$level3 or $rsstomb[$i]['type']!='close') { $level4name=$rsstomb[$i]['tag']; if ($rsstomb[$i]['level']==$level4 and $rsstomb[$i]['type']=='complete') { if (isset($rsstomb[$i]['attributes'])) { $result[$level1name][$level2name][$level3name][$level4name]['attributes']=$rsstomb[$i]['attributes']; } if (isset($rsstomb[$i]['value'])) { $result[$level1name][$level2name][$level3name][$level4name]['value']=$rsstomb[$i]['value']; } } $i++; } } $i++; } } $i++; } $this->result=$result; } /* * Function getUrlContent gets content of Google API AtomFeed URL */ private function getUrlContent() { if(empty($this->url)) { throw new Exception("URL to parse is empty!."); return false; } if($content = @file_get_contents($this->url)) { return $content; } else { $ch=curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $content=curl_exec($ch); $error=curl_error($ch); curl_close($ch); if(empty($error)) { return $content; } else { throw new Exception("Erroe occured while loading url by cURL. <br />\n" . $error) ; return false; } } } /* * Function makeURL makes Google AtomFeed URL * from username, albumid, and optional thumbnail size */ private function makeURL() { if ($this->thumbsize!="") { $thumbsize="&thumbsize=" . $this->thumbsize; } else { $thumbsize=""; } if ($this->picturesize!="") { $picturesize="&imgmax=" . $this->picturesize; } else { $picturesize=""; } $ret="http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api"; if ($this->userid!="") { $ret.="/user/" . $this->userid; } if ($this->albumid!="") { $ret.="/albumid/" . $this->albumid . "?kind=photo&access=public" . $thumbsize . $picturesize; } else { $ret.="?kind=album&access=public" . $thumbsize; } return $ret; } /* * Function fromURLtoArray calls 3 different function */ private function fromURLtoArray() { $this->url=$this->makeURL(); $this->parse(); $this->makeArrayFull(); } /* * Function getKeys gets similar keys of $key from full array */ private function getKeys($key) { $keys=array_keys($this->result["FEED"]); $entry=array(); $entry_key=0; for ($i=0;$i<count($keys);$i++) { if (preg_match("/" . $key . "/", $keys[$i])) { $entry[$entry_key++]=$keys[$i]; } } return $entry; } /* * Function getAlbums gets some data from Picasaweb. * * getAlbums(userid,thumbsize) * * parameters: * userid (your picasaweb userid) * thumbsize (size of thumbnail images) optional, default is 160px * * * you can use this sizes: 32, 48, 64, 72, 104, 144, 150, 160, 176, 192, 208, 224, 240, 256, 272, 288, 304, 320, 336, * * * this pictures available full and crop format * * * for example: * * * * you want to use 32px crop thumbnail: thumbsize value is "32c" * * * * full size: "32u" * * Return in this data format: * * "albumid"=>"name"="albumname (type: string)", * "albumid"=>"numphotos"="number of photos (type: string)", * "albumid"=>"published"="publication time (type: unix timestamp)", * "albumid"=>"thumbnail"="URL of thumbnail image (type: string)", * "albumid"=>"title"="title of album (type: string)") * "albumid"=>"description"="description of photos (type: string)") * "albumid"=>"credit"="credit of photos (type: string)") * */ public function getAlbums($userid,$thumbsize="64c") { $albums=array(); $this->userid=$userid; $this->thumbsize=$thumbsize; $this->fromURLtoArray(); $id=0; foreach ($this->getKeys("ENTRY") AS $key=>$value) { foreach ($this->result["FEED"][$value] AS $gphotokey=>$gphotovalue) { switch ($gphotokey) { case "GPHOTO:ID": $albums[$id]['id']=$gphotovalue["value"]; break; case "GPHOTO:NAME": $albums[$id]['name']=$gphotovalue["value"]; break; case "GPHOTO:NUMPHOTOS": $albums[$id]['numphotos']=$gphotovalue["value"]; break; case "GPHOTO:TIMESTAMP": $albums[$id]['published']=substr($gphotovalue["value"],0,10); break; case "MEDIA:GROUP": foreach ($gphotovalue AS $mediakey=>$mediavalue) { if ($mediakey=="MEDIA:THUMBNAIL") { $albums[$id]['thumbnail']=$mediavalue["attributes"]["URL"]; } if ($mediakey=="MEDIA:TITLE") { $albums[$id]['title']=$mediavalue["value"]; } if ($mediakey=="MEDIA:DESCRIPTION") { $albums[$id]['caption']=$mediavalue["value"]; } if ($mediakey=="MEDIA:CREDIT") { $albums[$id]['credit']=$mediavalue["value"]; } } break; default: break; } } $id++; } return $albums; } /* * Function getPictures gets some data from Picasaweb. * * getPictures(userid,albumid,thumbsize) * * parameters: * userid (your picasaweb userid) * albumid (id of album) * thumbsize (size of thumbnail images) optional, default is 160px * * * you can use this sizes: 32, 48, 64, 72, 104, 144, 150, 160 * * * this pictures available full and crop format * * * for example you want to use 32px crop thumbnail: thumbsize value is "32c" * * * full size: "32u" * picturesize (size of pictures) otional, default is 512px * * * you can use this sizes: 94, 110, 128, 200, 220, 288, * * * * 320, 400, 512, 576, 640, 720, 800, 912, 1024, 1152, 1280, 1440, 1600 * * Return in this data format: * * "albumtitle"="name of album (type: string)", * "pictureid"=>"published"="publication time (type: unix timestamp)", * "pictureid"=>"picture"="URL of picture image (type: string)", * "pictureid"=>"thumbnail"="URL of thumbnail image (type: string)", * "pictureid"=>"title"="title of album (type: string)") * */ public function getPictures($userid,$albumid,$caption,$thumbsize="64c",$picturesize="") { $pictures=array(); $this->userid=$userid; $this->albumid=$albumid; $this->thumbsize=$thumbsize; $this->picturesize=$picturesize; $this->description=$description; $this->credit=$credit; $this->fromURLtoArray(); $pictures['albumtitle']=$this->result["FEED"]["TITLE"]["DESCRIPTION"]["CREDIT"]["value"]; $id=0; foreach ($this->getKeys("ENTRY") AS $key=>$value) { foreach ($this->result["FEED"][$value] AS $gphotokey=>$gphotovalue) { switch ($gphotokey) { case "GPHOTO:ID": $pictures[$id]['id']=$gphotovalue["value"]; break; case "GPHOTO:TIMESTAMP": $pictures[$id]['published']=substr($gphotovalue["value"],0,10); break; case "MEDIA:GROUP": foreach ($gphotovalue AS $mediakey=>$mediavalue) { if ($mediakey=="MEDIA:CONTENT") { $pictures[$id]['picture']=$mediavalue["attributes"]["URL"]; } if ($mediakey=="MEDIA:THUMBNAIL") { $pictures[$id]['thumbnail']=$mediavalue["attributes"]["URL"]; } if ($mediakey=="MEDIA:TITLE") { $pictures[$id]['title']=$mediavalue["value"]; } if ($mediakey=="MEDIA:DESCRIPTION") { $pictures[$id]['caption']=$mediavalue["value"]; } if ($mediakey=="MEDIA:CREDIT") { $pictures[$id]['credit']=$mediavalue["value"]; } } break; default: break; } } $id++; } return $pictures; } } ?>