Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/modules/mod_joomimg/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/modules/mod_joomimg/mod_joomimg.php |
<?php // $HeadURL: https://joomgallery.org/svn/joomgallery/JG-1.5/Module/JoomImages/trunk/mod_joomimg.php $ // $Id: mod_joomimg.php 3005 2011-04-27 04:52:18Z aha $ /** * Module JoomImages 1.5 * by JoomGallery::Project Team * based on module for PonyGallery ML by Benjamin Malte Meier 10/08/2007" * @package JoomGallery * @Copyright JoomGallery team and b2m * @ All rights reserved * @ Joomla Open Source is Free Stuff * @ Released under GnuGPL License. **/ // No direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); jimport('joomla.application.component.helper'); if (!JComponentHelper::isEnabled('com_joomgallery', true)) { echo JText::_('JIJGNOTINSTALLED'); return; } // Get the interface require_once(JPATH_ROOT.DS.'components'.DS.'com_joomgallery'.DS.'interface.php'); // Include the helper class only once require_once (dirname(__FILE__).DS.'helper.php'); // Id of actual module instance $moduleid = $module->id; // Create helper object $joomimgObj = new modJoomImagesHelper(); if($joomimgObj->getGalleryVersion() < "1.5.7") { echo JText::sprintf('JIJOOMGALLERY_NOT_UPTODATE', '1.5.7'); return; } jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); // Fill the interface object and get the images $imgobjects = $joomimgObj->fillObject($params,$moduleid); // Slideshow or default view if($joomimgObj->getConfig('slideshowthis') == 1) { $path = JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_joomimg', 'slideshow'); } else { $path = JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_joomimg', 'default'); } if (JFile::exists($path)) { require($path); } ?>