Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/modules/mod_joomimg/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/modules/mod_joomimg/helper.php |
<?php // $HeadURL: https://joomgallery.org/svn/joomgallery/JG-1.5/Module/JoomImages/trunk/helper.php $ // $Id: helper.php 3238 2011-07-23 18:42:15Z aha $ /** * Module JoomImages 1.5 * by JoomGallery::Project Team * @package JoomGallery * @Copyright JoomGallery team * @ All rights reserved * @ Joomla Open Source is Free Stuff * @ Released under GnuGPL License. **/ /// no direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); /** * Helper class for module JoomImages * * @category Modules * @package JoomImages * @author JoomGallery team <team@joomgallery.net> * @version Release <1.5> * @link * @license GPL * * */ class modJoomImagesHelper extends joominterface { // Own class variable because db->escaped strips the "" var $scrollmousecode; // True if output of one or more comment texts active var $cmttext; // True if one of the sorting by comments options active var $cmtsort; /** * entry function * * @param object $params - backend parameters * @param object $modObject - interface object * @return object - picture objects */ function fillObject(&$params,&$moduleid) { $doc = &JFactory::getDocument(); // Initialize with null to determine them in cmttest() $this->cmttext = null; $this->cmtsort = null; // Read the parameters $this->getParams($params, $moduleid); // Get the images $objects = $this->getDBImages(); // *** Slideshow *** if($this->getConfig('slideshowthis') == 1) { // Include javascripts JHTML::_('behavior.mootools'); $doc->addScript(JURI::base().'modules/mod_joomimg/assets/slideshow.js'); } else { // Include CSS files of JoomGallery $this->getPageHeader(); // Modify content of images for default view $this->modContent($objects); // Include Pagination javascript if activated if($this->getConfig('pagination')) { JHTML::_('behavior.mootools'); $doc->addScript(JURI::base().'modules/mod_joomimg/assets/pagination.js'); $jsstart="window.addEvent('domready', function(){ var joomimgpagination$moduleid = new JoomImgPagination( { moduleid:$moduleid, pagpersite: ".$this->getConfig('paginationct').", csstag: '".$this->getConfig('csstag')."' }); });"; $doc->addScriptDeclaration($jsstart); } // Create and include the dynamic css for default view // according to backend settings $this->renderCSS(); } // Include common css $doc->addStyleSheet(JURI::base().'modules/mod_joomimg/assets/mod_joomimg.css'); return $objects; } /** * Get the params setted in module backend * * @param object $params - backend parameters */ function getParams(&$params,&$moduleid) { // Get the parameters and add them to the config $this->addConfig('group', 'joomgallerymodji'); $this->addConfig('Itemid', $params->get('Itemid', '')); $this->addConfig('limit', $params->get('limit', 4)); $this->addConfig('img_per_row', $params->get('img_per_row', 2)); $this->addConfig('sorting', $params->get('sorting', 'rand()')); $this->addConfig('resultbytime', $params->get('resultbytime', 0)); if($this->getConfig('resultbytime') == 99) { $this->addConfig('resultbytimefrom', $params->get('resultbytimefrom', 0)); $this->addConfig('resultbytimeto', $params->get('resultbytimeto', 0)); } $this->addConfig('cats', $params->get('cats', '')); $this->addConfig('showorhidecats', $params->get('showorhidecats', 1)); $this->addConfig('includesubcats', $params->get('includesubcats', 0)); $this->addConfig('dynamiccats', $params->get('dynamiccats', 0)); $this->addConfig('showhidden', $params->get('showhidden', 0)); if(is_numeric($params->get('votesctsel')) && $params->get('votesctsel') >= 0) { $this->addConfig('votesctsel', $params->get('votesctsel', -1)); } else { $this->addConfig('votesctsel', -1); } $this->addConfig('pagination', $params->get('pagination', 0)); $this->addConfig('paginationct', $params->get('paginationct', 0)); $this->addConfig('paginationpos', $params->get('paginationpos', 0)); // Deactivate pagination if number of images per site >= limit if($this->getConfig('paginationct') >= $this->getConfig('limit')) { $this->addConfig('pagination', 0); } $this->addConfig('crop_img', $params->get('crop_img', 0)); $this->addConfig('crop_pos', $params->get('crop_pos', 2)); $this->addConfig('crop_sizewidth', $params->get('crop_sizewidth', 50)); $this->addConfig('crop_sizeheight', $params->get('crop_sizeheight', 150)); $openimage = $params->get('openimage', 'default'); if($openimage == 'cat') { $this->addConfig('catlink', 1); } else { if($openimage != 'default' && $openimage != 'none') { $this->addConfig('openimage', $openimage); } } if($openimage == 'none') { $this->addConfig('setjilink', 0); } else { $this->addConfig('setjilink', 1); } $this->addConfig('openimagesrc', $params->get('openimagesrc', 'img')); $this->addConfig('show_empty_message', $params->get('show_empty_message', 1)); $this->addConfig('image_position', $params->get('image_position', 1)); $this->addConfig('auto_resize', $params->get('auto_resize', 0)); $this->addConfig('auto_resize_max', $params->get('auto_resize_max', 100)); $this->addConfig('imgwidth', $params->get('imgwidth', 0)); $this->addConfig('imgheight', $params->get('imgheight', 0)); $this->addConfig('showtext', $params->get('showtext', 1)); if($this->getConfig('showtext') == 0) { $this->addConfig('disable_infos', 1); } $this->addConfig('dateformat', $params->get('dateformat', "%d.%m.%Y")); if($this->getConfig('dateformat') == 1) { $this->addConfig('dateformat', $this->getJConfig('jg_dateformat')); } $this->addConfig('showtitle', $params->get('showtitle', 1)); $this->addConfig('strtitlewrap', $params->get('strtitlewrap', 0)); $this->addConfig('showdescription', $params->get('showdescription', 0)); $this->addConfig('strdescount', $params->get('strdescount', 0)); $this->addConfig('strdeswrap', $params->get('strdeswrap', 0)); $this->addConfig('showauthor', $params->get('showuser', 0)); $this->addConfig('showcategory', $params->get('showcatg', 0)); $this->addConfig('showhits', $params->get('showhits', 0)); $this->addConfig('showrate', $params->get('showrating', 0)); $this->addConfig('showimgdate', $params->get('showimgdate', 0)); $this->addConfig('showcmtdate', $params->get('showcmtdate', 0)); $this->addConfig('showcmttext', $params->get('showcmttext', 0)); $this->addConfig('shownumcomments', $params->get('showcmtcount', 0)); $this->addConfig('strcmtcount', $params->get('strcmtcount', 0)); $this->addConfig('strcmtwrap', $params->get('strcmtwrap', 0)); $this->addConfig('showcmtmore', $params->get('showcmtmore', 0)); $this->addConfig('scrollthis', $params->get('scrollthis', 0)); $this->addConfig('scrolldirection', $params->get('scrolldirection', 'left')); $this->addConfig('scrollheight', $params->get('scrollheight', 250)); $this->addConfig('scrollwidth', $params->get('scrollwidth', 230)); $this->addConfig('scrollamount', $params->get('scrollamount', 1)); $this->addConfig('scrolldelay', $params->get('scrolldelay', 10)); $this->scrollmousecode=($params->get('scrollmouse', 1)==1) ? "onmouseover=\"this.stop()\" onmouseout=\"this.start()\"" : ""; $this->addConfig('dir_hor', $params->get('dir_hor', 'left')); $this->addConfig('dir_vert', $params->get('dir_vert', 'top')); $this->addConfig('sectiontableentry', $params->get('sectiontableentry', 0)); $this->addConfig('slideshowthis', $params->get('slideshowthis', 0)); if( $this->getConfig('showtext') == 1 && $this->getConfig('showtitle') == 0 && $this->getConfig('showdescription') == 0 && $this->getConfig('showauthor') == 0 && $this->getConfig('showcategory') == 0 && $this->getConfig('showhits') == 0 && $this->getConfig('showrate') == 0 && $this->getConfig('showimgdate') == 0 && $this->getConfig('showcmtdate') == 0 && $this->getConfig('showcmttext') == 0 && $this->getConfig('shownumcomments') == 0 ) { $this->addConfig('disable_infos', 1); } $this->addConfig('type', $params->get('type', 'thumb')); $this->addConfig('piclinkslideshow', $params->get('piclinkslideshow', 0)); $this->addConfig('showCaption', $params->get('showCaption', 1)); $this->addConfig('showTitleCaption', $params->get('showTitleCaption', 1)); $this->addConfig('heightCaption', $params->get('heightCaption', 45)); $this->addConfig('width', $params->get('width', 400)); $this->addConfig('height', $params->get('height', 300)); $this->addConfig('imageDuration', $params->get('imageDuration', 9000)); $this->addConfig('transDuration', $params->get('transDuration', 2000)); $this->addConfig('transType', $params->get('transType', 'combo')); $this->addConfig('transition', $params->get('transition', 'Expo.easeOut')); $this->addConfig('pan', $params->get('pan', 50)); $this->addConfig('zoom', $params->get('zoom', 50)); $this->addConfig('loadingDiv', $params->get('loadingDiv', 1)); $this->addConfig('imageResize', $params->get('imageResize', 1)); $this->addConfig('titleSize', $params->get('titleSize', '13px')); $this->addConfig('titleColor', $params->get('titleColor', '#fff')); $this->addConfig('descSize', $params->get('descSize', '11px')); $this->addConfig('descColor', $params->get('descColor', '#ccc')); $this->addConfig('csstag', "joomimg".$moduleid."_"); // CSS border $this->addConfig('border', $params->get('border', 0)); $this->addConfig('borderwidth', $params->get('borderwidth', '2px')); $this->addConfig('borderstyle', $params->get('borderstyle', 'solid')); $this->addConfig('bordercolor', $params->get('bordercolor', '#000')); $this->addConfig('borderpadding', $params->get('borderpadding', '2px')); } /** * Assemble the query for reading the image data from database * * @return object - image objects */ function getDBImages() { $database = & JFactory::getDBO(); $user = & JFactory::getUser(); $limit = $this->getConfig('limit'); $sorting = $this->getConfig('sorting'); // Deny sorting by nametags if not activated or no permission if(stristr($sorting, 'n.ndate')) { if($this->getJConfig('jg_nameshields') == 0) { return null; } else { if(!$user->get('aid') && !$this->getJConfig('jg_nameshields_unreg')) { return null; } } } $dbselects = array(); $dbfroms = array(); $dbjoins = array(); $dbwheres = array(); $dbgroups = array(); $dborders = array(); if($this->cmtTest(1)) { if($this->getConfig('sorting') == "commentrand") { $sorting = 'rand()'; } } // *** Assemble the select part *** $dbselects[] = ' p.id AS id,'; $dbselects[] = ' p.catid,'; $dbselects[] = ' p.imgthumbname,'; $dbselects[] = ' p.imgfilename,'; $dbselects[] = ' p.imgtitle,'; // Show image text if($this->getConfig('showdescription')) { $dbselects[] = ' p.imgtext,'; } // Show author if($this->getConfig('showauthor')) { $dbselects[] = ' p.imgauthor,'; $dbselects[] = ' p.owner,'; } // Show category name if($this->getConfig('showcategory')) { $dbselects[] = ' c.name AS cattitle,'; } // Show hits if($this->getConfig('showhits')) { $dbselects[] = ' p.hits,'; } // Show rating or sort by rating if( stristr($this->getConfig('sorting'), 'rating') || $this->getConfig('showrate') ) { $dbselects[] = ' p.imgvotes,'; $dbselects[] = ' '.JoomHelper::getSQLRatingClause().' AS rating,'; } // Show date of image if($this->getConfig('showimgdate') || $this->getConfig('showpicasnew')) { $dbselects[] = ' p.imgdate as imgdate,'; } $dbselects[] = ' c.cid AS ccid,'; $dbselects[] = ' c.catpath AS catpath'; if(stristr($sorting, 'ntcount')) { $dbselects[] = ' ,(SELECT COUNT(nid) FROM '._JOOM_TABLE_NAMESHIELDS.' AS na' . ' WHERE p.id=na.nid) AS ntcount'; } if($this->cmtTest(1)) { $cmtdate = 'co.cmtdate'; if($sorting == 'co.cmtdate ASC') { $cmtdate = 'MAX(co.cmtdate)'; $sorting = 'cmtdate ASC'; } else if($sorting == 'co.cmtdate DESC') { $cmtdate = 'MAX(co.cmtdate)'; $sorting = 'cmtdate DESC'; } $dbselects[] = ' ,'.$cmtdate.' AS cmtdate'; } // Check if text option 'number of comments' activated if($this->getConfig('shownumcomments')) { $dbselects[] = ' ,count(co.cmtid) AS cmtcount'; } // *** Assemble the from part *** if($this->cmtTest(1)) { $dbfroms[] = ' '._JOOM_TABLE_COMMENTS.' as co'; } else { $dbfroms[] = ' '._JOOM_TABLE_IMAGES.' AS p'; } // *** Assemble the join clauses *** if($this->cmtTest(1)) { $dbjoins[] = 'LEFT JOIN '._JOOM_TABLE_IMAGES; $dbjoins[] = ' AS p ON co.cmtpic = p.id'; } $dbjoins[] = 'LEFT JOIN '._JOOM_TABLE_CATEGORIES; $dbjoins[] = ' AS c ON c.cid = p.catid'; // If sorting by date of nametags if(stristr($sorting, 'n.ndate')) { $dbjoins[] = 'LEFT JOIN '._JOOM_TABLE_NAMESHIELDS; $dbjoins[] = ' AS n ON n.npicid = p.id'; } // Check if any comment text options activated if($this->getConfig('shownumcomments') && !$this->cmtTest(1)) { $dbjoins[] = 'LEFT JOIN '._JOOM_TABLE_COMMENTS; $dbjoins[] = ' AS co ON co.cmtpic = p.id'; } // *** Assemble the where clauses *** $dbwheres[] = ' c.published = 1'; $dbwheres[] = 'AND'; $dbwheres[] = ' c.access <= '.$user->get('aid'); $dbwheres[] = 'AND'; $dbwheres[] = ' p.published = 1'; $dbwheres[] = 'AND'; $dbwheres[] = ' p.approved = 1'; // Check the current category shown in JoomGallery if( $this->getConfig('dynamiccats') && ($currcat =$this->getCurrentCat()) != 0 ) { $dbwheres[] = 'AND'; $dbwheres[] = ' p.catid = '.$currcat; } // Show or hide categories if($this->getConfig('cats')) { $dbwheres[] = 'AND'; $dbwheres[] = ' p.catid'; $dbwheres[] = ($this->getConfig('showorhidecats') == 1) ? ' IN' : ' NOT IN'; if($this->getConfig('includesubcats')) { // Include subcategories $catsincsubcats = $this->getSubcategories($this->getConfig('cats')); $dbwheres[] = ' ('.$catsincsubcats.')'; } else { $dbwheres[] = ' ('.$this->getConfig('cats').')'; } } // Timespan filter if($this->getConfig('resultbytime') != 0) { $dbwheres[] = $this->getSQLTimestring($this->getConfig('resultbytime')); } // Show only not hidden images from not hidden categories if(!$this->getConfig('showhidden')) { $dbwheres[] = 'AND c.hidden = 0'; $dbwheres[] = 'AND c.in_hidden = 0'; $dbwheres[] = 'AND p.hidden = 0'; } // Show only images with votes = x if($this->getConfig('votesctsel') != -1) { $dbwheres[] = 'AND p.imgvotes = '.$this->getConfig('votesctsel'); } // *** Assemble the group clause *** // Check if any comment sorting active if($this->cmtTest(1)) { $dbgroups[] = 'p.id'; } // *** Assemble the order clause *** $dborders[] = $sorting; // Assemble the query $query = "SELECT\n"; foreach ($dbselects as $dbselect) { $query .= $dbselect."\n"; } $query .= "FROM\n"; foreach ($dbfroms as $dbfrom) { $query .= $dbfrom."\n"; } foreach ($dbjoins as $dbjoin) { $query .= $dbjoin."\n"; } $query .= "WHERE\n"; foreach ($dbwheres as $dbwhere) { $query .= $dbwhere."\n"; } if (count($dbgroups)) { $query .= "GROUP BY\n"; foreach ($dbgroups as $dbgroup) { $query .= $dbgroup."\n"; } } if (count($dborders)) { $query .= "ORDER BY\n"; foreach ($dborders as $dborder) { $query .= $dborder."\n"; } } $limit = $this->getConfig('limit'); // Total number of images or pagination set if($limit != 0) { $database->setQuery($query, 0, $limit); } else { $database->setQuery($query); } $objects=$database->loadObjectList("id"); // Get the date and/or text from last comment if one of the options activated if($this->cmtTest(2)) { $this->getLastComments($objects); } // Deactivate pagination if there are not enough images if( $this->getConfig('pagination') && count($objects) <= $this->getConfig('paginationct') ) { $this->addConfig('pagination', 0); } return $objects; } /** * Get the IDs of subcategories * @return string with catids */ function getSubcategories() { $cats = array(); $cats = explode(',', $this->getConfig('cats')); if(count($cats) == 0) { return ''; } // Delete double values $cats = array_unique($cats); $subcats = array(); // Iterate through array and call getAllSubCategories // in helper class of JoomGallery foreach($cats as $cat) { if(!in_array($cat, $subcats)) { $subcats = array_merge($subcats, JoomHelper::getAllSubCategories($cat)); } } $cats = array_merge($cats, $subcats); // Delete double values $cats = array_unique($cats); $catsstring = implode(',', $cats); return $catsstring; } /** * Create the where clause for timespan dependent query * * @param integer $option $this->getConfig('resultbytime') * @return string where clause */ function getSQLTimestring ($option) { $timequery = ''; switch ($option) { // Current day case 1: $timequery = ' AND p.imgdate >= CURRENT_DATE()'; break; // Current week case 2: $startWeek = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n'), date('j'), date('Y')) - ((date('N')-1)*3600*24); $timequery = ' AND p.imgdate >= FROM_UNIXTIME('.$startWeek.')'; break; // Current month case 3: $startMonth = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), 1, date('Y')); $timequery = ' AND p.imgdate >= FROM_UNIXTIME('.$startMonth.')'; break; // Current year case 4: $startYear = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, date('Y')); $timequery = ' AND p.imgdate >= FROM_UNIXTIME('.$startYear.')'; break; // Last 24 hours case 5: $timequery = ' AND p.imgdate >= (NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAY)'; break; // Last 7 days case 6: $timequery = ' AND p.imgdate >= (NOW() - INTERVAL 7 DAY)'; break; // Last 30 days case 7: $timequery = ' AND p.imgdate >= (NOW() - INTERVAL 30 DAY)'; break; // Last 12 months case 8: $timequery = ' AND p.imgdate >= (NOW() - INTERVAL 12 MONTH)'; break; // Free settings case 99: $timefrom = $this->getConfig('resultbytimefrom'); $timeto = $this->getConfig('resultbytimeto'); if($timefrom == '0' && $timeto == '0') { break; } if($timefrom == '0' && $timeto != '0') { // Timespan until 'to' $timequery = " AND p.imgdate <= STR_TO_DATE('".$timeto."',GET_FORMAT(DATE,'EUR'))"; } else if($timefrom != '0' && $timeto == '0') { // Timespan since 'from' $timequery = " AND p.imgdate >= STR_TO_DATE('".$timefrom."',GET_FORMAT(DATE,'EUR'))"; } else { $timequery = " AND p.imgdate BETWEEN STR_TO_DATE('".$timefrom."',GET_FORMAT(DATE,'EUR'))" . " AND STR_TO_DATE('".$timeto."',GET_FORMAT(DATE,'EUR'))"; } break; default: $timequery= ''; break; } return $timequery; } /** * Get the html code for text fields of image * * @param object $obj - picture object * @return string - html code */ function showText($obj) { $output = ""; // Decode BB-Tags and shorten the text of comment if( $this->getConfig('showcmttext') && !is_null($obj->cmtdate)) { $obj->cmttext = $this->decodetext($obj->cmttext, $this->getConfig('strcmtcount'), $this->getConfig('strcmtwrap'), $this->getConfig('showcmtmore')); } // Comment text if( $this->getConfig('showcmtmore') == 1 && $this->getConfig('strcmtcount') > 0 && $this->getJConfig('jg_detailpic_open') == 0 && (( $this->getJConfig('jg_showdetailpage') == 0 && $user->get('aid') != 0) || $this->getJConfig('jg_showdetailpage') == 1) ) { $obj->cmttext .= ' …<a href="' .$this->route('index.php?view=detail&id='.$obj->id) .'#joomcomments'.'">' .JText::_('READMORE').'</a>'; } $output = $this->displayDesc($obj); return $output; } /** * Read the last comment of images and complete the image objects * * @param array $objects */ function getLastComments($objects) { $database = & JFactory::getDBO(); if(count($objects)) { $picidsarr = array_keys($objects); $picids = '('.implode(',', $picidsarr).')'; $query = ' SELECT '; $query .= ' co.cmtpic AS cocmtpic,'; if($this->getConfig('showcmttext')) { $query .= ' co.cmttext,'; } $query .= ' co.userid AS cmtuserid,' . ' co.cmtname AS cmtname,' . ' co.cmtdate as cmtdate' . ' FROM ' . ' '._JOOM_TABLE_COMMENTS.' AS co' . ' LEFT JOIN' . ' '._JOOM_TABLE_COMMENTS.' AS co2' . ' ON ' . ' co.cmtpic = co2.cmtpic' . ' AND' . ' co.cmtdate < co2.cmtdate' . ' WHERE' . ' co2.cmtpic IS NULL' . ' AND' . ' co.cmtpic IN '.$picids . ' AND ((co.published=1 AND co.approved=1) OR co.published IS NULL)'; $database->setQuery($query); $commobjects = $database->loadObjectList('cocmtpic'); // And complete objects with data of last comment foreach($objects as $key => &$object ) { $object->cmttext = isset($commobjects[$key]->cmttext) ? $commobjects[$key]->cmttext:null; $object->cmtdate = isset($commobjects[$key]->cmtdate) ? $commobjects[$key]->cmtdate:null; $object->cmtuserid = isset($commobjects[$key]->cmtuserid) ? $commobjects[$key]->cmtuserid:null; $object->cmtname = isset($commobjects[$key]->cmtname) ? $commobjects[$key]->cmtname:null; } } } /** * Assembles text and html for image elements of default view * @param $objects array aof images */ function modContent(&$objects) { $csstag = $this->getConfig("csstag"); $imgcount = 0; foreach($objects as $key => $obj) { $imgcount++; // Wordwrap for imgtitle if($this->getConfig('strtitlewrap') > 0) { $objects[$key]->imgtitle = wordwrap($obj->imgtitle,$this->getConfig('strtitlewrap'),'<br />', true); } // Shorten the image description if( $this->getConfig('strdescount') > 0 && isset($obj->imgtext) && strlen($obj->imgtext)>0 ) { if(strlen($obj->imgtext) > $this->getConfig('strdescount')) { $objects[$key]->imgtext = substr(strip_tags($objects[$key]->imgtext), 0, $this->getConfig('strdescount')).'…'; } } // Wordwrap for image description if( $this->getConfig('strdeswrap') > 0 && isset($obj->imgtext) && strlen($obj->imgtext) > 0 ) { $objects[$key]->imgtext = wordwrap(strip_tags($obj->imgtext), $this->getConfig('strdeswrap'), '<br />', true); } // Check for link to category if($this->getConfig('catlink') == 1) { $objects[$key]->link = $this->route('index.php?view=category&catid='.$obj->catid); } else { // Otherwise link to detail view $objects[$key]->link = $this->getImageLink($obj, $this->getConfig('openimagesrc')); } $objects[$key]->css_styledimension = ''; // Make css settings and call functions of interface // to retrieve images and texts // If auto_resize activated, check the dimensions of the thumb and generate // the inline styles of height/width, not with activated cropping if( $this->getConfig('auto_resize') && !$this->getConfig('crop_img') ) { $thmpath = JPATH_SITE.DS.$this->getJConfig('jg_paththumbs'); $thmsize = getimagesize($thmpath.$obj->catpath.'/'.$obj->imgthumbname); $thmWidth = $thmsize[0]; $thmHeight = $thmsize[1]; //get the max dimension $maxdim=(int) $this->getConfig('auto_resize_max'); if($thmWidth > $thmHeight) { //width is the max. dimension $ratio=$thmWidth/$maxdim; $destWidth = $maxdim; $destHeight = (int)($thmHeight / $ratio); } else { //height is the max. dimension $ratio=$thmHeight/$maxdim; $destHeight = $maxdim; $destWidth = (int)($thmWidth / $ratio); } $objects[$key]->css_styledimension = ' style="height:' .$destHeight .'px;width:' .$destWidth .'px;" '; } if($this->getConfig('image_position') != 0) { if($this->getConfig('crop_img')) { // Crop the pictures, use the crop functionality of JoomGallery $cropsizewidth = $this->getConfig('crop_sizewidth'); $cropsizeheight = $this->getConfig('crop_sizeheight'); $croppos = $this->getConfig('crop_pos'); $objects[$key]->imagesource=$this->route($this->_ambit->getImg($this->getConfig('type').'_url', $obj,null,0,false,$cropsizewidth, $cropsizeheight, $croppos)); } else { $objects[$key]->imagesource=$this->route($this->_ambit->getImg($this->getConfig('type').'_url', $obj,null,0,false)); } } switch ($this->getConfig('image_position')) { case 0: // No image $objecttxt=$this->showText($obj); if(!empty($objecttxt)) { $objects[$key]->imgelem = '<div class="'.$csstag.'txt">'."\n" .$objecttxt."\n" .'</div>'."\n"; } else { $objects[$key]->imgelem = ''; } break; case 1: case 2: case 3: // Image above (1) or left (2) or right(3) to text $objects[$key]->imgelem = '<div class="'.$csstag.'img">'."\n"; if($this->getConfig('setjilink')) { $objects[$key]->imgelem .= ' <a href="'.$obj->link.'" >'; } $objects[$key]->imgelem .= ' <img src="' .$obj->imagesource.'"' .$obj->css_styledimension .' alt="' .$obj->imgtitle.'"' .' title="' .$obj->imgtitle.'" />'; if($this->getConfig('setjilink')) { $objects[$key]->imgelem .= ' </a>'; } $objects[$key]->imgelem .= '</div>'."\n"; $objecttxt=$this->showText($obj); if(!empty($objecttxt)) { $objects[$key]->imgelem .= '<div class="'.$csstag.'txt">'."\n" .$objecttxt."\n" .'</div>'."\n"; } break; case 4: //image below text //delete the / from catpath $catpath = trim($obj->catpath, '/'); $objecttxt=$this->showText($obj); if(!empty($objecttxt)) { $objects[$key]->imgelem .= '<div class="'.$csstag.'txt">'."\n" .$objecttxt."\n" .'</div>'."\n"; } $objects[$key]->imgelem .= '<div class="'.$csstag.'img">'."\n"; if($this->getConfig('setjilink')) { $objects[$key]->imgelem .= ' <a href="'.$obj->link.'" >'; } $objects[$key]->imgelem .= ' <img src="' .$obj->imagesource.'"' .$obj->css_styledimension .' alt="' .$obj->imgtitle.'"' .' title="' .$obj->imgtitle.'" />'; if($this->getConfig('setjilink')) { $objects[$key]->imgelem .= ' </a>'; } $objects[$key]->imgelem .= '</div>'."\n"; break; } // Check for pagination if ($this->getConfig('pagination')) { // If slimbox/thickbox/plugin activated, remove the parts of <a> tag // which could trigger the box, so only the hidden elements should be // scanned by the box // Save the original code in object pagination variable $objects[$key]->pagelem = $objects[$key]->imgelem; $elemchanged = false; // Check for rel="lightbox" $firstpos = strpos($objects[$key]->imgelem, 'rel="lightbox'); if($firstpos !== false) { $elemchanged = true; $lastpos = strpos($objects[$key]->imgelem, '"', $firstpos + 5); $objects[$key]->imgelem=substr_replace($objects[$key]->imgelem, '', $firstpos, $lastpos-$firstpos); } // Check for class="thickbox" $firstpos = strpos($objects[$key]->imgelem, 'class="thickbox'); if($firstpos !== false) { $elemchanged = true; $lastpos = strpos($objects[$key]->imgelem, '"', $firstpos + 7); $objects[$key]->imgelem=substr_replace($objects[$key]->imgelem, '', $firstpos, $lastpos-$firstpos); } if(!$elemchanged) { // Nothing changed, set the reference to save memory $objects[$key]->pagelem = &$objects[$key]->imgelem; } } } } /** * Check the backend for activated settings according comments to choose * the right DB function or to add the query in getDBImages() * * @param int $only_comments 1 = check for comment sorts in DB * 2 = check for comment texts * @return bool */ function cmtTest($mode) { // Test if sorting by comments setted if($mode == 1) { if(!is_null($this->cmtsort)) { return $this->cmtsort; } if( strstr($this->getConfig('sorting'), 'cmtcount') || strstr($this->getConfig('sorting'), 'cmtdate') || strstr($this->getConfig('sorting'), 'commentrand') ) { $this->cmtsort = true; } else { $this->cmtsort = false; } return $this->cmtsort; } // Test if output of one ore more comment texts active if(!is_null($this->cmttext)) { return $this->cmttext; } if( $this->getConfig('showcmtdate') || $this->getConfig('showcmttext') || $this->getConfig('shownumcomments') ) { $this->cmttext = true; } else { $this->cmttext = false; } return $this->cmttext; } /** * Return the id of category if in category or detail view * * @return int - category id or 0 when not found */ function getCurrentCat() { $database = & JFactory::getDBO(); $view = $database->getEscaped(trim(JRequest::getVar('view', ''))); if($view != 'detail' && $view != 'category') { return 0; } $catid = JRequest::getInt('catid', 0); $id = JRequest::getInt('id', 0); if($view == 'category' && $catid != 0) { return $catid; } else if($view == 'detail' && $id != 0) { $query = ' SELECT ' . ' catid' . ' FROM ' . _JOOM_TABLE_IMAGES . ' WHERE' . ' id = '.$id; $database->setQuery($query); return $database->loadResult(); } else { return 0; } } /** * Generate CSS statements and include them at the head of document * */ function renderCSS() { $containerwidth=floor(100/$this->getConfig('img_per_row')); $csstag=$this->getConfig("csstag"); $dirhoriz='text-align:'.$this->getConfig('dir_hor').'!important;'."\n"; $dirvert='vertical-align:'.$this->getConfig('dir_vert').'!important;'."\n"; $csscont='float:left;'."\n"; switch ($this->getConfig('image_position')) { case 0: // No image $cssimg =''; $csstxt = $dirhoriz.$dirvert; break; case 1: // Image above text $cssimg = 'display:block;'."\n"; $cssimg .= $dirhoriz.$dirvert; $csstxt = 'clear:both;'.$dirhoriz.$dirvert; break; case 2: // Image left from text $cssimg = 'float:left;'."\n"; $csstxt = 'float:left;'."\n"; $cssimg .= $dirhoriz.$dirvert; $csstxt .= $dirhoriz.$dirvert; break; case 3: // Image right from text $cssimg = 'float:right;'."\n"; $csstxt = 'float:right;'."\n".'padding-right:0.5em;'."\n"; $cssimg .= $dirhoriz.$dirvert; $csstxt .= $dirhoriz.$dirvert; break; default: // Image below text $cssimg = $dirhoriz.$dirvert; $csstxt = $dirhoriz.$dirvert; break; } // CSS for border if image displayed and 'border' = yes if($this->getConfig('image_position') != 0 && $this->getConfig('border') ==1 ) { $cssborder='border:' .$this->getConfig('borderwidth') .' ' .$this->getConfig('borderstyle') .' ' .$this->getConfig('bordercolor') .";\n".'padding:'.$this->getConfig('borderpadding') .';'; } else { $cssborder=''; } $css=""; // Container $css .= '.'.$csstag.'imgct {'."\n" . 'width:'.$containerwidth.'% !important;'."\n" . $csscont .'}'."\n"; // Image if(!empty($cssimg)) { $css .= '.'.$csstag.'img {'."\n" . $cssimg .'}'."\n"; // Border for image if(!empty($cssborder)) { $css .= '.'.$csstag.'img img{'."\n" . $cssborder .'}'."\n"; } } // Text if(!empty($csstxt)) { $css .= '.'.$csstag.'txt {'."\n" . $csstxt .'}'."\n"; } // Define height/width of images if setted // not when auto_resize activated if( !$this->getConfig('auto_resize') && !$this->getConfig('crop_img') ) { if( $this->getConfig('imgwidth') != 0 || $this->getConfig('imgheight')!= 0 ) { $imgcss=''; if($this->getConfig('imgwidth') != 0) { $imgcss .="\n".'width:'.$this->getConfig('imgwidth').'px;'; } if($this->getConfig('imgheight') != 0) { $imgcss .="\n".'height:'.$this->getConfig('imgheight').'px;'; } $css .= '.'.$csstag.'img img {'."\n" . $imgcss .'}'."\n"; } } // Pagination if activated if($this->getConfig('pagination')) { $css .= '.'.$csstag.'pagnavi{'."\n" . ' text-align:center;'."\n" .'}'."\n"; // current site $css .= '.'.$csstag.'paglinkactive{'."\n" . ' border:solid 1px #000;'."\n" . ' margin-bottom:4px;'."\n" . ' padding:2px;'."\n" . ' background-color:#ddd;'."\n" .'}'."\n"; // other site $css .= '.'.$csstag.'paglink{'."\n" . ' border:solid 1px #000;'."\n" . ' margin-bottom:4px;'."\n" . ' padding:2px;'."\n" .'}'."\n"; } $document = &JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addStyleDeclaration($css); } /** * Decode BB-tags, replace URL and shorten text * * @param $text * @param $newlength * @param $wrap * @param $more */ function decodetext($text, $newlength = 0, $wrap = 0, $more = 0) { // Remove whitespace at start and end of the text $text = trim($text); $newlength = ($newlength!=0) ? $newlength-1 : 0; $smileys = JoomHelper::getSmileys(); // Define replace tags $replace1 = array('[url]','[/url]','[email]','[/email]'); $replace21 = array('[b]','[i]','[u]'); $replace22 = array('[/b]','[/i]','[/u]'); $replace2 = array_merge($replace21, $replace22); $replace3 = array('<b>','<i>','<u>','</b>','</i>','</u>'); // Replace url and emailtags because we do not show them in our modules foreach($replace1 as $replace) { $text = str_replace($replace, '', $text); } $textlength = strlen($text); // If text has to be in a range we abridge him if($newlength > 0 && $newlength < $textlength) { $add = ''; // Replace simple html-tags with bb_code for($i=0;$i<count($replace3);$i++) { $text = str_replace($replace3[$i], $replace2[$i], $text); } // Replace smilies with shorttags or remove them if($this->getJConfig('jg_smiliesupport')) { $count=0; $smileshort = array(); foreach($smileys as $i=>$sm) { $text = str_replace($i, '{'.$count.'}', $text); $smileshort[$count]['short'] = $i; $smileshort[$count]['long'] = $sm; $count++; } } else { foreach($smiley as $i=>$sm) { $text = str_replace($i, "", $text); } } $textlength = strlen($text); } // Remove any html because it is too complicated to handle them if($wrap > 0) { $text = strip_tags($text); $textlength = strlen($text); if($wrap > 0 && $textlength > $wrap) { $text = wordwrap($text,$wrap,'<br />',true); } } // If wrap is activated count the containing <br /> // and add their length to $newlength if($wrap > 0) { $countbrstr=substr($text, 0, $newlength); // Count the <br /> $countbr=substr_count($countbrstr, '<br />'); if($countbr > 0) { $newlength = $newlength + ($countbr*6); } } $textlength = strlen($text); // Slice if needful if($newlength != 0 && $textlength > ($newlength+1)) { // Check a sliced <br /> if(($textlength-6) > 0 && ($newlength-6) > 0) { $strposfound = strpos($text, '<br />', $newlength-6); } else { $strposfound = 0; } if($strposfound > 0 && $strposfound < $newlength) { // Slice before the begin of the <br /> $newlength = $strposfound; } else { // Check a sliced bbcode tag and shorten newlength foreach($replace2 as $replace) { $replacelength = strlen($replace); if( $textlength > ($newlength-$replacelength) && ($newlength-$replacelength) > 0 ) { $strposfound = strpos($text, $replace, $newlength-$replacelength); } else { $strposfound = 0; } if($strposfound > 0 && $strposfound < $newlength) { $newlength = $strposfound; break; } } // Check a sliced smilie tag and shorten newlength if(isset($smileshort)) { for($i=0; $i<count($smileshort); $i++) { $replacelength = strlen($i)+2; if( $textlength > ($newlength-$replacelength) && ($newlength-$replacelength) > 0 ) { $strposfound = strpos($text, "{".$i."}", $newlength - $replacelength); } else { $strposfound = 0; } if($strposfound > 0 && $strposfound < $newlength) { $newlength = $strposfound; break; } } } } // Slice the text $text = substr($text, 0, $newlength); } // Adding mising tags at the end of the text if( $this->getJConfig('jg_bbcodesupport')) { $prioarr = array(); // Build an array for the priority in replacing $countreplace = count($replace21); for($i=0; $i < $countreplace; $i++) { // Check if there is an unbalance // of opening and closing tags $countopen = substr_count($text, $replace21[$i]); $countclose = substr_count($text, $replace22[$i]); $diff = $countopen-$countclose; $found = -1; while ($diff > 0) { $found = strpos($text, $replace21[$i], $found+1); // Add the closing tag $prioarr[$found] = $replace22[$i]; $diff--; } } if(count($prioarr)) { // Reverse the array to begin with the last element arsort($prioarr); foreach($prioarr as $key => $value) { $add .= $value; } } } // Abridge text and add missing tags if(!empty($add)) { $text = $text.$add; } // If text was sliced add the ellipsis if( $newlength > 0 && $textlength > $newlength && $more == 0 ) { $text .= "..."; } // Decode bb_code or remove tags if($this->getJConfig('jg_bbcodesupport')) { $text = JHTML::_('joomgallery.bbdecode', $text); } else { foreach($replace2 as $replace) { $text = str_replace($replace, "", $text); } } // Decode smilies or remove them if($this->getJConfig('jg_smiliesupport')) { foreach($smileys as $i=>$sm ) { $text = str_replace($i, '<img src="'.$sm.'"'.' alt="'.$i.'" />', $text); } if(isset($smileshort)) { for($i=0;$i<count($smileshort);$i++) { $text = str_replace('{'.$i.'}', '<img src="'.$smileshort[$i]['long'].'" border="0" alt="'.$smileshort[$i]['short'].'" title="'.$smileshort[$i]['short'].'" />',$text); } } } else { foreach($smileys as $i=>$sm ) { $text = str_replace($i, "", $text); } if(isset($smileshort)) { for($i=0; $i<count($smileshort); $i++) { $text = str_replace('{'.$i.'}', '', $text); } } } return $text; } }