Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/modules/mod_joomimg/assets/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/modules/mod_joomimg/assets/slideshow.js |
/** * Slideshow - a slideshow <http://www.electricprism.com/aeron/slideshow/> and * smoothslideshow <http://smoothslideshow.jondesign.net/> fusion. * * Copyright (c) 2007 Olmo Maldonado * * From version 3.0.3, fixes and enanchements from Djamil Legato * modifications from JoomGallery team */ var Slideshow = new Class({ version: '3.0.3', options: { captions: true, showTitleCaption: true, classes: ['prev', 'next', 'active'], duration: [2000, 4000], path: '/', navigation: false, pan: 100, resize: true, thumbnailre: [/\./, 't.'], transition: Fx.Transitions.Sine.easeInOut, type: 'fade', zoom: 50, loadingDiv: true, removeDiv: true, showLink: 0 }, styles: { caps: { div: { opacity: 0, position: 'absolute', width: '100%', margin: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, height: 40, background: '#333', color: '#fff', textIndent: 0 }, h2: { color: 'red', padding: 0, fontSize: '80%', margin: 0, margin: '2px 5px', fontWeight: 'bold' }, p: { padding: 0, fontSize: '60%', margin: '2px 5px', color: '#eee' } } }, initialize: function(el, options) { this.setOptions($merge({ onClick: this.onClick.bind(this) }, options)); if(!this.options.images) return; this.options.pan = this.mask(this.options.pan); this.options.zoom = this.mask(this.options.zoom); if(this.options.showLink) { this.aelem=new Element('a'); } this.el = $(el).empty(); this.caps = { div: new Element('div', { styles: this.styles.caps.div, 'class': 'captionDiv' }), h2: new Element('h2', { styles: this.styles.caps.h2, 'class': 'captionTitle' }), p: new Element('p', { styles: this.styles.caps.p, 'class': 'captionDescription' }) }; this.fx = []; var trash = new ImageLoader(this.el, this.options.images, { loadingDiv: this.options.loadingDiv, onComplete: this.start.bind(this), path: this.options.path, removeDiv: this.options.removeDiv }); }, start: function() { this.imgs = $A(arguments); this.a = this.imgs[0].clone().set({ styles: { display: 'block', position: 'absolute', left: 0, 'top': 0, zIndex: 1 } }).injectInside(this.el); var obj = this.a.getCoordinates(); this.height = this.options.height || obj.height; this.width = this.options.width || obj.width; this.el.setStyles({ display: 'block', position: 'relative', margin:'0 auto', width: this.width }); this.el.empty(); if(this.options.showLink) { this.el.adopt((new Element('div', { styles: { display: 'block', overflow: 'hidden', position: 'relative', width: this.width, height: this.height } })).adopt(this.aelem)); this.aelem.adopt(this.a); this.aelem.setProperty('href', this.options.images[0].url); this.resize(this.a, obj); this.b = this.a.clone().setStyle('opacity', 0).injectAfter(this.aelem); } else { this.el.adopt((new Element('div', { styles: { display: 'block', overflow: 'hidden', position: 'relative', width: this.width, height: this.height } })).adopt(this.a)); this.resize(this.a, obj); this.b = this.a.clone().setStyle('opacity', 0).injectAfter(this.a); } this.timer = [0, 0]; this.navigation(); this.direction = 'left'; this.curr = [0,0]; $(document.body).adopt(new Element('div', { id: 'hiddenDIV', styles: { visibility: 'hidden', height: 0, width: 0, overflow: 'hidden', opacity: 0 } })); this.loader = this.imgs[0]; $('hiddenDIV').adopt(this.loader); this.load(); }, load: function(fast) { if ($time() > this.timer[0]) { this.img = (this.curr[1] % 2) ? this.b : this.a; if(this.options.type == 'push') { this.img.setStyles({ opacity: 0, width: 'auto', height: 'auto', zIndex: this.curr[1] }); } var url = this.options.images[this.curr[0]].url; if(this.options.showLink) { this.aelem.setProperty('href', url); } this.img.setStyle('cursor', (url != '#' && url != '') ? 'pointer' : 'default'); this.img.setProperties({ src: this.loader.src, title: this.loader.title, alt: this.loader.alt }); this.resize(this.img, this.loader); if(fast){ this.img.setStyles({ top: 0, left: 0, opacity: 1 }); this.captions(); this.loaded(); return; } this.captions(); this[this.options.type.test(/push|wipe/) ? 'swipe' : 'kens'](); this.loaded(); } else { this.timeout = this.load.delay(100, this); } }, loaded: function() { if(this.ul) { this.ul.getElements('a[name]').each(function(a, i) { a[(i === this.curr[0] ? 'add' : 'remove') + 'Class'](this.options.classes[2]); }, this); } this.direction = 'left'; this.curr[0] = (this.curr[0] + 1) % this.imgs.length; this.curr[1]++; this.timer[0] = $time() + this.options.duration[1] + (this.options.type.test(/fade|push|wipe/) ? this.options.duration[0] : 0); this.timer[1] = $time() + this.options.duration[0]; this.loader = this.imgs[this.curr[0]]; $('hiddenDIV').empty().adopt(this.loader); //JoomGallery team: fade out the img before showing the next //not for wipe if(this.options.type !='push') { this.img = (this.curr[1] % 2) ? this.b : this.a; this.fx.push(this.img.effect('opacity').start(0.8,0)); } this.load(); }, kens: function() { if (this.options.type.test(/zoom|combo/)) { this.img.setStyles({ bottom: 'auto', right: 'auto', left: 'auto', top: 'auto' }); } else { this.img.setStyles({ bottom: 0, right: 0, left: 0, top: 0, margin: '0 auto' }); } var arr = ['left top', 'right top', 'left bottom', 'right bottom'].getRandom().split(' '); arr.each(function(p) { this.img.setStyle(p, 0); }, this); var zoom = this.options.type.test(/zoom|combo/) ? this.zoom() : {}; var pan = this.options.type.test(/pan|combo/) ? this.pan(arr) : {}; this.fx.push(this.img.effect('opacity', {duration: this.options.duration[0]}).start(1)); this.fx.push(this.img.effects({duration: this.options.duration[0] + this.options.duration[1]}).start($merge(zoom, pan))); }, zoom: function() { var n = Math.max(this.width / this.loader.width, this.height / this.loader.height); var z = (this.options.zoom === 'rand') ? Math.random() + 1 : (this.options.zoom.toInt() / 100.0) + 1; var eh = Math.ceil(this.loader.height * n); var ew = Math.ceil(this.loader.width * n); var sh = (eh * z).toInt(); var sw = (ew * z).toInt(); return {height: [sh, eh], width: [sw, ew]}; }, pan: function(arr) { var ex = this.width - this.img.width, ey = this.height - this.img.height; var p = this.options.pan === 'rand' ? Math.random() : Math.abs((this.options.pan.toInt() / 100) - 1); var sx = (ex * p).toInt(), sy = (ey * p).toInt(); var x = this.width / this.loader.width > this.height / this.loader.height; var obj = {}; obj[arr[x ? 1 : 0]] = x ? [sy, ey] : [sx, ex]; // In case of pan set fixed top or left to avoid no panning in some cases if(this.options.type == 'pan') { obj[x ? 'left' : 'bottom'] = x ? [sy, ey] : [sx, ex]; } return obj; }, swipe: function() { var arr, p0 = {}, p1 = {}, x; this.img.setStyles({ left: 'auto', right: 'auto', opacity: 1 }).setStyle(this.direction, this.width); if(this.options.type == 'wipe') { this.fx.push(this.img.effect(this.direction, { duration: this.options.duration[0], transition: this.options.transition }).start(0)); } else { arr = [this.img, this.curr[1] % 2 ? this.a : this.b]; p0[this.direction] = [this.width, 0]; p1[this.direction] = [0, -this.width]; if(arr[1].getStyle(this.direction) === 'auto') { x = this.width - arr[1].getStyle('width').toInt(); arr[1].setStyle(this.direction, x); arr[1].setStyle(this.direction === 'left' ? 'right' : 'left', 'auto'); p1[this.direction][0] = x; } this.fx.push(new Fx.Elements(arr, { duration: this.options.duration[0], transition: this.options.transition }).start({ '0': p0, '1': p1 })); } }, captions: function(img) { img = img || this.img; if(!this.options.captions || (!img.title && !img.alt)) return; this.el.getFirst().adopt(this.caps.div.adopt(this.caps.h2, this.caps.p)); (function () { if (this.options.showTitleCaption) this.caps.h2.setHTML(img.title); //strip html tags //img.alt = img.alt.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); this.caps.p.setHTML(img.alt); this.caps.div.setStyle('zIndex', img.getStyle('zIndex')*2 || 10); this.capsHeight = this.capsHeight || this.options.captionHeight || this.caps.div.offsetHeight; var capsbottom=this.options.height-img.height; if (capsbottom < 0 ) { capsbottom=0; } var capsleft =img.offsetLeft; if (capsleft < 0 || this.options.type.test(/push|wipe/)) { capsleft=0; } this.caps.div.setStyles({ 'width' : img.width, 'bottom' : capsbottom+'px', 'left' : capsleft+'px' }); var fx = this.caps.div.effects().set({'height': 0}).start({ opacity: 0.7, height: this.capsHeight }); (function(){ fx.start({ opacity: 0, height: 0 }); }).delay(1.00*(this.options.duration[1] - this.options.duration[0])); }).delay(0.75*(this.options.duration[0]), this); }, navigation: function() { if(!this.options.navigation) return; var i, j, atemp; var fast = this.options.navigation.test(/fast/) ; this.ul = new Element('ul'); var li = new Element('li'), a = new Element('a'); if (this.options.navigation.test(/arrows/)) { this.ul.adopt(li.clone() .adopt(a.clone() .addClass(this.options.classes[0]) .addEvent('click', function() { if (fast || $time() > this.timer[1]) { $clear(this.timeout); // Clear the FX array only for fast navigation since this stops combo effects if(fast) { this.fx.each(function(fx) { fx.time = 0; fx.options.duration = 0; fx.stop(true); }); } this.direction = 'right'; this.curr[0] = (this.curr[0] < 2) ? this.imgs.length - (2 - this.curr[0]) : this.curr[0] - 2; this.timer = [0]; this.loader = this.imgs[this.curr[0]]; this.load(fast); } }.bind(this)) ) ); } if (this.options.navigation.test(/arrows\+|thumbnails/)) { for (i = 0, j = this.imgs.length; i < j; i++) { atemp = a.clone().setProperty('name', i); if (this.options.navigation.test(/thumbnails/)) atemp.setStyle('background-image', 'url(' + this.imgs[i].src + ')'); if(i === 0) a.className = this.options.classes[2]; atemp.onclick = function(i) { if(fast || $time() > this.timer[1]) { $clear(this.timeout); if (fast) { this.fx.each(function(fx) { fx.time = 0; fx.options.duration = 0; fx.stop(true); }); } this.direction = (i < this.curr[0] || this.curr[0] === 0) ? 'right' : 'left'; this.curr[0] = i; this.timer = [0]; this.loader = this.imgs[this.curr[0]]; this.load(fast); } }.pass(i, this); this.ul.adopt(li.clone().adopt(atemp)); } } if (this.options.navigation.test(/arrows/)) { this.ul.adopt(li.clone() .adopt(a.clone() .addClass(this.options.classes[1]) .addEvent('click', function() { if (fast || $time() > this.timer[1]) { $clear(this.timeout); // Clear the FX array only for fast navigation since this stops combo effects if (fast) { this.fx.each(function(fx) { fx.time = 0; fx.options.duration = 0; fx.stop(true); }); } this.timer = [0]; this.load(fast); } }.bind(this)) ) ); } this.ul.injectInside(this.el); }, onClick: function(e) { return;//deactivated e = new Event(e).stop(); var cur = this.curr[1] % this.imgs.length; var index = this.curr[1] == 0 ? 1 : cur == 0 ? this.imgs.length : cur; var url = this.options.images[index - 1].url; if(url == '#' || url == '') return; window.location.href = url; }, mask: function(val, set, lower, higher) { if(val != 'rand') { val = val.toInt(); val = isNaN(val) || val < lower || val > higher ? set : val; } return val; }, resize: function(obj, to) { var n; if(this.options.resize) { if(this.options.type.test(/pan|combo/)) { n = Math.max(this.width / to.width, this.height / to.height); } else { n = Math.min(this.width / to.width, this.height / to.height); } obj.setStyles({ height: Math.ceil(to.height*n), width: Math.ceil(to.width*n) }); } } }); Slideshow.implement(new Options); /** * ImageLoader, Image preloader with progress reporting, with small * changes by Olmo Maldonado, <http://olmo-maldonado.com/> (denoted by * // at the end of the line) * * * @author tomocchino, <http://www.tomocchino.com/> * */ var ImageLoader = new Class({ version:'.5-olmo-ver', options: { loadingDiv : false, loadingPrefix : 'loading images: ', loadingSuffix : '', path : '', removeDiv : true }, initialize: function(container, sources, options){ this.setOptions(options); this.loadingDiv = (this.options.loadingDiv) ? $(container) : false; this.images = []; this.index = 0; this.total = sources.length; if(this.loadingDiv) { this.loadingText = new Element('div').injectInside(this.loadingDiv); this.progressBar = new Element('div', { styles: { width: 100, padding: 1, margin: '5px auto', textAlign: 'left', overflow: 'hidden', border: 'solid 1px #333' } }).adopt(new Element('div', { styles: { width: '0%', height: 10, backgroundColor: '#333' } })).injectInside(this.loadingDiv); } this.loadImages.delay(200, this, [sources]); }, reset: function() { this.index = 0; if(this.loadingDiv) { this.progressBar.getFirst().setStyle('width', '0%'); this.loadingText.setHTML(this.options.loadingPrefix); } }, loadImages: function(sources) { var self = this; this.reset(); this.images = []; this.sources = sources; this.timer = setInterval(this.loadProgress.bind(this), 100); for(var i = 0, j = sources.length; i < j; i++) { this.images[i] = new Asset.image((this.sources[i].path || this.options.path) + this.sources[i].file, { title: self.sources[i].title, alt: self.sources[i].desc, 'onload' : function(){ self.index++; }, 'onerror' : function(){ self.index++; self.images.splice(i,1); }, 'onabort' : function(){ self.index++; self.images.splice(i,1); } }); } }, loadProgress: function() { if(this.loadingDiv) { this.loadingText.setHTML(this.options.loadingPrefix + this.index + '/' + this.total + this.options.loadingSuffix); this.progressBar.getFirst().setStyle('width', (!this.total ? 0 : this.index.toInt()*100 / this.total) + '%'); } if(this.index >= this.total) { this.loadComplete(); } }, loadComplete: function(){ $clear(this.timer); if(this.loadingDiv) { this.loadingText.setHTML('Loading Complete'); if(this.options.removeDiv) { this.loadingText.empty().remove(); this.progressBar.empty().remove(); } } this.fireEvent('onComplete', this.images); }, cancel: function(){ $clear(this.timer); } }); ImageLoader.implement(new Events, new Options);