Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/modules/mod_djimagetabber/js/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/modules/mod_djimagetabber/js/tabber.js |
/** * @version 1.1.4 stable * @package DJ Image Slider * @subpackage DJ Image Slider Module * @copyright Copyright (C) 2010 Blue Constant Media LTD, All rights reserved. * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses GNU/GPL * @author url: http://design-joomla.eu * @author email contact@design-joomla.eu * @developer Szymon Woronowski - szymon.woronowski@design-joomla.eu * * * DJ Image Slider is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DJ Image Slider is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DJ Image Slider. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ var onChangeActiveTab = null; var DJImageTabber = new Class ({ initialize: function(id,options) { this.id = id; this.autoplay = options.auto; this.interval = options.delay; this.duration = options.duration; this.tabheight = options.tabheight; this.effectType = options.effect; this.height = options.height; this.effect = 'opacity'; this.effectStart = '0'; this.effectEnd = '1'; if (this.effectType == 'slide') { this.effect = 'top'; this.effectStart = -1 * (this.height + 20); this.effectEnd = '0'; } this.current = 0; this.playing = 1; this.container = '#djimagetabber_' + this.id; this.imagecontainer = '#djimagetabber-images_' + this.id; this.tabcontainer = '#djimagetabber-tabs_' + this.id; this.arrowcontainer = 'djimagetabber-ind_'; this.arrow = $(this.arrowcontainer + this.id); this.arrowCurrentPos = (this.tabheight - parseInt(this.arrow.getStyle('height')))/2;; this.items = $$(this.imagecontainer + ' .djimagetabber-image'); this.tabs = $$(this.tabcontainer + ' .djimagetabber-tab'); if(this.total = this.items.length) { this.cssSetup(); this.navSetup(); this.autoPlay(); } }, cssSetup: function(){ for (i=0; i < this.items.length; i++) { if (i == 0) { this.items[i].fx = new Fx.Style(this.items[i],this.effect, {wait: false, duration: this.duration}).set(this.effectEnd); } else { this.items[i].fx = new Fx.Style(this.items[i],this.effect, {wait: false, duration: this.duration}).set(this.effectStart); } } this.tabs[0].addClass('tab-active'); this.arrowFx = new Fx.Style(this.arrow,'top', {transition: Fx.Transitions.Back.easeInOut, wait: false, duration: this.duration}).set(this.arrowCurrentPos); }, navSetup: function(){ this.tabs.each(function(tab,index){ tab.addEvents({ 'click': function(){ this.loadItem(index); }.bind(this), 'mouseenter': function() { this.playing = 0; }.bind(this), 'mouseleave': function() { this.playing = 1; }.bind(this) }); }.bind(this)); }, loadPrev: function(){ if (this.current == 0) { this.loadItem(this.total-1); } else { this.loadItem(this.current-1); } }, loadNext: function(){ if (this.current == (this.total-1)) { this.loadItem(0); } else { this.loadItem(this.current+1); } }, loadItem: function(i) { if(this.current == i) return; if (this.effectType == 'slide') { if (i >= this.current) { this.items[this.current].fx.start(this.effectEnd, this.effectStart); this.items[i].fx.start((this.effectStart * -1), this.effectEnd); } else { this.items[this.current].fx.start(this.effectEnd, (this.effectStart * -1)); this.items[i].fx.start((this.effectStart), this.effectEnd); } } else { this.items[this.current].fx.start(this.effectEnd, this.effectStart); this.items[i].fx.start(this.effectStart, this.effectEnd); } this.tabs[this.current].removeClass('tab-active'); this.tabs[i].addClass('tab-active'); this.current = i; offset = (this.tabheight - parseInt(this.arrow.getStyle('height')))/2; arrowNewPos = (i * this.tabheight) + offset; this.arrowFx.start(this.arrowCurrentPos, arrowNewPos); this.arrowCurrentPos = arrowNewPos; if($defined(onChangeActiveTab)) onChangeActiveTab(); }, autoPlay: function() { (function(){ if (this.autoplay == 1 && this.playing == 1) { this.loadNext(); this.autoPlay(); } else if (this.autoplay == 1) { this.autoPlay(); } }).delay(this.interval, this); } });