? GR0V Shell

GR0V shell

Linux www.koreapackagetour.com 2.6.32-042stab145.3 #1 SMP Thu Jun 11 14:05:04 MSK 2020 x86_64

Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/membershop/lang/
File Upload :
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/membershop/lang/english.php

#-----------Users login system------------#
Author      :  Mohammed Ahmed(M@@king)    \\
Version     :  1.1                        \\
Date Created:  Aug 20  2005               \\
----------------------------              \\
Last Update:    18-SEP-2006               \\
----------------------------              \\
Country    :   Palestine                  \\
City       :   Gaza                       \\
E-mail     :   m@maaking.com              \\
WWW        :   http://www.maaking.com     \\
Mobile/SMS :   00972-599-622235           \\

define("_CHARSET",""); //ISO-8859-1
define("_LTR_RTL","ltr"); #right to left
define("_GOHOME","[ <a href=\"index.php\">Home</a> ]");
define("_GOBACK","[ <a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\">Go Back</a> ]");
define("_REDIRECTING","Redirecting ... ");
define("_CLICK_HERE_BROWSER_REDIRECT","Click here if your browser doesn't support redirecting.");

define("_NOT_YET","Not Yet!");
define("_LAST_LOGIN","Last login");
define("_MY_ACCOUNT","My Account");
define("_CHANGE_MY_INFO","Change My Info");
define("_CHANGE_MY_PASSWORD","Change Password");
define("_ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL","Error: Invalid email address.");

# -------------------- #
#  Login Form  + function
# -------------------- #
define("_PLEASE_ENTER_YOUR_USER","Please enter your username and password to login.");
define("_REMEBER_ME","Remember me for 2 weeks");
define("_FORGOT_PASSWORD","Forgot password?");
define("_LOGIN_SUCCESS","Login success please wait ...");
define("_LOGIN_ERROR","Login error. Please check username/password.");

# -------------------- #
#  Registration Form  + function
# -------------------- #
define("_REG_FORM","Registration Form");
define("_FILED_STAR_REQUIRED","Fields marked with a (*) are required.");
define("_RETYPE_PASSWORD","Re-type Password");
define("_FULLNAME","Full Name");
define("_ERROR_PLEASE_FILL_FIELDS","<b>Error:</b> Please fill all fields with (*) .");
define("_ERROR_PASSWORD_DOESNT_MATCH","<b>Error:</b> Password doesn't match.");
define("_ALREADY_TAKEN","(Already Taken!.)");
//Email register
define("_WELCOME_TO","Welcome to");
define("_PLZ_KEEP_THIS_EMAIL","Please keep this email for your records. Your account information is as follows:");
define("_YOUR_ACCOUNT_IS_CURRENTLY_ACTIVE","Your account is currently active. You can use it by visiting the following link:");
define("_PLZ_DONT_FORGOT_PWD","Please do not forget your password as it has been encrypted in our database and we cannot retrieve it for you. However, should you forget your password you can request a new one which will be sent to your email.");
define("_THANKS_FOR_REGISTERING","Thank you for registering.");
define("_THIS_EMAIL_AUTO_GENERATED","This email was automatically generated.");
define("_DONT_RESPOND_WILL_IGNORED","Please do not respond to this email or it will be ignored.");
define("_EMAIL_DIE","Faild sending registration email, please report this to the webmaster ($site_email)");
define("_REG_SUCCESS","Registration was successfull. you can now login");
//for validating via email
define("_REG_SUCCESS_VALIDATE","Registration was successfull. <br> Please go and check your email. <br> You'll find how to activate your account.");
define("_VALIDATE_DONE","Congratulations!. <br> Your account has been activated successfully. <br> You can now login.");
define("_VALIDATE_ERROR_LOGIN","Error logging in. <br> Your account is not active. <br> Please check your email on how to activate your account.");
define("_VALIDATE_ERROR","Error in validation code. Maybe it's already used.");
define("_VALIDATE_EMAIL","Validation & login information");
define("_YOUR_ACCOUNT_IS_NOT_ACTIVE","Your account is currently NOT active. Please click following link to activate your account now.");

# -------------------- #
#  Forgot password Form  + function
# -------------------- #
define("_SEND_NEW_PASSWORD","Send me a new password");
define("_SEND_PASSWORD","Send password");
define("_YOUR_INFO_AT","Your login information");
define("_NEW_PASSWORD","New password");
define("_NEW_PWD_SENT_TO_YOUR_EMAIL","New password has been sent to your email.");
//sed forgot email
define("_YOU_ARE_RECEIVING_EMAIL","You are receiving this email because you have (or someone pretending to be you has) requested a new password be sent for your account on ");
define("_HERE_ISIT_BELOW","Here it is below.");
define("_YOU_MAY_LOGIN_BELOW","You may login below:");
define("_YOU_CAN_OFCOURSE_CHANGE_PWS","You can of course change this password yourself. If you have any difficulties please contact the webmaster.");
//end email
# -------------------- #
#  Change Password
# -------------------- #
define("_CHANGE_MY_PWD","Change My Password!");
define("_ONCE_CHANGED_LOGOUT","Once your password changed, you will logout automatically.");
define("_OLD_PWD","Old Password");
define("_NEW_PWD","New Password");
define("_CONFIRM_NEW_PWD","Confirm New Password");
define("_CHANGE_PWD","Change Password");
define("_NOT_AUTHORIZED","Error: You are not authorized to access this page.");
define("_OLD_PWD_DONT_MATCH","Error: Old password doesn't match the one in our database.");
define("_ERROR_NEW_PWD_DOESNT_MATCH","Error: The new password doen't match!.");
define("_NEW_PASSWORD_SENT_WAIT","Your New Password has been sent to your email. <br> Please wait ...");
define("_WRONG_USEREMAIL","Error: Wrong username/email");
define("_SUCCESS_PWD_CHANGED","Success: Your password has been changed.");
define("_PLZ_REMEBER_NEW_PWS","Please remeber your new password extensively.");
define("_PLZ_WAIT","Please wait ...");

# -------------------- #
#  Change My Info
# -------------------- #
define("_CHANGE_MY_INFORMATION","Change my information:");
define("_FIELDS_WITH_STAR_ARE_REQUIRED","Fields marked with a * are required.");
define("_SAVE_CHANGES","Save Changes");
define("_THE_EMAIL","The email");
define("_YOUR_INFO_HAS_BEEN_CHANGES","Your information has been successfully changed.");

# -------------------- #
#  Admin
# -------------------- #
define("_ADMIN_LOGIN_ERR","Error login: Please check admin username or password");
define("_SAVECHANGES","Save Changes");

