Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/media/editors/tinymce/plugins/compat3x/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/media/editors/tinymce/plugins/compat3x/tiny_mce_popup.js |
/** * Popup.js * * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB * Released under LGPL License. * * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing */ // Some global instances var tinymce = null, tinyMCEPopup, tinyMCE; /** * TinyMCE popup/dialog helper class. This gives you easy access to the * parent editor instance and a bunch of other things. It's higly recommended * that you load this script into your dialogs. * * @static * @class tinyMCEPopup */ tinyMCEPopup = { /** * Initializes the popup this will be called automatically. * * @method init */ init : function() { var t = this, w, ti, settings; // Find window & API w = t.getWin(); tinymce = w.tinymce; tinyMCE = w.tinyMCE; t.editor = tinymce.EditorManager.activeEditor; t.params = t.editor.windowManager.params; t.features = t.editor.windowManager.features; settings = t.editor.settings; // Setup popup CSS path(s) if (settings.popup_css !== false) { if (settings.popup_css) { settings.popup_css = t.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(settings.popup_css); } else { settings.popup_css = t.baseURI.toAbsolute("themes/" + settings.theme + "/skins/" + settings.skin + "/dialog.css"); } } if (settings.popup_css_add) { settings.popup_css += ',' + t.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(settings.popup_css_add); } // Setup local DOM t.dom = t.editor.windowManager.createInstance('tinymce.dom.DOMUtils', document, {ownEvents: true, proxy: tinyMCEPopup._eventProxy}); t.dom.bind(window, 'ready', t._onDOMLoaded, t); // Enables you to skip loading the default css if (t.features.popup_css !== false) t.dom.loadCSS(t.features.popup_css || t.editor.settings.popup_css); // Setup on init listeners t.listeners = []; /** * Fires when the popup is initialized. * * @event onInit * @param {tinymce.Editor} editor Editor instance. * @example * // Alerts the selected contents when the dialog is loaded * tinyMCEPopup.onInit.add(function(ed) { * alert(ed.selection.getContent()); * }); * * // Executes the init method on page load in some object using the SomeObject scope * tinyMCEPopup.onInit.add(SomeObject.init, SomeObject); */ t.onInit = { add : function(f, s) { t.listeners.push({func : f, scope : s}); } }; t.isWindow = !t.getWindowArg('mce_inline'); t.id = t.getWindowArg('mce_window_id'); }, /** * Returns the reference to the parent window that opened the dialog. * * @method getWin * @return {Window} Reference to the parent window that opened the dialog. */ getWin : function() { // Added frameElement check to fix bug: #2817583 return (!window.frameElement && window.dialogArguments) || opener || parent || top; }, /** * Returns a window argument/parameter by name. * * @method getWindowArg * @param {String} n Name of the window argument to retrive. * @param {String} dv Optional default value to return. * @return {String} Argument value or default value if it wasn't found. */ getWindowArg : function(n, dv) { var v = this.params[n]; return tinymce.is(v) ? v : dv; }, /** * Returns a editor parameter/config option value. * * @method getParam * @param {String} n Name of the editor config option to retrive. * @param {String} dv Optional default value to return. * @return {String} Parameter value or default value if it wasn't found. */ getParam : function(n, dv) { return this.editor.getParam(n, dv); }, /** * Returns a language item by key. * * @method getLang * @param {String} n Language item like mydialog.something. * @param {String} dv Optional default value to return. * @return {String} Language value for the item like "my string" or the default value if it wasn't found. */ getLang : function(n, dv) { return this.editor.getLang(n, dv); }, /** * Executed a command on editor that opened the dialog/popup. * * @method execCommand * @param {String} cmd Command to execute. * @param {Boolean} ui Optional boolean value if the UI for the command should be presented or not. * @param {Object} val Optional value to pass with the comman like an URL. * @param {Object} a Optional arguments object. */ execCommand : function(cmd, ui, val, a) { a = a || {}; a.skip_focus = 1; this.restoreSelection(); return this.editor.execCommand(cmd, ui, val, a); }, /** * Resizes the dialog to the inner size of the window. This is needed since various browsers * have different border sizes on windows. * * @method resizeToInnerSize */ resizeToInnerSize : function() { var t = this; // Detach it to workaround a Chrome specific bug // https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=635682&aid=2926339&group_id=103281 setTimeout(function() { var vp = t.dom.getViewPort(window); t.editor.windowManager.resizeBy( t.getWindowArg('mce_width') - vp.w, t.getWindowArg('mce_height') - vp.h, t.id || window ); }, 10); }, /** * Will executed the specified string when the page has been loaded. This function * was added for compatibility with the 2.x branch. * * @method executeOnLoad * @param {String} s String to evalutate on init. */ executeOnLoad : function(s) { this.onInit.add(function() { eval(s); }); }, /** * Stores the current editor selection for later restoration. This can be useful since some browsers * looses it's selection if a control element is selected/focused inside the dialogs. * * @method storeSelection */ storeSelection : function() { this.editor.windowManager.bookmark = tinyMCEPopup.editor.selection.getBookmark(1); }, /** * Restores any stored selection. This can be useful since some browsers * looses it's selection if a control element is selected/focused inside the dialogs. * * @method restoreSelection */ restoreSelection : function() { var t = tinyMCEPopup; if (!t.isWindow && tinymce.isIE) t.editor.selection.moveToBookmark(t.editor.windowManager.bookmark); }, /** * Loads a specific dialog language pack. If you pass in plugin_url as a argument * when you open the window it will load the <plugin url>/langs/<code>_dlg.js lang pack file. * * @method requireLangPack */ requireLangPack : function() { var t = this, u = t.getWindowArg('plugin_url') || t.getWindowArg('theme_url'); if (u && t.editor.settings.language && t.features.translate_i18n !== false && t.editor.settings.language_load !== false) { u += '/langs/' + t.editor.settings.language + '_dlg.js'; if (!tinymce.ScriptLoader.isDone(u)) { document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + u + '"></script>'); tinymce.ScriptLoader.markDone(u); } } }, /** * Executes a color picker on the specified element id. When the user * then selects a color it will be set as the value of the specified element. * * @method pickColor * @param {DOMEvent} e DOM event object. * @param {string} element_id Element id to be filled with the color value from the picker. */ pickColor : function(e, element_id) { this.execCommand('mceColorPicker', true, { color : document.getElementById(element_id).value, func : function(c) { document.getElementById(element_id).value = c; try { document.getElementById(element_id).onchange(); } catch (ex) { // Try fire event, ignore errors } } }); }, /** * Opens a filebrowser/imagebrowser this will set the output value from * the browser as a value on the specified element. * * @method openBrowser * @param {string} element_id Id of the element to set value in. * @param {string} type Type of browser to open image/file/flash. * @param {string} option Option name to get the file_broswer_callback function name from. */ openBrowser : function(element_id, type, option) { tinyMCEPopup.restoreSelection(); this.editor.execCallback('file_browser_callback', element_id, document.getElementById(element_id).value, type, window); }, /** * Creates a confirm dialog. Please don't use the blocking behavior of this * native version use the callback method instead then it can be extended. * * @method confirm * @param {String} t Title for the new confirm dialog. * @param {function} cb Callback function to be executed after the user has selected ok or cancel. * @param {Object} s Optional scope to execute the callback in. */ confirm : function(t, cb, s) { this.editor.windowManager.confirm(t, cb, s, window); }, /** * Creates a alert dialog. Please don't use the blocking behavior of this * native version use the callback method instead then it can be extended. * * @method alert * @param {String} t Title for the new alert dialog. * @param {function} cb Callback function to be executed after the user has selected ok. * @param {Object} s Optional scope to execute the callback in. */ alert : function(tx, cb, s) { this.editor.windowManager.alert(tx, cb, s, window); }, /** * Closes the current window. * * @method close */ close : function() { var t = this; // To avoid domain relaxing issue in Opera function close() { t.editor.windowManager.close(window); tinymce = tinyMCE = t.editor = t.params = t.dom = t.dom.doc = null; // Cleanup }; if (tinymce.isOpera) t.getWin().setTimeout(close, 0); else close(); }, // Internal functions _restoreSelection : function() { var e = window.event.srcElement; if (e.nodeName == 'INPUT' && (e.type == 'submit' || e.type == 'button')) tinyMCEPopup.restoreSelection(); }, /* _restoreSelection : function() { var e = window.event.srcElement; // If user focus a non text input or textarea if ((e.nodeName != 'INPUT' && e.nodeName != 'TEXTAREA') || e.type != 'text') tinyMCEPopup.restoreSelection(); },*/ _onDOMLoaded : function() { var t = tinyMCEPopup, ti = document.title, bm, h, nv; // Translate page if (t.features.translate_i18n !== false) { h = document.body.innerHTML; // Replace a=x with a="x" in IE if (tinymce.isIE) h = h.replace(/ (value|title|alt)=([^"][^\s>]+)/gi, ' $1="$2"') document.dir = t.editor.getParam('directionality',''); if ((nv = t.editor.translate(h)) && nv != h) document.body.innerHTML = nv; if ((nv = t.editor.translate(ti)) && nv != ti) document.title = ti = nv; } if (!t.editor.getParam('browser_preferred_colors', false) || !t.isWindow) t.dom.addClass(document.body, 'forceColors'); document.body.style.display = ''; // Restore selection in IE when focus is placed on a non textarea or input element of the type text if (tinymce.isIE) { document.attachEvent('onmouseup', tinyMCEPopup._restoreSelection); // Add base target element for it since it would fail with modal dialogs t.dom.add(t.dom.select('head')[0], 'base', {target : '_self'}); } t.restoreSelection(); t.resizeToInnerSize(); // Set inline title if (!t.isWindow) t.editor.windowManager.setTitle(window, ti); else window.focus(); if (!tinymce.isIE && !t.isWindow) { t.dom.bind(document, 'focus', function() { t.editor.windowManager.focus(t.id); }); } // Patch for accessibility tinymce.each(t.dom.select('select'), function(e) { e.onkeydown = tinyMCEPopup._accessHandler; }); // Call onInit // Init must be called before focus so the selection won't get lost by the focus call tinymce.each(t.listeners, function(o) { o.func.call(o.scope, t.editor); }); // Move focus to window if (t.getWindowArg('mce_auto_focus', true)) { window.focus(); // Focus element with mceFocus class tinymce.each(document.forms, function(f) { tinymce.each(f.elements, function(e) { if (t.dom.hasClass(e, 'mceFocus') && !e.disabled) { e.focus(); return false; // Break loop } }); }); } document.onkeyup = tinyMCEPopup._closeWinKeyHandler; }, _accessHandler : function(e) { e = e || window.event; if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 32) { var elm = e.target || e.srcElement; if (elm.onchange) elm.onchange(); return tinymce.dom.Event.cancel(e); } }, _closeWinKeyHandler : function(e) { e = e || window.event; if (e.keyCode == 27) tinyMCEPopup.close(); }, _eventProxy: function(id) { return function(evt) { tinyMCEPopup.dom.events.callNativeHandler(id, evt); }; } }; tinyMCEPopup.init();