Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/media/editors/codemirror/mode/xquery/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/media/editors/codemirror/mode/xquery/test.min.js |
!function(){function e(e){test.mode(e,a,Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1))}var a=CodeMirror.getMode({tabSize:4},"xquery");e("eviltest",'[keyword xquery] [keyword version] [variable "1][keyword .][atom 0][keyword -][variable ml"][def&variable ;] [comment (: this is : a "comment" :)]'," [keyword let] [variable $let] [keyword :=] [variable <x] [variable attr][keyword =][variable "value">"test"<func>][def&variable ;function]() [variable $var] {[keyword function]()} {[variable $var]}[variable <][keyword /][variable func><][keyword /][variable x>]"," [keyword let] [variable $joe][keyword :=][atom 1]"," [keyword return] [keyword element] [variable element] {"," [keyword attribute] [variable attribute] { [atom 1] },"," [keyword element] [variable test] { [variable 'a'] }, [keyword attribute] [variable foo] { [variable "bar"] },"," [def&variable fn:doc]()[[ [variable foo][keyword /][variable @bar] [keyword eq] [variable $let] ]],"," [keyword //][variable x] } [comment (: a more 'evil' test :)]"," [comment (: Modified Blakeley example (: with nested comment :) ... :)]"," [keyword declare] [keyword private] [keyword function] [def&variable local:declare]() {()}[variable ;]"," [keyword declare] [keyword private] [keyword function] [def&variable local:private]() {()}[variable ;]"," [keyword declare] [keyword private] [keyword function] [def&variable local:function]() {()}[variable ;]"," [keyword declare] [keyword private] [keyword function] [def&variable local:local]() {()}[variable ;]"," [keyword let] [variable $let] [keyword :=] [variable <let>let] [variable $let] [keyword :=] [variable "let"<][keyword /let][variable >]"," [keyword return] [keyword element] [variable element] {"," [keyword attribute] [variable attribute] { [keyword try] { [def&variable xdmp:version]() } [keyword catch]([variable $e]) { [def&variable xdmp:log]([variable $e]) } },"," [keyword attribute] [variable fn:doc] { [variable "bar"] [variable castable] [keyword as] [atom xs:string] },"," [keyword element] [variable text] { [keyword text] { [variable "text"] } },"," [def&variable fn:doc]()[[ [qualifier child::][variable eq][keyword /]([variable @bar] [keyword |] [qualifier attribute::][variable attribute]) [keyword eq] [variable $let] ]],"," [keyword //][variable fn:doc]"," }"),e("testEmptySequenceKeyword",'[string "foo"] [keyword instance] [keyword of] [keyword empty-sequence]()'),e("testMultiAttr",'[tag <p ][attribute a1]=[string "foo"] [attribute a2]=[string "bar"][tag >][variable hello] [variable world][tag </p>]'),e("test namespaced variable",'[keyword declare] [keyword namespace] [variable e] [keyword =] [string "http://example.com/ANamespace"][variable ;declare] [keyword variable] [variable $e:exampleComThisVarIsNotRecognized] [keyword as] [keyword element]([keyword *]) [variable external;]'),e("test EQName variable",'[keyword declare] [keyword variable] [variable $"http://www.example.com/ns/my":var] [keyword :=] [atom 12][variable ;]','[tag <out>]{[variable $"http://www.example.com/ns/my":var]}[tag </out>]'),e("test EQName function",'[keyword declare] [keyword function] [def&variable "http://www.example.com/ns/my":fn] ([variable $a] [keyword as] [atom xs:integer]) [keyword as] [atom xs:integer] {'," [variable $a] [keyword +] [atom 2]","}[variable ;]",'[tag <out>]{[def&variable "http://www.example.com/ns/my":fn]([atom 12])}[tag </out>]'),e("test EQName function with single quotes","[keyword declare] [keyword function] [def&variable 'http://www.example.com/ns/my':fn] ([variable $a] [keyword as] [atom xs:integer]) [keyword as] [atom xs:integer] {"," [variable $a] [keyword +] [atom 2]","}[variable ;]","[tag <out>]{[def&variable 'http://www.example.com/ns/my':fn]([atom 12])}[tag </out>]"),e("testProcessingInstructions","[def&variable data]([comment&meta <?target content?>]) [keyword instance] [keyword of] [atom xs:string]"),e("testQuoteEscapeDouble",'[keyword let] [variable $rootfolder] [keyword :=] [string "c:\\builds\\winnt\\HEAD\\qa\\scripts\\"]','[keyword let] [variable $keysfolder] [keyword :=] [def&variable concat]([variable $rootfolder], [string "keys\\"])')}();