Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/libraries/rokcommon/Overrides/Doctrine/Migration/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/libraries/rokcommon/Overrides/Doctrine/Migration/Diff.php |
<?php /* * $Id: Diff.php 10831 2013-05-29 19:32:17Z btowles $ * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * and is licensed under the LGPL. For more information, see * <http://www.doctrine-project.org>. */ /** * Doctrine_Migration_Diff - class used for generating differences and migration * classes from 'from' and 'to' schema information. * * @package Doctrine * @subpackage Migration * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @link www.doctrine-project.org * @since 1.0 * @version $Revision: 1080 $ * @author Jonathan H. Wage <jonwage@gmail.com> */ class Doctrine_Migration_Diff { protected $_from, $_to, $_changes = array('created_tables' => array(), 'dropped_tables' => array(), 'created_foreign_keys'=> array(), 'dropped_foreign_keys'=> array(), 'created_columns' => array(), 'dropped_columns' => array(), 'changed_columns' => array(), 'created_indexes' => array(), 'dropped_indexes' => array()), $_migration, $_startingModelFiles = array(), $_tmpPath; protected static $_toPrefix = 'ToPrfx', $_fromPrefix = 'FromPrfx'; /** * Instantiate new Doctrine_Migration_Diff instance * * <code> * $diff = new Doctrine_Migration_Diff('/path/to/old_models', '/path/to/new_models', '/path/to/migrations'); * $diff->generateMigrationClasses(); * </code> * * @param string $from The from schema information source * @param string $to The to schema information source * @param mixed $migration Instance of Doctrine_Migration or path to migration classes * @return void */ public function __construct($from, $to, $migration) { $this->_from = $from; $this->_to = $to; $this->_startingModelFiles = Doctrine_Core::getLoadedModelFiles(); $this->setTmpPath(sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . getmypid()); if ($migration instanceof Doctrine_Migration) { $this->_migration = $migration; } else if (is_dir($migration)) { $this->_migration = new Doctrine_Migration($migration); } } /** * Set the temporary path to store the generated models for generating diffs * * @param string $tmpPath * @return void */ public function setTmpPath($tmpPath) { if ( ! is_dir($tmpPath)) { mkdir($tmpPath, 0777, true); } $this->_tmpPath = $tmpPath; } /** * Get unique hash id for this migration instance * * @return string $uniqueId */ protected function getUniqueId() { return md5($this->_from . $this->_to); } /** * Generate an array of changes found between the from and to schema information. * * @return array $changes */ public function generateChanges() { $this->_cleanup(); $from = $this->_generateModels(self::$_fromPrefix, $this->_from); $to = $this->_generateModels( Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getAttribute(Doctrine_Core::ATTR_MODEL_CLASS_PREFIX) . self::$_toPrefix, $this->_to ); return $this->_diff($from, $to); } /** * Generate a migration class for the changes in this diff instance * * @return array $changes */ public function generateMigrationClasses(Array $buildoptions = array()) { $builder = new Doctrine_Migration_Builder($this->_migration); return $builder->generateMigrationsFromDiff($this,$buildoptions); } /** * Initialize some Doctrine models at a given path. * * @param string $path * @return array $models */ protected function _initializeModels($path) { $manager = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance(); $modelLoading = $manager->getAttribute(Doctrine_Core::ATTR_MODEL_LOADING); if ($modelLoading === Doctrine_Core::MODEL_LOADING_PEAR) { $orig = Doctrine_Core::getModelsDirectory(); Doctrine_Core::setModelsDirectory($path); $models = Doctrine_Core::initializeModels(Doctrine_Core::loadModels($path)); Doctrine_Core::setModelsDirectory($orig); } else { $models = Doctrine_Core::initializeModels(Doctrine_Core::loadModels($path)); } return $models; } /** * Generate a diff between the from and to schema information * * @param string $from Path to set of models to migrate from * @param string $to Path to set of models to migrate to * @return array $changes */ protected function _diff($from, $to) { // Load the from and to models $fromModels = $this->_initializeModels($from); $toModels = $this->_initializeModels($to); // Build schema information for the models $fromInfo = $this->_buildModelInformation($fromModels); $toInfo = $this->_buildModelInformation($toModels); // Build array of changes between the from and to information $changes = $this->_buildChanges($fromInfo, $toInfo); $this->_cleanup(); return $changes; } /** * Build array of changes between the from and to array of schema information * * @param array $from Array of schema information to generate changes from * @param array $to Array of schema information to generate changes for * @return array $changes */ protected function _buildChanges($from, $to) { // Loop over the to schema information and compare it to the from foreach ($to as $className => $info) { // If the from doesn't have this class then it is a new table if ( ! isset($from[$className])) { $names = array('type', 'charset', 'collate', 'indexes', 'foreignKeys', 'primary'); $options = array(); foreach ($names as $name) { if (isset($info['options'][$name]) && $info['options'][$name]) { $options[$name] = $info['options'][$name]; } } $table = array('tableName' => $info['tableName'], 'columns' => $info['columns'], 'options' => $options); $this->_changes['created_tables'][$info['tableName']] = $table; } // Check for new and changed columns foreach ($info['columns'] as $name => $column) { // If column doesn't exist in the from schema information then it is a new column if (isset($from[$className]) && ! isset($from[$className]['columns'][$name])) { $this->_changes['created_columns'][$info['tableName']][$name] = $column; } // If column exists in the from schema information but is not the same then it is a changed column if (isset($from[$className]['columns'][$name]) && $from[$className]['columns'][$name] != $column) { $this->_changes['changed_columns'][$info['tableName']][$name] = $column; } } // Check for new foreign keys foreach ($info['options']['foreignKeys'] as $name => $foreignKey) { $foreignKey['name'] = $name; // If foreign key doesn't exist in the from schema information then we need to add a index and the new fk if ( ! isset($from[$className]['options']['foreignKeys'][$name])) { $this->_changes['created_foreign_keys'][$info['tableName']][$name] = $foreignKey; $indexName = Doctrine_Manager::connection()->generateUniqueIndexName($info['tableName'], $foreignKey['local']); $this->_changes['created_indexes'][$info['tableName']][$indexName] = array('fields' => array($foreignKey['local'])); // If foreign key does exist then lets see if anything has changed with it } else if (isset($from[$className]['options']['foreignKeys'][$name])) { $oldForeignKey = $from[$className]['options']['foreignKeys'][$name]; $oldForeignKey['name'] = $name; // If the foreign key has changed any then we need to drop the foreign key and readd it if ($foreignKey !== $oldForeignKey) { $this->_changes['dropped_foreign_keys'][$info['tableName']][$name] = $oldForeignKey; $this->_changes['created_foreign_keys'][$info['tableName']][$name] = $foreignKey; } } } // Check for new indexes foreach ($info['options']['indexes'] as $name => $index) { // If index doesn't exist in the from schema information if ( ! isset($from[$className]['options']['indexes'][$name])) { $this->_changes['created_indexes'][$info['tableName']][$name] = $index; } } } // Loop over the from schema information and compare it to the to schema information foreach ($from as $className => $info) { // If the class exists in the from but not in the to then it is a dropped table if ( ! isset($to[$className])) { $table = array('tableName' => $info['tableName'], 'columns' => $info['columns'], 'options' => array('type' => $info['options']['type'], 'charset' => $info['options']['charset'], 'collate' => $info['options']['collate'], 'indexes' => $info['options']['indexes'], 'foreignKeys' => $info['options']['foreignKeys'], 'primary' => $info['options']['primary'])); $this->_changes['dropped_tables'][$info['tableName']] = $table; } // Check for removed columns foreach ($info['columns'] as $name => $column) { // If column exists in the from but not in the to then we need to remove it if (isset($to[$className]) && ! isset($to[$className]['columns'][$name])) { $this->_changes['dropped_columns'][$info['tableName']][$name] = $column; } } // Check for dropped foreign keys foreach ($info['options']['foreignKeys'] as $name => $foreignKey) { // If the foreign key exists in the from but not in the to then we need to drop it if ( ! isset($to[$className]['options']['foreignKeys'][$name])) { $this->_changes['dropped_foreign_keys'][$info['tableName']][$name] = $foreignKey; } } // Check for removed indexes foreach ($info['options']['indexes'] as $name => $index) { // If the index exists in the from but not the to then we need to remove it if ( ! isset($to[$className]['options']['indexes'][$name])) { $this->_changes['dropped_indexes'][$info['tableName']][$name] = $index; } } } return $this->_changes; } /** * Build all the model schema information for the passed array of models * * @param array $models Array of models to build the schema information for * @return array $info Array of schema information for all the passed models */ protected function _buildModelInformation(array $models) { $info = array(); foreach ($models as $key => $model) { $table = Doctrine_Core::getTable($model); if ($table->getTableName() !== $this->_migration->getTableName()) { $info[$model] = $table->getExportableFormat(); } } $info = $this->_cleanModelInformation($info); return $info; } /** * Clean the produced model information of any potential prefix text * * @param mixed $info Either array or string to clean of prefixes * @return mixed $info Cleaned value which is either an array or string */ protected function _cleanModelInformation($info) { if (is_array($info)) { foreach ($info as $key => $value) { unset($info[$key]); $key = $this->_cleanModelInformation($key); $info[$key] = $this->_cleanModelInformation($value); } return $info; } else { $find = array( self::$_toPrefix, self::$_fromPrefix, Doctrine_Inflector::tableize(self::$_toPrefix) . '_', Doctrine_Inflector::tableize(self::$_fromPrefix) . '_', Doctrine_Inflector::tableize(self::$_toPrefix), Doctrine_Inflector::tableize(self::$_fromPrefix) ); return str_replace($find, null, $info); } } /** * Get the extension of the type of file contained in a directory. * Used to determine if a directory contains YAML or PHP files. * * @param string $item * @return string $extension */ protected function _getItemExtension($item) { if (is_dir($item)) { $files = glob($item . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*'); } else { $files = array($item); } $extension = null; if (isset($files[0])) { if (is_dir($files[0])) { $extension = $this->_getItemExtension($files[0]); } else { $pathInfo = pathinfo($files[0]); $extension = $pathInfo['extension']; } } return $extension; } /** * Generate a set of models for the schema information source * * @param string $prefix Prefix to generate the models with * @param mixed $item The item to generate the models from * @return string $path The path where the models were generated * @throws Doctrine_Migration_Exception $e */ protected function _generateModels($prefix, $item) { $path = $this->_tmpPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower($prefix) . '_doctrine_tmp_dirs'; $options = array( 'classPrefix' => $prefix, 'generateBaseClasses' => false ); if (is_string($item) && file_exists($item)) { $extension = $this->_getItemExtension($item); if ($extension === 'yml') { Doctrine_Core::generateModelsFromYaml($item, $path, $options); return $path; } else if ($extension === 'php') { Doctrine_Lib::copyDirectory($item, $path); return $path; } else { throw new Doctrine_Migration_Exception('No php or yml files found at path: "' . $item . '"'); } } else { try { Doctrine_Core::generateModelsFromDb($path, (array) $item, $options); return $path; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Doctrine_Migration_Exception('Could not generate models from connection: ' . $e->getMessage()); } } } /** * Cleanup temporary generated models after a diff is performed * * @return void */ protected function _cleanup() { $modelFiles = Doctrine_Core::getLoadedModelFiles(); $filesToClean = array_diff($modelFiles, $this->_startingModelFiles); foreach ($filesToClean as $file) { if (file_exists($file)) { unlink($file); } } // clean up tmp directories Doctrine_Lib::removeDirectories($this->_tmpPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower(self::$_fromPrefix) . '_doctrine_tmp_dirs'); Doctrine_Lib::removeDirectories($this->_tmpPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . strtolower(self::$_toPrefix) . '_doctrine_tmp_dirs'); } }