Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/language/en-GB/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_reslider.ini |
MOD_RESLIDER="Code 7 Responsive Slider" MOD_RESLIDER_DESC="A Joomla responsive image slider module. Remember, if you use a custom URL for a field it will be used instead of the menu item." MOD_RESLIDER_IMAGES_LABEL = "Images" MOD_RESLIDER_JQUERY="Enable jQuery?" MOD_RESLIDER_JQUERY_DESC="Turn on or off included jQuery. Will also call in a no conflict script because we're lovely here at Code 7." MOD_RESLIDER_FADE="Fade or Slide?" MOD_RESLIDER_FADE_DESC="Choose whether the slider will fade or slide between slides" MOD_RESLIDER_FADE_FADE="Fade" MOD_RESLIDER_FADE_SLIDE="Slide" MOD_RESLIDER_LINKS="Use links?" MOD_RESLIDER_LINKS_DESC="Turn on or links on slides" MOD_RESLIDER_MORE_OPTIONS="More Slider Options" MOD_RESLIDER_DIRECTION_NAV="Use directional nav?" MOD_RESLIDER_DIRECTION_NAV_DESC="Turn on or off left/right buttons" MOD_RESLIDER_CONTROL_NAV="Use control nav?" MOD_RESLIDER_CONTROL_DESC="Turn on or off underside control blobs" MOD_RESLIDER_KEYBOARD="Use keyboard nav?" MOD_RESLIDER_KEYBOARD_DESC="Turn on or off left and right arrow control of slider" MOD_RESLIDER_DIRECTION="Vertical or Horizontal" MOD_RESLIDER_DIRECTION_DESC="Will the slider animations go vertically or horizontally" MOD_RESLIDER_DIRECTION_VERTICAL="Vertical" MOD_RESLIDER_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL="Horizontal" MOD_RESLIDER_SPEED="Slide speed in ms" MOD_RESLIDER_SPEED_DESC="Amount of time a slide remains on screen (in ms)" MOD_RESLIDER_ANIM_SPEED="Slide animation speed in ms" MOD_RESLIDER_ANIM_SPEED_DESC="Amount of time a slide transition takes (in ms)" MOD_RESLIDER_RANDOM="Random order?" MOD_RESLIDER_RANDOM_DESC="Do you want the slides in a random order" MOD_RESLIDER_IMAGE="Image" MOD_RESLIDER_IMAGE_DESC="The image for this slide" MOD_RESLIDER_IMAGE_ALT="Alt tag" MOD_RESLIDER_IMAGE_ALT_DESC="Machine readable description of this slide" MOD_RESLIDER_IMAGE_CAPTION="Image caption" MOD_RESLIDER_IMAGE_CAPTION_DESC="Caption for this image" MOD_RESLIDER_IMAGE_LINK="Image link" MOD_RESLIDER_IMAGE_LINK_DESC="Link for this slide" MOD_RESLIDER_IMAGE_CUSTOM_LINK="OR Image custom link" MOD_RESLIDER_IMAGE_CUSTOM_LINK_DESC="Custom link for this slide"