Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/ittask/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/ittask/print_list.php |
<?php /****************************************************************************\ * TaskFreak! * * multi user * ****************************************************************************** * Version: 0.6.3 * * Authors: Stan Ozier <taskfreak@gmail.com> * * License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt (GPL) * \****************************************************************************/ include '_common.php'; /* --- LOAD ISSUE LIST ------------------------------------------------------ */ $objItemList = new ItemStats(); // filter task if ($pProject) { // load tasks for specific project $objItemList->addWhere('ii.projectId = \''.$pProject.'\''); $pLink=Tzn::concatUrl($pLink,'sProject='.$pProject); } else if (!$objUser->checkLevel(6)) { // user can only access his own projects if ($objUserProjectList->rMore()) { $arrProject = array(); while($objTmp = $objUserProjectList->rNext()) { $arrProject[] = $objTmp->id; } $objItemList->addWhere('(ii.projectId IN ('.implode(',',$arrProject).') OR ii.memberId = '.$objUser->id.')'); unset($arrProject); $objUserProjectList->rReset(); } else { // no project to look at? just list own tasks then! $objItemList->addWhere('ii.memberId='.$objUser->id); } } if ($pUser = intval($_REQUEST['sUser'])) { $objItemList->addWhere('ii.memberId = \''.$pUser.'\''); $pLink=Tzn::concatUrl($pLink,'sUser='.$pUser); $_SESSION['selUser'] = $pUser; } else { unset($_SESSION['selUser']); session_unregister('selUser'); } if ($_REQUEST['sContext']) { $pContext = $_REQUEST['sContext']; $objItemList->addWhere('context = \''.$pContext.'\''); $pLink=Tzn::concatUrl($pLink,'sContext='.$pContext); } $sqlFilter = ''; $pShow = ($_REQUEST['show'])?$_REQUEST['show']:'today'; $pLink=Tzn::concatUrl($pLink,'show='.$pShow); $pKeepNoDead = intval(@constant('FRK_NO_DEADLINE_KEEP') -1) * 86400; // date filter switch ($pShow) { case 'all': break; case 'future': // show coming tasks and late tasks (undone only) $sqlFilter = '((deadlineDate >= \'' .strftime(TZN_DATE_SQL,PRJ_DTE_NOW).'\' AND statusKey < ' .FRK_STATUS_LEVELS.')'.' OR statusKey < '.FRK_STATUS_LEVELS.')'; if (@constant('FRK_NO_DEADLINE_TOO')) { // don't show tasks with no deadline (unplanned) $sqlFilter .= ' AND deadlineDate <> \'9999-00-00\''; } else { $sqlFilter .= ' OR (deadlineDate = \'9999-00-00\' AND statusKey < ' .FRK_STATUS_LEVELS.')'; } break; case 'past': // show past tasks and already done $sqlFilter = '(deadlineDate < \'' .strftime(TZN_DATE_SQL,PRJ_DTE_NOW).'\' OR statusKey = ' .FRK_STATUS_LEVELS.')'; break; case 'today': // show all future tasks (done + undone) and late tasks $pKeepNoDead = intval(@constant('FRK_NO_DEADLINE_KEEP') -1) * 86400; $sqlFilter = '(statusKey = '.FRK_STATUS_LEVELS.' AND statusDate > \'' .gmdate('Y-m-d 00:00:00',time()-$pKeepNoDead).'\') '; if (@constant('FRK_NO_DEADLINE_TOO')) { // show tasks with no deadline $sqlFilter .= ' OR statusKey < '.FRK_STATUS_LEVELS; } else{ // don't show uncompleted non planned tasks $sqlFilter .= ' OR (deadlineDate <> \'9999-00-00\' AND statusKey < '.FRK_STATUS_LEVELS.')'; } break; default: break; } //echo '<p>&</p><p>-</p><p>-</p>'.$sqlFilter; if ($sqlFilter) { $objItemList->addDateFilter($sqlFilter); } // private! $sqlFilter = '(showPrivate'; if ($objUser->checkLevel(12)) { $sqlFilter .= ' < 2'; } else { $sqlFilter .= ' = 0'; } $sqlFilter .= ' OR (showPrivate = 2 AND ii.authorId = '.$objUser->id.'))'; $objItemList->addWhere($sqlFilter); // --- ordering statement --- $pSort = ($_REQUEST['sort'])?$_REQUEST['sort']: ((defined('FRK_SORT_COLUMN'))?FRK_SORT_COLUMN:'deadlineDate'); $pDir = ($_REQUEST['dir'])?$_REQUEST['dir']: ((defined('FRK_SORT_ORDER'))?FRK_SORT_ORDER:1); //if ($pShow == 'past' && (!$_REQUEST['dir']) && $pDir == 1) $pDir = -$pDir; $objItemList->setOrder($pSort,$pDir); $pLink=Tzn::concatUrl($pLink,'sort='.$pSort); $pLink=Tzn::concatUrl($pLink,'dir='.$pDir); // --- load --- $objItemList->loadList($objUser->id); /* --- HTML ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ include PRJ_INCLUDE_PATH.'html/header.php'; ?> <h1 class="printheader"><?php echo $objUser->getName(); ?>'s task list</h1> <div id="content"> <?php while ($objItem = $objItemList->rNext()) { ?> <div class="printbox"> <h2><?php $objItem->p('title'); ?></h2> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td colspan="4"><?php echo $langForm['project']; ?>: <strong><?php $objItem->project->p('name','-'); ?></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%"><?php echo $langForm['priority']; ?>: <strong><?php echo $objItem->priority; ?></strong></td> <td width="35%"><?php echo $langForm['user']; ?>: <strong><?php echo $objItem->member->getName('-'); ?></strong></td> <td width="35%"><?php echo $langForm['deadline']; ?>: <strong><?php $objItem->p('deadlineDate','SHX','-'); ?></strong></td> <td width="15%"><?php echo $langForm['status']; ?>: <strong><?php $objItem->pStatus(); ?></strong></td> </tr> </table> <div class="description"><?php echo $objItem->p('description'); ?></div> </div> <?php } ?> <p> </p> </div> <?php include PRJ_INCLUDE_PATH.'html/footer.php'; ?>