Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/ittask/include/classes/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/ittask/include/classes/tzn_mysql.php |
<?php /* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */ /** * Tirzen Framework (TZN) * * This declares the common class from which any object from the TZN shall * inherit. It is compatible with PHP versions 4 and 5. * * THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * This package is licensed under the LGPL License * Copyright (C) 2006 Stan Ozier * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @package Tirzen Framework MySQL database * @author Stan Ozier <tech@tirzen.com> * @copyright 2006-2010 - Stan Ozier * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt (LGPL) * @link http://www.tirzen.net/tzn/ * @version 1.8 */ /** * TZN: Tirzen Framework (TZN) (mysql) DB class * * @package TZN-mySQL * @author Stan Ozier <stan@tirzen.net> * @version 1.8 */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *\ define("TZN_DB_DEBUG",0); // 0 quiet, 1 show error, 2 development level, 3 full debug define("TZN_DB_HOST","localhost"); define("TZN_DB_USER","test"); define("TZN_DB_PASS","test"); define("TZN_DB_BASE","test"); define("TZN_DB_PERMANENT",1); \* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ define('TZN_DB_COUNT_OFF',111); define('TZN_DB_COUNT_AUTO',112); /** * DB Connection * connects to mySQL database * @author Stan Ozier <stan@tirzen.net> * @package TZN-mySQL */ class TznDbConnection { var $_dbHost; var $_dbUser; var $_dbPass; var $_dbBase; var $_dbLink; var $_critical; function TznDbConnection($host=null, $user=null, $pass=null, $base=null) { if ($host && $user && $base) { $this->_dbHost = $host; $this->_dbUser = $user; $this->_dbPass = $pass; $this->_dbBase = $base; } else { $this->_dbHost = TZN_DB_HOST; $this->_dbUser = TZN_DB_USER; $this->_dbPass = TZN_DB_PASS; $this->_dbBase = TZN_DB_BASE; } $this->_critical = true; } function connect() { if (!$this->_dbLink) { if (@constant('TZN_DB_PERMANENT')) { $this->_dbLink = @mysql_pconnect($this->_dbHost,$this->_dbUser ,$this->_dbPass); } else { $this->_dbLink = @mysql_connect($this->_dbHost,$this->_dbUser ,$this->_dbPass); } if (!$this->_dbLink) { if (!$this->_critical) { $this->_error['db'] = @mysql_error(); } else if (defined("TZN_DB_ERROR_PAGE") && (constant("TZN_DB_ERROR_PAGE"))) { $_REQUEST['tznMessage'] = 'Can not connect to database<br />' .@mysql_error(); include TZN_DB_ERROR_PAGE; exit; } else { die('Cannot connect to Database'); } return false; } if (!@mysql_select_db($this->_dbBase,$this->_dbLink)) { if (!$this->_critical) { $this->_error['db'] = @mysql_error(); } else if (defined("TZN_DB_ERROR_PAGE") && (constant("TZN_DB_ERROR_PAGE"))) { $_REQUEST['tznMessage'] = 'Can not select database<br />' .@mysql_error(); include TZN_DB_ERROR_PAGE; exit; } else { die('Database does not exist'); } return false; } } return true; } function isConnected() { if ($this->_dbLink) { return true; } else { return false; } } function getTables() { $arrTables = array(); if ($result = @mysql_query('SHOW TABLES')) { while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $arrTables[] = $row[0]; } return $arrTables; } return false; } function querySelect($qry) { return new TznDbResult($qry,@mysql_query($qry,$this->_dbLink),$this->_critical); } function queryAffect($qry) { if ($this->isConnected()) { @mysql_query($qry,$this->_dbLink); if (($affected_row = mysql_affected_rows($this->_dbLink)) == -1) { switch(TZN_DB_DEBUG) { case 3: case 2: $strError = '<code>'.htmlspecialchars($qry).'</code><br/>'; case 1: $this->_error['db'] = 'Error SQL #'.mysql_errno().': '.mysql_error(); $strError .= $this->_error['db']; default: if ($this->_critical) { if (defined("TZN_DB_ERROR_PAGE") && (constant("TZN_DB_ERROR_PAGE"))) { $_REQUEST['tznMessage'] = 'SQL Error (affect)<br />' .$strError; include TZN_DB_ERROR_PAGE; exit; } else { die('<div id="debug">SQL error (affect)<br />'.$strError.'</div>'); } } break; } return false; } else if (TZN_DB_DEBUG == 3) { echo "<code>".htmlspecialchars($qry)."</code><br/>"; } return ($affected_row)?$affected_row:TRUE; } else { echo ("not connected to database"); exit; return false; } } } /** * DB Result * represents a mySQL result set * @author Stan Ozier <stan@ozier.net> * @package DB */ class TznDbResult { var $_dbResult; var $_count; var $_idx; function TznDbResult($qry,$result = null,$critical=true) { if ($result) { if (TZN_DB_DEBUG == 3) { echo "<code>".htmlspecialchars($qry)."</code><br/>"; } $this->_dbResult = $result; $this->_count = mysql_num_rows($result); $this->_idx = 0; return $this->_count; } else { switch(TZN_DB_DEBUG) { case 3: case 2: $strError = '<code>'.htmlspecialchars($qry).'</code><br/>'; case 1: $this->_error['db'] = 'Error SQL #'.mysql_errno().': '.mysql_error(); $strError .= $this->_error['db']; default: if ($critical) { if (defined("TZN_DB_ERROR_PAGE") && (constant("TZN_DB_ERROR_PAGE"))) { $_REQUEST['tznMessage'] = 'SQL Error (select)<br />' .$strError; include TZN_DB_ERROR_PAGE; exit; } else { die('<div id="debug">SQL error (select)<br />'.$strError.'</div>'); } } break; } return false; } } function rCount() { return $this->_count; } function rNext() { $row = @mysql_fetch_object($this->_dbResult); if (!$row) { // $this->freeResult(); return false; } $this->_idx++; return $row; } function rColumns() { if ($this->_count) { $row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($this->_dbResult); $arrCols = array_keys($row); mysql_data_seek($this->_dbResult,$this->_idx); return $arrCols; } else { return false; } } function rSkip($num = 1) { $next = $this->_idx + $num; if (($next < $this->_idx) && (@mysql_data_seek($this->_dbResult, $next))) { $this->_idx += $num; return true; } else { return false; } } function rItem($num) { if (($num < $this->_idx) && (@mysql_data_seek($this->_dbResult, $num))) { $this->_idx = $num; return $this->rNext(); } else { return false; } } function rReset() { if (@mysql_data_seek($this->_dbResult, 0)) { $this->_idx = 0; return true; } else { return false; } } function rMore() { if ($this->_idx < $this->_count) { return true; } else { return false; } } function rFree() { if ($this->_dbResult) { @mysql_free_result($this->_dbResult); } $this->_idx = 0; $this->_count = 0; } } /** * Static Result * Equivalent of a resultset in an array * @author Stan Ozier <stan@tirzen.com> * @package DB */ class TZNStaticResult { var $_itemList; var $_itemListIdx; var $_numRows; var $_count; var $_indexed; function TZNStaticResult($itemList=null, $indexed=false) { $this->_indexed = $indexed; $this->_itemList = array(); $this->mergeList($itemList); $this->_count = 0; return true; } function mergeList($itemList) { if (($itemList) && (is_array($itemList))) { if (count($this->_itemList)) { $this->_itemList = array_merge($this->_itemList,$itemList); if ($this->_indexed) { ksort($this->_itemList); } else { asort($this->_itemList); } } else { $this->_itemList = $itemList; } $this->_numRows = count($this->_itemList); if ($this->_indexed) { $this->_itemListIdx = $this->_itemList; } } } function getNumberRows() { return $this->_numRows; } function rNext() { if ($this->_indexed) { if ($item = array_shift($this->_itemListIdx)) { $this->_count++; return $item; } else { return false; } } else { if ($this->_count < $this->_numRows) { $row = $this->_itemList[$this->_count]; $this->_count++; return $row; } else { return false; } } } function rSkip($num = 1) { $next = $this->_count + $num; if ($next < $this->_numRows) { if ($this->_indexed) { for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { array_shift($this->_itemListIdx); } } $this->_count += $num; return true; } else { return false; } } function rItem($num) { if ($this->_indexed) { return $this->_itemList[$num]; } if ($num < $this->_numRows) { $this->_count = $num; return $this->nextRow(); } else { return false; } } function rReset() { if ($this->_indexed) { $this->_itemListIdx = $this->_itemList; } $this->_count = 0; return true; } function rMore() { if ($this->_count < $this->_numRows) { return true; } else { return false; } } function rFree() { unset($this->_itemList); unset($this->_itemListIdx); $this->_count = 0; $this->_numRows = 0; } function addItem($opt1,$opt2=null) { if ($opt2) { $this->_indexed = true; $this->_itemList[$opt1] = $opt2; $this->_itemListIdx[$opt1] = $opt2; } else { $this->_itemList[] = $opt1; } $this->_numRows = count($this->_itemList); } function hasItem($idx) { if ($this->_indexed) { return array_key_exists($idx, $this->_itemList); } return null; } function removeItem($idx) { if ($this->_indexed) { if ($this->hasItem($idx)) { unset($this->_itemList[$idx]); unset($this->_itemListIdx[$idx]); $this->_numRows--; } } return null; } } /** * DB Object * every object representing data stored in mySQL * shall inherit from this class * @author Stan Ozier <stan@ozier.net> * @package DB */ class TznDb extends Tzn { var $_dbConnection; var $_table; var $_prevItemId; var $_nextItemId; var $_data; var $_loaded; var $_total; var $_page; var $_pageSize; var $_sqlWhere; var $_sqlGroup; var $_sqlHaving; var $_sqlOrder; function TznDb($table) { $this->Tzn(); $this->_table = $table; $this->_page = 1; } function gTable($table=null) { if (!$table) { $table = $this->_table; } return (@constant('TZN_DB_PREFIX')?TZN_DB_PREFIX.'_':'').$table; } function setPagination($pageSize,$page=1) { $this->_pageSize = intval($pageSize); $this->_page = intval($page); } function getIdKey() { return $this->_table."Id"; } function getConnection($host=null, $user=null, $pass=null, $base=null) { if (!is_object($this->_dbConnection)) { $this->_dbConnection = new TznDbConnection($host,$user,$pass,$base); } $this->_dbConnection->connect(); return $this->_dbConnection; } function query($qry) { global $pSqlQueryCount; $pSqlQueryCount++; if (DB_DEBUG_LEVEL == 3) { echo "<code>".$qry."</code><br/>"; } if (is_object($this->_dbConnection)) { if (ereg("^(SELECT|SHOW)",ltrim($qry))) { return $this->_dbConnection->querySelect($qry); } else { return $this->_dbConnection->queryAffect($qry); } } else { echo "no active connection to database - please call $db->getConnection first"; } } function isLoaded() { return $this->_loaded; } /* -- Query Generator Methods -------------------------------------- */ function getObjId($key) { $obj = $this->$key; return $obj->id; } function addWhere($data, $sep = 'AND') { $this->_sqlWhere = $this->concatSQL($this->_sqlWhere, $data, $sep); } function sqlWhere($default = '') { return $this->concatSQL($this->_sqlWhere, $default, 'AND', ' WHERE'); } function addOrder($data,$default = '') { if ((!ereg('^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\., ]+$',$data)) || (empty($data))) { $data = $default; } $this->_sqlOrder = $this->concatSQL($this->_sqlOrder, $data,','); } function sqlOrder($default = '') { return $this->concatSQL($this->_sqlOrder, $default, ',', ' ORDER BY'); } function addGroup($data) { $this->_sqlGroup = $this->concatSQL($this->_sqlGroup, $data, ','); } function sqlGroup($default = '') { return $this->concatSQL($this->_sqlGroup,$default, ',',' GROUP BY'); } function addHaving($data,$sep = 'AND') { $this->_sqlHaving = $this->concatSQL($this->_sqlHaving, $data,$sep); } function sqlHaving($default = '') { return $this->concatSQL($this->_sqlHaving, $default, 'AND', ' HAVING'); } function sqlLimit() { // mySQL only if (!$this->_pageSize) { return false; // no paging } if (!$this->_page) { $this->_page = 1; } while ((($this->_page - 1) * $this->_pageSize) > $this->_total) { $this->_page--; } return ' LIMIT '.($this->_page - 1) * $this->_pageSize.', ' .$this->_pageSize; } /* -- Queries -------------------------------------------------------- */ function load() { // load by Id if ($this->id) { return $this->loadByKey($this->getIdKey(), $this->id); } else { return false; } /* else { return $this->loadByFilter("1 LIMIT 0,1"); } */ } function loadByKey($key, $value=null) { if ($value == null) { $value = $this->get($key); } if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\-_]+$/iD', $key.$value)) { return false; } return $this->loadByFilter($this->gTable().".".$key." = '".$value."'"); } function loadByFilter($filter) { $this->_data = null; $this->_total = 0; if (!empty($filter)) { $sqlSelect = "SELECT ".$this->gTable().".*"; $sqlFrom =" FROM ".$this->gTable(); $groupBy = false; foreach($this->_properties as $oKey => $oType) { if (ereg("Last$",$oKey)) { continue; } else if (ereg("Count$",$oKey)) { // -TODO- use var type instead of suffix // -TODO- retreive table name $tmpKey = substr($oKey,0,-5); $sqlSelect .= ", count(DISTINCT ".$tmpKey."Id) as " .$tmpKey."Count"; $tmpIdKey = $this->getIdKey(); $sqlFrom .= " LEFT JOIN ".strtolower($tmpKey)." ON ".strtolower($tmpKey)."." .$tmpIdKey."=".$this->gTable().".".$tmpIdKey; $groupBy = true; } else if ($oType == 'OBJ') { $tmpObj = new $oKey(); $tmpKey = $tmpObj->getIdKey(); $tmpOnKey = $oKey."Id"; $sqlFrom .= " LEFT JOIN ".$tmpObj->gTable()." as ".$oKey ." ON ".$oKey.".".$tmpKey."=" .$this->gTable().".".$tmpOnKey; forEach($tmpObj->_properties as $keyNested => $typeNested) { if ((ereg('^UID',$typeNested)) || (ereg('(Count|Last)$',$keyNested))) { continue; } else if ($typeNested == 'OBJ') { $tmpNestedObj = new $keyNested(); $tmpNestedKey = $tmpNestedObj->getIdKey(); /* $sqlSelect .= ", ".$tmpObj->_table.".".$tmpNestedKey ." as ".$oKey."_".$tmpNestedKey; */ $sqlSelect .= ", ".$oKey.".".$tmpNestedKey ." as ".$oKey."_".$tmpNestedKey; } else { /* $sqlSelect .= ", ".$tmpObj->_table."." .$keyNested." as ".$oKey.'_'.$keyNested; */ $sqlSelect .= ", ".$oKey."." .$keyNested." as ".$oKey.'_'.$keyNested; } } } } $strSql = $sqlSelect.$sqlFrom.$sqlWhere." WHERE ".$filter; if ($groupBy) { $strSql .= " GROUP BY ".$this->gTable().".".$this->getIdKey(); } return $this->loadByQuery($strSql); } $this->_loaded = false; return false; } function loadByQuery($strSql) { if ($strSql) { $this->getConnection(); if ($result = $this->query($strSql)) { if ($data = $result->rNext()) { $this->setAuto($data); $this->_loaded = true; if ($this->id) { return $this->id; } else { return true; } } } } return false; } /* -- Loading List --------------------------------------------- */ function loadCount($strCount='') { $className = get_class($this); if (empty($strCount)) { $classModel = new $className(); $sqlCount = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT " .$this->gTable().".".$this->_table."Id) as rowCount"; if (!in_array('UID',$this->_properties)) { $sqlCount = "SELECT COUNT(*) as rowCount"; } $sqlFrom =" FROM ".$this->gTable(); $groupBy = false; foreach($this->_properties as $key => $type) { if (ereg("(Last|Count)$",$key)) { $tmpKey = strtolower(substr($key,0,-5)); $sqlFrom .= " LEFT JOIN ".$tmpKey." ON ".$tmpKey."." .$this->getIdKey()."=" .$this->gTable().".".$this->getIdKey(); $groupBy = true; } else if ($type == 'OBJ') { $tmpObj = new $key(); $tmpKey = $tmpObj->getIdKey(); $tmpOnKey = $key."Id"; $sqlFrom .= " LEFT JOIN ".$tmpObj->gTable()." as ".$key ." ON ".$key.".".$tmpKey."=" .$this->gTable().".".$tmpOnKey; // $groupBy = true; } } unset($classModel); if ($groupBy) { $this->addGroup($this->gTable().".".$this->getIdKey()); } if (empty($strCount)) { $strCount = $sqlCount.$sqlFrom.' '.$this->sqlWhere(); if ($groupBy) { $strCount .= ' '.$this->sqlGroup(); // GROUP BY clause if ($this->_sqlHaving) { $strCount .= ' '.$this->sqlHaving(); } } } } // echo("<p>COUNT = ".$strCount."</p>"); $this->getConnection(); if ($result = $this->query($strCount)) { if ($row = $result->rNext()) { $this->_total = $row->rowCount; return $row->rowCount; } } $this->_total = 0; return false; } function loadList($sql1 = null, $sql2 = null) { $this->_data = null; $this->_loaded = false; $this->_total = 0; if (!$sql1) { $sqlSelect = 'SELECT '.$this->gTable().'.*'; $sqlFrom =' FROM '.$this->gTable(); $groupBy = false; foreach($this->_properties as $key => $type) { if (ereg('Count$',$key)) { // -TODO- use param type instead of suffix $tmpKey = substr($key,0,-5); $sqlSelect .= ', COUNT('.strtolower($tmpKey).'.'.$tmpKey.'Id) as ' .$tmpKey.'Count'; $sqlFrom .= ' LEFT JOIN '.strtolower($tmpKey) .' ON '.strtolower($tmpKey).'.'.$this->getIdKey().'=' .$this->gTable().'.'.$this->getIdKey(); $groupBy = true; } else if (ereg('^OBJ',$type)) { $pObj = $key; if (strlen($type) > 3) { $pObj = substr($type,4); } $tmpObj = new $pObj(); $tmpKey = $tmpObj->getIdKey(); /* $sqlFrom .= ' LEFT JOIN '.$tmpObj->_table.' as '.$key .' ON '.$tmpObj->_table.'.'.$tmpKey.'=' .$this->_table.'.'.$key.'Id'; */ $sqlFrom .= ' LEFT JOIN '.$tmpObj->gTable().' as '.$key .' ON '.$key.'.'.$tmpKey.'=' .$this->gTable().'.'.$key.'Id'; forEach($tmpObj->_properties as $keyNested => $typeNested) { if ((ereg('^UID',$typeNested)) || (ereg('(Count|Last)$',$keyNested))) { continue; } else if ($typeNested == 'OBJ') { $tmpNestedObj = new $keyNested(); $tmpNestedKey = $tmpNestedObj->getIdKey(); /* $sqlSelect .= ", ".$tmpObj->_table.".".$tmpNestedKey ." as ".$key."_".$tmpNestedKey; */ $sqlSelect .= ", ".$key.".".$tmpNestedKey ." as ".$key."_".$tmpNestedKey; } else { /* $sqlSelect .= ", ".$tmpObj->_table."." .$keyNested." as ".$key.'_'.$keyNested; */ $sqlSelect .= ", ".$key."." .$keyNested." as ".$key.'_'.$keyNested; } } $groupBy = true; } } unset($classModel); if ($groupBy && array_key_exists('id',$this->_properties)) { $this->addGroup($this->gTable().".".$this->getIdKey()); } $sqlSelect = $sqlSelect.$sqlFrom; } else if (!$sql2) { $sqlSelect = $sql1; } else { $sqlCount = $sql1; $sqlSelect = $sql2; } // WHERE clause $sqlSelect .= $this->sqlWhere(); // WHERE clause if ($this->_sqlGroup) { $sqlSelect .= $this->sqlGroup(); // GROUP BY clause if ($this->_sqlHaving) { $sqlSelect .= ' '.$this->sqlHaving(); } } $sqlSelect .= $this->sqlOrder(); // ORDER BY clause $this->getConnection(); if ($this->_pageSize) { if (!$sqlCount) { if (!$this->loadCount()) { return false; } } else if ($sql1 != TZN_DB_COUNT_OFF) { if ($sql1 == TZN_DB_COUNT_AUTO) { $tempData = $this->query($sqlSelect); $this->_total = $tempData->_count; unset($tempData); } else { $sqlCount .= $this->sqlWhere(); if (!$this->loadCount($sqlCount)) { return false; } } } $sqlSelect .= $this->sqlLimit(); } if ($this->_data = $this->query($sqlSelect)) { $return = $this->_data->_count; } if (!$this->_total) { $this->_total = $return; } return $return; } /* -- Retreiving -------------------------------------------- */ function rMore() { if ($this->_data) { return $this->_data->rMore(); } return false; } function rCount() { if ($this->_data) { return $this->_data->rCount(); } return false; } function rTotal() { return $this->_total; } function rNext() { if ($this->rMore()) { return $this->_setItem($this->_data->rNext()); } else { return false; } } function rSkip($num = 1) { if ($this->_data) { return $this->_data->rSkip($num); } return false; } function rItem($num) { if ($this->_data) { return $this->_setItem($this->_data->rItem($num)); } return false; } function rReset() { return $this->_data->rReset(); } function rFree() { return $this->_data->rFree(); } function _setItem($obj) { if ($obj) { $className = get_class($this); if (strtolower(get_class($this->_data)) == "tznstaticresult") { return $obj; } else { $objTmp = new $className(); $objTmp->setAuto($obj); $objTmp->_loaded = true; return $objTmp; } } else { return false; } } /* -- Item functions ---------------------------------------- */ function add($ignore=false) { // create SQL statement $strSql = 'INSERT '.(($ignore)?'IGNORE ':'') .'INTO '.$this->gTable().' SET '; if ($this->id) { $strSql .= $this->getIdKey()."='".$this->id."', "; } $strSql .= $this->zPropsToSql(); $this->getConnection(); if ($this->query($strSql)) { $this->id = mysql_insert_id(); if (!$this->id) { return true; } else { return $this->id; } } else { return false; } } function replace() { // create SQL statement $strSql = 'REPLACE INTO '.$this->gTable().' SET '; if ($this->id) { $strSql .= $this->getIdKey()."='".$this->id."', "; } $strSql .= $this->zPropsToSql(); $this->getConnection(); if ($this->query($strSql)) { if (!$this->id) { $this->id = mysql_insert_id(); } return $this->id; } else { return false; } } function update($fields=null,$filter=null) { // echo "<pre>--- UPDATE ---\r\n"; $this->dump(); echo "---\r\n"; $strSql = "UPDATE ".$this->gTable()." SET "; if ($fields) { $arrFields = explode(',',$fields); $first = true; forEach($arrFields as $field) { $field=trim($field); if ($first) { $first = false; } else { $strSql .= ","; } $fieldKey = $field; if (is_object($this->$field)) { $fieldKey = $field.'Id'; } $strSql .= '`'.$fieldKey.'` = '.$this->zValueToSql($this->$field); } } else { $strSql .= $this->zPropsToSql(); } if ($filter) { $strSql .= ' WHERE '.$filter; } else if ($this->id) { $strSql .= " WHERE ".$this->getIdKey()."='".$this->id."'"; } else { // update everything?!? $strSql .= " WHERE 1"; } //echo $strSql; exit; // ."\r\n</pre>"; return $this->query($strSql); } function delete($filter = null) { // remove from Database $strSql = "DELETE FROM ".$this->gTable()." WHERE "; if (!empty($filter)) { $strSql .= $filter; } else if ($this->id) { $strSql .= $this->getIdKey()."='".$this->id."'"; } else { return false; } $this->getConnection(); return $this->query($strSql); } function emptyTable() { $this->getConnection(); return $this->query('TRUNCATE '.$this->gTable()); } function checkUnique($key, $value, $field=null) { if ($value == "") { return false; } $idKey = $this->getIdKey(); $strSql = "SELECT ".$idKey; if ($key != 'id') { $strSql .= ', '.$key; } if ($field) { $strSql .=", ".$field; } $strSql .= " FROM " .$this->gTable(); if ($key == 'id') { $strSql .= ' WHERE '.$idKey." = '".$value."'"; } else { $strSql .= " WHERE ".$key." = '".$value."'"; if ($this->id) { $strSql.=" AND ".$idKey." <> ".$this->id; } } $this->getConnection(); if ($result = $this->query($strSql)) { if ($row = $result->rNext()) { // $this->setAuto($row); return $row->$idKey; } } return false; } function concatSQL($begin, $end, $separator = 'AND', $instruction = '') { $separator = ' '.trim($separator).' '; if (!empty($instruction)) { $instruction .= ' '; } if (empty($begin)) { if (empty($end)) { return false; } else { return $instruction.$end; } } else if (empty($end)) { return $instruction.$begin; } else { return $begin.$separator.$end; } } /* function setSqlProperties($objData, $nested = false) { $this->_setObjectProperties("setSql",$objData); } */ function zPropsToSql() { // to create SQL statement (insert or update) // checks if word is reserved or add '' $strSql = ""; $first = true; foreach ($this->_properties as $key => $type) { if ($key == "id" || ereg("(Count|Last)$",$key)) { continue; } $value = $this->$key; if ($type == 'OBJ' || is_object($value)) { if (is_a($value, 'TznFile')) { $value->save(); $oKey = $key; $oValue = '\''.$value->folder.$value->fileName.'\''; // remove from session $tmpKey = $key.'_tmp'; unset($_SESSION[$tmpKey]); } else { // $oKey = $value->getIdKey(); $oKey = $key.'Id'; $oValue = '\''.$value->id.'\''; } } else { $oKey = $key; $oValue = $this->zValueToSql($value,$type); } if ($first) { $first = false; } else { $strSql.=", "; } $strSql .= '`'.$oKey.'`='.$oValue; } return $strSql; } function zValueToSql($value,$type=null) { if (($type == 'INT') || ($type == 'NUM') || ($type == 'DEC') || ($type == 'BOL')) { $str = ($value)?$value:0; } else if ($type == 'DTE') { $str = '\''.(($value)?$value:'0000-00-00').'\''; } else if ($type == 'DTM') { $str = '\''.(($value)?$value:'0000-00-00 00:00:00').'\''; } else if (is_object($value)) { if (is_a($value, 'TznFile')) { $value->save(); $str = '\''.$value->folder.$value->filename.'\''; } else { $str = '\''.$value->id.'\''; } } else if (ereg("^(ENCODE|ENCRYPT|MD5|NOW)\(.*\)", $value)) { $str = $value; } else { $str = "'".addslashes($value)."'"; /* if ($this->_dbConnection->_dbLink) { $str = '\''.mysql_real_escape_string($value,$this->_dbConnection->_dbLink).'\''; } else { $str = "'".addslashes($value)."'"; } */ } // error_log('type='.$type.', value='.$str); return $str; } /* ----- List Order ------ */ function pSort($link, $param, $field, $style='', $imgAsc = TZN_DB_ASC_OFF, $imgAscActive = TZN_DB_ASC_ON, $imgDesc = TZN_DB_DESC_OFF, $imgDescActive = TZN_DB_DESC_ON) { $begin = '<a href="'.$link; if (ereg('\?',$link)) { $begin .= '&'; } else { $begin .= '?'; } $begin.= $param.'='; $end = '"'; $end .= Tzn::_style($style); $end .= '>'; if (ereg('^'.$field.' ASC',$this->_sqlOrder)) { print '<img src="'.$imgAscActive.'">'; } else { print $begin.$field.'+ASC'.$end.'<img src="'.$imgAsc .'" border="0"></a>'; } if (ereg('^'.$field.' DESC',$this->_sqlOrder)) { print '<img src="'.$imgDescActive.'">'; } else { print $begin.$field.'+DESC'.$end.'<img src="'.$imgDesc .'" border="0"></a>'; } } /* ----- Pagination ------ */ function pPagination($link, $param, $style = TZN_DB_PAGING_OFF, $styleCurrent = TZN_DB_PAGING_ON) { // link = page filename + original parameters // param = name of variable parameter for paging // current = current page (integer) // class = style for link // classCurrent = style for current $max = 0; // echo 'pageSize='.$this->_pageSize.' total='.$this->_total; // return false; if (!$this->_pageSize) return false; while (($max * $this->_pageSize) < $this->_total) { $max++; } if ($max == 0) { return false; } else { $begin = '<a href="'.$link; if (ereg('\?',$link)) { $begin .= '&'; } else { $begin .= '?'; } $begin.= $param.'='; $end = '"'; $end .= Tzn::_style($style); $end .= '>'; $first = true; for ($i=1; $i<=$max; $i++) { if ($first) { $first = false; } else { print ' | '; } if ($this->_page == $i) { if (!empty($styleCurrent)) { if ($styleCurrent == '<b>') { print '<b>'.$i.'</b>'; } else { print '<span class="'.$styleCurrent.'">' .$i.'</span>'; } } else { echo($i); } } else { echo $begin.$i.$end.$i.'</a>'; } } } } function pPageSelect($link, $param, $style = null, $styleCurrent = null) { if (!$this->_pageSize) return false; $max = 0; while (($max * $this->_pageSize) < $this->_total) { $max++; } if ($max == 0) { return false; } if (ereg('\?',$link)) { $link .= '&'; } else { $link .= '?'; } print '<select name="_'.$param.'"'; print Tzn::_style($style); print ' onChange="location.href=\''.$link.$param .'=\'+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value">'; for($i=1; $i<=$max; $i++) { print '<option value="'.$i.'"'; if ($this->_page == $i) { print ' selected="true"'; print Tzn::_style($styleCurrent); } print '>page '.$i.'</option>'; } print '</select>'; } function hasPrevious() { if (empty($this->_page) || ($this->_page <= 1)) { return false; } else { return true; } } function pPrevious($link, $param, $text = "<", $styleOn = TZN_DB_PAGING_ENABLED, $styleOff = TZN_DB_PAGING_DISABLED) { // link = page filename + original parameters // param = name of variable parameter for paging // current = current page (integer) // class = style for link // classDisabled = style if disabled if (!$this->hasPrevious()) { if (!empty($styleOff)) { print '<span class="'.$styleOff.'">'.$text.'</span>'; } else { print $text; } return false; } else { $begin = '<a href="'.$link; if (ereg('\?',$link)) { $begin .= '&'; } else { $begin .= '?'; } $begin.= $param.'='; $end = '"'; $end .= Tzn::_style($styleOn); $end .= '>'; print $begin.($this->_page-1).$end.$text.'</a>'; return true; } } function hasNext() { if (!$this->_pageSize) return false; if (empty($this->_page)) { $this->_page = 1; } if (($this->_page * $this->_pageSize) >= ($this->_total)) { return false; } else { return true; } } function pNext($link, $param, $text = ">", $styleOn = TZN_DB_PAGING_ENABLED, $styleOff = TZN_DB_PAGING_DISABLED) { // link = page filename + original parameters // param = name of variable parameter for paging // current = current page (integer) // class = style for link // classDisabled = style if disabled if (!$this->hasNext()) { if (!empty($styleOff)) { print '<span class="'.$styleOff.'">'.$text.'</span>'; } else { print $text; } return false; } else { $begin = '<a href="'.$link; if (ereg('\?',$link)) { $begin .= '&'; } else { $begin .= '?'; } $begin.= $param.'='; $end = '"'; $end .= Tzn::_style($styleOn); $end .= '>'; print $begin.($this->_page+1).$end.$text.'</a>'; return true; } } }