Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/ittask/include/classes/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/ittask/include/classes/tzn_generic.php |
<?php /* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */ /** * Tirzen Framework (TZN) * * This declares the common class from which any object from the TZN shall * inherit. It is compatible with PHP versions 4 and 5. * * THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * This package is licensed under the LGPL License * Copyright (C) 2006 Stan Ozier * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @package Tirzen Framework * @author Stan Ozier <tech@tirzen.com> * @copyright 2006-2010 - Stan Ozier * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt (LGPL) * @link http://www.tirzen.net/tzn/ * @version 1.8 */ /** * TZN: Tirzen Framework (TZN) common/generic class * * @package TZN * @author Stan Ozier <stan@tirzen.net> * @version 1.8 revision 3 */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *\ define("TZN_DEBUG",0); // 0 no debug, 1 on error, 2 show most, 3 show all define("TZN_SPECIALCHARS",1); // 0 = none, 1 = custom > & ", 2 = htmlspecialchars, 3 = htmlentities define("TZN_HTMLMODE","html"); // no = no HTML, bbs = BBS [b]style[/b], html = HTML accepted define("TZN_BOOL_TRUE","Y"); define("TZN_BOOL_FALSE","N"); // image or HTML for booleans define("TZN_TZDEFAULT","user"); define("TZN_DATEFIELD","SQL"); \* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ define("TZN_DATE_SQL","%Y-%m-%d"); define("TZN_DATETIME_SQL","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); if (@constant('TZN_DATE_US_FORMAT')) { define("TZN_DATE_FRM","%m/%d/%y"); // US format } else { define("TZN_DATE_FRM","%d/%m/%y"); // rest of the world dd/mm } define("TZN_KEY_LENGTH",8); define("TZN_KEY_STRING","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"); define("TZN_NOW",strtotime(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); define("TZN_TZSERVER",intval(date('Z'))); if (@constant('TZN_TRANS_ID')) { ini_set("session.use_trans_sid",1); } else { ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 0); ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1); } class Tzn { var $_error; var $_properties; function Tzn() { $this->_error = array(); } /** * addProperties : generic function * add property(ies) to class/object * @param prm1 array or name of property * @param prm2 if first parameter is, second is type (else: not needed) */ function addProperties($prm1, $prm2=null) { if (is_array($prm1)) { if (is_array($this->_properties)) { $this->_properties = array_merge($this->_properties,$prm1); } else { $this->_properties = $prm1; } } else if ($prm2) { if (!is_array($this->_properties)) { $this->_properties = array(); } $this->_properties[$prm1] = $prm2; } } /** * removeProperties : generic function * remove property(ies) to class/object * @param prm1 array or name of property * @param prm2 if first parameter is, second is type (else: not needed) */ function removeProperties($prm1) { if (is_array($this->_properties)) { if (is_array($prm1)) { foreach($prm1 as $key) { unset($this->_properties[$key]); } } else { unset($this->_properties[$prm1]); } } } /* --- GET -------------------------------------------------- */ /** * get : generic function * check property type and call corresponding method * variable parameters */ function get($key) { if (!$key) { return 'Error: Tzn::get (empty 1st parameter)'; } if ($dfn = $this->_properties[$key]) { if (is_array($dfn)) { return call_user_func_array(array(&$this,'getLst'),$dfn); } $arrType = explode(',',$dfn); if ($arrType[0] == 'OBJ') { // indirect call to object $arrArgs = func_get_args(); array_shift($arrArgs[0]); // remove first parameter (key) $obj = $this->$key; if (is_object($obj)) { return call_user_func_array(array(&$obj,'get'), $arrArgs); } } else if (func_num_args() > 1) {; $arrArgs = func_get_args(); return call_user_func_array(array( &$this,'get'.$arrType[0]),$arrArgs); } else { $type = $arrType[0]; $arrType[0] = $key; // echo "calling get$type with "; print_r($arrType); return call_user_func_array(array(&$this,'get'.$type),$arrType); } } } function getUid() { return $this->id; } function getValue($key) { if ($this->$key) { return str_replace('"','"',$this->$key); } else { return ''; } } function getRdm($len = TZN_KEY_LENGTH, $strChars = TZN_KEY_STRING) { $strCode = ""; $intLenChars = strlen($strChars); for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) { $n = mt_rand(1, $intLenChars); $strCode .= substr($strChars, ($n-1), 1); } return $strCode; } function getInt($keyval,$default=0) { $value = Tzn::_value($keyval,$default); return number_format(round($value),0); } function getNum($keyval,$default=0) { $value = Tzn::_value($keyval,$default); $value = number_format(abs(round($value)),0); if (!$value) { $value = $default; } return $value; } /** get decimal value (key/val,[decimal],[default]) @param keyval field or value @param decimal precision @param default value */ function getDec($keyval) { $arrArgs = func_get_args(); $i = 1; $dec = null; if (intval($arrArgs[1]) == $arrArgs[1]) { // number of digits after decimal point $dec = $arrArgs[1]; $i++; } $value = Tzn::_value($keyval,$arrArgs[$i]); if ($dec) { return number_format($value,$dec); } else { if (round($value) != $value) { $dec = 2; if (is_object($this)) { $arrType = explode(',',$this->_properties[$key]); if (count($arrType) > 1) { $dec = $arrType[1]; } } return number_format($value,$dec); } return number_format($value); } } /** get decimal value, form field format (key/val,[decimal],[default]) @param keyval field or value @param decimal precision @param default value */ function getDec2($keyval) { $arrArgs = func_get_args(); $i = 1; $dec = null; if (intval($arrArgs[1]) == $arrArgs[1]) { // number of digits after decimal point $dec = $arrArgs[1]; $i++; } $value = Tzn::_value($keyval,$arrArgs[$i]); if ($dec) { return number_format($value,$dec,'.',''); } else { if (round($value) != $value) { $dec = 2; if (is_object($this)) { $arrType = explode(',',$this->_properties[$key]); if (count($arrType) > 1) { $dec = $arrType[1]; } } return number_format($value,$dec,'.',''); } return number_format($value,null,'.',''); } } /** * getStr (key/val,[cut],[default]) */ function getStr($keyval) { return Tzn::_strValue(func_get_args()); } function getUrl($keyval,$default='') { return Tzn::_value($keyval,$default); } function getEml($keyval,$default='') { return Tzn::_value($keyval,$default); } function getTxt($keyval) { return Tzn::_strValue(func_get_args()); } function getBbs($keyval,$default='') { return Tzn::_value($keyval,$default); } function getHtm($keyval,$default='') { return Tzn::_value($keyval,$default); } function getImg($keyval,$default='') { return Tzn::_value($keyval,$default); } function getBol($keyval,$default=null) { if (is_object($this)) { // $value = Tzn::_value($keyval,$default); if (is_null($this->$keyval)) { $value = $default; } else { $value = $this->$keyval; } } else { $value = $default; } return $value?true:false; } function getDte($keyval,$format='SQL',$default='') { $value = Tzn::_value($keyval,$default); if (!$value || preg_match('/^(0000|9999)/',$value)) { return $default; } else if (($ts = strtotime($value)) > 0) { $const = 'TZN_DATE_'.$format; if (defined($const)) { $format = constant($const); } else if (!preg_match('/%/',$format)) { $format = TZN_DATE_SQL; } $value = strftime($format,$ts); if (@constant('TZN_FORCE_UTF-8')) { return utf8_encode($value); } else { return $value; } } else { // error return false; } } function getDtm($keyval,$format='SQL',$tz=TZN_TZDEFAULT,$default='') { $value = Tzn::_value($keyval,$default); if ($value == 'now' || $value == 'NOW') { $value = TZN_NOW; } else if ((preg_match('/^(0000|9999)/',$value)) || (($dt = @strtotime($value)) === -1)) { if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2}/',$default)) { return $default; } else { $value = $default; } } else { $value = $dt; } if (!$value) { return '/!\\'; } $tz = $this->_getUserTZ($tz); $const = 'TZN_DATETIME_'.$format; if (defined($const)) { $format = constant($const); } else if (!preg_match('/%/',$format)) { $format = TZN_DATETIME_SQL; } $value = strftime($format,$value+$tz); if (@constant('TZN_FORCE_UTF-8')) { return utf8_encode($value); } else { return $value; } } function getLvl($keyval, $level) { if (is_object($this)) { $data =& $this->$keyval; } else { $data =& $keyval; } $level = $level - 1; return $data{$level}; } /* -- Private methods ---- */ /** * z : static function to retreive data (object or static) */ function _value($keyval,$default='') { if (is_object($this)) { if (preg_match("/^(.*)\((.*)\)$/i",$keyval,$m)) { $keyval = $m[1]; if ($m[2]) { $value = call_user_func_array(array(&$this,$keyval), explode(',',$m[2])); } else { $value = $this->$keyval(); } } else { if (is_numeric($keyval)) { $value = $keyval; } else if (array_key_exists($keyval,$this->_properties)) { $value = $this->$keyval; } else { $value = $keyval; } if (TZN_DEBUG == 3) { echo '['.$keyval.']=['.$value.']'; } } } else { $value = $keyval; } //if (is_null($value)) { // echo '['.$value.'-'.$default.']'; if (empty($value)) { $value = $default; } return $value; } function _strValue($arg) { $cut = 0; $pos = 1; if (is_int($arg[1])) { $cut = $arg[1]; $pos++; } $default = $arg[$pos++]; $style = $arg[$pos]; $value = Tzn::_value($arg[0],$default); $value = strip_tags($value); if ($cut) { $value = str_replace("\r\n"," ",$value); if (($cut > 2) && (strlen($value) > $cut)) { $value = trim(substr($value,0,($cut-2))).".."; } } switch (TZN_SPECIALCHARS) { case 1: $spe = array('&','<','>','"'); $sfe = array('&','<','>','"'); $value = str_replace($spe,$sfe,$value); break; case 2: $value = htmlspecialchars($value); break; case 3: $value = htmlentities($value); break; } return $value; } function _getUserTZ($tz=TZN_TZDEFAULT) { if (is_numeric($tz)) { $tz = intval($tz); } else if ($tz == 'server') { $tz = TZN_TZSERVER; } else if ($tz == 'user') { $tz = intval($_SESSION['tznUserTimeZone']); } else if (is_object($this) && isset($this->$tz)) { $tz = intval($this->$tz); } else { $tz = 0; } // error_log('tz = '.$tz); return $tz; } function _dteValue($value,$format='SQL',$default='') { $const = 'TZN_DATE_'.$format; if (defined($const)) { $format = constant($const); } else if (!preg_match('/%/',$format)) { $format = TZN_DATE_SQL; } if (is_null($value)) { $value = $default; } if (!$value || preg_match('/^(0000|9999)/',$value)) { // case 1: no date set return '9999-00-00'; } else if ($value == 'now' || $value == 'NOW') { // case 2: now $value = time() - TZN_TZSERVER + $this->_getUserTZ('user'); } else if (strpos($value,'/')) { // dd/mm or mm/dd format $arrValue = explode('/',$value); if (@constant('TZN_DATE_US_FORMAT')) { // US date format mm/dd $month = $arrValue[0]; $day = $arrValue[1]; } else { // common date format dd/mm $day = $arrValue[0]; $month = $arrValue[1]; } $year = (count($arrValue)>2)?$arrValue[2]:gmdate('Y'); // error_log("we have $day/$month/$year here"); $value = mktime (0,0,0, $month, $day, $year); } else { // try to parse english sentence $tmp = @strtotime($value); // error_log('check '.$value.': '.$tmp); if ($tmp == -1 || $tmp === false) { // invalid date format (non english language?) // try to translate /* $value = str_replace( array_values($GLOBALS['langTznDate']), array_keys($GLOBALS['langTznDate']), $value); */ // error_log('unknown date value: '.$value.' / '.$GLOBALS['langTznDate']['august']); if (is_array($GLOBALS['langTznDate'])) { $value = strtr($value, array_flip($GLOBALS['langTznDate'])); } // error_log(' > '.$value); $tmp = strtotime($value); } if ($tmp == -1 || $tmp === false) { // still not valid? return false; } $value = $tmp - TZN_TZSERVER + $this->_getUserTZ('user') ; } return strftime($format,$value); } function _dtmValue($value,$format='SQL',$tz=TZN_TZDEFAULT,$default='') { if ($value == 'now' || $value == 'NOW') { $value = TZN_NOW; $tz = 0; } else if ((preg_match('/^(0000|9999)/',$value)) || (($dt = @strtotime($value)) === -1)) { if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2}/',$default)) { return $default; } else { $value = $default; } } else { $value = $dt; } if (!$value) { return '0000-00-00'; } $tz = $this->_getUserTZ($tz); $const = 'TZN_DATETIME_'.$format; if (defined($const)) { $format = constant($const); } else if (!preg_match('/%/',$format)) { $format = TZN_DATETIME_SQL; } return strftime($format,$value-$tz); } function dump($nested = '') { // setting data coming from an array (GET, POST, SESSION or mySQL) foreach($this->_properties as $key => $type) { if ($type == 'OBJ') { echo $nested.$key." [$type] {\r\n"; $this->$key->dump($nested.' '); echo $nested."} \r\n"; } else { echo $nested.$key." [$type] => " .((is_null($this->$key))?'NULL':$this->$key)."\r\n"; } } } /* --- SET -------------------------------------------------- */ function initObjectProperties($nested = false) { foreach($this->_properties as $key => $type) { if ($type == 'OBJ') { if ($nested) { $this->$key = new $key(); } else { if (!is_object($this->$key)) { $this->$key = new $key(); } $this->$key->initObjectProperties(true); } } } } function setAuto(&$data, $nested = '', $method='_setFromHttp') { if (is_object($data)) { $method = '_setFromObject'; } foreach($this->_properties as $key => $type) { if ($type == 'LVL' && ($method == '_setFromHttp')) { continue; } else if ($key == 'id') { if ($nested) { $this->$method($data,'id',$nested.'Id'); } else if (is_object($data) || @constant('TZN_PHP4_SQLITE')) { $this->$method($data,'id',$this->getIdKey()); } else { $this->$method($data,'id','id'); } } else if ($type == 'OBJ') { if ($nested) { // set only id of 2nd level nested object $obj = new $key(); $obj->$method($data,'id',$nested.'_'.$key.'Id'); // $nid = $nested.'_'.$key.'Id'; // echo "setting $key ID=".$data->$nid." to $key by $method <br/>"; $this->$key = $obj; unset($obj); } else { if (!is_object($this->$key)) { $this->$key = new $key(); } $this->$key->setAuto($data,$key,$method); } } else if ((preg_match('/^IMG/i',$type)) && ($method == '_setFromHttp')) { // upload $arrType = explode(',',$type); $arrType[0] = $key; call_user_func_array(array(&$this,'uplImg'),$arrType); } else { $nKey = $nested?$nested.'_'.$key:$key; $this->$method($data,$key,$nKey); /* if ($nested && ($method == '_setFromHttp')) { echo "$nested: setting $key as ".$this->$key." ($nKey) <br/>"; } */ } } } function _setDirect(&$data,$key,$dkey) { if (isset($data[$dkey])) { $this->set($key,$data[$dkey]); } } function _setFromHttp(&$data,$key,$dkey) { if (isset($data[$dkey])) { $this->set($key, $this->getHttp($data[$dkey])); } } function _setFromObject(&$data,$key,$dkey) { $this->$key = $data->$dkey; } function getHttp($value,$sanitize=false) { if ($value && (get_magic_quotes_gpc() || @constant('TZN_MAGIC_FIX'))) { // remove fucking magic quotes $value=stripslashes($value); } if ($sanitize) { switch ($sanitize) { case 'html': $value = str_replace("'",'"',strip_tags($value)); break; default: $value = htmlspecialchars($value); break; } } return $value; } function setHttp($key,$value) { if (!is_null($value)) { $this->set($key, $this->getHttp($value)); /* $arrType = explode(',',$this->_properties[$key]); if ($key == 'id') { $this->setUid($value); } else if ((!is_null($value)) || ($arrType[0] == 'IMG')) { $arrArgs = func_get_args(); echo "calling... set".$arrType[0]." with <pre>"; print_r($arrArgs); echo "</pre>"; exit; } */ } } function set($key,$value) { $arrType = explode(',',$this->_properties[$key]); if ($key == 'id') { $this->setUid($value); } else if ((!is_null($value)) || ($arrType[0] == 'IMG')) { $arrArgs = func_get_args(); if ($arrType[0]) { return call_user_func_array(array( &$this,'set'.$arrType[0]),$arrArgs); } else { echo "OOPS: error calling set() (no type defined for $key)"; exit; } } } function setUid($value) { if (preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z]*$/',$value)) { $this->id = $value; } } function getReg($value,$regexp) { if (ereg($regexp,$value)) { return $value; } else { return false; } } function setReg($key, $value, $regexp) { if (ereg($regexp,$value)) { $this->$key = $value; return true; } else { return false; } } function setInt($key, $value) { $value = preg_replace(array('/[a-zA-Z]/','/ /','/,/'),'',$value); $this->$key = intval($value); } function setNum($key, $value) { $value = preg_replace(array('/[a-zA-Z]/','/ /','/,/'),'',$value); $this->$key = abs(intval($value)); } function setDec($key, $value) { $value = preg_replace(array('/[a-zA-Z]/','/ /','/,/'),'',$value); // echo '{'.$value.'}'.floatval($value); $this->$key = floatval($value); } function setStr($key, $value) { $this->$key = strip_tags($value); } function setTxt($key, $value) { $this->$key = preg_replace("/<script[^>]*>[^<]+<\/script[^>]*>/is","", $value); } function setEml($key, $value) { $value = ($value)?trim($value):$value; if ($value) { if (preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9_\-\.]*)@([a-z0-9_\-\.]*)\.([a-z]{2,6})$/i",$value)) { $this->$key = $value; } else { $this->e($key,"invalid email"); } } else if (!is_null($value)) { $this->$key = ''; } } function setUrl($key, $value) { $value = ($value)?trim($value):$value; if ($value && (!preg_match("/^(http|https|ftp)?:\/\//i",$value))) { $value = "http://".$value; } if ($value == "http://") { $value = ""; } $this->$key = $value; } function setBbs($key, $value) { $value = preg_replace("/<script[^>]*>[^<]+<\/script[^>]*>/is" ,"", $value); $value = preg_replace("/<\/?(div|span|iframe|frame|input|" ."textarea|script|style|applet|object|embed|form)[^>]*>/is" ,"", $value); $this->$key = $value; } function setHtm($key, $value) { // scary $this->$key = $value; } function setImg($key,$value) { // sImg (key, ([width,height], [folder])* ) // DATABASE $this->$key = $value; } function uplImg($key) { // HTTP upload $objFile = new TznFile(); // set old file name $objFile->oldFile = $this->$key; // upload and set arguments $arrArgs = func_get_args(); if (count($arrArgs) == 1) { // if no specific parameter for size and folder, gets default from properties $arrArgs = explode(',',$this->_properties[$key]); $arrArgs[0] = $key; } $ok = call_user_func_array(array( &$objFile,'upload'),$arrArgs); // set value $tmpKey = $key.'_tmp'; if ($ok) { // set value from upload $this->$key = $objFile; $_SESSION[$tmpKey] = $objFile; return true; } else if ($value = $_SESSION[$tmpKey]) { // set value from session if ($value->tempName && file_exists(TZN_FILE_TEMP_PATH.$value->tempName)) { $this->$key = $value; return true; } else { unset($_SESSION[$tmpKey]); } } return false; } function setBol($key, $value) { $this->$key = $value?1:0; } function setDte($key, $value) { $this->$key = Tzn::_dteValue($value); } function setDtm($key, $value, $tz=TZN_TZSERVER) { $this->$key = Tzn::_dtmValue($value,'SQL',$tz); } function setObj($key, $value) { $class = ucFirst($key); $obj = new $class; $obj->setAuto($value,$key); // nested $this->$key = $obj; } function setLvl($keyval, $param1, $param2=null) { if (is_object($this)) { $data =& $this->$keyval; } else { $data =& $keyval; } if (is_null($param1)) { return false; } else if (is_array($param1)) { $this->setLvlAuto($name,$param1); } else { $level = $param1 - 1; if ($param2) { $data{$level} = $param2; } else { $data{$level} = '0'; } } } function setLvlAuto($name,$values) { $data =& $this->$name; if (is_array($values)) { for ($i=0, $j=strlen($data); $i < $j; $i++) { if ($values[$i]) { $data{$i} = $values[$i]; } else { $data{$i} = '0'; } } } else { for ($i=0, $j=strlen($data); $i < $j; $i++) { $data{$i} = '0'; } } } /* --- PRINT ------------------------------------------------ */ function f($key) { ob_start(); $this->p($key); $str = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); return $str; } function p($key) { $arrArgs = func_get_args(); if ($dfn = $this->_properties[$key]) { $arrType = explode(',',$dfn); if ($arrType[0] == 'OBJ') { // indirect call to object array_shift($arrArgs[0]); // remove first parameter (key) $obj = $this->$key; if (is_object($obj)) { return call_user_func_array(array(&$obj,'p'), $arrArgs); } } else if (func_num_args() > 1) {; return call_user_func_array(array( &$this,'p'.$arrType[0]),$arrArgs); } else { $type = $arrType[0]; $arrType[0] = $key; // echo "calling p$type with "; print_r($arrType); return call_user_func_array(array(&$this,'p'.$type),$arrType); } } // print call_user_func_array(array(&$this,'get'), $arrArgs); } function pStr($keyval) { print Tzn::_strValue(func_get_args()); } function pNum($keyval,$default='') { print Tzn::getNum($keyval,$default); } function pInt($keyval,$default='') { print Tzn::getInt($keyval,$default); } function pDec($keyval,$param1='',$param2='') { print Tzn::getDec($keyval,$param1,$param2); } function pEml($keyval,$default='',$style='') { $value = Tzn::_value($keyval); if ($value) { print '<a href="mailto:'.$value.'"'.Tzn::_style($style) .'">'.$value.'</a>'; } else { print $default; } } function pUrl($keyval,$target='',$default='',$style='',$xtra='') { $value = Tzn::_value($keyval); if ($value) { $str = '<a href="'.$value.'" '.Tzn::_style($style); if ($target) { $str .= 'target="'.$target.'" '; } if ($xtra) { $str .= $xtra; } $str .= '>'.preg_replace("/^(http[s]?|ftp):\/\//i",'' ,$value).'</a>'; print $str; } else { print $default; } } function pTxt($keyval) { print nl2br(Tzn::_strValue(func_get_args())); } function pBbs($keyval,$default='') { $value = Tzn::_value($keyval,$default); $value = preg_replace("/(?<!\")((http|ftp)+(s)?" .":\/\/[^<>\s]+)/i", "<a href=\"\\0\" target=\"_blank\">\\0</a>", $value); print nl2br($value); } function pHtm($keyval,$default=' ') { print Tzn::_value($keyval,$default); } function pImg($keyval,$default=' ',$width=9999,$height=9999,$extra='') { // pImg (key, [default, [width,height]]) if (is_object($this)) { $value = $this->_value($keyval); } else { $value = $keyval; } if (!$value) { print $default; } else { if (is_object($value)) { $value = $value->tempName; } $objThumb = new TznThumbnail($value, $width, $height); $str = $objThumb->getTag(); if (!$extra) { print $str; } else { print str_replace('<img','<img '.$extra,$str); } } } function pBol($keyval,$default='',$yes=TZN_BOOL_TRUE,$no=TZN_BOOL_FALSE) { $value = Tzn::getBol($keyval,$default); print $value?$yes:$no; } function pDte($keyval,$format='SQL',$default='') { print Tzn::getDte($keyval,$format,$default); } function pDtm($keyval,$format='SQL',$tz=TZN_TZDEFAULT,$default='-') { if (preg_match('/^(0000|9999)/',$value)) { $value = $default; } else { $value = Tzn::getDtm($keyval,$format,$tz,$default); } print $value; } function pTmz($keyval,$default='') { $value = $keyval; if (is_object($this)) { $value = $this->_value($keyval); } print Tzn::_tmz($value); } function pLvl($name,$level,$default=null,$yes=TZN_BOOL_TRUE,$no=TZN_BOOL_FALSE) { if (is_object($this)) { $data =& $this->$name; } else { $data = ''; } $level--; if ($level < strlen($data) && $data{$level}) { echo $yes; } else { echo $no; } } function _tmz($tz) { $str = "GMT"; if ($tz != null) { $tza = abs($tz); $tzHour = ($tza / 3600); $tzMin = ($tza % 3600); if ($tz >= 0) { $str .= "+"; } else { $str .= "-"; } if ($tzHour < 10) { $str .= "0"; } $str .= $tzHour; if ($tzMin < 10) { $str .= "0"; } $str .= $tzMin; } return $str; } /* --- FORM -------------------------------------------------- */ function qHidden($keyval,$default='') { if (is_object($this)) { $value = Tzn::_value($keyval,$default); } else { $value = $default; } $form = '<input type="hidden" name="'.$keyval.'" value="'.$value.'" />'; print $form; } function qText($keyval,$default='',$style='',$xtra='') { if (is_int($style)) { $len = $style; $style = ''; } if (is_object($this) && ($this->_properties[$keyval])) { $value = Tzn::_value($keyval,$default); if (!$style) { $arrType = explode(',',$this->_properties[$key]); switch ($arrType[0]) { case 'INT': $style= 'tznFormInt'; break; case 'NUM': $style= 'tznFormNum'; break; case 'DEC': $style= 'tznFormDec'; break; case 'STR': case 'TXT': case 'BBS': case 'URL': case 'EML': $style= 'tznFormStr'; break; case 'INT': $style= 'tznFormInt'; break; } } } else /* if ($_REQUEST[$keyval]) { $value = $_REQUEST[$keyval]; } else */ { $value = $default; } /* if ($value == $keyval) { $value = ''; } */ $value = str_replace('"','"',$value); $form = '<input type="text" name="'.$keyval.'" value="'.$value.'" '; if ($len) { $form .= 'size="'.$len.'" '; } if ($style) { $form .= Tzn::_style($style); } if ($xtra) { $form .= $xtra.' '; } $form .= '/>'; print $form; Tzn::pError($keyval); } function qPassword($keyval,$default='',$style='',$xtra='') { if (is_object($this)) { $value = Tzn::_value($keyval,$default); } else { $value = $default; } $form = '<input type="password" name="'.$keyval.'" '; if (is_int($style)) { $form .= 'size="'.$style.'" '; } else { $form .= Tzn::_style($style); } if ($xtra) { $form .= $xtra.' '; } $form .= '/>'; print $form; Tzn::pError($keyval); } function qTextArea($keyval,$default='',$style='tznFormTxt',$xtra='') { if (is_object($this)) { $value = htmlspecialchars(Tzn::_value($keyval,$default)); //$value = $this->get($keyval,$default); } else { $value = $default; } $form = '<textarea name="'.$keyval.'" '; if (strpos($style,',')) { // cols,rows $arr = explode(',',$style); $form .= 'cols="'.$arr[0].'" rows="'.$arr[1].'" '; } else { $form .= Tzn::_style($style); } if ($xtra) { $form .= $xtra.' '; } $form .= '>'.$value.'</textarea>'; print $form; Tzn::pError($keyval); } function qBbs($keyval,$default='',$style='tznFormBbs',$xtra='') { if (is_object($this)) { $value = Tzn::_value($keyval,$default); } else { $value = $default; } $form = '<textarea id="'.$keyval.'" name="'.$keyval.'" '; if (strpos($style,',')) { // cols,rows $arr = explode(',',$style); $form .= 'cols="'.$arr[0].'" rows="'.$arr[1].'" '; } else { $form .= Tzn::_style($style); } if ($xtra) { $form .= $xtra.' '; } $form .= ' mce_editable="true">'.$value.'</textarea>'; print $form; Tzn::pError($keyval); } function qHtml($keyval,$default='',$style='tznFormHtml',$xtra='') { if (is_object($this)) { $value = Tzn::getHtm($keyval,$default); } else { $value = $default; } $form = '<textarea name="'.$keyval.'" '; if (strpos($style,',')) { // cols,rows $arr = explode(',',$style); $form .= 'cols="'.$arr[0].'" rows="'.$arr[1].'" '; } else { $form .= Tzn::_style($style); } if ($xtra) { $form .= $xtra.' '; } $form .= '>'.$value.'</textarea>'; print $form; Tzn::pError($keyval); } function qImage($keyval,$default='',$style='',$xtra='') { if (is_object($this)) { $value = Tzn::_value($keyval,$default); } else { $value = $default; } $form = ''; if ($value) { Tzn::pImg($keyval,'',90,60); $form = '<br />'; } $form .= '<input type="file" name="'.$keyval.'" value="" '; $form .= Tzn::_style($style); if ($xtra) { $form .= $xtra.' '; } $form .= '/>'; print $form; Tzn::pError($keyval); } function qFile($keyval,$default='',$style='',$xtra='') { $form .= '<input type="file" name="'.$keyval.'" value="" '; $form .= Tzn::_style($style); if ($xtra) { $form .= $xtra.' '; } $form .= '/>'; print $form; Tzn::pError($keyval); } function qCheckbox($keyval,$default=0,$style='',$xtra='') { $value = Tzn::getBol($keyval,$default); $form = '<input type="checkbox" id="c_'.$keyval.'" name="'.$keyval.'" value="1" '; $form .= Tzn::_style($style); if ($value) { $form .= 'checked="true" '; } if ($xtra) { $form .= $xtra.' '; } $form .= '/>'; print $form; Tzn::pError($keyval); } function qCheckbox2($name,$value,$checked=false,$style='',$xtra='') { $form = '<input type="checkbox" name="'.$name.'" value="'.$value.'" '; $form .= Tzn::_style($style); if ($checked) { $form .= 'checked="true" '; } if ($xtra) { $form .= $xtra.' '; } $form .= '/>'; print $form; } function qSelect($name,$keyval,$default='',$nochoice='', $style='tznFormSelect',$xtra='') { $form = '<select name="'.$name.'" '; $form .= Tzn::_style($style); if ($xtra) { $form .= $xtra.' '; } $form .= '>'; if ($nochoice) { $form .='<option value="">'.$nochoice.'</option>'; } if (is_object($this)) { if ($this->rMore()) { while ($item = $this->rNext()) { $form .= '<option value="'.$item->id.'"'; if ($item->id == $default) { $form .= ' selected="true"'; } $form .= '>'.$item->_value($keyval).'</option>'; } } } $form .= '</select>'; print $form; Tzn::pError($name); } function qSelect2($name,$key,$value,$default='',$nochoice='', $style='tznFormSelect',$xtra='') { $form = '<select name="'.$name.'" '; $form .= Tzn::_style($style); if ($xtra) { $form .= $xtra.' '; } $form .= '>'; if ($nochoice) { $form .='<option value="">'.$nochoice.'</option>'; } if (is_object($this)) { if ($this->rMore()) { while ($item = $this->rNext()) { $v2 = $item->_value($key); $form .= '<option value="'.$v2.'"'; if ($v2 == $default) { $form .= ' selected="true"'; } $form .= '>'.$item->_value($value).'</option>'; } } } $form .= '</select>'; print $form; Tzn::pError($name); } function qTimeZone($keyval,$default=0,$style='',$xtra='') { if (is_object($this)) { $value = Tzn::_value($keyval,$default); } else { $value = $default; } $form = '<select name="'.$keyval.'" '; $form .= Tzn::_style($style); $form .= $xtra.'>'; for ($i=-12; $i<=12; $i++) { $j = ($i * 3600); $form .= '<option value="'.$j.'"'; if ($j == $value) { $form .=' selected="true"'; } $form .=">".Tzn::_tmz($j)."</option>"; } $form .= "</select>"; print $form; } function qDate($keyval,$default='',$style='tznFormDate',$xtra='') { if (is_object($this)) { $value = Tzn::getDte($keyval,'FRM',$default); } else { $value = $default; } Tzn::_dateField($keyval,$value,$style,$xtra); Tzn::pError($keyval); } function qDateTime($keyval,$tz=TZN_TZDEFAULT,$default='' ,$style='tznFormDate',$xtra='') { if (is_object($this)) { $value = Tzn::getDte($keyval,'FRM',$tz,$default); } else { $value = $default; } Tzn::_dateField($keyval,substr($value,0,10),$style,$xtra); $form = ', <input type="text" name="'.$keyval.'Time" value="' .substr($value,11,5).'" '; if (is_int($style)) { $form .= 'size="'.$style.'" '; } else { $form .= Tzn::_style($style); } if ($xtra) { $form .= $xtra.' '; } $form .= '/>'; print $form; Tzn::pError($keyval); } function qSubmit($keyval,$default='',$style='',$xtra='') { if (is_object($this)) { $value = Tzn::get($keyval,$default); } else { $value = $default; } $form = '<input type="submit" name="'.$keyval.'" value="'.$value.'" '; if (is_int($style)) { $form .= 'size="'.$style.'" '; } else { $form .= Tzn::_style($style); } if ($xtra) { $form .= $xtra.' '; } $form .= '/>'; print $form; // Tzn::pError($keyval); } function qButton($keyval,$default='',$style='',$xtra='') { if (is_object($this)) { $value = Tzn::get($keyval,$default); } else { $value = $default; } $form = '<input type="button" name="'.$keyval.'" value="'.$value.'" '; if (is_int($style)) { $form .= 'size="'.$style.'" '; } else { $form .= Tzn::_style($style); } if ($xtra) { $form .= $xtra.' '; } $form .= '/>'; print $form; // Tzn::pError($keyval); } function qLevel($name, $level, $default='') { if (is_object($this)) { $data =& $this->$name; } else { $data = ''; } $level--; echo('<input type="checkbox" name="'.$name.'['.$level.']" value="1"'); if ($level < strlen($data) && $data{$level}) { echo(' checked="true"'); } echo(' />'); } function _dateField($name,$value,$style,$xtra) { /* -TODO- make real date fields */ $form = '<input type="text" name="'.$name.'" value="'.$value.'" '; if (is_int($style)) { $form .= 'size="'.$style.'" '; } else { $form .= Tzn::_style($style); } if ($xtra) { $form .= $xtra.' '; } $form .= '/>'; print $form; } /** * _style : create class/style element * @access private */ function _style($style) { if ($style) { if (strpos($style,':')) { // style definition eg. color:#fff $slabel = 'style'; } else { $slabel = 'class'; } return $slabel.'="'.$style.'" '; } else { return ''; } } /* --- Error Methods -------------------------------------------- */ function checkEmpty($fields) { $arrFields = explode(',',$fields); foreach ($arrFields as $field) { $field = trim($field); if ((!$this->$field) || ((is_object($this->$field)) && (!$this->$field->id))) { $this->e($field,$GLOBALS['langTznCommon']['field_compulsory']); } } return (count($this->_error) == 0); } /** * e get error */ function e($key,$value='') { if ($key) { if ($value) { $this->_error[$key] = $value; } else { return $this->_error[$key]; } } } /** * gError * an alias for e() */ function gError($key) { $this->e($key,$value); } /** * print error * this is the function you may redefine in sub classes */ function printError($key) { if ($this->_error[$key]) { print '<span class="tznError">'.$this->_error[$key].'</span>'; } } /** * pError * an alias for printError, for both static use and object instance */ function pError($key) { if (is_object($this)) { $this->printError($key); } } function hasError() { return (count($this->_error)); } function printErrorList() { // usually used for debug if (count($this->_error)) { forEach($this->_error as $key => $value) { echo $key." => ".$value."<br/>"; } } } /* --- Miscellaneous --------------------------------- */ function cloneme() { if (preg_match('/^4/',phpversion())) { // PHP 4 (auto clone) return $this; } else { // PHP 5 or > (copy by reference by default) $obj = clone($this); // clone nested objects foreach($this->_properties as $key => $type) { if (preg_match('/^OBJ/i',$type)) { $obj->$key = clone($this->$key); } } if ($arrExtra) { // extra fields to clone foreach($arrExtra as $extra) { $obj->$extra = clone($this->$extra); } } return $obj; } } function utf8_substr($str,$from,$len){ if (function_exists('mb_substr')) { return mb_substr($str,$from,$len,"UTF-8"); } else { return preg_replace('#^(?:[\x00-\x7F]|[\xC0-\xFF][\x80-\xBF]+){0,'.$from.'}'. '((?:[\x00-\x7F]|[\xC0-\xFF][\x80-\xBF]+){0,'.$len.'}).*#s', '$1',$str); } } function qSession() { if (@constant('TZN_TRANS_ID')) { print '<input type="hidden" name="'.ini_get('session.name') .'" value="'.session_id().'" />'; } } function getHttpParameter($method,$key,$save=false,$recover=false) { $arrValue = array(); switch($method) { case 'get': $arrValue =& $_GET; break; case 'post': $arrValue =& $_POST; break; default: $arrValue =& $_REQUEST; break; } //error_log('PARAM '.$key.': ['.$method.']='.$arrValue[$key].' / session='.$_SESSION[$key]); $value = null; if (isset($arrValue[$key])) { // got from HTTP query string $value = $arrValue[$key]; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() && $value) { // remove fucking magic quotes $value=stripslashes($value); } } else if ($recover) { $value = $_SESSION[$key]; } if ($save) { // save to session if ($value) { $_SESSION[$key] = $value; } else { unset($_SESSION[$key]); } } return $value; } function redirect($url,$message='',$forceRef=false) { if (@constant('TZN_TRANS_ID')) { if (session_id() && (!preg_match('/'.session_id().'/',$url))) { $url = Tzn::concatUrl($url,session_name() .'='.session_id()); } } if ($message) { $message = preg_replace("/<script[^>]*>[^<]+<\/script[^>]*>/is" ,"", $message); $message = preg_replace("/<\/?(div|span|iframe|frame|input|" ."textarea|script|style|applet|object|embed|form)[^>]*>/is" ,"", $message); if (@constant('TZN_TRANS_STATUS')) { $_SESSION['tznMessage'] = $message; } else { $url = Tzn::concatUrl($url,'tznMessage='.urlencode($message)); } } if ($forceRef) { $url = Tzn::concatUrl($url,'ref='.rawurlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); } header("Location: ".str_replace('&','&',$url)); exit; } function concatUrl($url,$param) { // hash $hash = ''; if ($pos = strpos($url,'#')) { $hash = substr($url,$pos); $url = substr($url,0,$pos); } if ($pos = strpos($param,'#')) { $hash = substr($param,$pos); } // params $url = str_replace('&','&',$url); if ($pos = strpos($url,'?')) { $arrParam = explode('=',$param); if (strpos($url,$arrParam[0].'=')) { // parameter already in url $strQuery = substr($url,$pos+1); $arrQuery = explode('&',$strQuery); $arrResult = array(); $found = false; foreach ($arrQuery as $value) { if (preg_match('/^'.$arrParam[0].'=/', $value)) { if ($arrParam[1]) { // add only if has a value $arrResult[] = $param; } $found = true; } else { $arrResult[] = $value; } } if ($found) { $url = substr($url,0,$pos).'?'.implode('&',$arrResult); } else { $url .= '&'.$param; } } else { $url .= '&'.$param; } } else { $url .= '?'.$param; } return str_replace('&','&',$url).$hash; } } class TznCollection { var $_data; function TznCollection($data) { $this->_data = $data; } function p($key,$default='-') { if ($key) { echo $this->_data[$key]; } else { echo $default; } } function qSelect($name, $default=null,$optional=false, $style='tznFormSelect',$xtra='') { $form = '<select name="'.$name.'" '; $form .= Tzn::_style($style); if ($xtra) { $form .= $xtra; } $form .= '>'; if ($optional) { $form .='<option value="">'.$optional.'</option>'; } foreach ($this->_data as $key => $value) { $form .= '<option value="'.$key.'"'; if ($key == $default) { $form .= ' selected="selected"'; } $form .= '>'.$value.'</option>'; } $form .= '</select>'; echo $form; } }