Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/ittask/include/classes/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/ittask/include/classes/tzn_document.php |
<?PHP /* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */ /** * Tirzen Framework (TZN) * * This declares the common class from which any object from the TZN shall * inherit. It is compatible with PHP versions 4 and 5. * * THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * This package is licensed under the LGPL License * Copyright (C) 2006 Stan Ozier * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @package Tirzen Framework * @author Stan Ozier <tech@tirzen.com> * @copyright 2006-2010 - Stan Ozier * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt (LGPL) * @link http://www.tirzen.com/tzn/ * @version 1.8 */ /** * TZN: Tirzen Framework (TZN) common/generic class * * @package TZN * @author Stan Ozier <stan@sweetlava.com> * @version 1.8 */ /* define('TZN_FILE_ICONS_PATH',''); define('TZN_FILE_ICONS_URL',''); define('TZN_FILE_TEMP_PATH',''); define('TZN_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH',''); define('TZN_FILE_UPLOAD_URL',''); define('TZN_FILE_RANDOM',false); define('TZN_FILE_GD_VERSION',2); define('TZN_FILE_GD_QUALITY',65); */ define(TZN_FILE_SLASH,"/"); class TznFile extends Tzn { var $folder; var $origName; var $tempName; var $fileName; var $fileType; var $fileSize; var $thumbParams; var $_mimeList; function TznFile($type='image') { if ($type == 'document') { $this->_mimeList= array ( "jpeg" => ".jpg", "jpg" => ".jpg", "pjpeg" => ".jpg", "png" => ".png", "gif" => ".gif", "x-png" => ".png", "plain" => ".txt", "pdf" => ".pdf", "msword" => ".doc", "msexcel" => ".xls", "ms-excel" => ".xls", "vnd.ms-excel" => ".xls", "quicktime" => ".mov", "x-msvideo" => ".avi", "x-zip-compressed" => ".zip", "tiff" => ".tif", "html" => ".html", "xml" => ".xml", "vnd.ms-powerpoint" => ".pps", "vnd.powerpoint" => ".pps" ); } else { $this->_mimeList= array ( "jpeg" => ".jpg", "jpg" => ".jpg", "pjpeg" => ".jpg", "png" => ".png", "gif" => ".gif", "x-png" => ".png", "tiff" => ".tif" ); } } function isImage() { return ereg("jpg|jpeg|png|gif",$this->fileType); } function pIcon($option="") { $ext = strrchr($this->_origName,'.'); if (@constant("TZN_FILE_ICONS_PATH")) { $ext = substr($ext,1); if (file_exists(TZN_FILE_ICONS_PATH."f_".$ext.".gif")) { $img = TZN_FILE_ICONS_URL."f_".$ext.".gif"; } else { $img = TZN_FILE_ICONS_URL."f_unknown.gif"; } return '<img src="'.$img.'" width="16" heigth="16" border="0" alt="' .$ext.'" '.$option.'/>'; } else { return $ext; } } function getShortSize() { $dsize = $this->fileSize; if (strlen($dsize) <= 9 && strlen($dsize) >= 7) { $dsize = number_format($dsize / 1048576,1); return "$dsize MB"; } elseif (strlen($dsize) >= 10) { $dsize = number_format($dsize / 1073741824,1); return "$dsize GB"; } else { $dsize = number_format($dsize / 1024,1); return "$dsize KB"; } } function upload($field) { if (($_FILES[$field] == null) || ($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'] == '')) { return false; } // check file type $fileType = $_FILES[$field]['type']; if ($pos = strpos($fileType,";")) { // opera returns mimetype; filename $fileType = substr($fileType,0,$pos); } $arrMime = split("/",$fileType); $type = $arrMime[1]; if ((!empty($type)) && (array_key_exists($type,$this->_mimeList))) { $ext = $this->_mimeList[$type]; } else { $this->_error[$field] = $GLOBALS['langTznDocument']['document_wrong_type']; return false; } $this->folder = ''; $num = func_num_args(); if ($num > 1) { $args = func_get_args(); $idx = 1; if (is_array($args[1])) { $this->thumbParams = $args[1]; $this->folder = $this->thumbParams[0][2]; } else if (intval($args[1]) == $args[1]) { // param is width if ($num > 3) { $this->folder = $args[3]; } $this->thumbParams[0] = array($args[1],$args[2],$this->folder); } else { // param is folder $this->folder = $arg[1]; } } // echo("mimetype=".$fileType."<br>"); if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'])) { $this->tempName = substr(strrchr($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'],DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR),1); $this->origName = $_FILES[$field]['name']; $this->fileType = $fileType; $this->fileSize = $_FILES[$field]['size']; copy($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'], TZN_FILE_TEMP_PATH.$this->tempName); // echo "file ".$this->origName." uploaded in ".TZN_FILE_TEMP_PATH." as ".$this->tempName; // exit; return $this->tempName; } return false; } function save() { if (!$this->tempName) { return false; } // delete old file if ($this->oldFile) { $this->delete($this->oldFile); } // generate filename $this->fileName = $this->zGenFileName($this->origName,$this->folder); if (is_array($this->thumbParams)) { // create thumbnail foreach ($this->thumbParams as $arrPrm) { // thumbnail(width,height,folder) $this->thumbnail($arrPrm[0],$arrPrm[1],$arrPrm[2]); } unlink(TZN_FILE_TEMP_PATH.$this->tempName); } else if (file_exists(TZN_FILE_TEMP_PATH.$this->tempName)) { // move file to destination folder copy(TZN_FILE_TEMP_PATH.$this->tempName, TZN_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH.$this->folder.$this->fileName); unlink(TZN_FILE_TEMP_PATH.$this->tempName); return true; } } function thumbnail($width=9999,$height=9999,$folder='') { // get image information if (file_exists(TZN_FILE_TEMP_PATH.$this->tempName)) { $filepath = $this->tempName; } else { $filepath = $this->folder.$this->fileName; } if (($folder != "") && (strrpos($folder,TZN_FILE_SLASH) != (strlen($folder)-1))) { $folder = $folder.TZN_FILE_SLASH; } $thumbUrl = TZN_FILE_UPLOAD_URL.$folder; $thumbPath = $folder; $objThumb = new TznThumbnail($filepath, $width, $height, $thumbUrl, $thumbPath, $this->fileName); $objThumb->generate(); } function delete($fileName=null,$folder='') { if (!$fileName) { $fileName = $this->fileName; } if ($folder) { $fileName = $folder.$fileName; } if (file_exists($fileName) && is_file($fileName)) { return unlink($fileName); } else if (file_exists(TZN_FILE_TEMP_PATH.$fileName) && is_file(TZN_FILE_TEMP_PATH.$fileName)) { return unlink(TZN_FILE_TEMP_PATH.$fileName); } else if (file_exists(TZN_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH.$fileName) && is_file(TZN_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH.$fileName)) { return unlink(TZN_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH.$fileName); } return false; } function zGenFileName($fileName, $folder) { // returns a string for new file name $fileRoot = substr($fileName,0,strrpos($fileName,'.')); $fileRoot = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]/','_',strtolower($fileRoot)); $fileRoot .= '-'; $ext = strrchr($fileName,'.'); $i = 1; do { if (TZN_FILE_RANDOM) { $fileDest = Tzn::getRdm(16, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"); } else { $fileDest = $fileRoot.(($i<10)?'0'.$i:$i); } $fileDest .= $ext; $i++; } while (file_exists(TZN_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH.$folder.$fileDest)); return $fileDest; } } /** * Thumbnail */ class TznThumbnail { var $_rootPath; var $_rootUrl; var $_filePath; // path to orginal var $_fileName; // file name of original var $_orgXSize; // original width var $_newXSize; // request max width var $_genXSize; // thumbnail width var $_orgYSize; // orignal height var $_newYSize; // requested max height var $_genYSize; // thumbnail height var $_type; var $_thumbPath; // path to saved thumbnails var $_thumbUrl; // URL to saved thumbnails var $_image; // original image var $_thumb; // thumbnail var $_quality; // jpeg compression rate var $_needResize; function TznThumbnail($fileName, $newxsize=9999,$newysize=9999, $thumbUrl='', $thumbPath='', $save=true, $quality=TZN_FILE_GD_QUALITY) { $fileName = urldecode($fileName); $idx = strrpos($fileName,TZN_FILE_SLASH); if ($idx === false) { $this->_fileName = $fileName; $this->_filePath = ""; } else { $this->_fileName = substr($fileName, $idx+1); $this->_filePath = substr($fileName, 0, $idx+1); } // echo($this->_fileName." -- ".$this->_filePath); $this->_newXSize = $newxsize; $this->_newYSize = $newysize; if (!$this->getInfo()) { // no need to resize $this->_needResize = false; } else { $this->_needResize = true; } if ($save) { //$this->_thumbPath = $this->addTrailingSlash($thumbPath); $this->_thumbPath = $thumbPath; if (is_string($save)) { // new filename for thumbnail $this->_thumbFile = $save; } } else { $this->_thumbPath = ""; $this->_thumbUrl = $thumbUrl; } $this->_quality = $quality; } function getTag($mode = "real", $options = 'border="0"') { $html = ""; if ($this->_needResize) { if ($mode == "real") { $html = '<a href="'.$this->_rootUrl .$this->_filePath.$this->_fileName.'" target="_blank">'; } if ($this->_thumbPath != "") { // save to disk $this->generate(); $html .= '<img src="'.$this->_rootUrl .$this->_thumbPath.$this->_fileName .'" width="'.$this->_genXSize.'" height="'.$this->_genYSize .'" '.$options; } else { // redirect to script $html .= '<img src="getThumb.php?mode='.$mode .'&fileName='.urlencode($this->_filePath.$this->_fileName) .'&newxsize='.$this->_newXSize .'&newysize='.$this->_newYSize.'&q='.$this->_quality .'" width="'.$this->_genXSize.'" height="'.$this->_genYSize .'" '.$options.' />'; } if ($mode == "real") { $html .= "</a>"; } } else { $html = '<img src="'; $html .= $this->_rootUrl; $html.= $this->_filePath.$this->_fileName.'" width="' .$this->_orgXSize.'" height="'.$this->_orgYSize .'" '.$options.' />'; } return $html; } function generate($iSize = 0) { if ($iSize != 0) { $file = str_replace(".","_".$iSize.".",$this->_fileName); } else { $file = $this->_fileName; } // create thumbnail if ($this->_needResize) { $this->create(); if ($this->_thumbPath != "") { // save to disk if ($iSize != 0) { return $this->save($iSize); } else { return $this->save(); } } else { // return data flow return $this->show(); } } else if ($this->_thumbPath != "") { if (!file_exists($this->_rootPath .$this->_thumbPath.$this->_fileName)) { $srcFile = $this->_rootPath.$this->_filePath.$this->_fileName; if (!file_exists($srcFile)) { $srcFile = TZN_FILE_TEMP_PATH.$this->_fileName; } if (is_string($this->_thumbFile)) { $file = $this->_thumbFile; } else { $file = $this->_fileName; } copy($srcFile,TZN_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH.$this->_thumbPath.$file); } } } function getInfo() { if (file_exists(TZN_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH.$this->_filePath.$this->_fileName)) { $this->_rootUrl = TZN_FILE_UPLOAD_URL; $this->_rootPath = TZN_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH; } else { $this->_rootUrl = TZN_FILE_TEMP_URL; $this->_rootPath = TZN_FILE_TEMP_PATH; } $orig_size = @getimagesize($this->_rootPath. $this->_filePath.$this->_fileName); $this->_orgXSize = $orig_size[0]; $this->_orgYSize = $orig_size[1]; $this->_genXSize = $this->_newXSize; $this->_genYSize = $this->_newYSize; $this->_type = $this->getImgType($orig_size[2]); if (($this->_orgXSize > $this->_genXSize) || ($this->_orgYSize > $this->_genYSize)) { $ratioX = ($this->_newXSize) / $this->_orgXSize; $ratioY = ($this->_newYSize) / $this->_orgYSize; $ratioG = ($ratioX < $ratioY)?$ratioX:$ratioY; $this->_genXSize = round($this->_orgXSize * $ratioG); $this->_genYSize = round($this->_orgYSize * $ratioG); // $this->_genYSize = round($this->_genXSize / ($this->_orgXSize/$this->_orgYSize)); } else { return false; } /* echo ("<br>file name: ".$this->_fileName); echo ("<br>type: ".$this->_type); echo ("<br>original size: ".$this->_orgXSize." / ".$this->_orgYSize); echo ("<br>expected size: ".$this->_newXSize." / ".$this->_newYSize); echo ("<br>generate size: ".$this->_genXSize." / ".$this->_genYSize); exit; */ return true; } function create() { if ($this->_type=="PNG") { $this->_image = imagecreatefrompng($this->_rootPath. $this->_filePath.$this->_fileName); } if ($this->_type=="JPG") { $this->_image = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->_rootPath. $this->_filePath.$this->_fileName); } if ($this->_type=="GIF") { $this->_image = imagecreatefromgif($this->_rootPath .$this->_filePath.$this->_fileName); } if (($this->_thumbPath == "") || (!file_exists($this->_rootPath. $this->_thumbPath.$this->_fileName))) { if ($this->_image != null) { $this->_thumb = @imageCreateTrueColor($this->_genXSize,$this->_genYSize); if (($this->_thumb == null) || ($this->_thumb === false)) { $this->_thumb = imageCreate($this->_genXSize,$this->_genYSize); imageCopyResized($this->_thumb,$this->_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->_genXSize,$this->_genYSize,$this->_orgXSize, $this->_orgYSize); } else { // $this->_thumb = // imageCreateTrueColor($this->_genXSize,$this->_genYSize); imageCopyResampled($this->_thumb,$this->_image,0,0,0,0, $this->_genXSize, $this->_genYSize, $this->_orgXSize,$this->_orgYSize); } } else { // fake thumb for different types if ($this->_newXSize > 125) { $this->_newXSize = 125; } $this->_thumb = imageCreate($this->_newXSize, 50); $bgc = imagecolorallocate($this->_thumb, 201, 201, 201); $tc = imagecolorallocate($this->_thumb, 0, 0, 0); imagefilledrectangle($this->_thumb, 0, 0, $this->_newXSize, 50, $bgc); imagestring($this->_thumb, 2, ($this->_newXSize / 2) - 15, 17, ".".$this->_type, $tc); } } else { // well we don't need to do anything, do we? $this->_thumb = $this->_image; } } function save($Size = 0) { if ($Size != 0) { $file = str_replace(".","_".$Size.".",$this->_fileName); } else if (is_string($this->_thumbFile)) { $file = $this->_thumbFile; } else { $file = $this->_fileName; } // echo "saving ".$this->_type." thumbnail to ".TZN_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH.$this->_thumbPath.$file; if (!file_exists($this->_thumbPath.$this->_fileName)) { switch($this->_type) { case "JPG": return ImageJpeg($this->_thumb, TZN_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH.$this->_thumbPath.$file, $this->_quality); break; case "PNG": case "GIF": return ImagePNG($this->_thumb, TZN_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH.$this->_thumbPath.$file); break; default: return ImageJpeg($this->_thumb, TZN_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH.$this->_thumbPath.$file, $this->_quality); break; } $this->destroy(); } return true; } function show() { switch($this->_type) { case "PNG": case "GIF": header ("Content-type: image/x-png"); return ImagePNG($this->_thumb); break; default: header ("Content-type: image/pjpeg"); return ImageJpeg($this->_thumb, null, $this->_quality); break; } $this->destroy(); } function getImgType($type) { switch ($type) { case 1 : return "GIF"; case 2 : return "JPG"; case 3 : return "PNG"; case 4 : return "SWF"; case 5 : return "PSD"; case 6 : return "BMP"; case 7 : return "TIFF_II"; case 8 : return "TIFF_MM"; case 9 : return "JPC"; case 10 : return "JP2"; case 11 : return "JPX"; } } function addTrailingSlash($path) { if (($path != "") && (strrpos($path,TZN_FILE_SLASH) != (strlen($path)-1))) { return $path.TZN_FILE_SLASH; } else { return $path; } } function destroy() { ImageDestroy($this->_image); ImageDestroy($this->_thumb); } } ?>