Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/happyezystyle/include/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/happyezystyle/include/db.class.php |
<? /** A PHP class to access MySQL database with convenient methods * in an object oriented way, and with a powerful debug system.\n * Licence: LGPL \n * Web site: http://slaout.linux62.org/ * @version 1.0 * @author Sébastien Laoût (slaout@linux62.org) */ //$db = new DB("localhost","root","1","bx"); $db = new DB("localhost","softcreate_ctw","savage","softcreate_ctw"); class DB { /** Put this variable to true if you want ALL queries to be debugged by default: */ var $defaultDebug = false; /** INTERNAL: The start time, in miliseconds. */ var $mtStart; /** INTERNAL: The number of executed queries. */ var $nbQueries; /** INTERNAL: The last result ressource of a query(). */ var $lastResult; /** Connect to a MySQL database to be able to use the methods below. */ function DB($host, $user, $pass,$db) { $this->mtStart = $this->getMicroTime(); $this->nbQueries = 0; $this->lastResult = NULL; mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die('Server connection not possible.'); mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF8"); mysql_query("SET character_set_results=utf8"); mysql_query("SET character_set_client=utf8"); mysql_query("SET character_set_connection=utf8"); mysql_select_db($db) or die('Database connection not possible.'); } /** Query the database. * @param $query The query. * @param $debug If true, it output the query and the resulting table. * @return The result of the query, to use with fetchNextObject(). */ function query($query, $debug = -1) { $this->nbQueries++; $this->lastResult = mysql_query($query) or $this->debugAndDie($query); $this->debug($debug, $query, $this->lastResult); return $this->lastResult; } /** Do the same as query() but do not return nor store result.\n * Should be used for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE... * @param $query The query. * @param $debug If true, it output the query and the resulting table. */ function execute($query, $debug = -1) { $this->nbQueries++; mysql_query($query) or $this->debugAndDie($query); $this->debug($debug, $query); } function del($table,$where ) { $query ="delete from $table where "; foreach ($where as $key=>$value) { $query .="$key=$value"; } echo $query ; mysql_query($query) ; } /** Convenient method for mysql_fetch_object(). * @param $result The ressource returned by query(). If NULL, the last result returned by query() will be used. * @return An object representing a data row. */ function fetchNextObject($result = NULL) { if ($result == NULL) $result = $this->lastResult; if ($result == NULL || mysql_num_rows($result) < 1) return NULL; else return mysql_fetch_object($result); } /** Get the number of rows of a query. * @param $result The ressource returned by query(). If NULL, the last result returned by query() will be used. * @return The number of rows of the query (0 or more). */ function numRows($result = NULL) { if ($result == NULL) return mysql_num_rows($this->lastResult); else return mysql_num_rows($result); } /** Get the result of the query as an object. The query should return a unique row.\n * Note: no need to add "LIMIT 1" at the end of your query because * the method will add that (for optimisation purpose). * @param $query The query. * @param $debug If true, it output the query and the resulting row. * @return An object representing a data row (or NULL if result is empty). */ function queryUniqueObject($query, $debug = -1) { $query = "$query LIMIT 1"; $this->nbQueries++; $result = mysql_query($query) or $this->debugAndDie($query); $this->debug($debug, $query, $result); return mysql_fetch_object($result); } /** Get the result of the query as value. The query should return a unique cell.\n * Note: no need to add "LIMIT 1" at the end of your query because * the method will add that (for optimisation purpose). * @param $query The query. * @param $debug If true, it output the query and the resulting value. * @return A value representing a data cell (or NULL if result is empty). */ function queryUniqueValue($query, $debug = -1) { $query = "$query LIMIT 1"; $this->nbQueries++; $result = mysql_query($query) or $this->debugAndDie($query); $line = mysql_fetch_row($result); $this->debug($debug, $query, $result); return $line[0]; } /** Get the maximum value of a column in a table, with a condition. * @param $column The column where to compute the maximum. * @param $table The table where to compute the maximum. * @param $where The condition before to compute the maximum. * @return The maximum value (or NULL if result is empty). */ function maxOf($column, $table, $where) { return $this->queryUniqueValue("SELECT MAX(`$column`) FROM `$table` WHERE $where"); } /** Get the maximum value of a column in a table. * @param $column The column where to compute the maximum. * @param $table The table where to compute the maximum. * @return The maximum value (or NULL if result is empty). */ function maxOfAll($column, $table) { return $this->queryUniqueValue("SELECT MAX(`$column`) FROM `$table`"); } /** Get the count of rows in a table, with a condition. * @param $table The table where to compute the number of rows. * @param $where The condition before to compute the number or rows. * @return The number of rows (0 or more). */ function countOf($table, $where) { return $this->queryUniqueValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `$table` WHERE $where"); } /** Get the count of rows in a table. * @param $table The table where to compute the number of rows. * @return The number of rows (0 or more). */ function countOfAll($table) { return $this->queryUniqueValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `$table`"); } /** Internal function to debug when MySQL encountered an error, * even if debug is set to Off. * @param $query The SQL query to echo before diying. */ function debugAndDie($query) { $this->debugQuery($query, "Error"); die("<p style=\"margin: 2px;\">".mysql_error()."</p></div>"); } /** Internal function to debug a MySQL query.\n * Show the query and output the resulting table if not NULL. * @param $debug The parameter passed to query() functions. Can be boolean or -1 (default). * @param $query The SQL query to debug. * @param $result The resulting table of the query, if available. */ function debug($debug, $query, $result = NULL) { if ($debug === -1 && $this->defaultDebug === false) return; if ($debug === false) return; $reason = ($debug === -1 ? "Default Debug" : "Debug"); $this->debugQuery($query, $reason); if ($result == NULL) echo "<p style=\"margin: 2px;\">Number of affected rows: ".mysql_affected_rows()."</p></div>"; else $this->debugResult($result); } /** Internal function to output a query for debug purpose.\n * Should be followed by a call to debugResult() or an echo of "</div>". * @param $query The SQL query to debug. * @param $reason The reason why this function is called: "Default Debug", "Debug" or "Error". */ function debugQuery($query, $reason = "Debug") { $color = ($reason == "Error" ? "red" : "orange"); echo "<div style=\"border: solid $color 1px; margin: 2px;\">". "<p style=\"margin: 0 0 2px 0; padding: 0; background-color: #DDF;\">". "<strong style=\"padding: 0 3px; background-color: $color; color: white;\">$reason:</strong> ". "<span style=\"font-family: monospace;\">".htmlentities($query)."</span></p>"; } /** Internal function to output a table representing the result of a query, for debug purpose.\n * Should be preceded by a call to debugQuery(). * @param $result The resulting table of the query. */ function debugResult($result) { echo "<table border=\"1\" style=\"margin: 2px;\">". "<thead style=\"font-size: 80%\">"; $numFields = mysql_num_fields($result); // BEGIN HEADER $tables = array(); $nbTables = -1; $lastTable = ""; $fields = array(); $nbFields = -1; while ($column = mysql_fetch_field($result)) { if ($column->table != $lastTable) { $nbTables++; $tables[$nbTables] = array("name" => $column->table, "count" => 1); } else $tables[$nbTables]["count"]++; $lastTable = $column->table; $nbFields++; $fields[$nbFields] = $column->name; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $nbTables; $i++) echo "<th colspan=".$tables[$i]["count"].">".$tables[$i]["name"]."</th>"; echo "</thead>"; echo "<thead style=\"font-size: 80%\">"; for ($i = 0; $i <= $nbFields; $i++) echo "<th>".$fields[$i]."</th>"; echo "</thead>"; // END HEADER while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr>"; for ($i = 0; $i < $numFields; $i++) echo "<td>".htmlentities($row[$i])."</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table></div>"; $this->resetFetch($result); } /** Get how many time the script took from the begin of this object. * @return The script execution time in seconds since the * creation of this object. */ function getExecTime() { return round(($this->getMicroTime() - $this->mtStart) * 1000) / 1000; } /** Get the number of queries executed from the begin of this object. * @return The number of queries executed on the database server since the * creation of this object. */ function getQueriesCount() { return $this->nbQueries; } /** Go back to the first element of the result line. * @param $result The resssource returned by a query() function. */ function resetFetch($result) { if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) mysql_data_seek($result, 0); } /** Get the id of the very last inserted row. * @return The id of the very last inserted row (in any table). */ function lastInsertedId() { return mysql_insert_id(); } /** Close the connexion with the database server.\n * It's usually unneeded since PHP do it automatically at script end. */ function close() { mysql_close(); } /** Internal method to get the current time. * @return The current time in seconds with microseconds (in float format). */ function getMicroTime() { list($msec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); return floor($sec / 1000) + $msec; } function insert_array($table, $data) { // Inserts a row into the database from key->value pairs in an array. The // array passed in $data must have keys for the table's columns. You can // not use any MySQL functions with string and date types with this // function. You must use insert_sql for that purpose. // Returns the id of the insert or true if there is not auto_increment // column in the table. Returns false if there is an error. if (empty($data)) { $this->last_error = "You must pass an array to the insert_array() function."; return false; } $cols = '('; $values = '('; foreach ($data as $key=>$value) { // iterate values to input $cols .= "$key,"; // $col_type = $this->get_column_type($table, $key); // get column type // if (!$col_type) return false; // error! // determine if we need to encase the value in single quotes $values .= "'$value',"; } $cols = rtrim($cols, ',').')'; $values = rtrim($values, ',').')'; // insert values $sql = "INSERT INTO $table $cols VALUES $values"; //return $sql; return $this->execute($sql); } function update_array($table, $data, $condition) { // Updates a row into the database from key->value pairs in an array. The // array passed in $data must have keys for the table's columns. You can // not use any MySQL functions with string and date types with this // function. You must use insert_sql for that purpose. // $condition is basically a WHERE claus (without the WHERE). For example, // "column=value AND column2='another value'" would be a condition. // Returns the number or row affected or true if no rows needed the update. // Returns false if there is an error. if (empty($data)) { $this->last_error = "You must pass an array to the update_array() function."; return false; } $sql = "UPDATE $table SET"; foreach ($data as $key=>$value) { // iterate values to input $sql .= " $key="; // $col_type = $this->get_column_type($table, $key); // get column type // if (!$col_type) return false; // error! // determine if we need to encase the value in single quotes if (is_null($value)) { $sql .= "NULL,"; } elseif (substr_count(MYSQL_TYPES_NUMERIC, "$col_type ")) { $sql .= "$value,"; } elseif (substr_count(MYSQL_TYPES_DATE, "$col_type ")) { $value = $this->sql_date_format($value, $col_type); // format date $sql .= "'$value',"; } elseif (substr_count(MYSQL_TYPES_STRING, "$col_type ")) { if ($this->auto_slashes) $value = addslashes($value); $sql .= "'$value',"; }else{ $sql .= "'$value',"; } } $sql = rtrim($sql, ','); // strip off last "extra" comma if (!empty($condition)) $sql .= " WHERE $condition"; //echo $sql; // insert values return $this->execute($sql); } function execute_file ($file) { // executes the SQL commands from an external file. if (!file_exists($file)) { $this->last_error = "The file $file does not exist."; return false; } $str = file_get_contents($file); if (!$str) { $this->last_error = "Unable to read the contents of $file."; return false; } $this->last_query = $str; // split all the query's into an array $sql = explode(';', $str); foreach ($sql as $query) { if (!empty($query)) { $r = mysql_query($query); if (!$r) { $this->last_error = mysql_error(); return false; } } } return true; } function get_column_type($table, $column) { // Gets information about a particular column using the mysql_fetch_field // function. Returns an array with the field info or false if there is // an error. $r = mysql_query("SELECT $column FROM $table"); if (!$r) { $this->last_error = mysql_error(); return false; } $ret = mysql_field_type($r, 0); if (!$ret) { $this->last_error = "Unable to get column information on $table.$column."; mysql_free_result($r); return false; } mysql_free_result($r); return $ret; } function sql_date_format($value) { // Returns the date in a format for input into the database. You can pass // this function a timestamp value such as time() or a string value // such as '04/14/2003 5:13 AM'. if (gettype($value) == 'string') $value = strtotime($value); return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value); } } // class DB ?>