? GR0V Shell

GR0V shell

Linux www.koreapackagetour.com 2.6.32-042stab145.3 #1 SMP Thu Jun 11 14:05:04 MSK 2020 x86_64

Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/happyezystyle/ckeditor/_source/plugins/panel/
File Upload :
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/happyezystyle/ckeditor/_source/plugins/panel/plugin.js

Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license

CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'panel',
	beforeInit : function( editor )
		editor.ui.addHandler( CKEDITOR.UI_PANEL, CKEDITOR.ui.panel.handler );

 * Panel UI element.
 * @constant
 * @example

CKEDITOR.ui.panel = function( document, definition )
	// Copy all definition properties to this object.
	if ( definition )
		CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this, definition );

	// Set defaults.
	CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this,
			className : '',
			css : []

	this.id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId();
	this.document = document;

	this._ =
		blocks : {}

 * Transforms a rich combo definition in a {@link CKEDITOR.ui.richCombo}
 * instance.
 * @type Object
 * @example
CKEDITOR.ui.panel.handler =
	create : function( definition )
		return new CKEDITOR.ui.panel( definition );

CKEDITOR.ui.panel.prototype =
	renderHtml : function( editor )
		var output = [];
		this.render( editor, output );
		return output.join( '' );

	 * Renders the combo.
	 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance which this button is
	 *		to be used by.
	 * @param {Array} output The output array to which append the HTML relative
	 *		to this button.
	 * @example
	render : function( editor, output )
		var id = this.id;

			'<div class="', editor.skinClass ,'"' +
				' lang="', editor.langCode, '"' +
				' role="presentation"' +
				// iframe loading need sometime, keep the panel hidden(#4186).
				' style="display:none;z-index:' + ( editor.config.baseFloatZIndex + 1 ) + '">' +
				'<div' +
					' id=', id,
					' dir=', editor.lang.dir,
					' role="presentation"' +
					' class="cke_panel cke_', editor.lang.dir );

		if ( this.className )
			output.push( ' ', this.className );

				'">' );

		if ( this.forceIFrame || this.css.length )
						'<iframe id="', id, '_frame"' +
							' frameborder="0"' +
							' role="application" src="javascript:void(' );

							// Support for custom document.domain in IE.
							CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain() ?
								'(function(){' +
									'document.open();' +
									'document.domain=\'' + document.domain + '\';' +
									'document.close();' +
								'0' );

						')"></iframe>' );

				'</div>' +
			'</div>' );

		return id;

	getHolderElement : function()
		var holder = this._.holder;

		if ( !holder )
			if ( this.forceIFrame || this.css.length )
				var iframe = this.document.getById( this.id + '_frame' ),
					parentDiv = iframe.getParent(),
					dir = parentDiv.getAttribute( 'dir' ),
					className = parentDiv.getParent().getAttribute( 'class' ),
					langCode = parentDiv.getParent().getAttribute( 'lang' ),
					doc = iframe.getFrameDocument();

				// Make it scrollable on iOS. (#8308)
				CKEDITOR.env.iOS && parentDiv.setStyles(
						'overflow' : 'scroll',
						'-webkit-overflow-scrolling' : 'touch'

				var onLoad = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( CKEDITOR.tools.bind( function( ev )
						this.isLoaded = true;
						if ( this.onLoad )
					}, this ) );

				var data =
					'<!DOCTYPE html>' +
					'<html dir="' + dir + '" class="' + className + '_container" lang="' + langCode + '">' +
						'<head>' +
							'<style>.' + className + '_container{visibility:hidden}</style>' +
							CKEDITOR.tools.buildStyleHtml( this.css ) +
						'</head>' +
						'<body class="cke_' + dir + ' cke_panel_frame ' + CKEDITOR.env.cssClass + '" style="margin:0;padding:0"' +
						' onload="( window.CKEDITOR || window.parent.CKEDITOR ).tools.callFunction(' + onLoad + ');"></body>' +

				doc.write( data );

				var win = doc.getWindow();

				// Register the CKEDITOR global.

				// Arrow keys for scrolling is only preventable with 'keypress' event in Opera (#4534).
				doc.on( 'key' + ( CKEDITOR.env.opera? 'press':'down' ), function( evt )
						var keystroke = evt.data.getKeystroke(),
							dir = this.document.getById( this.id ).getAttribute( 'dir' );

						// Delegate key processing to block.
						if ( this._.onKeyDown && this._.onKeyDown( keystroke ) === false )

						// ESC/ARROW-LEFT(ltr) OR ARROW-RIGHT(rtl)
						if ( keystroke == 27 || keystroke == ( dir == 'rtl' ? 39 : 37 ) )
							if ( this.onEscape && this.onEscape( keystroke ) === false )
					this );

				holder = doc.getBody();
				CKEDITOR.env.air && CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction( onLoad );
				holder = this.document.getById( this.id );

			this._.holder = holder;

		return holder;

	addBlock : function( name, block )
		block = this._.blocks[ name ] = block instanceof CKEDITOR.ui.panel.block ?  block
				: new CKEDITOR.ui.panel.block( this.getHolderElement(), block );

		if ( !this._.currentBlock )
			this.showBlock( name );

		return block;

	getBlock : function( name )
		return this._.blocks[ name ];

	showBlock : function( name )
		var blocks = this._.blocks,
			block = blocks[ name ],
			current = this._.currentBlock;

		// ARIA role works better in IE on the body element, while on the iframe
		// for FF. (#8864)
		var holder = !this.forceIFrame || CKEDITOR.env.ie ?
				 this._.holder : this.document.getById( this.id + '_frame' );

		if ( current )
			// Clean up the current block's effects on holder.
			holder.removeAttributes( current.attributes );

		this._.currentBlock = block;

		holder.setAttributes( block.attributes );
		CKEDITOR.fire( 'ariaWidget', holder );

		// Reset the focus index, so it will always go into the first one.
		block._.focusIndex = -1;

		this._.onKeyDown = block.onKeyDown && CKEDITOR.tools.bind( block.onKeyDown, block );


		return block;

	destroy : function()
		this.element && this.element.remove();

CKEDITOR.ui.panel.block = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
	$ : function( blockHolder, blockDefinition )
		this.element = blockHolder.append(
			blockHolder.getDocument().createElement( 'div',
					attributes :
						'tabIndex' : -1,
						'class' : 'cke_panel_block',
						'role' : 'presentation'
					styles :
						display : 'none'
				}) );

		// Copy all definition properties to this object.
		if ( blockDefinition )
			CKEDITOR.tools.extend( this, blockDefinition );

		if ( !this.attributes.title )
			this.attributes.title = this.attributes[ 'aria-label' ];

		this.keys = {};

		this._.focusIndex = -1;

		// Disable context menu for panels.

	_ : {

		 * Mark the item specified by the index as current activated.
		markItem: function( index )
			if ( index == -1 )
			var links = this.element.getElementsByTag( 'a' );
			var item = links.getItem( this._.focusIndex = index );

			// Safari need focus on the iframe window first(#3389), but we need
			// lock the blur to avoid hiding the panel.
			if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit || CKEDITOR.env.opera )

			this.onMark && this.onMark( item );

	proto :
		show : function()
			this.element.setStyle( 'display', '' );

		hide : function()
			if ( !this.onHide || this.onHide.call( this )  !== true )
				this.element.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );

		onKeyDown : function( keystroke )
			var keyAction = this.keys[ keystroke ];
			switch ( keyAction )
				// Move forward.
				case 'next' :
					var index = this._.focusIndex,
						links = this.element.getElementsByTag( 'a' ),

					while ( ( link = links.getItem( ++index ) ) )
						// Move the focus only if the element is marked with
						// the _cke_focus and it it's visible (check if it has
						// width).
						if ( link.getAttribute( '_cke_focus' ) && link.$.offsetWidth )
							this._.focusIndex = index;
					return false;

				// Move backward.
				case 'prev' :
					index = this._.focusIndex;
					links = this.element.getElementsByTag( 'a' );

					while ( index > 0 && ( link = links.getItem( --index ) ) )
						// Move the focus only if the element is marked with
						// the _cke_focus and it it's visible (check if it has
						// width).
						if ( link.getAttribute( '_cke_focus' ) && link.$.offsetWidth )
							this._.focusIndex = index;
					return false;

				case 'click' :
				case 'mouseup' :
					index = this._.focusIndex;
					link = index >= 0 && this.element.getElementsByTag( 'a' ).getItem( index );

					if ( link )
						link.$[ keyAction ] ? link.$[ keyAction ]() : link.$[ 'on' + keyAction ]();

					return false;

			return true;

 * Fired when a panel is added to the document
 * @name CKEDITOR#ariaWidget
 * @event
 * @param {Object} holder The element wrapping the panel
