? GR0V Shell

GR0V shell

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Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/happyezystyle/ckeditor/_source/plugins/bbcode/
File Upload :
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/happyezystyle/ckeditor/_source/plugins/bbcode/plugin.js

Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license

	CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogDefinition', function( ev )
		var tab, name = ev.data.name,
			definition = ev.data.definition;

		if ( name == 'link' )
			definition.removeContents( 'target' );
			definition.removeContents( 'upload' );
			definition.removeContents( 'advanced' );
			tab = definition.getContents( 'info' );
			tab.remove( 'emailSubject' );
			tab.remove( 'emailBody' );
		else if ( name == 'image' )
			definition.removeContents( 'advanced' );
			tab = definition.getContents( 'Link' );
			tab.remove( 'cmbTarget' );
			tab = definition.getContents( 'info' );
			tab.remove( 'txtAlt' );
			tab.remove( 'basic' );

	var bbcodeMap = { 'b' : 'strong', 'u': 'u', 'i' : 'em', 'color' : 'span', 'size' : 'span', 'quote' : 'blockquote', 'code' : 'code', 'url' : 'a', 'email' : 'span', 'img' : 'span', '*' : 'li', 'list' : 'ol' },
			convertMap = { 'strong' : 'b' , 'b' : 'b', 'u': 'u', 'em' : 'i', 'i': 'i', 'code' : 'code', 'li' : '*' },
			tagnameMap = { 'strong' : 'b', 'em' : 'i', 'u' : 'u', 'li' : '*', 'ul' : 'list', 'ol' : 'list', 'code' : 'code', 'a' : 'link', 'img' : 'img', 'blockquote' : 'quote' },
			stylesMap = { 'color' : 'color', 'size' : 'font-size' },
			attributesMap = { 'url' : 'href', 'email' : 'mailhref', 'quote': 'cite', 'list' : 'listType' };

	// List of block-like tags.
	var dtd =  CKEDITOR.dtd,
		blockLikeTags = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( { table:1 }, dtd.$block, dtd.$listItem, dtd.$tableContent, dtd.$list );

	var semicolonFixRegex = /\s*(?:;\s*|$)/;
	function serializeStyleText( stylesObject )
		var styleText = '';
		for ( var style in stylesObject )
			var styleVal = stylesObject[ style ],
				text = ( style + ':' + styleVal ).replace( semicolonFixRegex, ';' );

			styleText += text;
		return styleText;

	function parseStyleText( styleText )
		var retval = {};
		( styleText || '' )
				.replace( /"/g, '"' )
				.replace( /\s*([^ :;]+)\s*:\s*([^;]+)\s*(?=;|$)/g, function( match, name, value )
			retval[ name.toLowerCase() ] = value;
		} );
		return retval;

	function RGBToHex( cssStyle )
		return cssStyle.replace( /(?:rgb\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\))/gi, function( match, red, green, blue )
				red = parseInt( red, 10 ).toString( 16 );
				green = parseInt( green, 10 ).toString( 16 );
				blue = parseInt( blue, 10 ).toString( 16 );
				var color = [red, green, blue] ;

				// Add padding zeros if the hex value is less than 0x10.
				for ( var i = 0 ; i < color.length ; i++ )
					color[i] = String( '0' + color[i] ).slice( -2 ) ;

				return '#' + color.join( '' ) ;

	// Maintain the map of smiley-to-description.
	var smileyMap = {"smiley":":)","sad":":(","wink":";)","laugh":":D","cheeky":":P","blush":":*)","surprise":":-o","indecision":":|","angry":">:(","angel":"o:)","cool":"8-)","devil":">:-)","crying":";(","kiss":":-*" },
		smileyReverseMap = {},
		smileyRegExp = [];

	// Build regexp for the list of smiley text.
	for ( var i in smileyMap )
		smileyReverseMap[ smileyMap[ i ] ] = i;
		smileyRegExp.push( smileyMap[ i ].replace( /\(|\)|\:|\/|\*|\-|\|/g, function( match ) { return '\\' + match; } ) );

	smileyRegExp = new RegExp( smileyRegExp.join( '|' ), 'g' );

	var decodeHtml = ( function ()
		var regex = [],
			entities =
				nbsp	: '\u00A0',		// IE | FF
				shy		: '\u00AD',		// IE
				gt		: '\u003E',		// IE | FF |   --   | Opera
				lt		: '\u003C'		// IE | FF | Safari | Opera

		for ( var entity in entities )
			regex.push( entity );

		regex = new RegExp( '&(' + regex.join( '|' ) + ');', 'g' );

		return function( html )
			return html.replace( regex, function( match, entity )
				return entities[ entity ];

	CKEDITOR.BBCodeParser = function()
		this._ =
			bbcPartsRegex : /(?:\[([^\/\]=]*?)(?:=([^\]]*?))?\])|(?:\[\/([a-z]{1,16})\])/ig

	CKEDITOR.BBCodeParser.prototype =
		parse : function( bbcode )
			var parts,
					lastIndex = 0;

			while ( ( parts = this._.bbcPartsRegex.exec( bbcode ) ) )
				var tagIndex = parts.index;
				if ( tagIndex > lastIndex )
					var text = bbcode.substring( lastIndex, tagIndex );
					this.onText( text, 1 );

				lastIndex = this._.bbcPartsRegex.lastIndex;

				 "parts" is an array with the following items:
				 0 : The entire match for opening/closing tags and line-break;
				 1 : line-break;
				 2 : open of tag excludes option;
				 3 : tag option;
				 4 : close of tag;

				part = ( parts[ 1 ] || parts[ 3 ] || '' ).toLowerCase();
				// Unrecognized tags should be delivered as a simple text (#7860).
				if ( part && !bbcodeMap[ part ] )
					this.onText( parts[ 0 ] );

				// Opening tag
				if ( parts[ 1 ] )
					var tagName = bbcodeMap[ part ],
							attribs = {},
							styles = {},
							optionPart = parts[ 2 ];

					if ( optionPart )
						if ( part == 'list' )
							if ( !isNaN( optionPart ) )
								optionPart = 'decimal';
							else if ( /^[a-z]+$/.test( optionPart ) )
								optionPart = 'lower-alpha';
							else if ( /^[A-Z]+$/.test( optionPart ) )
								optionPart = 'upper-alpha';

						if ( stylesMap[ part ] )
							// Font size represents percentage.
							if ( part == 'size' )
								optionPart += '%';

							styles[ stylesMap[ part ] ] = optionPart;
							attribs.style = serializeStyleText( styles );
						else if ( attributesMap[ part ] )
							attribs[ attributesMap[ part ] ] = optionPart;

					// Two special handling - image and email, protect them
					// as "span" with an attribute marker.
					if ( part == 'email' || part == 'img' )
						attribs[ 'bbcode' ] = part;

					this.onTagOpen( tagName, attribs, CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty[ tagName ] );
				// Closing tag
				else if ( parts[ 3 ] )
					this.onTagClose( bbcodeMap[ part ] );

			if ( bbcode.length > lastIndex )
				this.onText( bbcode.substring( lastIndex, bbcode.length ), 1 );

	 * Creates a {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment} from an HTML string.
	 * @param {String} source The HTML to be parsed, filling the fragment.
	 * @param {Number} [fixForBody=false] Wrap body with specified element if needed.
	 * @returns CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment The fragment created.
	 * @example
	 * var fragment = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( '<b>Sample</b> Text' );
	 * alert( fragment.children[0].name );  "b"
	 * alert( fragment.children[1].value );  " Text"
	CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromBBCode = function( source )
		var parser = new CKEDITOR.BBCodeParser(),
			fragment = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment(),
			pendingInline = [],
			pendingBrs = 0,
			currentNode = fragment,

		function checkPending( newTagName )
			if ( pendingInline.length > 0 )
				for ( var i = 0 ; i < pendingInline.length ; i++ )
					var pendingElement = pendingInline[ i ],
						pendingName = pendingElement.name,
						pendingDtd = CKEDITOR.dtd[ pendingName ],
						currentDtd = currentNode.name && CKEDITOR.dtd[ currentNode.name ];

					if ( ( !currentDtd || currentDtd[ pendingName ] ) && ( !newTagName || !pendingDtd || pendingDtd[ newTagName ] || !CKEDITOR.dtd[ newTagName ] ) )
						// Get a clone for the pending element.
						pendingElement = pendingElement.clone();

						// Add it to the current node and make it the current,
						// so the new element will be added inside of it.
						pendingElement.parent = currentNode;
						currentNode = pendingElement;

						// Remove the pending element (back the index by one
						// to properly process the next entry).
						pendingInline.splice( i, 1 );

		function checkPendingBrs( tagName, closing )
			var len = currentNode.children.length,
				previous = len > 0 && currentNode.children[ len - 1 ],
				lineBreakParent = !previous && BBCodeWriter.getRule( tagnameMap[ currentNode.name ], 'breakAfterOpen' ),
				lineBreakPrevious = previous && previous.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && BBCodeWriter.getRule( tagnameMap[ previous.name ], 'breakAfterClose' ),
				lineBreakCurrent = tagName && BBCodeWriter.getRule( tagnameMap[ tagName ], closing ? 'breakBeforeClose' : 'breakBeforeOpen' );

			if ( pendingBrs && ( lineBreakParent || lineBreakPrevious || lineBreakCurrent ) )

			// 1. Either we're at the end of block, where it requires us to compensate the br filler
			// removing logic (from htmldataprocessor).
			// 2. Or we're at the end of pseudo block, where it requires us to compensate
			// the bogus br effect.
			if ( pendingBrs && tagName in blockLikeTags )

			while ( pendingBrs && pendingBrs-- )
				currentNode.children.push( previous = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'br' ) );

		function addElement( node, target )
			checkPendingBrs( node.name, 1 );

			target = target || currentNode || fragment;

			var len = target.children.length,
				previous = len > 0 && target.children[ len - 1 ] || null;

			node.previous = previous;
			node.parent = target;

			target.children.push( node );

			if ( node.returnPoint )
				currentNode = node.returnPoint;
				delete node.returnPoint;

		parser.onTagOpen = function( tagName, attributes, selfClosing )
			var element = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( tagName, attributes );

			// This is a tag to be removed if empty, so do not add it immediately.
			if ( CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ tagName ] )
				pendingInline.push( element );

			var currentName = currentNode.name;

			var currentDtd = currentName
				&& ( CKEDITOR.dtd[ currentName ]
					|| ( currentNode._.isBlockLike ? CKEDITOR.dtd.div : CKEDITOR.dtd.span ) );

			// If the element cannot be child of the current element.
			if ( currentDtd && !currentDtd[ tagName ] )
				var reApply = false,
					addPoint;   // New position to start adding nodes.

				// If the element name is the same as the current element name,
				// then just close the current one and append the new one to the
				// parent. This situation usually happens with <p>, <li>, <dt> and
				// <dd>, specially in IE. Do not enter in this if block in this case.
				if ( tagName == currentName )
					addElement( currentNode, currentNode.parent );
				else if ( tagName in CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem )
					parser.onTagOpen( 'ul', {} );
					addPoint = currentNode;
					reApply = true;
					addElement( currentNode, currentNode.parent );

					// The current element is an inline element, which
					// cannot hold the new one. Put it in the pending list,
					// and try adding the new one after it.
					pendingInline.unshift( currentNode );
					reApply = true;

				if ( addPoint )
					currentNode = addPoint;
				// Try adding it to the return point, or the parent element.
					currentNode = currentNode.returnPoint || currentNode.parent;

				if ( reApply )
					parser.onTagOpen.apply( this, arguments );

			checkPending( tagName );
			checkPendingBrs( tagName );

			element.parent = currentNode;
			element.returnPoint = returnPoint;
			returnPoint = 0;

			if ( element.isEmpty )
				addElement( element );
				currentNode = element;

		parser.onTagClose = function( tagName )
			// Check if there is any pending tag to be closed.
			for ( var i = pendingInline.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
				// If found, just remove it from the list.
				if ( tagName == pendingInline[ i ].name )
					pendingInline.splice( i, 1 );

			var pendingAdd = [],
				newPendingInline = [],
				candidate = currentNode;

			while ( candidate.type && candidate.name != tagName )
				// If this is an inline element, add it to the pending list, if we're
				// really closing one of the parents element later, they will continue
				// after it.
				if ( !candidate._.isBlockLike )
					newPendingInline.unshift( candidate );

				// This node should be added to it's parent at this point. But,
				// it should happen only if the closing tag is really closing
				// one of the nodes. So, for now, we just cache it.
				pendingAdd.push( candidate );

				candidate = candidate.parent;

			if ( candidate.type )
				// Add all elements that have been found in the above loop.
				for ( i = 0 ; i < pendingAdd.length ; i++ )
					var node = pendingAdd[ i ];
					addElement( node, node.parent );

				currentNode = candidate;

				addElement( candidate, candidate.parent );

				// The parent should start receiving new nodes now, except if
				// addElement changed the currentNode.
				if ( candidate == currentNode )
					currentNode = currentNode.parent;

				pendingInline = pendingInline.concat( newPendingInline );

		parser.onText = function( text )
			var currentDtd = CKEDITOR.dtd[ currentNode.name ];
			if ( !currentDtd || currentDtd[ '#' ] )

				text.replace(/([\r\n])|[^\r\n]*/g, function( piece, lineBreak )
					if ( lineBreak !== undefined && lineBreak.length )
					else if ( piece.length )
						var lastIndex = 0;

						// Create smiley from text emotion.
						piece.replace( smileyRegExp, function( match, index )
							addElement( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( piece.substring( lastIndex, index ) ), currentNode );
							addElement( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'smiley', { 'desc': smileyReverseMap[ match ] } ), currentNode );
							lastIndex = index + match.length;

						if ( lastIndex != piece.length )
							addElement( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( piece.substring( lastIndex, piece.length ) ), currentNode );

		// Parse it.
		parser.parse( CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( source ) );

		// Close all hanging nodes.
		while ( currentNode.type )
			var parent = currentNode.parent,
				node = currentNode;

			addElement( node, parent );
			currentNode = parent;

		return fragment;

	CKEDITOR.htmlParser.BBCodeWriter = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass(
		$ : function()
			this._ =
				output : [],
				rules : []

			// List and list item.
			this.setRules( 'list',
			   breakBeforeOpen : 1,
			   breakAfterOpen : 1,
			   breakBeforeClose : 1,
			   breakAfterClose : 1
		   } );

			this.setRules( '*',
			   breakBeforeOpen : 1,
			   breakAfterOpen : 0,
			   breakBeforeClose : 1,
			   breakAfterClose : 0
		   } );

			this.setRules( 'quote',
			   breakBeforeOpen : 1,
			   breakAfterOpen : 0,
			   breakBeforeClose : 0,
			   breakAfterClose : 1
		   } );

		proto :
			 * Sets formatting rules for a given tag. The possible rules are:
			 * <ul>
			 *	<li><b>breakBeforeOpen</b>: break line before the opener tag for this element.</li>
			 *	<li><b>breakAfterOpen</b>: break line after the opener tag for this element.</li>
			 *	<li><b>breakBeforeClose</b>: break line before the closer tag for this element.</li>
			 *	<li><b>breakAfterClose</b>: break line after the closer tag for this element.</li>
			 * </ul>
			 * All rules default to "false". Each call to the function overrides
			 * already present rules, leaving the undefined untouched.
			 * @param {String} tagName The tag name to which set the rules.
			 * @param {Object} rules An object containing the element rules.
			 * @example
			 * // Break line before and after "img" tags.
			 * writer.setRules( 'list',
			 *     {
			 *         breakBeforeOpen : true
			 *         breakAfterOpen : true
			 *     });
			setRules : function( tagName, rules )
				var currentRules = this._.rules[ tagName ];

				if ( currentRules )
					CKEDITOR.tools.extend( currentRules, rules, true );
					this._.rules[ tagName ] = rules;

			getRule : function( tagName, ruleName )
				return this._.rules[ tagName ] && this._.rules[ tagName ][ ruleName ];

			openTag : function( tag, attributes )
				if ( tag in bbcodeMap )
					if ( this.getRule( tag, 'breakBeforeOpen' ) )
						this.lineBreak( 1 );

					this.write( '[', tag );

			openTagClose : function( tag )

				if ( tag == 'br' )
					this._.output.push( '\n' );
				else if ( tag in bbcodeMap )
					this.write( ']' );
					if ( this.getRule( tag, 'breakAfterOpen' ) )
						this.lineBreak( 1 );

			attribute : function( name, val )
				if ( name == 'option' )
					// Force simply ampersand in attributes.
					if ( typeof val == 'string' )
						val = val.replace( /&amp;/g, '&' );

					this.write( '=', val );

			closeTag : function( tag )
				if ( tag in bbcodeMap )
					if ( this.getRule( tag, 'breakBeforeClose' ) )
						this.lineBreak( 1 );

					tag != '*' && this.write( '[/', tag, ']' );

					if ( this.getRule( tag, 'breakAfterClose' ) )
						this.lineBreak( 1 );

			text : function( text )
				this.write( text );

			 * Writes a comment.
			 * @param {String} comment The comment text.
			 * @example
			 * // Writes "&lt;!-- My comment --&gt;".
			 * writer.comment( ' My comment ' );
			comment : function() {},

			* Output line-break for formatting.
			lineBreak : function()
				// Avoid line break when:
				// 1) Previous tag already put one.
				// 2) We're at output start.
				if ( !this._.hasLineBreak && this._.output.length )
					this.write( '\n' );
					this._.hasLineBreak = 1;

			write : function()
				this._.hasLineBreak = 0;
				var data = Array.prototype.join.call( arguments, '' );
				this._.output.push( data );

			reset : function()
				this._.output = [];
				this._.hasLineBreak = 0;

			getHtml : function( reset )
				var bbcode = this._.output.join( '' );

				if ( reset )

				return decodeHtml ( bbcode );

	var BBCodeWriter = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.BBCodeWriter();

	CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'bbcode',
		  requires : [ 'htmldataprocessor', 'entities' ],
		  beforeInit : function( editor )
			  // Adapt some critical editor configuration for better support
			  // of BBCode environment.
			  var config = editor.config;
			  CKEDITOR.tools.extend( config,
				  enterMode : CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR,
				  basicEntities: false,
				  entities : false,
				  fillEmptyBlocks : false
			  }, true );
		  init : function( editor )
			  var config = editor.config;

			  function BBCodeToHtml( code )
				  var fragment = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromBBCode( code ),
						  writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter();

				  fragment.writeHtml( writer, dataFilter );
				  return writer.getHtml( true );

			  var dataFilter = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter();
				  elements :
					  'blockquote' : function( element )
						  var quoted = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'div' );
						  quoted.children = element.children;
						  element.children = [ quoted ];
						  var citeText = element.attributes.cite;
						  if ( citeText )
							  var cite = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'cite' );
							  cite.add( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( citeText.replace( /^"|"$/g, '' ) ) );
							  delete element.attributes.cite;
							  element.children.unshift( cite );
					  'span' : function( element )
						  var bbcode;
						  if ( ( bbcode = element.attributes.bbcode ) )
							  if ( bbcode == 'img' )
								  element.name = 'img';
								  element.attributes.src = element.children[ 0 ].value;
								  element.children = [];
							  else if ( bbcode == 'email' )
								  element.name = 'a';
								  element.attributes.href = 'mailto:' + element.children[ 0 ].value;

							  delete element.attributes.bbcode;
					  'ol' : function ( element )
						  if ( element.attributes.listType )
							  if ( element.attributes.listType != 'decimal' )
								  element.attributes.style = 'list-style-type:' + element.attributes.listType;
							  element.name = 'ul';

						  delete element.attributes.listType;
					  a : function( element )
						  if ( !element.attributes.href )
							  element.attributes.href = element.children[ 0 ].value;
					  'smiley' : function( element )
							element.name = 'img';

							var description = element.attributes.desc,
								image = config.smiley_images[ CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( config.smiley_descriptions, description ) ],
								src = CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode( config.smiley_path + image );

						  element.attributes =
							  src : src,
							  'data-cke-saved-src' : src,
							  title :  description,
							  alt : description
			  } );

				elements :
					$ : function( element )
						var attributes = element.attributes,
								style = parseStyleText( attributes.style ),

						var tagName = element.name;
						if ( tagName in convertMap )
							tagName = convertMap[ tagName ];
						else if ( tagName == 'span' )
							if ( ( value = style.color ) )
								tagName = 'color';
								value = RGBToHex( value );
							else if ( ( value = style[ 'font-size' ] ) )
								var percentValue = value.match( /(\d+)%$/ );
								if ( percentValue )
									value = percentValue[ 1 ];
									tagName = 'size';
						else if ( tagName == 'ol' || tagName == 'ul' )
							if ( ( value = style[ 'list-style-type'] ) )
								switch ( value )
									case 'lower-alpha':
										value = 'a';
									case 'upper-alpha':
										value = 'A';
							else if ( tagName == 'ol' )
								value = 1;

							tagName = 'list';
						else if ( tagName == 'blockquote' )
								var cite = element.children[ 0 ],
										quoted = element.children[ 1 ],
										citeText = cite.name == 'cite' && cite.children[ 0 ].value;

								if ( citeText )
									value = '"' + citeText + '"';
									element.children = quoted.children;

							catch( er )

							tagName = 'quote';
						else if ( tagName == 'a' )
							if ( ( value = attributes.href ) )
								if ( value.indexOf( 'mailto:' ) !== -1 )
									tagName = 'email';
									// [email] should have a single text child with email address.
									element.children = [ new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( value.replace( 'mailto:', '' ) ) ];
									value = '';
									var singleton = element.children.length == 1 && element.children[ 0 ];
									if ( singleton
											&& singleton.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT
											&& singleton.value == value )
										value = '';

									tagName = 'url';
						else if ( tagName == 'img' )
							element.isEmpty = 0;

							// Translate smiley (image) to text emotion.
							var src = attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-src' ];
							if ( src && src.indexOf( editor.config.smiley_path ) != -1 )
								return new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( smileyMap[ attributes.alt ] );
								element.children = [ new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( src ) ];

						element.name = tagName;
						value && ( element.attributes.option = value );

						return null;

					// Remove any bogus br from the end of a pseudo block,
					// e.g. <div>some text<br /><p>paragraph</p></div>
					br : function( element )
						var next = element.next;
						if ( next && next.name in blockLikeTags )
							return false;
			  }, 1 );

			  editor.dataProcessor.writer = BBCodeWriter;

			  editor.on( 'beforeSetMode', function( evt )
				  var wysiwyg = editor._.modes[ 'wysiwyg' ];
				  wysiwyg.loadData = CKEDITOR.tools.override( wysiwyg.loadData, function( org )
					  return function( data )
						  return ( org.call( this, BBCodeToHtml( data ) ) );
				  } );
			  } );

		  afterInit : function( editor )
			  var filters;
			  if ( editor._.elementsPath  )
				  // Eliminate irrelevant elements from displaying, e.g body and p.
				  if ( ( filters = editor._.elementsPath.filters ) )
					filters.push( function( element )
							var htmlName = element.getName(),
								name = tagnameMap[ htmlName ] || false;

							// Specialized anchor presents as email.
							if ( name == 'link' && element.getAttribute( 'href' ).indexOf( 'mailto:' ) === 0 )
								name = 'email';
							// Styled span could be either size or color.
							else if ( htmlName == 'span' )
								if ( element.getStyle( 'font-size' ) )
									name = 'size';
								else if ( element.getStyle( 'color' ) )
									name = 'color';
							else if ( name == 'img' )
								var src = element.data( 'cke-saved-src' );
								if ( src && src.indexOf( editor.config.smiley_path ) === 0 )
									name = 'smiley';

							return name;
	  } );

