Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/happyezystyle/board/Themes/default/scripts/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/happyezystyle/board/Themes/default/scripts/script.js |
var smf_formSubmitted = false; var lastKeepAliveCheck = new Date().getTime(); var smf_editorArray = new Array(); // Some very basic browser detection - from Mozilla's sniffer page. var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var is_opera = ua.indexOf("opera") != -1; var is_opera5 = ua.indexOf("opera/5") != -1 || ua.indexOf("opera 5") != -1; var is_opera6 = ua.indexOf("opera/6") != -1 || ua.indexOf("opera 6") != -1; var is_opera7 = ua.indexOf("opera/7") != -1 || ua.indexOf("opera 7") != -1; var is_opera8 = ua.indexOf("opera/8") != -1 || ua.indexOf("opera 8") != -1; var is_opera9 = ua.indexOf("opera/9") != -1 || ua.indexOf("opera 9") != -1; var is_opera95 = ua.indexOf("opera/9.5") != -1 || ua.indexOf("opera 9.5") != -1; var is_opera96 = ua.indexOf("opera/9.6") != -1 || ua.indexOf("opera 9.6") != -1; var is_opera95up = is_opera95 || is_opera96; var is_ff = (ua.indexOf("firefox") != -1 || ua.indexOf("iceweasel") != -1 || ua.indexOf("icecat") != -1) && !is_opera; var is_gecko = ua.indexOf('gecko') != -1 && !is_opera; var is_chrome = ua.indexOf('chrome') != -1; var is_safari = ua.indexOf('applewebkit') != -1 && !is_chrome; var is_ie = ua.indexOf("msie") != -1 && !is_opera; var is_ie4 = is_ie && ua.indexOf("msie 4") != -1; var is_ie5 = is_ie && ua.indexOf("msie 5") != -1; var is_ie50 = is_ie && ua.indexOf("msie 5.0") != -1; var is_ie55 = is_ie && ua.indexOf("msie 5.5") != -1; var is_ie5up = is_ie && !is_ie4; var is_ie6 = is_ie && ua.indexOf("msie 6") != -1; var is_ie6up = is_ie5up && !is_ie55 && !is_ie5; var is_ie6down = is_ie6 || is_ie5 || is_ie4; var is_ie7 = is_ie && ua.indexOf("msie 7") != -1; var is_ie7up = is_ie6up && !is_ie6; var is_ie7down = is_ie7 || is_ie6 || is_ie5 || is_ie4; var is_ie8 = is_ie && ua.indexOf("msie 8") != -1; var is_ie8up = is_ie8 && !is_ie7down; var is_phone = ua.indexOf("iphone") != -1 || ua.indexOf("ipod") != -1; var ajax_indicator_ele = null; // Define document.getElementById for Internet Explorer 4. if (typeof(document.getElementById) == "undefined") document.getElementById = function (id) { // Just return the corresponding index of all. return document.all[id]; } // Define XMLHttpRequest for IE 5 and above. (don't bother for IE 4 :/.... works in Opera 7.6 and Safari 1.2!) else if (!window.XMLHttpRequest && window.ActiveXObject) window.XMLHttpRequest = function () { return new ActiveXObject(is_ie5 ? "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" : "MSXML2.XMLHTTP"); }; // Ensure the getElementsByTagName exists. if (typeof(document.getElementsByTagName) == "undefined") document.getElementsByTagName = function (name) { // Just return the tags with this name. return document.all.tags[name]; } // Some older versions of Mozilla don't have this, for some reason. if (typeof(document.forms) == "undefined") document.forms = document.getElementsByTagName("form"); // Load an XML document using XMLHttpRequest. function getXMLDocument(sUrl, funcCallback) { if (!window.XMLHttpRequest) return null; var oMyDoc = new XMLHttpRequest(); var bAsync = typeof(funcCallback) != 'undefined'; var oCaller = this; if (bAsync) { oMyDoc.onreadystatechange = function () { if (oMyDoc.readyState != 4) return; if (oMyDoc.responseXML != null && oMyDoc.status == 200) { if (funcCallback.call) { funcCallback.call(oCaller, oMyDoc.responseXML); } // A primitive substitute for the call method to support IE 5.0. else { oCaller.tmpMethod = funcCallback; oCaller.tmpMethod(oMyDoc.responseXML); delete oCaller.tmpMethod; } } }; } oMyDoc.open('GET', sUrl, bAsync); oMyDoc.send(null); return oMyDoc; } // Send a post form to the server using XMLHttpRequest. function sendXMLDocument(sUrl, sContent, funcCallback) { if (!window.XMLHttpRequest) return false; var sendDoc = new window.XMLHttpRequest(); var oCaller = this; if (typeof(funcCallback) != 'undefined') { sendDoc.onreadystatechange = function () { if (sendDoc.readyState != 4) return; if (sendDoc.responseXML != null && sendDoc.status == 200) funcCallback.call(oCaller, sendDoc.responseXML); else funcCallback.call(oCaller, false); }; } sendDoc.open('POST', sUrl, true); if (typeof(sendDoc.setRequestHeader) != 'undefined') sendDoc.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); sendDoc.send(sContent); return true; } // Character-level replacement function. String.prototype.php_strtr = function (sFrom, sTo) { return this.replace(new RegExp('[' + sFrom + ']', 'g'), function (sMatch) { return sTo.charAt(sFrom.indexOf(sMatch)); }); } // Simulate PHP's strtolower (in SOME cases PHP uses ISO-8859-1 case folding). String.prototype.php_strtolower = function () { return typeof(smf_iso_case_folding) != "undefined" && smf_iso_case_folding == true ? this.php_strtr( 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\x8a\x8c\x8e\x9f\xc0\xc1\xc2\xc3\xc4\xc5\xc6\xc7\xc8\xc9\xca\xcb\xcc\xcd\xce\xcf\xd0\xd1\xd2\xd3\xd4\xd5\xd6\xd7\xd8\xd9\xda\xdb\xdc\xdd\xde', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\x9a\x9c\x9e\xff\xe0\xe1\xe2\xe3\xe4\xe5\xe6\xe7\xe8\xe9\xea\xeb\xec\xed\xee\xef\xf0\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5\xf6\xf7\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd\xfe' ) : this.php_strtr('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'); } // A property we'll be needing for php_to8bit. String.prototype.oCharsetConversion = { from: '', to: '' }; // Convert a string to an 8 bit representation (like in PHP). String.prototype.php_to8bit = function () { if (smf_charset == 'UTF-8') { var n, sReturn = ''; for (var i = 0, iTextLen = this.length; i < iTextLen; i++) { n = this.charCodeAt(i); if (n < 128) sReturn += String.fromCharCode(n) else if (n < 2048) sReturn += String.fromCharCode(192 | n >> 6) + String.fromCharCode(128 | n & 63); else if (n < 65536) sReturn += String.fromCharCode(224 | n >> 12) + String.fromCharCode(128 | n >> 6 & 63) + String.fromCharCode(128 | n & 63); else sReturn += String.fromCharCode(240 | n >> 18) + String.fromCharCode(128 | n >> 12 & 63) + String.fromCharCode(128 | n >> 6 & 63) + String.fromCharCode(128 | n & 63); } return sReturn; } else if (typeof(this.oCharsetConversion) == 'undefined') { switch (smf_charset) { case 'ISO-8859-1': this.oCharsetConversion = { from: '\xa0-\xff', to: '\xa0-\xff' }; break; case 'ISO-8859-2': this.oCharsetConversion = { from: '\xa0\u0104\u02d8\u0141\xa4\u013d\u015a\xa7\xa8\u0160\u015e\u0164\u0179\xad\u017d\u017b\xb0\u0105\u02db\u0142\xb4\u013e\u015b\u02c7\xb8\u0161\u015f\u0165\u017a\u02dd\u017e\u017c\u0154\xc1\xc2\u0102\xc4\u0139\u0106\xc7\u010c\xc9\u0118\xcb\u011a\xcd\xce\u010e\u0110\u0143\u0147\xd3\xd4\u0150\xd6\xd7\u0158\u016e\xda\u0170\xdc\xdd\u0162\xdf\u0155\xe1\xe2\u0103\xe4\u013a\u0107\xe7\u010d\xe9\u0119\xeb\u011b\xed\xee\u010f\u0111\u0144\u0148\xf3\xf4\u0151\xf6\xf7\u0159\u016f\xfa\u0171\xfc\xfd\u0163\u02d9', to: '\xa0-\xff' }; break; case 'ISO-8859-5': this.oCharsetConversion = { from: '\xa0\u0401-\u040c\xad\u040e-\u044f\u2116\u0451-\u045c\xa7\u045e\u045f', to: '\xa0-\xff' }; break; case 'ISO-8859-9': this.oCharsetConversion = { from: '\xa0-\xcf\u011e\xd1-\xdc\u0130\u015e\xdf-\xef\u011f\xf1-\xfc\u0131\u015f\xff', to: '\xa0-\xff' }; break; case 'ISO-8859-15': this.oCharsetConversion = { from: '\xa0-\xa3\u20ac\xa5\u0160\xa7\u0161\xa9-\xb3\u017d\xb5-\xb7\u017e\xb9-\xbb\u0152\u0153\u0178\xbf-\xff', to: '\xa0-\xff' }; break; case 'tis-620': this.oCharsetConversion = { from: '\u20ac\u2026\u2018\u2019\u201c\u201d\u2022\u2013\u2014\xa0\u0e01-\u0e3a\u0e3f-\u0e5b', to: '\x80\x85\x91-\x97\xa0-\xda\xdf-\xfb' }; break; case 'windows-1251': this.oCharsetConversion = { from: '\u0402\u0403\u201a\u0453\u201e\u2026\u2020\u2021\u20ac\u2030\u0409\u2039\u040a\u040c\u040b\u040f\u0452\u2018\u2019\u201c\u201d\u2022\u2013\u2014\u2122\u0459\u203a\u045a\u045c\u045b\u045f\xa0\u040e\u045e\u0408\xa4\u0490\xa6\xa7\u0401\xa9\u0404\xab-\xae\u0407\xb0\xb1\u0406\u0456\u0491\xb5-\xb7\u0451\u2116\u0454\xbb\u0458\u0405\u0455\u0457\u0410-\u044f', to: '\x80-\x97\x99-\xff' }; break; case 'windows-1253': this.oCharsetConversion = { from: '\u20ac\u201a\u0192\u201e\u2026\u2020\u2021\u2030\u2039\u2018\u2019\u201c\u201d\u2022\u2013\u2014\u2122\u203a\xa0\u0385\u0386\xa3-\xa9\xab-\xae\u2015\xb0-\xb3\u0384\xb5-\xb7\u0388-\u038a\xbb\u038c\xbd\u038e-\u03a1\u03a3-\u03ce', to: '\x80\x82-\x87\x89\x8b\x91-\x97\x99\x9b\xa0-\xa9\xab-\xd1\xd3-\xfe' }; break; case 'windows-1255': this.oCharsetConversion = { from: '\u20ac\u201a\u0192\u201e\u2026\u2020\u2021\u02c6\u2030\u2039\u2018\u2019\u201c\u201d\u2022\u2013\u2014\u02dc\u2122\u203a\xa0-\xa3\u20aa\xa5-\xa9\xd7\xab-\xb9\xf7\xbb-\xbf\u05b0-\u05b9\u05bb-\u05c3\u05f0-\u05f4\u05d0-\u05ea\u200e\u200f', to: '\x80\x82-\x89\x8b\x91-\x99\x9b\xa0-\xc9\xcb-\xd8\xe0-\xfa\xfd\xfe' }; break; case 'windows-1256': this.oCharsetConversion = { from: '\u20ac\u067e\u201a\u0192\u201e\u2026\u2020\u2021\u02c6\u2030\u0679\u2039\u0152\u0686\u0698\u0688\u06af\u2018\u2019\u201c\u201d\u2022\u2013\u2014\u06a9\u2122\u0691\u203a\u0153\u200c\u200d\u06ba\xa0\u060c\xa2-\xa9\u06be\xab-\xb9\u061b\xbb-\xbe\u061f\u06c1\u0621-\u0636\xd7\u0637-\u063a\u0640-\u0643\xe0\u0644\xe2\u0645-\u0648\xe7-\xeb\u0649\u064a\xee\xef\u064b-\u064e\xf4\u064f\u0650\xf7\u0651\xf9\u0652\xfb\xfc\u200e\u200f\u06d2', to: '\x80-\xff' }; break; default: this.oCharsetConversion = { from: '', to: '' }; break; } var funcExpandString = function (sSearch) { var sInsert = ''; for (var i = sSearch.charCodeAt(0), n = sSearch.charCodeAt(2); i <= n; i++) sInsert += String.fromCharCode(i); return sInsert; }; this.oCharsetConversion.from = this.oCharsetConversion.from.replace(/.\-./g, funcExpandString); this.oCharsetConversion.to = this.oCharsetConversion.to.replace(/.\-./g, funcExpandString); } var sReturn = '', iOffsetFrom = 0, iOffsetTo = 0; for (var i = 0, n = this.length; i < n; i++) { iOffsetFrom = this.oCharsetConversion.from.indexOf(this.charAt(i)); sReturn += iOffsetFrom > - 1 ? this.oCharsetConversion.to.charAt(iOffsetFrom) : (this.charCodeAt(i) > 127 ? '&#' + this.charCodeAt(i) + ';' : this.charAt(i)); } return sReturn } String.prototype.php_urlencode = function() { return escape(this).replace(/\+/g, '%2b').replace('*', '%2a').replace('/', '%2f').replace('@', '%40'); } String.prototype._replaceEntities = function(sInput, sDummy, sNum) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(sNum)); } String.prototype.removeEntities = function() { return this.replace(/&(amp;)?#(\d+);/g, this._replaceEntities); } // Open a new window. function reqWin(desktopURL, alternateWidth, alternateHeight, noScrollbars) { if ((alternateWidth && self.screen.availWidth * 0.8 < alternateWidth) || (alternateHeight && self.screen.availHeight * 0.8 < alternateHeight)) { noScrollbars = false; alternateWidth = Math.min(alternateWidth, self.screen.availWidth * 0.8); alternateHeight = Math.min(alternateHeight, self.screen.availHeight * 0.8); } else noScrollbars = typeof(noScrollbars) != "undefined" && noScrollbars == true; window.open(desktopURL, 'requested_popup', 'toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=' + (noScrollbars ? 'no' : 'yes') + ',width=' + (alternateWidth ? alternateWidth : 480) + ',height=' + (alternateHeight ? alternateHeight : 220) + ',resizable=no'); // Return false so the click won't follow the link ;). return false; } // Remember the current position. function storeCaret(text) { // Only bother if it will be useful. if (typeof(text.createTextRange) != "undefined") text.caretPos = document.selection.createRange().duplicate(); } // Replaces the currently selected text with the passed text. function replaceText(text, textarea) { // Attempt to create a text range (IE). if (typeof(textarea.caretPos) != "undefined" && textarea.createTextRange) { var caretPos = textarea.caretPos; caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) == ' ' ? text + ' ' : text; caretPos.select(); } // Mozilla text range replace. else if (typeof(textarea.selectionStart) != "undefined") { var begin = textarea.value.substr(0, textarea.selectionStart); var end = textarea.value.substr(textarea.selectionEnd); var scrollPos = textarea.scrollTop; textarea.value = begin + text + end; if (textarea.setSelectionRange) { textarea.focus(); textarea.setSelectionRange(begin.length + text.length, begin.length + text.length); } textarea.scrollTop = scrollPos; } // Just put it on the end. else { textarea.value += text; textarea.focus(textarea.value.length - 1); } } // Surrounds the selected text with text1 and text2. function surroundText(text1, text2, textarea) { // Can a text range be created? if (typeof(textarea.caretPos) != "undefined" && textarea.createTextRange) { var caretPos = textarea.caretPos, temp_length = caretPos.text.length; caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) == ' ' ? text1 + caretPos.text + text2 + ' ' : text1 + caretPos.text + text2; if (temp_length == 0) { caretPos.moveStart("character", -text2.length); caretPos.moveEnd("character", -text2.length); caretPos.select(); } else textarea.focus(caretPos); } // Mozilla text range wrap. else if (typeof(textarea.selectionStart) != "undefined") { var begin = textarea.value.substr(0, textarea.selectionStart); var selection = textarea.value.substr(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.selectionEnd - textarea.selectionStart); var end = textarea.value.substr(textarea.selectionEnd); var newCursorPos = textarea.selectionStart; var scrollPos = textarea.scrollTop; textarea.value = begin + text1 + selection + text2 + end; if (textarea.setSelectionRange) { if (selection.length == 0) textarea.setSelectionRange(newCursorPos + text1.length, newCursorPos + text1.length); else textarea.setSelectionRange(newCursorPos, newCursorPos + text1.length + selection.length + text2.length); textarea.focus(); } textarea.scrollTop = scrollPos; } // Just put them on the end, then. else { textarea.value += text1 + text2; textarea.focus(textarea.value.length - 1); } } // Checks if the passed input's value is nothing. function isEmptyText(theField) { // Copy the value so changes can be made.. var theValue = theField.value; // Strip whitespace off the left side. while (theValue.length > 0 && (theValue.charAt(0) == ' ' || theValue.charAt(0) == '\t')) theValue = theValue.substring(1, theValue.length); // Strip whitespace off the right side. while (theValue.length > 0 && (theValue.charAt(theValue.length - 1) == ' ' || theValue.charAt(theValue.length - 1) == '\t')) theValue = theValue.substring(0, theValue.length - 1); if (theValue == '') return true; else return false; } // Only allow form submission ONCE. function submitonce(theform) { smf_formSubmitted = true; // If there are any editors warn them submit is coming! for (var i = 0; i < smf_editorArray.length; i++) smf_editorArray[i].doSubmit(); } function submitThisOnce(form) { // Hateful, hateful fix for Safari 1.3 beta. if (is_safari) return !smf_formSubmitted; if (typeof(form.form) != "undefined") form = form.form; for (var i = 0; i < form.length; i++) if (typeof(form[i]) != "undefined" && form[i].tagName.toLowerCase() == "textarea") form[i].readOnly = true; return !smf_formSubmitted; } // Set the "inside" HTML of an element. function setInnerHTML(element, toValue) { // IE has this built in... if (typeof(element.innerHTML) != 'undefined') element.innerHTML = toValue; // Otherwise, try createContextualFragment(). else { var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(element); range.deleteContents(); element.appendChild(range.createContextualFragment(toValue)); } } // Set the "outer" HTML of an element. function setOuterHTML(element, toValue) { if (typeof(element.outerHTML) != 'undefined') element.outerHTML = toValue; else { var range = document.createRange(); range.setStartBefore(element); element.parentNode.replaceChild(range.createContextualFragment(toValue), element); } } // Get the inner HTML of an element. function getInnerHTML(element) { if (typeof(element.innerHTML) != 'undefined') return element.innerHTML; else { var returnStr = ''; for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) returnStr += getOuterHTML(element.childNodes[i]); return returnStr; } } function getOuterHTML(node) { if (typeof(node.outerHTML) != 'undefined') return node.outerHTML; var str = ''; switch (node.nodeType) { // An element. case 1: str += '<' + node.nodeName; for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; i++) { if (node.attributes[i].nodeValue != null) str += ' ' + node.attributes[i].nodeName + '="' + node.attributes[i].nodeValue + '"'; } if (node.childNodes.length == 0 && in_array(node.nodeName.toLowerCase(), ['hr', 'input', 'img', 'link', 'meta', 'br'])) str += ' />'; else str += '>' + getInnerHTML(node) + '</' + node.nodeName + '>'; break; // 2 is an attribute. // Just some text.. case 3: str += node.nodeValue; break; // A CDATA section. case 4: str += '<![CDATA' + '[' + node.nodeValue + ']' + ']>'; break; // Entity reference.. case 5: str += '&' + node.nodeName + ';'; break; // 6 is an actual entity, 7 is a PI. // Comment. case 8: str += '<!--' + node.nodeValue + '-->'; break; } return str; } // Checks for variable in theArray. function in_array(variable, theArray) { for (var i in theArray) if (theArray[i] == variable) return true; return false; } // Checks for variable in theArray. function array_search(variable, theArray) { for (var i in theArray) if (theArray[i] == variable) return i; return null; } // Find a specific radio button in its group and select it. function selectRadioByName(radioGroup, name) { if (typeof(radioGroup.length) == "undefined") return radioGroup.checked = true; for (var i = 0; i < radioGroup.length; i++) if (radioGroup[i].value == name) return radioGroup[i].checked = true; return false; } // Invert all checkboxes at once by clicking a single checkbox. function invertAll(headerfield, checkform, mask, ignore_disabled) { for (var i = 0; i < checkform.length; i++) { if (typeof(checkform[i].name) == "undefined" || (typeof(mask) != "undefined" && checkform[i].name.substr(0, mask.length) != mask && checkform[i].id.substr(0, mask.length) != mask)) continue; if (!checkform[i].disabled || typeof(ignore_disabled) != "undefined") checkform[i].checked = headerfield.checked; } } // Keep the session alive - always! var lastKeepAliveCheck = new Date().getTime(); function smf_sessionKeepAlive() { var curTime = new Date().getTime(); // Prevent a Firefox bug from hammering the server. if (smf_scripturl && curTime - lastKeepAliveCheck > 900000) { var tempImage = new Image(); tempImage.src = smf_scripturl + (smf_scripturl.indexOf('?') == -1 ? '?' : '&') + 'action=keepalive;time=' + curTime; lastKeepAliveCheck = curTime; } window.setTimeout("smf_sessionKeepAlive();", 1200000); } window.setTimeout("smf_sessionKeepAlive();", 1200000); // Set a theme option through javascript. function smf_setThemeOption(option, value, theme, cur_session_id, additional_vars) { // Compatibility. if (cur_session_id == null) cur_session_id = smf_session_id; if (additional_vars == null) additional_vars = ''; var tempImage = new Image(); tempImage.src = smf_scripturl + (smf_scripturl.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&") + "action=jsoption;var=" + option + ";val=" + value + ";sesc=" + cur_session_id + additional_vars + (theme == null ? "" : "&id=" + theme) + ";" + (new Date().getTime()); } function smf_avatarResize() { var possibleAvatars = document.getElementsByTagName("img"); for (var i = 0; i < possibleAvatars.length; i++) { if (possibleAvatars[i].className != "avatar") continue; var tempAvatar = new Image(); tempAvatar.src = possibleAvatars[i].src; if (smf_avatarMaxWidth != 0 && tempAvatar.width > smf_avatarMaxWidth) { possibleAvatars[i].height = (smf_avatarMaxWidth * tempAvatar.height) / tempAvatar.width; possibleAvatars[i].width = smf_avatarMaxWidth; } else if (smf_avatarMaxHeight != 0 && tempAvatar.height > smf_avatarMaxHeight) { possibleAvatars[i].width = (smf_avatarMaxHeight * tempAvatar.width) / tempAvatar.height; possibleAvatars[i].height = smf_avatarMaxHeight; } else { possibleAvatars[i].width = tempAvatar.width; possibleAvatars[i].height = tempAvatar.height; } } if (typeof(window_oldAvatarOnload) != "undefined" && window_oldAvatarOnload) { window_oldAvatarOnload(); window_oldAvatarOnload = null; } } function hashLoginPassword(doForm, cur_session_id) { // Compatibility. if (cur_session_id == null) cur_session_id = smf_session_id; if (typeof(hex_sha1) == "undefined") return; // Are they using an email address? if (doForm.user.value.indexOf("@") != -1) return; // Unless the browser is Opera, the password will not save properly. if (typeof(window.opera) == "undefined") doForm.passwrd.autocomplete = "off"; doForm.hash_passwrd.value = hex_sha1(hex_sha1(doForm.user.value.php_to8bit().php_strtolower() + doForm.passwrd.value.php_to8bit()) + cur_session_id); // It looks nicer to fill it with asterisks, but Firefox will try to save that. if (is_ff != -1) doForm.passwrd.value = ""; else doForm.passwrd.value = doForm.passwrd.value.replace(/./g, "*"); } function hashAdminPassword(doForm, username, cur_session_id) { // Compatibility. if (cur_session_id == null) cur_session_id = smf_session_id; if (typeof(hex_sha1) == "undefined") return; doForm.admin_hash_pass.value = hex_sha1(hex_sha1(username.toLowerCase() + doForm.admin_pass.value) + cur_session_id); doForm.admin_pass.value = doForm.admin_pass.value.replace(/./g, "*"); } // Shows the page numbers by clicking the dots (in compact view). function expandPages(spanNode, baseURL, firstPage, lastPage, perPage) { var replacement = '', i, oldLastPage = 0; var perPageLimit = 50; // The dots were bold, the page numbers are not (in most cases). spanNode.style.fontWeight = 'normal'; spanNode.onclick = ''; // Prevent too many pages to be loaded at once. if ((lastPage - firstPage) / perPage > perPageLimit) { oldLastPage = lastPage; lastPage = firstPage + perPageLimit * perPage; } // Calculate the new pages. for (i = firstPage; i < lastPage; i += perPage) replacement += '<a class="navPages" href="' + baseURL.replace(/%d/, i) + '">' + (1 + i / perPage) + '</a> '; if (oldLastPage > 0) replacement += '<span style="font-weight: bold; cursor: ' + (is_ie && !is_ie6up ? 'hand' : 'pointer') + ';" onclick="expandPages(this, \'' + baseURL + '\', ' + lastPage + ', ' + oldLastPage + ', ' + perPage + ');"> ... </span> '; // Replace the dots by the new page links. setInnerHTML(spanNode, replacement); } // An show/hide object - like a header. function smfToggle(uniqueId, initialState) { this.uid = uniqueId; this.state = initialState; this.use_cookie = 0; // Needed for setting theme options - kept hidden! var themeOptions = Array(5); themeOptions[0] = null; this.useCookie = useCookie; this.toggle = toggleHeader; this.setOptions = setOptions; this.imageToggles = new Array(); this.panelToggles = new Array(); this.addToggleImage = addToggleImage; this.addTogglePanel = addTogglePanel; // Should the shrinker use a cookie? function useCookie(mode) { this.use_cookie = mode ? 1 : 0; } // Actually shrink the header! function toggleHeader(mode) { // Just a toggle? if (mode == null) mode = !this.state; // Do we need to set a cookie? if (this.use_cookie) document.cookie = this.uid + '=' + (mode ? 1 : 0); // Set a theme option? if (themeOptions[0] != null) { var curMode = themeOptions[2] ? !mode : mode; smf_setThemeOption(themeOptions[0], curMode ? 1 : 0, themeOptions[3] == 0 ? null : themeOptions[3], themeOptions[1], themeOptions[4]); } // Toggle the images. var x = 0; for (x = 0; x < this.imageToggles.length; x++) { var curImage = document.getElementById(this.imageToggles[x][0]); if (curImage) curImage.src = mode ? this.imageToggles[x][2] : this.imageToggles[x][1]; } // Now toggle the panels. for (x = 0; x < this.panelToggles.length; x++) { // Inverse? var curMode = this.panelToggles[x][1] ? !mode : mode; var curPanel = document.getElementById(this.panelToggles[x][0]); if (curPanel) curPanel.style.display = curMode ? "none" : ""; } this.state = mode; } // Set the theme option that should change with this. function setOptions(newThemeOptions, sessID, flip, themeID, preferenceKey) { themeOptions[0] = newThemeOptions; themeOptions[1] = sessID; themeOptions[2] = flip == null ? 0 : 1; themeOptions[3] = themeID == null ? 0 : themeID; themeOptions[4] = preferenceKey == null ? '' : ';admin_key=' + preferenceKey; } // Add an image to toggle (id, mode = 0 image, mode = 1 image) function addToggleImage(imageID, mode0Image, mode1Image, useImagePath) { var curIndex = this.imageToggles.length; this.imageToggles[curIndex] = Array(3); this.imageToggles[curIndex][0] = imageID; this.imageToggles[curIndex][1] = (useImagePath == null ? smf_images_url : '') + mode0Image; this.imageToggles[curIndex][2] = (useImagePath == null ? smf_images_url : '') + mode1Image; } // Add a panel which should toggle with the header. function addTogglePanel(panelID, flip) { var curIndex = this.panelToggles.length; this.panelToggles[curIndex] = Array(2); this.panelToggles[curIndex][0] = panelID; this.panelToggles[curIndex][1] = flip == null ? 0 : 1; } } function ajax_indicator(turn_on) { if (ajax_indicator_ele == null) { ajax_indicator_ele = document.getElementById("ajax_in_progress"); if (ajax_indicator_ele == null && typeof(ajax_notification_text) != null) { create_ajax_indicator_ele(); } } if (ajax_indicator_ele != null) { if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && !is_ie7up) { ajax_indicator_ele.style.position = "absolute"; ajax_indicator_ele.style.top = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } ajax_indicator_ele.style.display = turn_on ? "block" : "none"; } } function create_ajax_indicator_ele() { // Create the div for the indicator. ajax_indicator_ele = document.createElement("div"); // Set the id so it'll load the style properly. ajax_indicator_ele.id = "ajax_in_progress"; // Add the image in and link to turn it off. var cancel_link = document.createElement("a"); cancel_link.href = "javascript:ajax_indicator(false)"; var cancel_img = document.createElement("img"); cancel_img.src = smf_images_url + "/icons/quick_remove.gif"; if (typeof(ajax_notification_cancel_text) != null) { cancel_img.alt = ajax_notification_cancel_text; cancel_img.title = ajax_notification_cancel_text; } // Add the cancel link and image to the indicator. cancel_link.appendChild(cancel_img); ajax_indicator_ele.appendChild(cancel_link); // Set the text. (Note: You MUST append here and not overwrite.) ajax_indicator_ele.innerHTML += ajax_notification_text; // Finally attach the element to the body. document.body.appendChild(ajax_indicator_ele); } // Mimics the PHP version of this function. function smf_htmlspecialchars(text) { text = text.replace(/&/g, '&'); text = text.replace(/</g, '<'); text = text.replace(/>/g, '>'); text = text.replace(/"/g, '"'); return text; } // Mimics the PHP version of this function - like the above. function smf_unhtmlspecialchars(text) { text = text.replace(/&/g, '&'); text = text.replace(/</g, '<'); text = text.replace(/>/g, '>'); text = text.replace(/"/g, '"'); return text; } // This will escape single quotes, kinda like PHP. function smf_addslashes(text) { text = text.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/'/g, '\\\''); return text; } function createEventListener(oTarget) { if (typeof(oTarget.addEventListener) == 'undefined') { if (oTarget.attachEvent) { oTarget.addEventListener = function (sEvent, funcHandler, bCapture) { oTarget.attachEvent('on' + sEvent, funcHandler); } oTarget.removeEventListener = function (sEvent, funcHandler, bCapture) { oTarget.detachEvent('on' + sEvent, funcHandler); } } else { oTarget.addEventListener = function (sEvent, funcHandler, bCapture) { oTarget['on' + sEvent] = funcHandler; } oTarget.removeEventListener = function (sEvent, funcHandler, bCapture) { oTarget['on' + sEvent] = null; } } } } // This function will retrieve the contents needed for the jump to boxes. function grabJumpToContent() { var oXMLDoc = getXMLDocument(smf_prepareScriptUrl(smf_scripturl) + "action=xmlhttp;sa=jumpto;xml"); var aBoardsAndCategories = new Array(); ajax_indicator(true); if (oXMLDoc.responseXML) { var items = oXMLDoc.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('smf')[0].getElementsByTagName('item'); for (var i = 0, n = items.length; i < n; i++) { aBoardsAndCategories[aBoardsAndCategories.length] = { id: parseInt(items[i].getAttribute('id')), isCategory: items[i].getAttribute('type') == 'category', name: items[i].firstChild.nodeValue.removeEntities(), is_current: false, childLevel: parseInt(items[i].getAttribute('childlevel')) } } } ajax_indicator(false); for (var i = 0, n = aJumpTo.length; i < n; i++) aJumpTo[i].fillSelect(aBoardsAndCategories); } // This'll contain all JumpTo objects on the page. var aJumpTo = new Array(); // *** JumpTo class. function JumpTo(oJumpToOptions) { this.opt = oJumpToOptions; this.dropdownList = null; this.showSelect(); } // Show the initial select box (onload). Method of the JumpTo class. JumpTo.prototype.showSelect = function () { var sChildLevelPrefix = ''; for (var i = this.opt.iCurBoardChildLevel; i > 0; i--) sChildLevelPrefix += this.opt.sBoardChildLevelIndicator; setInnerHTML(document.getElementById(this.opt.sContainerId), this.opt.sJumpToTemplate.replace(/%select_id%/, this.opt.sContainerId + '_select').replace(/%dropdown_list%/, '<select name="' + this.opt.sContainerId + '_select" id="' + this.opt.sContainerId + '_select" ' + (typeof(document.implementation) == 'undefined' ? 'onmouseover="grabJumpToContent();" ' : '') + (typeof(document.onbeforeactivate) == 'undefined' ? 'onfocus' : 'onbeforeactivate') + '="grabJumpToContent();"><option value="?board=' + this.opt.iCurBoardId + '.0">' + sChildLevelPrefix + this.opt.sBoardPrefix + this.opt.sCurBoardName.removeEntities() + '</option></select> <input type="button" value="' + this.opt.sGoButtonLabel + '" onclick="window.location.href = \'' + smf_scripturl + '?board=' + this.opt.iCurBoardId + '.0\';" />')); this.dropdownList = document.getElementById(this.opt.sContainerId + '_select'); } // Fill the jump to box with entries. Method of the JumpTo class. JumpTo.prototype.fillSelect = function (aBoardsAndCategories) { var bIE5x = typeof(document.implementation) == 'undefined'; var iIndexPointer = 0; // Create an option that'll be above and below the category. var oDashOption = document.createElement('option'); oDashOption.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.opt.sCatSeparator)); oDashOption.disabled = 'disabled'; oDashOption.value = ''; // Reset the events and clear the list (IE5.x only). if (bIE5x) { this.dropdownList.onmouseover = null; this.dropdownList.remove(0); } if (typeof(document.onbeforeactivate) == 'undefined') this.dropdownList.onfocus = null; else this.dropdownList.onbeforeactivate = null; // Create a document fragment that'll allowing inserting big parts at once. var oListFragment = bIE5x ? this.dropdownList : document.createDocumentFragment(); // Loop through all items to be added. for (var i = 0, n = aBoardsAndCategories.length; i < n; i++) { var j, sChildLevelPrefix, oOption; // If we've reached the currently selected board add all items so far. if (!aBoardsAndCategories[i].isCategory && aBoardsAndCategories[i].id == this.opt.iCurBoardId) { if (bIE5x) iIndexPointer = this.dropdownList.options.length; else { this.dropdownList.insertBefore(oListFragment, this.dropdownList.options[0]); oListFragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); continue; } } if (aBoardsAndCategories[i].isCategory) oListFragment.appendChild(oDashOption.cloneNode(true)); else for (j = aBoardsAndCategories[i].childLevel, sChildLevelPrefix = ''; j > 0; j--) sChildLevelPrefix += this.opt.sBoardChildLevelIndicator; oOption = document.createElement('option'); oOption.appendChild(document.createTextNode((aBoardsAndCategories[i].isCategory ? this.opt.sCatPrefix : sChildLevelPrefix + this.opt.sBoardPrefix) + aBoardsAndCategories[i].name)); oOption.value = aBoardsAndCategories[i].isCategory ? '#c' + aBoardsAndCategories[i].id : '?board=' + aBoardsAndCategories[i].id + '.0'; oListFragment.appendChild(oOption); if (aBoardsAndCategories[i].isCategory) oListFragment.appendChild(oDashOption.cloneNode(true)); } // Add the remaining items after the currently selected item. this.dropdownList.appendChild(oListFragment); if (bIE5x) this.dropdownList.options[iIndexPointer].selected = true; // Internet Explorer needs this to keep the box dropped down. this.dropdownList.style.width = 'auto'; this.dropdownList.focus(); // Add an onchange action this.dropdownList.onchange = function() { if (this.selectedIndex > 0 && this.options[this.selectedIndex].value) window.location.href = smf_scripturl + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value.substr(smf_scripturl.indexOf('?') == -1 || this.options[this.selectedIndex].value.substr(0, 1) != '?' ? 0 : 1); } } // A global array containing all IconList objects. var aIconLists = new Array(); // *** IconList object. function IconList(oOptions) { if (!window.XMLHttpRequest) return; this.opt = oOptions; this.bListLoaded = false; this.oContainerDiv = null; this.funcMousedownHandler = null; this.funcParent = this; this.iCurMessageId = 0; this.iCurTimeout = 0; this.initIcons(); } // Replace all message icons by icons with hoverable and clickable div's. IconList.prototype.initIcons = function () { for (var i = document.images.length - 1, iPrefixLength = this.opt.sIconIdPrefix.length; i >= 0; i--) if (document.images[i].id.substr(0, iPrefixLength) == this.opt.sIconIdPrefix) setOuterHTML(document.images[i], '<div title="' + this.opt.sLabelIconList + '" onclick="' + this.opt.sBackReference + '.openPopup(this, ' + document.images[i].id.substr(iPrefixLength) + ')" onmouseover="' + this.opt.sBackReference + '.onBoxHover(this, true)" onmouseout="' + this.opt.sBackReference + '.onBoxHover(this, false)" style="background: ' + this.opt.sBoxBackground + '; cursor: ' + (is_ie && !is_ie6up ? 'hand' : 'pointer') + '; padding: 3px; text-align: center;"><img src="' + document.images[i].src + '" alt="' + document.images[i].alt + '" style="margin: 0px; padding: ' + (is_ie ? '3px' : '3px 0px 3px 0px') + ';" /></div>'); } // Event for the mouse hovering over the original icon. IconList.prototype.onBoxHover = function (oDiv, bMouseOver) { oDiv.style.border = bMouseOver ? this.opt.iBoxBorderWidthHover + 'px solid ' + this.opt.sBoxBorderColorHover : ''; oDiv.style.background = bMouseOver ? this.opt.sBoxBackgroundHover : this.opt.sBoxBackground; oDiv.style.padding = bMouseOver ? (3 - this.opt.iBoxBorderWidthHover) + 'px' : '3px' } // Show the list of icons after the user clicked the original icon. IconList.prototype.openPopup = function (oDiv, iMessageId) { if (!this.bListLoaded && this.oContainerDiv == null) { // Create a container div. this.oContainerDiv = document.createElement('div'); this.oContainerDiv.id = 'iconList'; this.oContainerDiv.style.display = 'none'; this.oContainerDiv.style.cursor = is_ie && !is_ie6up ? 'hand' : 'pointer'; this.oContainerDiv.style.position = 'absolute'; this.oContainerDiv.style.width = oDiv.offsetWidth + 'px'; this.oContainerDiv.style.background = this.opt.sContainerBackground; this.oContainerDiv.style.border = this.opt.sContainerBorder; this.oContainerDiv.style.padding = '1px'; this.oContainerDiv.style.textAlign = 'center'; document.body.appendChild(this.oContainerDiv); // Start to fetch its contents. ajax_indicator(true); this.tmpMethod = getXMLDocument; this.tmpMethod(smf_prepareScriptUrl(this.opt.sScriptUrl) + 'action=xmlhttp;sa=messageicons;board=' + this.opt.iBoardId + ';xml', this.onIconsReceived); delete this.tmpMethod; createEventListener(document.body); } this.iCurMessageId = iMessageId; // Set the position of the container. var aPos = smf_itemPos(oDiv); if (is_ie50) aPos[1] += 4; this.oContainerDiv.style.top = (aPos[1] + oDiv.offsetHeight) + 'px'; this.oContainerDiv.style.left = (aPos[0] - 1) + 'px'; this.oClickedIcon = oDiv; if (this.bListLoaded) this.oContainerDiv.style.display = 'block'; document.body.addEventListener('mousedown', this.onWindowMouseDown, false); } // Setup the list of icons once it is received through xmlHTTP. IconList.prototype.onIconsReceived = function (oXMLDoc) { var icons = oXMLDoc.getElementsByTagName('smf')[0].getElementsByTagName('icon'); var sItems = ''; for (var i = 0, n = icons.length; i < n; i++) sItems += '<div onmouseover="' + this.opt.sBackReference + '.onItemHover(this, true)" onmouseout="' + this.opt.sBackReference + '.onItemHover(this, false);" onmousedown="' + this.opt.sBackReference + '.onItemMouseDown(this, \'' + icons[i].getAttribute('value') + '\');" style="padding: 3px 0px 3px 0px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: ' + this.opt.sItemBorder + '; background: ' + this.opt.sItemBackground + '"><img src="' + icons[i].getAttribute('url') + '" alt="' + icons[i].getAttribute('name') + '" title="' + icons[i].firstChild.nodeValue + '" border="0" /></div>'; setInnerHTML(this.oContainerDiv, sItems); this.oContainerDiv.style.display = 'block'; this.bListLoaded = true; if (is_ie) this.oContainerDiv.style.width = this.oContainerDiv.clientWidth + 'px'; ajax_indicator(false); } // Event handler for hovering over the icons. IconList.prototype.onItemHover = function (oDiv, bMouseOver) { oDiv.style.background = bMouseOver ? this.opt.sItemBackgroundHover : this.opt.sItemBackground; oDiv.style.border = bMouseOver ? this.opt.sItemBorderHover : this.opt.sItemBorder; if (this.iCurTimeout != 0) window.clearTimeout(this.iCurTimeout); if (bMouseOver) this.onBoxHover(this.oClickedIcon, true); else this.iCurTimeout = window.setTimeout(this.opt.sBackReference + '.collapseList();', 500); } // Event handler for clicking on one of the icons. IconList.prototype.onItemMouseDown = function (oDiv, sNewIcon) { if (this.iCurMessageId != 0) { ajax_indicator(true); this.tmpMethod = getXMLDocument; var oXMLDoc = this.tmpMethod(smf_prepareScriptUrl(this.opt.sScriptUrl) + 'action=jsmodify;topic=' + this.opt.iTopicId + ';msg=' + this.iCurMessageId + ';sesc=' + this.opt.sSessionId + ';icon=' + sNewIcon + ';xml'); delete this.tmpMethod; ajax_indicator(false); var oMessage = oXMLDoc.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('smf')[0].getElementsByTagName('message')[0]; if (oMessage.getElementsByTagName('error').length == 0) { if (this.opt.bShowModify && oMessage.getElementsByTagName('modified').length != 0) setInnerHTML(document.getElementById('modified_' + this.iCurMessageId), oMessage.getElementsByTagName('modified')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue); this.oClickedIcon.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].src = oDiv.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].src; } } } // Event handler for clicking outside the list (will make the list disappear). IconList.prototype.onWindowMouseDown = function () { for (var i = aIconLists.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { aIconLists[i].funcParent.tmpMethod = aIconLists[i].collapseList; aIconLists[i].funcParent.tmpMethod(); delete aIconLists[i].funcParent.tmpMethod; } } // Collapse the list of icons. IconList.prototype.collapseList = function() { this.onBoxHover(this.oClickedIcon, false); this.oContainerDiv.style.display = 'none'; this.iCurMessageId = 0; document.body.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.onWindowMouseDown, false); } // Handy shortcuts for getting the mouse position on the screen - only used for IE at the moment. function smf_mousePose(oEvent) { var x = 0; var y = 0; if (oEvent.pageX) { y = oEvent.pageY; x = oEvent.pageX; } else if (oEvent.clientX) { x = oEvent.clientX + (document.documentElement.scrollLeft ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft); y = oEvent.clientY + (document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop); } return [x, y]; } // Short function for finding the actual position of an item. function smf_itemPos(itemHandle) { var itemX = 0; var itemY = 0; if (typeof(itemHandle.offsetParent) != 'undefined') { itemX = itemHandle.offsetLeft; itemY = itemHandle.offsetTop; while (itemHandle.offsetParent && typeof(itemHandle.offsetParent) == 'object') { itemHandle = itemHandle.offsetParent; itemX += itemHandle.offsetLeft; itemY += itemHandle.offsetTop; } } else if (typeof(itemHandle.x) != 'undefined') { itemX = itemHandle.x; itemY = itemHandle.y; } return [itemX, itemY]; } // This function takes the script URL and prepares it to allow the query string to be appended to it. function smf_prepareScriptUrl(sUrl) { return sUrl.indexOf('?') == -1 ? sUrl + '?' : sUrl + (sUrl.charAt(sUrl.length - 1) == '?' || sUrl.charAt(sUrl.length - 1) == '&' || sUrl.charAt(sUrl.length - 1) == ';' ? '' : ';'); } var onload_events = new Array(); function add_load_event(func) { // Get the old event if there is one. var oldOnload = window.onload; // Was the old event really an event? if (typeof(oldOnload) != 'function') { // Since we don't have anything at this point just add it stright in. window.onload = func; } // So it is a function but is it our special function? else if(onload_events.length == 0) { // Nope it is just a regular function... onload_events[0] = oldOnload; onload_events[1] = func; window.onload = function() { for (var i=0; i < onload_events.length; i++) { if (onload_events[i]) { onload_events[i](); } } } } else // Ok just add it to the list of functions to call. onload_events[onload_events.length] = func; } function smfFooterHighlight(element, value) { element.src = smf_images_url + "/" + (value ? "h_" : "") + element.id + ".gif"; } // Get the text in a code tag. function smfSelectText(oCurElement, bActOnElement) { // The place we're looking for is one div up, and next door - if it's auto detect. if (typeof(bActOnElement) == 'boolean' && bActOnElement) var oCodeArea = document.getElementById(oCurElement); else var oCodeArea = oCurElement.parentNode.nextSibling; if (typeof(oCodeArea) != 'object' || oCodeArea == null) return false; // Start off with my favourite, internet explorer. if (document.body.createTextRange) { var oCurRange = document.body.createTextRange(); oCurRange.moveToElementText(oCodeArea); oCurRange.select(); } // Firefox at el. else if (window.getSelection) { var oCurSelection = window.getSelection(); // Safari is special! if (oCurSelection.setBaseAndExtent) { var oLastChild = oCodeArea.lastChild; oCurSelection.setBaseAndExtent(oCodeArea, 0, oLastChild, typeof(oLastChild.innerText) == 'undefined' ? oLastChild.textContent.length : oLastChild.innerText.length); } else { var curRange = document.createRange(); curRange.selectNodeContents(oCodeArea); oCurSelection.removeAllRanges(); oCurSelection.addRange(curRange); } } return false; }