Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/happyezystyle/board/Themes/default/languages/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/happyezystyle/board/Themes/default/languages/Who.english.php |
<?php // Version: 2.0 RC1; Who // Important! Before editing these language files please read the text at the top of index.english.php. global $scripturl, $context; $txt['who_hidden'] = '<em>Nothing, or nothing you can see...</em>'; $txt['who_unknown'] = '<em>Unknown Action</em>'; $txt['who_user'] = 'User'; $txt['who_time'] = 'Time'; $txt['who_action'] = 'Action'; $txt['who_show1'] = 'Show '; $txt['who_show_members_only'] = 'Members Only'; $txt['who_show_guests_only'] = 'Guests Only'; $txt['who_show_spiders_only'] = 'Spiders Only'; $txt['who_show_all'] = 'Everyone'; $txt['who_no_online_spiders'] = 'There are currently no spiders online.'; $txt['who_no_online_guests'] = 'There are currently no guests online.'; $txt['who_no_online_members'] = 'There are currently no members online.'; $txt['whospider_login'] = 'Viewing the login page.'; $txt['whospider_register'] = 'Viewing the registration page.'; $txt['whospider_reminder'] = 'Viewing the reminder page.'; $txt['whoall_activate'] = 'Activating their account.'; $txt['whoall_emailuser'] = 'Sending email to another member.'; $txt['whoall_groups'] = 'Viewing the member groups page.'; $txt['whoall_help'] = 'Viewing the <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=help">help page</a>.'; $txt['whoall_helpadmin'] = 'Viewing a help popup.'; $txt['whoall_pm'] = 'Viewing their messages.'; $txt['whoall_login'] = 'Logging into the forum.'; $txt['whoall_login2'] = 'Logging into the forum.'; $txt['whoall_logout'] = 'Logging out of the forum.'; $txt['whoall_markasread'] = 'Marking topics read or unread.'; $txt['whoall_news'] = 'Viewing the news.'; $txt['whoall_notify'] = 'Changing their notification settings.'; $txt['whoall_notifyboard'] = 'Changing their notification settings.'; $txt['whoall_recent'] = 'Viewing a <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=recent">list of recent topics</a>.'; $txt['whoall_register'] = 'Registering for an account on the forum.'; $txt['whoall_register2'] = 'Registering for an account on the forum.'; $txt['whoall_reminder'] = 'Requesting a password reminder.'; $txt['whoall_reporttm'] = 'Reporting a topic to a moderator.'; $txt['whoall_spellcheck'] = 'Using the spellchecker'; $txt['whoall_unread'] = 'Viewing unread topics since their last visit.'; $txt['whoall_unreadreplies'] = 'Viewing unread replies since their last visit.'; $txt['whoall_who'] = 'Viewing <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=who">Who\'s Online</a>.'; $txt['whoall_.xml'] = 'Viewing an XML feed.'; $txt['whoall_collapse_collapse'] = 'Collapsing a category.'; $txt['whoall_collapse_expand'] = 'Expanding a category.'; $txt['whoall_pm_removeall'] = 'Removing all their messages.'; $txt['whoall_pm_send'] = 'Sending a message.'; $txt['whoall_pm_send2'] = 'Sending a message.'; $txt['whotopic_dlattach'] = 'Viewing an attachment.'; $txt['whotopic_editpoll'] = 'Editing the poll in "<a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=%d.0">%s</a>".'; $txt['whotopic_mergetopics'] = 'Merging the topic "<a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=%d.0">%s</a>" with another topic.'; $txt['whotopic_movetopic'] = 'Moving the topic "<a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=%d.0">%s</a>" to another board.'; $txt['whotopic_post'] = 'Posting in <a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=%d.0">%s</a>.'; $txt['whotopic_post2'] = 'Posting in <a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=%d.0">%s</a>.'; $txt['whotopic_printpage'] = 'Printing the topic "<a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=%d.0">%s</a>".'; $txt['whotopic_sendtopic'] = 'Sending the topic "<a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=%d.0">%s</a>" to a friend.'; $txt['whotopic_splittopics'] = 'Splitting the topic "<a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=%d.0">%s</a>" into two topics.'; $txt['whotopic_vote'] = 'Voting in <a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=%d.0">%s</a>.'; $txt['whopost_quotefast'] = 'Quoting a post from "<a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=%d.0">%s</a>".'; $txt['whoadmin_editagreement'] = 'Editing the registration agreement.'; $txt['whoadmin_featuresettings'] = 'Editing forum features and options.'; $txt['whoadmin_modlog'] = 'Viewing the moderator log.'; $txt['whoadmin_serversettings'] = 'Editing the forum settings.'; $txt['whoadmin_packageget'] = 'Getting packages.'; $txt['whoadmin_packages'] = 'Viewing the package manager.'; $txt['whoadmin_permissions'] = 'Editing the forum permissions.'; $txt['whoadmin_pgdownload'] = 'Downloading a package.'; $txt['whoadmin_theme'] = 'Editing the theme settings.'; $txt['whoadmin_trackip'] = 'Tracking an IP address.'; $txt['whoallow_manageboards'] = 'Editing the board and category settings.'; $txt['whoallow_admin'] = 'Viewing the <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=admin">admin page</a>.'; $txt['whoallow_ban'] = 'Editing the ban list.'; $txt['whoallow_boardrecount'] = 'Recounting the forum totals.'; $txt['whoallow_calendar'] = 'Viewing the <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=calendar">calendar</a>.'; $txt['whoallow_editnews'] = 'Editing the news.'; $txt['whoallow_mailing'] = 'Sending a forum email.'; $txt['whoallow_maintain'] = 'Performing routine forum maintenance.'; $txt['whoallow_manageattachments'] = 'Managing the attachments.'; $txt['whoallow_mlist'] = 'Viewing the <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=mlist">memberlist</a>.'; $txt['whoallow_optimizetables'] = 'Optimizing the database tables.'; $txt['whoallow_repairboards'] = 'Repairing the database tables.'; $txt['whoallow_search'] = '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=search">Searching</a> the forum.'; $txt['whoallow_search2'] = 'Viewing the results of a search.'; $txt['whoallow_setcensor'] = 'Editing the censor text.'; $txt['whoallow_setreserve'] = 'Editing the reserved names.'; $txt['whoallow_stats'] = 'Viewing the <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=stats">forum stats</a>.'; $txt['whoallow_viewErrorLog'] = 'Viewing the error log.'; $txt['whoallow_viewmembers'] = 'Viewing a list of members.'; $txt['who_topic'] = 'Viewing the topic <a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=%d.0">%s</a>.'; $txt['who_board'] = 'Viewing the board <a href="' . $scripturl . '?board=%d.0">%s</a>.'; $txt['who_index'] = 'Viewing the board index of <a href="' . $scripturl . '">' . $context['forum_name'] . '</a>.'; $txt['who_viewprofile'] = 'Viewing <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=%d">%s</a>\'s profile.'; $txt['who_profile'] = 'Editing the profile of <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=%d">%s</a>.'; $txt['who_post'] = 'Posting a new topic in <a href="' . $scripturl . '?board=%d.0">%s</a>.'; $txt['who_poll'] = 'Posting a new poll in <a href="' . $scripturl . '?board=%d.0">%s</a>.'; // Credits text $txt['credits'] = 'Credits'; $txt['credits_intro'] = 'Simple Machines wants to thank everyone who helped make SMF 2.0 what it is today; shaping and directing our project, all through the thick and the thin. It wouldn\'t have been possible without you. This includes our users and especially Charter Members - thanks for installing and using our software as well as providing valuable feedback, bug reports, and opinions.'; $txt['credits_team'] = 'The Team'; $txt['credits_special'] = 'Special Thanks'; $txt['credits_and'] = 'and'; $txt['credits_anyone'] = 'And for anyone we may have missed, thank you!'; $txt['credits_copyright'] = 'Copyrights'; $txt['credits_removal_good'] = 'This forum has been authorized to remove the copyright display until %1$s. (<a href="%2$s" target="_blank">Validate</a>)'; $txt['credits_forum'] = 'Forum'; $txt['credits_modifications'] = 'Modifications'; $txt['credits_groups_pm'] = 'Project Managers'; $txt['credits_groups_dev'] = 'Developers'; $txt['credits_groups_support'] = 'Support Specialists'; $txt['credits_groups_customize'] = 'Customizers'; $txt['credits_groups_docs'] = 'Documentation Writers'; $txt['credits_groups_marketing'] = 'Marketing'; $txt['credits_groups_translators'] = 'Language Translators'; $txt['credits_translators_message'] = 'Thank you for your efforts which make it possible for people all around the world to use SMF.'; $txt['credits_groups_beta'] = 'Beta Testers'; $txt['credits_beta_message'] = 'The hidden few who tirelessly find bugs, provide feedback, and drive the developers crazier.'; $txt['credits_groups_founder'] = 'Founding Father of SMF'; $txt['credits_groups_orignal_pm'] = 'Original Project Managers'; ?>