Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/happyezystyle/board/Themes/default/languages/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/happyezystyle/board/Themes/default/languages/Post.english.php |
<?php // Version: 2.0 RC1; Post // Important! Before editing these language files please read the text at the top of index.english.php. global $context; $txt['post_reply'] = 'Post reply'; $txt['enter_verification_details'] = 'Complete verification details'; $txt['message_icon'] = 'Message icon'; $txt['subject_not_filled'] = 'The Subject field was not filled out. It is required.'; $txt['message_body_not_filled'] = 'The Message Body was not filled out. It is required.'; // Use numeric entities in the below string. $txt['regards_team'] = "Regards,\nThe " . $context['forum_name'] . ' Team.'; $txt['add_bbc'] = 'Add BBC tags'; $txt['bold'] = 'Bold'; $txt['italic'] = 'Italicized'; $txt['underline'] = 'Underline'; $txt['center'] = 'Centered'; $txt['hyperlink'] = 'Insert Hyperlink'; $txt['insert_email'] = 'Insert Email'; $txt['bbc_code'] = 'Insert Code'; // Escape any single quotes in here twice.. 'it\'s' -> 'it\\\'s'. $txt['bbc_quote'] = 'Insert Quote'; $txt['list'] = 'Insert List'; $txt['change_color'] = 'Change Color'; $txt['black'] = 'Black'; $txt['red'] = 'Red'; $txt['yellow'] = 'Yellow'; $txt['pink'] = 'Pink'; $txt['green'] = 'Green'; $txt['orange'] = 'Orange'; $txt['purple'] = 'Purple'; $txt['blue'] = 'Blue'; $txt['beige'] = 'Beige'; $txt['brown'] = 'Brown'; $txt['teal'] = 'Teal'; $txt['navy'] = 'Navy'; $txt['maroon'] = 'Maroon'; $txt['lime_green'] = 'Lime Green'; $txt['white'] = 'White'; $txt['disable_smileys'] = 'Disable Smileys'; $txt['dont_use_smileys'] = 'Don\'t use smileys.'; // Escape any single quotes in here twice.. 'it\'s' -> 'it\\\'s'. $txt['posted_on'] = 'Posted on'; $txt['standard'] = 'Standard'; $txt['thumbs_up'] = 'Thumb Up'; $txt['thumbs_down'] = 'Thumb Down'; $txt['excamation_point'] = 'Exclamation point'; $txt['question_mark'] = 'Question mark'; $txt['lamp'] = 'Lamp'; $txt['add_smileys'] = 'Add Smileys'; $txt['flash'] = 'Insert Flash'; $txt['ftp'] = 'Insert FTP Link'; $txt['image'] = 'Insert Image'; $txt['table'] = 'Insert Table'; $txt['table_td'] = 'Insert Table Column'; $txt['topic_notify_no'] = 'There are no topics with Notification.'; $txt['marquee'] = 'Marquee'; $txt['teletype'] = 'Teletype'; $txt['strike'] = 'Strikethrough'; $txt['glow'] = 'Glow'; $txt['shadow'] = 'Shadow'; $txt['preformatted'] = 'Preformatted Text'; $txt['left_align'] = 'Left Align'; $txt['right_align'] = 'Right Align'; $txt['superscript'] = 'Superscript'; $txt['subscript'] = 'Subscript'; $txt['table_tr'] = 'Insert Table Row'; $txt['post_too_long'] = 'Your message is too long. Please go back and shorten it, then try again.'; $txt['horizontal_rule'] = 'Horizontal Rule'; $txt['font_size'] = 'Font Size'; $txt['font_face'] = 'Font Face'; $txt['toggle_view'] = 'Toggle View'; $txt['unformat_text'] = 'Remove Formatting'; $txt['rich_edit_wont_work'] = 'Your browser does not support Rich Text editing.'; $txt['rich_edit_function_disabled'] = 'Your browser does not support this function.'; // Use numeric entities in the below five strings. $txt['notifyUnsubscribe'] = 'Unsubscribe to this topic by clicking here'; $txt['lock_after_post'] = 'Lock after Post'; $txt['notify_replies'] = 'Notify me of replies.'; $txt['lock_topic'] = 'Lock this topic.'; $txt['shortcuts'] = 'shortcuts: hit alt+s to submit/post or alt+p to preview'; $txt['option'] = 'Option'; $txt['reset_votes'] = 'Reset Vote Count'; $txt['reset_votes_check'] = 'Check this if you want to reset all vote counts to 0.'; $txt['votes'] = 'votes'; $txt['attach'] = 'Attach'; $txt['attached'] = 'Attached'; $txt['allowed_types'] = 'Allowed file types'; $txt['cant_upload_type'] = 'You cannot upload that type of file. The only allowed extensions are'; $txt['uncheck_unwatchd_attach'] = 'Uncheck the attachments you no longer want attached'; $txt['restricted_filename'] = 'That is a restricted filename. Please try a different filename.'; $txt['topic_locked_no_reply'] = 'Warning: topic is currently/will be locked!<br />Only admins and moderators can reply.'; $txt['awaiting_approval'] = 'Awaiting approval'; $txt['attachment_requires_approval'] = 'Note that any files attached will not be displayed until approved by a moderator.'; // Use numeric entities in the below string. $txt['js_post_will_require_approval'] = 'Reminder: This post will not appear until approved by a moderator.'; $txt['enter_comment'] = 'Enter comment'; // Use numeric entities in the below two strings. $txt['reported_post'] = 'Reported post'; $txt['reported_to_mod_by'] = 'by'; $txt['rtm10'] = 'Submit'; // Use numeric entities in the below four strings. $txt['report_following_post'] = 'The following post, "%s" by'; $txt['reported_by'] = 'has been reported by'; $txt['board_moderate'] = 'on a board you moderate'; $txt['report_comment'] = 'The reporter has made the following comment'; $txt['attach_restrict_attachmentPostLimit'] = 'maximum total size %1$dKB'; $txt['attach_restrict_attachmentSizeLimit'] = 'maximum individual size %1$dKB'; $txt['attach_restrict_attachmentNumPerPostLimit'] = '%1$d per post'; $txt['attach_restrictions'] = 'Restrictions:'; $txt['post_additionalopt'] = 'Additional Options...'; $txt['sticky_after'] = 'Sticky this topic.'; $txt['move_after2'] = 'Move this topic.'; $txt['back_to_topic'] = 'Return to this topic.'; $txt['approve_this_post'] = 'Approve this Post'; $txt['retrieving_quote'] = 'Retrieving Quote...'; $txt['post_visual_verification_label'] = 'Verification'; $txt['post_visual_verification_desc'] = 'Please enter the code in the image above to make this post.'; $txt['poll_options'] = 'Poll Options'; $txt['poll_run'] = 'Run the poll for'; $txt['poll_run_days'] = 'days. (leave blank for no limit)'; $txt['poll_results_anyone'] = 'Show the poll\'s results to anyone.'; $txt['poll_results_voted'] = 'Only show the results after someone has voted.'; $txt['poll_results_expire'] = 'Only show the results after the poll has expired.'; $txt['poll_max_votes'] = 'Maximum votes per user.'; $txt['poll_do_change_vote'] = 'Allow user to change vote.'; $txt['poll_too_many_votes'] = 'You selected too many options. For this poll, you may only select %s options.'; $txt['poll_add_option'] = 'Add Option'; $txt['poll_guest_vote'] = 'Allow guests to vote.'; $txt['spellcheck_done'] = 'Spell checking complete.'; $txt['spellcheck_change_to'] = 'Change To:'; $txt['spellcheck_suggest'] = 'Suggestions:'; $txt['spellcheck_change'] = 'Change'; $txt['spellcheck_change_all'] = 'Change All'; $txt['spellcheck_ignore'] = 'Ignore'; $txt['spellcheck_ignore_all'] = 'Ignore All'; $txt['more_attachments'] = 'more attachments'; // Don't use entities in the below string. $txt['more_attachments_error'] = 'Sorry, you aren\'t allowed to post any more attachments.'; $txt['more_smileys'] = 'more'; $txt['more_smileys_title'] = 'Additional smileys'; $txt['more_smileys_pick'] = 'Pick a smiley'; $txt['more_smileys_close_window'] = 'Close Window'; $txt['error_new_reply'] = 'Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.'; $txt['error_new_replies'] = 'Warning - while you were typing %d new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post.'; $txt['error_new_reply_reading'] = 'Warning - while you were reading a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.'; $txt['error_new_replies_reading'] = 'Warning - while you were reading %d new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post.'; $txt['announce_this_topic'] = 'Send an announcement about this topic to the members:'; $txt['announce_title'] = 'Send an announcement'; $txt['announce_desc'] = 'This form allows you to send an announcement to the selected membergroups about this topic.'; $txt['announce_sending'] = 'Sending announcement of topic'; $txt['announce_done'] = 'done'; $txt['announce_continue'] = 'Continue'; $txt['announce_topic'] = 'Announce topic.'; $txt['announce_regular_members'] = 'Regular Members'; $txt['digest_subject_daily'] = 'Daily Digest'; $txt['digest_subject_weekly'] = 'Weekly Digest'; $txt['digest_intro_daily'] = 'Below is a summary of all activity in your subscribed boards and topics at %s today. To unsubscribe please visit the link below.'; $txt['digest_intro_weekly'] = 'Below is a summary of all activity in your subscribed boards and topics at %s this week. To unsubscribe please visit the link below.'; $txt['digest_new_topics'] = 'The following topics have been started'; $txt['digest_new_topics_line'] = '"%s" in "%s"'; $txt['digest_new_replies'] = 'Replies have been made in the following topics'; $txt['digest_new_replies_one'] = '1 reply in "%s"'; $txt['digest_new_replies_many'] = '%d replies in "%s"'; $txt['digest_mod_actions'] = 'The following moderation actions have taken place'; $txt['digest_mod_act_sticky'] = '"%s" was stickied'; $txt['digest_mod_act_lock'] = '"%s" was locked'; $txt['digest_mod_act_unlock'] = '"%s" was unlocked'; $txt['digest_mod_act_remove'] = '"%s" was removed'; $txt['digest_mod_act_move'] = '"%s" was moved'; $txt['digest_mod_act_merge'] = '"%s" was merged'; $txt['digest_mod_act_split'] = '"%s" was split'; ?>