Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/happyezystyle/board/Themes/default/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/happyezystyle/board/Themes/default/GenericControls.template.php |
<?php // Version: 2.0 RC1; GenericControls // This function displays all the stuff you get with a richedit box - BBC, smileys etc. function template_control_richedit($editor_id, $display_controls = 'all') { global $context, $settings, $options, $txt, $modSettings, $scripturl; $editor_context = &$context['controls']['richedit'][$editor_id]; if ($display_controls !== 'all' && !is_array($display_controls)) $display_controls = array($display_controls); // Assuming BBC code is enabled then print the buttons and some javascript to handle it. if ($context['show_bbc'] && ($display_controls == 'all' || in_array('bbc', $display_controls))) { $found_button = false; // Here loop through the array, printing the images/rows/separators! foreach ($context['bbc_tags'][0] as $image => $tag) { // Is there a "before" part for this bbc button? If not, it can't be a button!! if (isset($tag['before'])) { // Is this tag disabled? if (!empty($context['disabled_tags'][$tag['code']])) continue; $found_button = true; // Okay... we have the link. Now for the image and the closing </a>! echo '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return false;"><img id="cmd_', $tag['code'], '" src="', $settings['images_url'], '/bbc/', $image, '.gif" align="bottom" width="23" height="22" alt="', $tag['description'], '" title="', $tag['description'], '" style="background-image: url(', $settings['images_url'], '/bbc/bbc_bg.gif); margin: 1px 2px 1px 1px;" /></a>'; } // I guess it's a divider... elseif ($found_button) { echo '<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/bbc/divider.gif" alt="|" style="margin: 0 3px 0 3px;" />'; $found_button = false; } } // Show the font drop down... if (!isset($context['disabled_tags']['font'])) echo ' <select name="sel_face" id="sel_face" style="margin-bottom: 1ex; font-size: x-small;"> <option value="" selected="selected">', $txt['font_face'], '</option> <option value="courier">Courier</option> </select>'; // Font sizes anyone? if (!isset($context['disabled_tags']['size'])) echo ' <select name="sel_size" id="sel_size" style="margin-bottom: 1ex; font-size: x-small;"> <option value="" selected="selected">', $txt['font_size'], '</option> <option value="1">8pt</option> <option value="2">10pt</option> <option value="3">12pt</option> <option value="4">14pt</option> <option value="5">18pt</option> <option value="6">24pt</option> <option value="7">36pt</option> </select>'; // Print a drop down list for all the colors we allow! if (!isset($context['disabled_tags']['color'])) echo ' <select name="sel_color" id="sel_color" style="margin-bottom: 1ex; font-size: x-small;"> <option value="" selected="selected">', $txt['change_color'], '</option> <option value="black">', $txt['black'], '</option> <option value="red">', $txt['red'], '</option> <option value="yellow">', $txt['yellow'], '</option> <option value="pink">', $txt['pink'], '</option> <option value="green">', $txt['green'], '</option> <option value="orange">', $txt['orange'], '</option> <option value="purple">', $txt['purple'], '</option> <option value="blue">', $txt['blue'], '</option> <option value="beige">', $txt['beige'], '</option> <option value="brown">', $txt['brown'], '</option> <option value="teal">', $txt['teal'], '</option> <option value="navy">', $txt['navy'], '</option> <option value="maroon">', $txt['maroon'], '</option> <option value="limeGreen">', $txt['lime_green'], '</option> <option value="white">', $txt['white'], '</option> </select>'; echo '<br />'; $found_button = false; // Print the bottom row of buttons! foreach ($context['bbc_tags'][1] as $image => $tag) { if (isset($tag['before'])) { // Is this tag disabled? if (!empty($context['disabled_tags'][$tag['code']])) continue; $found_button = true; // Okay... we have the link. Now for the image and the closing </a>! echo '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return false;"><img id="cmd_', $tag['code'], '" src="', $settings['images_url'], '/bbc/', $image, '.gif" align="bottom" width="23" height="22" alt="', $tag['description'], '" title="', $tag['description'], '" style="background-image: url(', $settings['images_url'], '/bbc/bbc_bg.gif); margin: 1px 2px 1px 1px;" /></a>'; } // I guess it's a divider... elseif ($found_button) { echo '<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/bbc/divider.gif" alt="|" style="margin: 0 3px 0 3px;" />'; $found_button = false; } } } // Now start printing all of the smileys. if (!empty($context['smileys']['postform']) && !$editor_context['disable_smiley_box'] && ($display_controls == 'all' || in_array('smileys', $display_controls))) { // Show each row of smileys ;). foreach ($context['smileys']['postform'] as $smiley_row) { foreach ($smiley_row['smileys'] as $smiley) echo ' <a href="javascript:void(0);"><img src="', $settings['smileys_url'], '/', $smiley['filename'], '" id="sml_' . $smiley['filename'] . '" align="bottom" alt="', $smiley['description'], '" title="', $smiley['description'], '" /></a>'; // If this isn't the last row, show a break. if (empty($smiley_row['last'])) echo '<br />'; } // If the smileys popup is to be shown... show it! if (!empty($context['smileys']['popup'])) echo ' <a onclick="editorHandle', $editor_id, '.showMoreSmileys(\'', $editor_id, '\', \'', $txt['more_smileys_title'], '\', \'', $txt['more_smileys_pick'], '\', \'', $txt['more_smileys_close_window'], '\', \'', $settings['theme_url'], '\'); return false;" href="#">[', $txt['more_smileys'], ']</a>'; } // Finally the most important bit - the actual text box to write in! if ($display_controls == 'all' || in_array('message', $display_controls)) { echo ' <div> <div> <textarea class="editor" name="', $editor_id, '" id="', $editor_id, '" rows="', $editor_context['rows'], '" cols="', $editor_context['columns'], '" onselect="storeCaret(this);" onclick="storeCaret(this);" onkeyup="storeCaret(this);" onchange="storeCaret(this);" tabindex="', $context['tabindex']++, '" style="width: ', $editor_context['width'], '; height: ', $editor_context['height'], ';', isset($context['post_error']['no_message']) || isset($context['post_error']['long_message']) ? 'border: 1px solid red;' : '', '">', $editor_context['value'], '</textarea> </div> <div id="', $editor_id, '_resizer" style="display: none; width: ', $editor_context['width'], '" class="richedit_resize"></div> </div> <input type="hidden" name="', $editor_id, '_mode" id="', $editor_id, '_mode" value="0" />'; // Now it's all drawn out we'll actually setup the box. echo ' <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[ var editorHandle', $editor_id, ' = new SmfEditor(\'', $context['session_id'], '\', \'', $editor_id, '\', ', $editor_context['rich_active'] ? 'true' : 'false', ', \'', $editor_context['rich_active'] ? $editor_context['rich_value'] : '', '\', \'', $editor_context['width'], '\', \'', $editor_context['height'], '\', ', empty($modSettings['disable_wysiwyg']) ? 0 : 1, ');'; // Create the controls. if (!empty($context['bbc_tags']) && $context['show_bbc']) { foreach ($context['bbc_tags'] as $row) foreach ($row as $image => $tag) { if (isset($tag['before']) && empty($context['disabled_tags'][$tag['code']])) echo ' editorHandle', $editor_id, '.addButton(\'', $tag['code'], '\', \'', $tag['before'], '\', \'', empty($tag['after']) ? '' : $tag['after'], '\');'; } } // Setup the smileys. if (!empty($context['smileys']['postform']) && !$editor_context['disable_smiley_box']) { foreach ($context['smileys']['postform'] as $row) foreach ($row['smileys'] as $smiley) echo ' editorHandle', $editor_id, '.addSmiley(\'', $smiley['code'], '\', \'', $smiley['filename'], '\', \'', $smiley['js_description'], '\');'; } // Setup the data for the popup smileys. if (!empty($context['smileys']['popup']) && !$editor_context['disable_smiley_box']) { echo ' var smileys = ['; foreach ($context['smileys']['popup'] as $smiley_row) { echo ' ['; foreach ($smiley_row['smileys'] as $smiley) { echo ' ["', $smiley['code'], '","', $smiley['filename'], '","', $smiley['js_description'], '"]'; if (empty($smiley['last'])) echo ','; } echo ']'; if (empty($smiley_row['last'])) echo ','; } echo ']'; } // Create the drop downs and then initialise my friend! echo ' editorHandle', $editor_id, '.addSelect(\'face\'); editorHandle', $editor_id, '.addSelect(\'size\'); editorHandle', $editor_id, '.addSelect(\'color\'); editorHandle', $editor_id, '.sFormID = \'', $editor_context['form'], '\'; smf_editorArray[smf_editorArray.length] = editorHandle', $editor_id, '; // ]]></script>'; } // Are we showing the buttons too? if ($display_controls == 'all' || in_array('buttons', $display_controls)) { echo ' <input type="submit" value="', isset($editor_context['labels']['post_button']) ? $editor_context['labels']['post_button'] : $txt['post'], '" tabindex="', $context['tabindex']++, '" onclick="return submitThisOnce(this);" accesskey="s" />'; if ($editor_context['preview_type']) echo ' <input type="submit" name="preview" value="', isset($editor_context['labels']['preview_button']) ? $editor_context['labels']['preview_button'] : $txt['preview'], '" tabindex="', $context['tabindex']++, '" onclick="', $editor_context['preview_type'] == 2 ? 'return event.ctrlKey || previewPost();' : 'return submitThisOnce(this);', '" accesskey="p" />'; if ($context['show_spellchecking']) echo ' <input type="button" value="', $txt['spell_check'], '" tabindex="', $context['tabindex']++, '" onclick="editorHandle', $editor_id, '.spellCheckStart();" />'; } } // What's this, verification?! function template_control_verification($verify_id, $display_type = 'all', $reset = false) { global $context, $settings, $options, $txt, $modSettings; $verify_context = &$context['controls']['verification'][$verify_id]; // Keep track of where we are. if (empty($verify_context['tracking']) || $reset) $verify_context['tracking'] = 0; // How many items are there to display in total. $total_items = count($verify_context['questions']) + ($verify_context['show_visual'] ? 1 : 0); // If we've gone too far, stop. if ($verify_context['tracking'] > $total_items) return false; // Loop through each item to show them. for ($i = 0; $i < $total_items; $i++) { // If we're after a single item only show it if we're in the right place. if ($display_type == 'single' && $verify_context['tracking'] != $i) continue; if ($display_type != 'single') echo ' <div>'; // Do the actual stuff - image first? if ($i == 0 && $verify_context['show_visual']) { if ($context['use_graphic_library']) echo ' <img src="', $verify_context['image_href'], '" alt="', $txt['visual_verification_description'], '" id="verification_image_', $verify_id, '" />'; else echo ' <img src="', $verify_context['image_href'], ';letter=1" alt="', $txt['visual_verification_description'], '" id="verification_image_', $verify_id, '_1" /> <img src="', $verify_context['image_href'], ';letter=2" alt="', $txt['visual_verification_description'], '" id="verification_image_', $verify_id, '_2" /> <img src="', $verify_context['image_href'], ';letter=3" alt="', $txt['visual_verification_description'], '" id="verification_image_', $verify_id, '_3" /> <img src="', $verify_context['image_href'], ';letter=4" alt="', $txt['visual_verification_description'], '" id="verification_image_', $verify_id, '_4" /> <img src="', $verify_context['image_href'], ';letter=5" alt="', $txt['visual_verification_description'], '" id="verification_image_', $verify_id, '_5" />'; if (WIRELESS) echo '<br /> <input type="text" name="', $verify_id, '_vv[code]" value="', !empty($verify_context['text_value']) ? $verify_context['text_value'] : '', '" size="30" tabindex="', $context['tabindex']++, '" />'; else echo ' <div class="smalltext" style="margin: 4px 0 8px 0;"> <a href="', $verify_context['image_href'], ';sound" id="visual_verification_', $verify_id, '_sound" rel="nofollow">', $txt['visual_verification_sound'], '</a> / <a href="#" id="visual_verification_', $verify_id, '_refresh">', $txt['visual_verification_request_new'], '</a><br /><br /> ', $txt['visual_verification_description'], ':<br /> <input type="text" name="', $verify_id, '_vv[code]" value="', !empty($verify_context['text_value']) ? $verify_context['text_value'] : '', '" size="30" tabindex="', $context['tabindex']++, '" /> </div>'; } else { // Where in the question array is this question? $qIndex = $verify_context['show_visual'] ? $i - 1 : $i; echo ' <div class="smalltext"> ', $verify_context['questions'][$qIndex]['q'], ':<br /> <input type="text" name="', $verify_id, '_vv[q][', $verify_context['questions'][$qIndex]['id'], ']" size="30" value="', $verify_context['questions'][$qIndex]['a'], '" ', $verify_context['questions'][$qIndex]['is_error'] ? 'style="border: 1px red solid;"' : '', ' tabindex="', $context['tabindex']++, '" /> </div>'; } if ($display_type != 'single') echo ' </div>'; // If we were displaying just one and we did it, break. if ($display_type == 'single' && $verify_context['tracking'] == $i) break; } // Assume we found something, always, $verify_context['tracking']++; // Tell something displaying piecemeal to keep going. if ($display_type == 'single') return true; } ?>