Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/happyezystyle/board/Sources/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/happyezystyle/board/Sources/ManageScheduledTasks.php |
<?php /********************************************************************************** * ManageScheduledTasks.php * *********************************************************************************** * SMF: Simple Machines Forum * * Open-Source Project Inspired by Zef Hemel (zef@zefhemel.com) * * =============================================================================== * * Software Version: SMF 2.0 RC1 * * Software by: Simple Machines (http://www.simplemachines.org) * * Copyright 2006-2009 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) * * 2001-2006 by: Lewis Media (http://www.lewismedia.com) * * Support, News, Updates at: http://www.simplemachines.org * *********************************************************************************** * This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under * * the terms of the provided license as published by Simple Machines LLC. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it is and will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES; without even any implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * * * See the "license.txt" file for details of the Simple Machines license. * * The latest version can always be found at http://www.simplemachines.org. * **********************************************************************************/ if (!defined('SMF')) die('Hacking attempt...'); /* /!!! void ManageScheduledTasks() // !!! void ScheduledTasks() // !!! array list_getScheduledTasks() // !!! void EditTask() // !!! void TaskLog() // !!! array list_getTaskLogEntries() // !!! array list_getNumTaskLog() // !!! */ // !!! function ManageScheduledTasks() { global $context, $txt, $modSettings; isAllowedTo('admin_forum'); loadLanguage('ManageScheduledTasks'); loadTemplate('ManageScheduledTasks'); $subActions = array( 'taskedit' => 'EditTask', 'tasklog' => 'TaskLog', 'tasks' => 'ScheduledTasks', ); // We need to find what's the action. if (isset($_REQUEST['sa']) && isset($subActions[$_REQUEST['sa']])) $context['sub_action'] = $_REQUEST['sa']; else $context['sub_action'] = 'tasks'; // Now for the lovely tabs. That we all love. $context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['tab_data'] = array( 'title' => &$txt['scheduled_tasks_title'], 'help' => '', 'description' => $txt['maintain_info'], 'tabs' => array( 'tasks' => array( 'description' => $txt['maintain_tasks_desc'], ), 'tasklog' => array( 'description' => $txt['scheduled_log_desc'], ), ), ); // Call it. $subActions[$context['sub_action']](); } // List all the scheduled task in place on the forum. function ScheduledTasks() { global $context, $txt, $sourcedir, $smcFunc, $user_info, $modSettings, $scripturl; // Mama, setup the template first - cause it's like the most important bit, like pickle in a sandwich. // ... ironically I don't like pickle. </grudge> $context['sub_template'] = 'view_scheduled_tasks'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['maintain_tasks']; // Saving changes? if (isset($_REQUEST['save']) && isset($_POST['task'])) { checkSession(); // We'll recalculate the dates at the end! require_once($sourcedir . '/ScheduledTasks.php'); // Enable and disable as required. $enablers = array(0); foreach ($_POST['task'] as $id => $enabled) if ($enabled) $enablers[] = (int) $id; // Do the update! $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' UPDATE {db_prefix}scheduled_tasks SET disabled = CASE WHEN id_task IN ({array_int:id_task_enable}) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END', array( 'id_task_enable' => $enablers, ) ); // Pop along... CalculateNextTrigger(); } // Want to run any of the tasks? if (isset($_REQUEST['run']) && isset($_POST['run_task'])) { // Lets figure out which ones they want to run. $tasks = array(); foreach ($_POST['run_task'] as $task => $dummy) $tasks[] = (int) $task; // Load up the tasks. $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT id_task, task FROM {db_prefix}scheduled_tasks WHERE id_task IN ({array_int:tasks}) LIMIT ' . count($tasks), array( 'tasks' => $tasks, ) ); // Lets get it on! require_once($sourcedir . '/ScheduledTasks.php'); ignore_user_abort(true); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) { $start_time = microtime(); // The functions got to exist for us to use it. if (!function_exists('scheduled_' . $row['task'])) continue; // Try to stop a timeout, this would be bad... @set_time_limit(300); if (function_exists('apache_reset_timeout')) apache_reset_timeout(); // Do the task... $completed = call_user_func('scheduled_' . $row['task']); // Log that we did it ;) if ($completed) { $total_time = round(array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())) - array_sum(explode(' ', $start_time)), 3); $smcFunc['db_insert']('', '{db_prefix}log_scheduled_tasks', array('id_task' => 'int', 'time_run' => 'int', 'time_taken' => 'float'), array($row['id_task'], time(), $total_time), array('id_task') ); } } redirectexit('action=admin;area=scheduledtasks;done'); } $listOptions = array( 'id' => 'scheduled_tasks', 'title' => $txt['maintain_tasks'], 'base_href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=scheduledtasks', 'get_items' => array( 'function' => 'list_getScheduledTasks', ), 'columns' => array( 'name' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['scheduled_tasks_name'], 'style' => 'width: 40%;', ), 'data' => array( 'sprintf' => array( 'format' => ' <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=scheduledtasks;sa=taskedit;tid=%1$d">%2$s</a><br /><span class="smalltext">%3$s</span>', 'params' => array( 'id' => false, 'name' => false, 'desc' => false, ), ), ), ), 'next_due' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['scheduled_tasks_next_time'], ), 'data' => array( 'db' => 'next_time', 'class' => 'smalltext', ), ), 'regularity' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['scheduled_tasks_regularity'], ), 'data' => array( 'db' => 'regularity', 'class' => 'smalltext', ), ), 'enabled' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['scheduled_tasks_enabled'], 'style' => 'width: 6%;', ), 'data' => array( 'sprintf' => array( 'format' => '<input type="hidden" name="task[%1$d]" id="task_%1$d" value="0" /><input type="checkbox" name="task[%1$d]" id="task_check_%1$d" %2$s class="check" />', 'params' => array( 'id' => false, 'checked_state' => false, ), ), 'style' => 'text-align: center;', ), ), 'run_now' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['scheduled_tasks_run_now'], 'style' => 'width: 6%;', ), 'data' => array( 'sprintf' => array( 'format' => '<input type="checkbox" name="run_task[%1$d]" id="run_task_%1$d" class="check" />', 'params' => array( 'id' => false, ), ), 'style' => 'text-align: center;', ), ), ), 'form' => array( 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=scheduledtasks', ), 'additional_rows' => array( array( 'position' => 'below_table_data', 'value' => ' <div style="float: right;"> <input type="submit" name="save" value="' . $txt['scheduled_tasks_save_changes'] . '" /> <input type="submit" name="run" value="' . $txt['scheduled_tasks_run_now'] . '" /> </div>', 'class' => 'titlebg', 'style' => 'text-align: right;', ), array( 'position' => 'after_title', 'value' => ' <span class="smalltext">' . $txt['scheduled_tasks_time_offset'] . '</span>', 'class' => 'windowbg2', ), ), ); require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-List.php'); createList($listOptions); $context['sub_template'] = 'view_scheduled_tasks'; $context['tasks_were_run'] = isset($_GET['done']); } function list_getScheduledTasks($start, $items_per_page, $sort) { global $smcFunc, $txt, $scripturl; $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT id_task, next_time, time_offset, time_regularity, time_unit, disabled, task FROM {db_prefix}scheduled_tasks', array( ) ); $known_tasks = array(); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) { // Find the next for regularity - don't offset as it's always server time! $offset = sprintf($txt['scheduled_task_reg_starting'], date('H:i', $row['time_offset'])); $repeating = sprintf($txt['scheduled_task_reg_repeating'], $row['time_regularity'], $txt['scheduled_task_reg_unit_' . $row['time_unit']]); $known_tasks[] = array( 'id' => $row['id_task'], 'function' => $row['task'], 'name' => isset($txt['scheduled_task_' . $row['task']]) ? $txt['scheduled_task_' . $row['task']] : $row['task'], 'desc' => isset($txt['scheduled_task_desc_' . $row['task']]) ? $txt['scheduled_task_desc_' . $row['task']] : '', 'next_time' => $row['disabled'] ? $txt['scheduled_tasks_na'] : timeformat(($row['next_time'] == 0 ? time() : $row['next_time']), true, 'server'), 'disabled' => $row['disabled'], 'checked_state' => $row['disabled'] ? '' : 'checked="checked"', 'regularity' => $offset . ', ' . $repeating, ); } // You see - Mike sucks - and can't work out how to do in C++ what PHP can do with it's eyes closed - pah! He no programmer ;) // TWlrZSBTdWNrcyBCYWxscyBhbmQgSXMgTXkgQmlhdGNoISE= $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); return $known_tasks; } // Function for editing a task. function EditTask() { global $context, $txt, $sourcedir, $smcFunc, $user_info, $modSettings; // Just set up some lovely context stuff. $context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['current_subsection'] = 'tasks'; $context['sub_template'] = 'edit_scheduled_tasks'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['scheduled_task_edit']; $context['server_time'] = timeformat(time(), false, 'server'); // Cleaning... if (!isset($_GET['tid'])) fatal_lang_error('no_access'); $_GET['tid'] = (int) $_GET['tid']; // Saving? if (isset($_GET['save'])) { checkSession(); // We'll need this for calculating the next event. require_once($sourcedir . '/ScheduledTasks.php'); // Do we have a valid offset? preg_match('~(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})~', $_POST['offset'], $matches); // If a half is empty then assume zero offset! if (!isset($matches[2]) || $matches[2] > 59) $matches[2] = 0; if (!isset($matches[1]) || $matches[1] > 23) $matches[1] = 0; // Now the offset is easy; easy peasy - except we need to offset by a few hours... $offset = $matches[1] * 3600 + $matches[2] * 60 - date('Z'); // The other time bits are simple! $interval = max((int) $_POST['regularity'], 1); $unit = in_array(substr($_POST['unit'], 0, 1), array('m', 'h', 'd', 'w')) ? substr($_POST['unit'], 0, 1) : 'd'; // Don't allow one minute intervals. if ($interval == 1 && $unit == 'm') $interval = 2; // Is it disabled? $disabled = !isset($_POST['enabled']) ? 1 : 0; // Do the update! $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' UPDATE {db_prefix}scheduled_tasks SET disabled = {int:disabled}, time_offset = {int:time_offset}, time_unit = {string:time_unit}, time_regularity = {int:time_regularity} WHERE id_task = {int:id_task}', array( 'disabled' => $disabled, 'time_offset' => $offset, 'time_regularity' => $interval, 'id_task' => $_GET['tid'], 'time_unit' => $unit, ) ); // Check the next event. CalculateNextTrigger($_GET['tid'], true); // Return to the main list. redirectexit('action=admin;area=scheduledtasks'); } // Load the task, understand? Que? Que? $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT id_task, next_time, time_offset, time_regularity, time_unit, disabled, task FROM {db_prefix}scheduled_tasks WHERE id_task = {int:id_task}', array( 'id_task' => $_GET['tid'], ) ); // Should never, ever, happen! if ($smcFunc['db_num_rows']($request) == 0) fatal_lang_error('no_access'); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) { $context['task'] = array( 'id' => $row['id_task'], 'function' => $row['task'], 'name' => isset($txt['scheduled_task_' . $row['task']]) ? $txt['scheduled_task_' . $row['task']] : $row['task'], 'desc' => isset($txt['scheduled_task_desc_' . $row['task']]) ? $txt['scheduled_task_desc_' . $row['task']] : '', 'next_time' => $row['disabled'] ? $txt['scheduled_tasks_na'] : timeformat($row['next_time'] == 0 ? time() : $row['next_time'], true, 'server'), 'disabled' => $row['disabled'], 'offset' => $row['time_offset'], 'regularity' => $row['time_regularity'], 'offset_formatted' => date('H:i', $row['time_offset']), 'unit' => $row['time_unit'], ); } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); } // Show the log of all tasks that have taken place. function TaskLog() { global $scripturl, $context, $txt, $smcFunc, $sourcedir; // Lets load the language just incase we are outside the Scheduled area. loadLanguage('ManageScheduledTasks'); // Empty the log? if (!empty($_POST['removeAll'])) { checkSession(); $smcFunc['db_query']('truncate_table', ' TRUNCATE {db_prefix}log_scheduled_tasks', array( ) ); } // Setup the list. $listOptions = array( 'id' => 'task_log', 'items_per_page' => 30, 'title' => $txt['scheduled_log'], 'no_items_label' => $txt['scheduled_log_empty'], 'base_href' => $context['admin_area'] == 'scheduledtasks' ? $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=scheduledtasks;sa=tasklog' : $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=logs;sa=tasklog', 'default_sort_col' => 'date', 'get_items' => array( 'function' => 'list_getTaskLogEntries', ), 'get_count' => array( 'function' => 'list_getNumTaskLogEntries', ), 'columns' => array( 'name' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['scheduled_tasks_name'], ), 'data' => array( 'db' => 'name' ), ), 'date' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['scheduled_log_time_run'], ), 'data' => array( 'function' => create_function('$rowData', ' return timeformat($rowData[\'time_run\'], true, \'server\'); '), ), 'sort' => array( 'default' => 'lst.id_log DESC', 'reverse' => 'lst.id_log', ), ), 'time_taken' => array( 'header' => array( 'value' => $txt['scheduled_log_time_taken'], ), 'data' => array( 'sprintf' => array( 'format' => $txt['scheduled_log_time_taken_seconds'], 'params' => array( 'time_taken' => false, ), ), ), 'sort' => array( 'default' => 'lst.time_taken', 'reverse' => 'lst.time_taken DESC', ), ), ), 'form' => array( 'href' => $context['admin_area'] == 'scheduledtasks' ? $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=scheduledtasks;sa=tasklog' : $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=logs;sa=tasklog', ), 'additional_rows' => array( array( 'position' => 'below_table_data', 'value' => ' <input type="submit" name="removeAll" value="' . $txt['scheduled_log_empty_log'] . '" />', 'class' => 'titlebg', 'style' => 'text-align: right;', ), array( 'position' => 'after_title', 'value' => ' <span class="smalltext">' . $txt['scheduled_tasks_time_offset'] . '</span>', 'class' => 'windowbg2', ), ), ); require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-List.php'); createList($listOptions); $context['sub_template'] = 'show_list'; $context['default_list'] = 'task_log'; // Make it all look tify. $context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['current_subsection'] = 'tasklog'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['scheduled_log']; } function list_getTaskLogEntries($start, $items_per_page, $sort) { global $smcFunc, $txt; $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT lst.id_log, lst.id_task, lst.time_run, lst.time_taken, st.task FROM {db_prefix}log_scheduled_tasks AS lst INNER JOIN {db_prefix}scheduled_tasks AS st ON (st.id_task = lst.id_task) ORDER BY ' . $sort . ' LIMIT ' . $start . ', ' . $items_per_page, array( ) ); $log_entries = array(); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) $log_entries[] = array( 'id' => $row['id_log'], 'name' => isset($txt['scheduled_task_' . $row['task']]) ? $txt['scheduled_task_' . $row['task']] : $row['task'], 'time_run' => $row['time_run'], 'time_taken' => $row['time_taken'], ); $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); return $log_entries; } function list_getNumTaskLogEntries() { global $smcFunc; $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {db_prefix}log_scheduled_tasks', array( ) ); list ($num_entries) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request); $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); return $num_entries; } ?>