? GR0V Shell

GR0V shell

Linux www.koreapackagetour.com 2.6.32-042stab145.3 #1 SMP Thu Jun 11 14:05:04 MSK 2020 x86_64

Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/happy2/templates/ja_travel/html/mod_jacontentslider/
File Upload :
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/happy2/templates/ja_travel/html/mod_jacontentslider/default.php

 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * JA Travel Template for Joomla 2.5 & 3.0
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2011 J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
 * @license - Copyrighted Commercial Software
 * Author: J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd
 * Websites:  http://www.joomlart.com -  http://www.joomlancers.com
 * This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part.
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------

// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
 *  Module Content Silder
 * @package		Joomla.
 * @subpackage	Modules.
 * @author (@see http://joomlart.com).

if( $total ){ 
	$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
	$tmplPath   = 'templates'.DS.$mainframe->getTemplate().DS;
	$tmplimages = $tmplPath.'images'.DS;
	$modPath    = 'modules/mod_jacontentslider/assets/images/';
	$image_path = $modPath;
	if ( file_exists (JPATH_SITE.DS.$tmplimages.'re-left.gif') ) {
		$image_path = $tmplimages;
	$image_path = str_replace( '\\', '/', $image_path );
	$cateArr = array();
	foreach ($contents as $contn) {
		if (isset($contn->cateName) && !isset($cateArr[$contn->catid])) {
			$cateArr[$contn->catid] = $contn->cateName;
	if (!$showTab || count($cateArr) <= 1) {
		//if not display tabs
		//we must show all items of All Categories on one tab
		$firstCid = 0;
	else {
		$firstCid = array_keys($cateArr);
		$firstCid = $firstCid[0];
<script type="text/javascript">
	function contentSliderInit_<?php echo $module->id;?> (cid) {
		cid = parseInt(cid);
		var containerID = 'ja-contentslider-<?php echo $module->id;?>';
		var container =  $(containerID);
		if(cid == 0) {
			var elems = $('ja-contentslider-center-<?php echo $module->id;?>').getElements('div[class*=content_element]');
			var elems = $('ja-contentslider-center-<?php echo $module->id;?>').getElements('div[class*=jaslide2_'+cid+']');
		var total = elems.length;

		var options={
			w: <?php echo $xwidth; ?>,
			h: <?php echo $xheight; ?>,
			num_elem: <?php echo  $numElem; ?>,
			mode: '<?php  echo  $mode; ?>', //horizontal or vertical
			direction: '<?php echo $direction; ?>', //horizontal: left or right; vertical: up or down
			total: total,
			url: '<?php echo JURI::base(); ?>modules/mod_jacontentslider/mod_jacontentslider.php',
			wrapper:  container.getElement("div.ja-contentslider-center"),
			duration: <?php echo $animationtime; ?>,
			interval: <?php echo $delaytime; ?>,
			modid: <?php echo $module->id;?>,
			running: false,
			auto: <?php echo $auto;?>
		var jscontentslider = new JS_ContentSlider( options );
			jscontentslider.update (elems[i].innerHTML, i);
		<?php if( $params->get( 'showbutton' ) || ($params->get( 'showbutton' ) == '') ): ?>
		  <?php if($params->get( 'scroll_when', 'click' ) == 'click'): ?>
			<?php if ($mode == 'vertical'): ?>
			container.getElement(".ja-contentslide-up-img").onclick = function(){setDirection2<?php echo $module->id;?>('down', jscontentslider);};
			container.getElement(".ja-contentslide-down-img").onclick = function(){setDirection2<?php echo $module->id;?>('up', jscontentslider);};
			<?php else: ?>
			container.getElement(".ja-contentslide-left-img").onclick = function(){setDirection2<?php echo $module->id;?>('right', jscontentslider);};
			container.getElement(".ja-contentslide-right-img").onclick = function(){setDirection2<?php echo $module->id;?>('left', jscontentslider);};
			<?php endif; //vertical? ?>
		  <?php else: ?>
			<?php if ($mode == 'vertical'): ?>
			container.getElement(".ja-contentslide-up-img").onmouseover = function(){setDirection<?php echo $module->id;?>('down',0, jscontentslider);};
			container.getElement(".ja-contentslide-up-img").onmouseout = function(){setDirection<?php echo $module->id;?>('down',1, jscontentslider);};
			container.getElement(".ja-contentslide-down-img").onmouseover = function(){setDirection<?php echo $module->id;?>('up',0, jscontentslider);};
			container.getElement(".ja-contentslide-down-img").onmouseout = function(){setDirection<?php echo $module->id;?>('up',1, jscontentslider);};
			<?php else: ?>
			container.getElement(".ja-contentslide-left-img").onmouseover = function(){setDirection<?php echo $module->id;?>('right',0, jscontentslider);};
			container.getElement(".ja-contentslide-left-img").onmouseout = function(){setDirection<?php echo $module->id;?>('right',1, jscontentslider);};
			container.getElement(".ja-contentslide-right-img").onmouseover = function(){setDirection<?php echo $module->id;?>('left',0, jscontentslider);};
			container.getElement(".ja-contentslide-right-img").onmouseout = function(){setDirection<?php echo $module->id;?>('left',1, jscontentslider);};
			<?php endif; //vertical? ?>
		  <?php endif; //scroll event ?>
		<?php endif; //show control? ?>
		/**active tab**/
			var css = (el.getProperty('rel') == cid) ? 'active' : '';
			el.className = css;
	window.addEvent( 'domready', function(){ contentSliderInit_<?php echo $module->id;?>(<?php echo $firstCid; ?>); } );

	function setDirection<?php echo $module->id;?>(direction,ret, jscontentslider) {
		jscontentslider.options.direction = direction;
			jscontentslider.options.interval = <?php echo $delaytime; ?>;
			jscontentslider.options.duration = <?php echo $animationtime; ?>;
			jscontentslider.options.auto = <?php echo $auto; ?>;
			jscontentslider.options.interval = 500;
			jscontentslider.options.duration = 500;
			jscontentslider.options.auto = 1;
	function setDirection2<?php echo $module->id;?>(direction, jscontentslider) {
		jscontentslider.options.direction = direction;
		jscontentslider.options.interval = 500;
		jscontentslider.options.duration = 200;
		jscontentslider.options.auto = 1;
		jscontentslider.options.auto = 0;

<div id="ja-contentslider-<?php echo $module->id;?>" class="ja-contentslider clearfix">
    <div class="ja-button-control clearfix"> 
    <?php if(!empty($text_heading)): ?>
    <span class="ja-text-heading"><?php echo $text_heading; ?></span>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if(count($cateArr) > 1) : ?>
    <?php if ($showTab == 1): ?>
    <a href="javascript:contentSliderInit_<?php echo $module->id;?>(0)" rel="0"><?php echo JText::_('All'); ?></a>
    <?php foreach ($cateArr as $key=>$value): ?>
    <?php if(!empty($value)): ?>
    <a href="javascript:contentSliderInit_<?php echo $module->id;?>('<?php echo $key;?>')" rel="<?php echo $key;?>"><?php echo $value; ?></a>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif; //show tab? ?>
    <?php endif; //if more than one category ?>
    <?php if( $params->get( 'showbutton' ) || ($params->get( 'showbutton' ) == '') ) { ?>
    <div class="ja-contentslider-right ja-contentslide-right-img" title="<?php echo JText::_('Next'); ?>">&nbsp;</div>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php if( $params->get( 'showbutton' ) || ($params->get( 'showbutton' ) == '') ) { ?>
    <div class="ja-contentslider-left ja-contentslide-left-img" title="<?php echo JText::_('Previous'); ?>">&nbsp;</div>
    <?php } ?>
  <div class="ja-contentslider-center-wrap clearfix">
    <div id="ja-contentslider-center-<?php echo $module->id;?>" class="ja-contentslider-center">
	foreach( $contents  as $contn ) { 
		$link = $contn->link;
		$image = modJacontentsliderHelper::replaceImage( $contn, $params->get( 'numchar' ),
													$params->get( 'showimages' ), 
													$params->get( 'iwidth' ), 
													$params->get( 'iheight' ) );
      <div class="content_element jaslide2_<?php echo $contn->catid; ?>" style="display:none;">
		<div class="content-slider"	>
		<?php if(  $params->get( 'showimages' ) ) { ?>
        <div class="ja_slideimages tooltips clearfix">
          <div class="ja_slideimages_inner">
            <div class="content">
              <?php echo $image; ?>
        <?php } ?>
        <?php if( $params->get( 'showtitle' ) ) { ?>
        <div class="ja_slidetitle">
          <?php  echo ($params->get( 'link_titles' ) ) ? '<a href="'.$link.'" title="">'.$contn->title.'</a>' : $contn->title;?>
        <?php } ?>
        <?php /* if ($contn->featured == 1) { ?>
	  <span class="featured">&nbsp;</span>
	  <?php } */?>
        <?php if(  $params->get( 'showintrotext' ) ) { ?>
        <div class="ja_slideintro"> <?php echo ( $params->get('numchar') ) ? $contn->introtext1 : $contn->introtext; ?> </div>
        <?php } ?>
        <?php if( $params->get('showreadmore') ){ ?>
        <div class="ja-slidereadmore"> <a href="<?php echo $link;?>" class="readon"><?php echo JTEXT::_('READMORE');?></a> </div>
        <?php } // endif;?>
        <?php if (isset($contn->demoUrl) && $contn->demoUrl != '') { ?>
        <div class="ja-slideDemo"> <a href="<?php echo $contn->demoUrl;?>" class="readon"><?php echo $contn->demoUrl;?></a> </div>
        <?php } ?>
      <?php } //endforeach; ?>
			} else { ?>
    <div id="ja-contentslide-error"><?php echo JText::_('JA Content Slide Error: There is not any content in this category')?></div>
    <?php } ?>
