Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/happy2/templates/atomic/css/blueprint/src/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/happy2/templates/atomic/css/blueprint/src/AUTHORS.txt |
h1. Blueprint CSS Framework Authors and Contributors Blueprint is based on the work of many talented people. It is through their good intentions we are allowed to use many of the techniques found in the framework. h2. Current Team Blueprint was realized and maintained through version 0.7.1 by "Olav Bjorkoy":http://bjorkoy.com who has sinced passed the torch to the current team. They are: Admins: * "Christian Montoya":http://christianmontoya.net * "Josh Clayton":http://jdclayton.com Contributors: * "Franz Josef Kaiser":http://github.com/franz-josef-kaiser * "Glenn Rempe":http://www.rempe.us/ * "Chris Eppstein":http://chriseppstein.github.com/ * "Sean K. Stewart":http://seankstewart.com/ h2. Original CSS authors The first iteration of Blueprint was built upon many conventions and ideas that were developed by true CSS experts. The grid and typography is based on work by: * "Jeff Croft":http://jeffcroft.com * "Nathan Borror":http://nathanborror.com/ * "Christian Metts":http://mintchaos.com * "Wilson Miner":http://www.wilsonminer.com The CSS reset is based on work by: * "Eric Meyer":http://www.meyerweb.com/eric The Fancy Type plugin is based on work by: * "Mark Boulton":http://www.markboulton.co.uk * "Typogrify":http://typogrify.googlecode.com (However, remember that these people are not involved with the framework, so please don't waste their time or yours by asking them for support.)