Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/happy2/plugins/system/jat3/jat3/base-themes/default/js/menu/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/happy2/plugins/system/jat3/jat3/base-themes/default/js/menu/mega.js |
/** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * JA T3v2 System Plugin for J25 & J31 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2004-2011 J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * @license - GNU/GPL, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * Author: J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd * Websites: http://www.joomlart.com - http://www.joomlancers.com * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ var jaMegaMenuMoo = new Class({ Implements: Options, options: { slide: 0, //enable slide duration: 300, //slide speed. lower for slower, bigger for faster fading: 0, //Enable fading bgopacity: 0.9, //set the transparent background. 0 to disable, 0<bgopacity<1: the opacity of the background delayHide: 500, direction: 'down', action: 'mouseenter', //mouseenter or click hidestyle: 'normal', offset: 5, fixArrow: false }, toElement: function () { return this.menu; }, initialize: function (menu, options) { this.menu = $(menu); if (!this.menu) { return; } this.setOptions(options); //ignore delayHide if no animation if (!this.options.slide && !this.options.fading) { this.options.delayHide = 10; } this.childopen = []; this.imgloaded = false; this.loaded = false; this.prepare(); }, prepare: function () { //preload images var imgElms = this.menu.getElements('img'); if (imgElms.length && !this.imgloaded) { var imgSrcs = []; imgElms.each(function (image) { imgSrcs.push(image.src) }); new Asset.images(imgSrcs, { onComplete: function () { this.start(); }.bind(this) }); this.imgloaded = true; //call this start if cannot load image after sometime this.start.delay(3000, this); } else { this.start(); } }, start: function () { //init once if (this.loaded) { return; } this.loaded = true; this.zindex = 1000; //get wrapper var pw = this.menu; while (pw = pw.getParent()) { if (pw.hasClass('main') || pw.hasClass('wrap')) { this.wrapper = pw; break; } } this.items = this.menu.getElements('li.mega'); this.items.each(function (li) { //link item var link = li.getChildren('a.mega')[0], child = li.getChildren('.childcontent')[0], level0 = li.getParent().hasClass('level0'), parent = this.getParent(li), item = { stimer: null, direction: ((level0 && this.options.direction == 'up') ? 0 : 1) }; //child content if (child) { var childwrap = child.getElement('.childcontent-inner-wrap'), childinner = child.getElement('.childcontent-inner'), width = childinner.getWidth(), height = childinner.getHeight(), padding = childwrap.getStyle('padding-left').toInt() + childwrap.getStyle('padding-right').toInt(), overflow = false; child.setStyles({ width: width + 20, height: height + 20 }); childwrap.setStyle('width', width); if (['auto', 'scroll'].contains(childinner.getStyle('overflow'))) { overflow = true; //fix for ie6/7 if (Browser.ie) { if (Browser.version <= 7) { childinner.setStyle('position', 'relative'); } if (Browser.version == 6) { childinner.setStyle('height', childinner.getStyle('max-height') || 400); } } } //show direction if (this.options.direction == 'up') { if (level0) { child.setStyle('top', -child.getHeight()); //ajust top position } else { child.setStyle('bottom', 0); } } } if (child && this.options.bgopacity) { //Make transparent background new Element('div', { 'class': 'childcontent-bg', styles: { width: '100%', height: height, opacity: this.options.bgopacity, position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, zIndex: 1, background: child.getStyle('background'), backgroundImage: child.getStyle('background-image'), backgroundRepeat: child.getStyle('background-repeat'), backgroundColor: child.getStyle('background-color') } }).inject(childwrap, 'top'); child.setStyle('background', 'none'); childwrap.setStyles({ position: 'relative', zIndex: 2 }); } if (child && (this.options.slide || this.options.fading)) { if (child.hasClass('right')) { child.setStyle('right', 0); } //init Fx.Styles for childcontent var fx = new Fx.Morph(childwrap, { duration: this.options.duration, transition: Fx.Transitions.linear, onComplete: this.itemAnimDone.bind(this, item), link: 'cancel' }), stylesOn = {}; if (this.options.slide) { if (level0) { stylesOn[item.direction == 1 ? 'margin-top' : 'bottom'] = 0; } else { stylesOn[window.isRTL ? 'margin-right' : 'margin-left'] = 0; } } if (this.options.fading) { stylesOn['opacity'] = 1; } } if (child && this.options.action == 'click') { li.addEvent('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); if (li.hasClass('group')) { return; } if (item.status == 'open') { if (this.cursorIn(li, e)) { this.itemHide(item); } else { this.hideOthers(li); } } else { this.itemShow(item); } }.bind(this)); } if (this.options.action == 'mouseover' || this.options.action == 'mouseenter') { li.addEvent('mouseover', function (e) { if (li.hasClass('group')) { return; } e.stop(); clearTimeout(item.stimer); clearTimeout(this.atimer); this.intent(item, 'open'); this.itemShow(item); }.bind(this)) .addEvent('mouseleave', function (e) { if (li.hasClass('group')) { return; } clearTimeout(item.stimer); this.intent(item, 'close'); if (child) { item.stimer = this.itemHide.delay(this.options.delayHide, this, [item]); } else { this.itemHide(item); } }.bind(this)); //if has childcontent, don't goto link before open childcontent - fix for touch screen if (link && child) { link.addEvent('click', function (e) { if (!item.clickable) { e.stop(); } }); } //stop if click on menu item - prevent raise event to container => hide all open submenu li.addEvent('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation() }); if (child) { child.addEvent('mouseover', function () { clearTimeout(item.stimer); clearTimeout(this.atimer); this.intent(item, 'open'); this.itemShow(item); }.bind(this)).addEvent('mouseleave', function (e) { e.stop(); this.intent(item, 'close'); clearTimeout(item.stimer); if (!this.cursorIn(item.el, e)) { this.atimer = this.hideAlls.delay(this.options.delayHide, this); } }.bind(this)) } } //when click on a link - close all open childcontent if (link && !child) { link.addEvent('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); //prevent to raise event up this.hideOthers(null); //Remove current class this.menu.getElements('.active').removeClass('active'); //Add current class var p = li; while (p) { var idata = p.retrieve('item'); p.addClass('active'); idata.link.addClass('active'); p = idata.parent; } }.bind(this)); } Object.append(item, { el: li, parent: parent, link: link, child: child, childwrap: childwrap, childinner: childinner, width: width, height: height, padding: padding, level0: level0, fx: fx, stylesOn: stylesOn, overflow: overflow, clickable: !(link && child) }); li.store('item', item); }, this); //click on windows will close all submenus var container = $('ja-wrapper'); if (!container) { container = document.body; } container.addEvent('click', function (e) { this.hideAlls(); }.bind(this)); this.menu.getElements('.childcontent').setStyle('display', 'none'); }, getParent: function (el) { var p = el; while ((p = p.getParent())) { if (this.items.contains(p) && !p.hasClass('group')) { return p; } if (!p || p == this.menu) { return null; } } }, intent: function (item, action) { item.intent = action; while (item.parent && (item = item.parent.retrieve('item'))) { item.intent = action; } }, cursorIn: function (el, event) { if (!el || !event) { return false; } var pos = el.getPosition(), cursor = event.page; return (cursor.x > pos.x && cursor.x < pos.x + el.getWidth() && cursor.y > pos.y && cursor.y < pos.y + el.getHeight()); }, itemOver: function (item) { item.el.addClass('over'); if (item.el.hasClass('haschild')) { item.el.removeClass('haschild').addClass('haschild-over'); } if (item.link) { item.link.addClass('over'); } }, itemOut: function (item) { item.el.removeClass('over'); if (item.el.hasClass('haschild-over')) { item.el.removeClass('haschild-over').addClass('haschild'); } if (item.link) { item.link.removeClass('over'); } }, itemShow: function (item) { if(this.childopen.indexOf(item) < this.childopen.length -1){ this.hideOthers(item.el); } if (item.status == 'open') { return; //don't need do anything } //Setup the class this.itemOver(item); //push to show queue if (item.level0) { this.childopen.length = 0; } if (item.child) { this.childopen.push(item); } item.intent = 'open'; item.status = 'open'; this.enableclick.delay(100, this, item); if (item.child) { //reposition the submenu this.positionSubmenu(item); if (item.fx && !item.stylesOff) { item.stylesOff = {}; if (this.options.slide) { if (item.level0) { item.stylesOff[item.direction == 1 ? 'margin-top' : 'bottom'] = -item.height; } else { item.stylesOff[window.isRTL ? 'margin-right' : 'margin-left'] = (item.direction == 1 ? -item.width : item.width); } } if (this.options.fading) { item.stylesOff['opacity'] = 0; } item.fx.set(item.stylesOff); } clearTimeout(item.sid); item.child.setStyles({ display: 'block', zIndex: this.zindex++ }); } if (!item.fx || !item.child) { return; } item.child.setStyle('overflow', 'hidden'); if (item.overflow) { item.childinner.setStyle('overflow', 'hidden'); } item.fx.start(item.stylesOn); }, itemHide: function (item) { clearTimeout(item.stimer); item.status = 'close'; item.intent = 'close'; this.itemOut(item); this.childopen.erase(item); if (!item.fx && item.child) { clearTimeout(item.sid); item.sid = setTimeout(function(){ item.child.setStyle('display', 'none'); }, this.options.delayHide); } if (!item.fx || !item.child || item.child.getStyle('opacity') == '0') { return; } item.child.setStyle('overflow', 'hidden'); if (item.overflow) { item.childinner.setStyle('overflow', 'hidden'); } switch (this.options.hidestyle) { case 'fast': item.fx.options.duration = 100; item.fx.start(item.stylesOff); break; case 'fastwhenshow': item.fx.start(Object.merge(item.stylesOff, { 'opacity': 0 })); break; case 'normal': default: item.fx.start(item.stylesOff); break; } }, itemAnimDone: function (item) { //hide done if (item.status == 'close') { //reset duration and enable opacity if not fading if (this.options.hidestyle.test(/fast/)) { item.fx.options.duration = this.options.duration; if (!this.options.fading) { item.childwrap.setStyle('opacity', 1); } } //hide item.child.setStyle('display', 'none'); this.disableclick.delay(100, this, item); var pitem = item.parent ? item.parent.retrieve('item') : null; if (pitem && pitem.intent == 'close') { this.itemHide(pitem); } } //show done if (item.status == 'open') { item.child.setStyle('overflow', ''); if (item.overflow) { item.childinner.setStyle('overflow-y', 'auto'); } item.childwrap.setStyle('opacity', 1); item.child.setStyle('display', 'block'); } }, hideOthers: function (el) { this.childopen.each(function (item) { if (!el || (item.el != el && !item.el.contains(el))) { item.intent = 'close'; } }); if (this.options.slide || this.options.fading) { var last = this.childopen.getLast(); if (last && last.intent == 'close') { this.itemHide(last); } } else { this.childopen.each(function (item) { if(item.intent == 'close'){ this.itemHide(item); } }, this); } }, hideAlls: function (el) { this.childopen.flatten().each(function (item) { if (!item.fx) { this.itemHide(item); } else { item.intent = 'close'; } }, this); if (this.options.slide || this.options.fading) { var last = this.childopen.getLast(); if (last && last.intent == 'close') { this.itemHide(last); } } }, enableclick: function (item) { if (item.link && item.child) { item.clickable = true; } }, disableclick: function (item) { item.clickable = false; }, positionSubmenu: function (item) { var options = this.options, offsleft, offstop, left, top, stylesOff = {}, icoord = item.el.getCoordinates(), bodySize = $(document.body).getScrollSize(), winRect = { top: window.getScrollTop(), left: window.getScrollLeft(), width: window.getWidth(), height: window.getHeight() }, wrapRect = this.wrapper ? this.wrapper.getCoordinates() : { top: 0, left: 0, width: winRect.width, height: winRect.height }; winRect.top = Math.max(winRect.top, wrapRect.top); winRect.left = Math.max(winRect.left, wrapRect.left); winRect.width = Math.min(winRect.width, wrapRect.width); winRect.height = Math.min(winRect.height, $(document.body).getScrollHeight()); winRect.right = winRect.left + winRect.width; winRect.bottom = winRect.top + winRect.height; if (!item.level0) { var pitem = item.parent.retrieve('item'), offsety = parseFloat(pitem.child.getFirst().getStyle('margin-top')), offsetx = parseFloat(pitem.child.getFirst().getStyle(window.isRTL ? 'margin-right' : 'margin-left')); item.direction = pitem.direction; window.isRTL && (offsetx = 0 - offsetx); icoord.top -= offsety; icoord.bottom -= offsety; icoord.left -= offsetx; icoord.right -= offsetx; } if (item.level0) { if (window.isRTL) { offsleft = Math.max(winRect.left, icoord.right - item.width - 20); left = Math.max(0, offsleft - winRect.left); } else { offsleft = Math.max(winRect.left, Math.min(winRect.right - item.width, icoord.left)); left = Math.max(0, Math.min(winRect.right - item.width, icoord.left) - winRect.left); } } else { if (window.isRTL) { if (item.direction == 1) { offsleft = icoord.left - item.width - 20 + options.offset; left = -icoord.width - 20; if (offsleft < winRect.left) { item.direction = 0; offsleft = Math.min(winRect.right, Math.max(winRect.left, icoord.right + item.padding - 20 - options.offset)); left = icoord.width - 20; stylesOff['margin-right'] = item.width; } } else { offsleft = icoord.right + item.padding - 20; left = icoord.width - 20; if (offsleft + item.width > winRect.right) { item.direction = 1; offsleft = Math.max(winRect.left, icoord.left - item.width - 20); left = -icoord.width - 20; stylesOff['margin-right'] = -item.width; } } } else { if (item.direction == 1) { offsleft = icoord.right - options.offset; left = icoord.width; if (offsleft + item.width > winRect.right) { item.direction = 0; offsleft = Math.max(winRect.left, icoord.left - item.width - item.padding + options.offset); left = -icoord.width; stylesOff['margin-left'] = item.width; } } else { offsleft = icoord.left - item.width - item.padding + options.offset; left = -icoord.width; if (offsleft < winRect.left) { item.direction = 1; offsleft = Math.max(winRect.left, Math.min(winRect.right - item.width, icoord.right - options.offset)); left = icoord.width; stylesOff['margin-left'] = -item.width; } } } } if (options.slide && item.fx && Object.getLength(stylesOff)) { item.fx.set(stylesOff); } // Teline IV if (options.fixArrow && item.childinner) { item.childinner.setStyle('background-position', (icoord.left - offsleft + (icoord.width / 2 - 4.5)) + 'px top'); } var oldp = item.child.getStyle('display'); item.child.setStyle('display', 'block'); if (item.child.getOffsetParent()) { left = offsleft - item.child.getOffsetParent().getCoordinates().left; } item.child.setStyles({ 'margin-left': 0, 'left': left, 'display': oldp }); } });