Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/happy2/media/editors/codemirror/js/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/happy2/media/editors/codemirror/js/parsephphtmlmixed.js |
/* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. The copyrights embodied in the content of this file are licensed by Yahoo! Inc. under the BSD (revised) open source license @author Dan Vlad Dascalescu <dandv@yahoo-inc.com> Based on parsehtmlmixed.js by Marijn Haverbeke. */ var PHPHTMLMixedParser = Editor.Parser = (function() { var processingInstructions = ["<?php"]; if (!(PHPParser && CSSParser && JSParser && XMLParser)) throw new Error("PHP, CSS, JS, and XML parsers must be loaded for PHP+HTML mixed mode to work."); XMLParser.configure({useHTMLKludges: true}); function parseMixed(stream) { var htmlParser = XMLParser.make(stream), localParser = null, inTag = false, lastAtt = null, phpParserState = null; var iter = {next: top, copy: copy}; function top() { var token = htmlParser.next(); if (token.content == "<") inTag = true; else if (token.style == "xml-tagname" && inTag === true) inTag = token.content.toLowerCase(); else if (token.style == "xml-attname") lastAtt = token.content; else if (token.type == "xml-processing") { // see if this opens a PHP block for (var i = 0; i < processingInstructions.length; i++) if (processingInstructions[i] == token.content) { iter.next = local(PHPParser, "?>"); break; } } else if (token.style == "xml-attribute" && token.content == "\"php\"" && inTag == "script" && lastAtt == "language") inTag = "script/php"; // "xml-processing" tokens are ignored, because they should be handled by a specific local parser else if (token.content == ">") { if (inTag == "script/php") iter.next = local(PHPParser, "</script>"); else if (inTag == "script") iter.next = local(JSParser, "</script"); else if (inTag == "style") iter.next = local(CSSParser, "</style"); lastAtt = null; inTag = false; } return token; } function local(parser, tag) { var baseIndent = htmlParser.indentation(); if (parser == PHPParser && phpParserState) localParser = phpParserState(stream); else localParser = parser.make(stream, baseIndent + indentUnit); return function() { if (stream.lookAhead(tag, false, false, true)) { if (parser == PHPParser) phpParserState = localParser.copy(); localParser = null; iter.next = top; return top(); // pass the ending tag to the enclosing parser } var token = localParser.next(); var lt = token.value.lastIndexOf("<"), sz = Math.min(token.value.length - lt, tag.length); if (lt != -1 && token.value.slice(lt, lt + sz).toLowerCase() == tag.slice(0, sz) && stream.lookAhead(tag.slice(sz), false, false, true)) { stream.push(token.value.slice(lt)); token.value = token.value.slice(0, lt); } if (token.indentation) { var oldIndent = token.indentation; token.indentation = function(chars) { if (chars == "</") return baseIndent; else return oldIndent(chars); } } return token; }; } function copy() { var _html = htmlParser.copy(), _local = localParser && localParser.copy(), _next = iter.next, _inTag = inTag, _lastAtt = lastAtt, _php = phpParserState; return function(_stream) { stream = _stream; htmlParser = _html(_stream); localParser = _local && _local(_stream); phpParserState = _php; iter.next = _next; inTag = _inTag; lastAtt = _lastAtt; return iter; }; } return iter; } return { make: parseMixed, electricChars: "{}/:", configure: function(conf) { if (conf.opening != null) processingInstructions = conf.opening; } }; })();