Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/happy2/language/en-GB/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/happy2/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_jaslideshow.ini |
MODULE_CLASS_SUFFIX = "Module class suffix" PARAMMODULECLASSSUFFIX="A suffix to be applied to the CSS class of the module (table.moduletable) for individual styling" FROM_ARTICLES="From Articles" FROM_ARTICLES_DESC="From Articles" FROM_IMAGES_FOLDER="From Image Folder" FROM_IMAGES_FOLDER_DESC="From Image Folder" EDIT="Edit" FROM_VIDEO="From Video Source" FROM_VIDEO_DESC="From Images Folder" CONTENT_SETTING="Content Settings" DISPLAY_MODE="Display Articles" DISPLAY_MODE_DESC="Display articles with keyword %"_QQ_"Featured"_QQ_"% in "_QQ_"Keyword"_QQ_" parameter declared inside the Metadata Information of artcile. Or, Display articles from one or many categories." DISPLAY_ARTICLES_FROM="Display Articles From" WITH_FEATURED_KEYWORD= "With Keyword" FROM_CATEGORIES="From Categories" DISPLAY_ARTICLES_FROM_SECTIONS="Display Articles From Sections" DISPLAY_ARTICLES_FROM_ONE_OR_MANY_SECTIONS="Display Articles From One Or Many Sections" TITLE_LABEL="Setting for the Side News layout" CATEGORIES_SELECTION="Categories Selection" CATEGORIES_SELECTION_DESC="The Module Just Display Articles From One Or Many Categories" SORT_ORDER_BY="Articles Sorted By" SORT_ORDER_BY_DESC="Articles Sorted Order By Your Condition" ASC="Asc" DESC="Desc" ASC_OR_DESC="Ascending OR Descending" ASC_OR_DESC_DESC="After the above order is meet, the article will be sorted by this condition. Eg: If you choose sort by '<B>DATE</B>' above and set this to '<B>DESC</B>' then the newest article will be displayed first" MAX_ARTICLES_DISPLAY="Max Articles Display" MAX_ARTICLES_DISPLAY_DESC="Maximum number of items you want to display on the frontpage" TITLE_MAX_LENGTH="Title Max Length" TITLE_MAX_LENGTH_DESC="Maximum Characters In the Article title. If it is longer than settings, trimmed characters will be replaced by '<b>...</b>'" MAX_CHARS="Description Max Length" MAX_CHARS_DESC="Maximum Characters In the Article Description. If it is longer than settings, trimmed characters will be replaced by '<b>...</b>'" IMAGE_FOLDER="Image folder" IMAGE_FOLDER_DESC="Path to images folder." START_ITEM="Start Item" START_ITEM_DESC="Set item to show first." SORT_TYPE="Sort Type" SORT_TYPE_DESC="Order by either Name or Date of the image file or article" NAME="Name" TIME="Date" SORT_ORDER="Sort Order" SORT_ORDER_DESC="The order of the sort" RANDOM="Random" ASCENDING="Ascending" DESCENDING="Descending" MAIN_ITEM_WIDTH="Main Item width" MAIN_ITEM_WIDTH_DESC="Main Item width" MAIN_ITEM_HEIGHT="Main Item height" MAIN_ITEM_HEIGHT_DESC="Main Item height" SHOW_DESCRIPTION="Show Description" SHOW_DESCRIPTION_DESC="Show/Hide description in the mask" NO_DESCRIPTION="No Description" DESCRIPTION_ONLY="Description only" DESCRIPTION_WITH_READMORE="Description with Readmore" SHOW_DESCRIPTION_WHEN="Show Description when" SHOW_DESCRIPTION_WHEN_DESC="When description should appear" ALWAYS="Always" MOUSE_OVER_IMAGE="Mouse Over the Image" IMAGE_ANIMATED="Image Animated" SHOW_PROGRESSBAR="Show the Progress Bar" SHOW_PROGRESSBAR_DESC="Show the progress bar indicate next animation - AutoPlay only" READMORE_TEXT="Readmore Text" READMORE_TEXT_DESC="Text to display in Readmore button" ANIMATION_DURATION="Animation Duration" ANIMATION_DURATION_DESC="Main image animation duration (in milliseconds)" ANIMATION_TYPE="Animation Type" ANIMATION_TYPE_DESC="Animation effects that you want to display" FALLBACK_ANIMATION_TYPE="Fallback Animation Type" FALLBACK_ANIMATION_TYPE_DESC="Select an alternate animation type if the source content does not match Random Slices requirement. Note: Random Slices require each item must be an image" MOVING="Moving" FADING="Fading" RANDOM_SLICE="Random Slices" MOVE_DIRECTION="Move Direction" NUMBER_SLICES="Number of slices" NUMBER_BOX_COLS="Box Columns" NUMBER_BOX_ROWS="Box Rows" NUMBER_SLICES_DESC="Specify how many vertical slice" NUMBER_BOX_COLS_DESC="The number of box" NUMBER_BOX_ROWS_DESC="The number of box" VERTICAL_RIGHT="Vertical Right" VERTICAL_LEFT="Vertical Left" HORIZONTAL="Horizontal" VERTICAL="Vertical" EFFECT="Effect" EFFECT_DESC="Animation effects. Used with Wipe/Push animation only." LINEAR="Linear" MEDIUM_T_SLOW="Medium To Slow" FAST_TO_SLOW="Fast to Slow" VERY_FAST_TO_SLOW="Very Fast to Slow" UBER_FAST_TO_SLOW="Uber Fast to Slow" ELASTIC="Elastic" BACK_IN="Back In" BACK_OUT="Back Out" BACK_IN_AND_OUT="Back In and Out" BOUNCING="Bouncing" CONTAINER_WIDTH="Container Width" CONTAINER_WIDTH_DESC="Only apply for Animation type Moving" FIT_TO_MAIN_IMAGE="Fit to main image" FULL_SIZE="Full Size" NAVIGATION="Navigation" NAVIGATION_DESC="Choose navigation type" NUMBER="Number" THUMBNAILS="Contain Thumbnails" THUMBNAILS_AND_DESCRIPTIONS="Thumbnails and Descriptions" NAVIGATION_ALIGNMENT="Navigation alignment" NAVIGATION_ALIGNMENT_DESC="Choose the position to display navigation buttons" NAVIGATION_WIDTH="Item Width" NAVIGATION_WIDTH_DESC="Enter the width (in numeric or thumbnail) of the item in the list" NAVIGATION_HEIGHT="Item Height" NAVIGATION_HEIGHT_DESC="Enter the Height (in numeric or thumbnail) of the item in the list" NAV_ITEMWIDTH="Item Width" NAV_ITEMWIDTH_DESC="Navigation Item Width (Apply for thumbnail image If Navigation was chosen the Contant Thumbnails option, <br/> Apply for number If Navigation was chosen the Number option)" NAV_ITEMHEIGHT="Item Height" NAV_ITEMHEIGHT_DESC="Navigation Item Height (Apply for thumbnail image If Navigation was chosen the Contant Thumbnails option, <br/> Apply for number If Navigation was chosen the Number option)" ITEM_SPACING="Item Spacing" ITEM_SPACING_DESC="Spacing for the displayed in range vSpace:hSpace in pixel" NUMBER_OF_ITEMS="Number of displayed items" NUMBER_OF_ITEMS_DESC="Number to display." CONTROL_BUTTONS="Control Buttons" CONTROL_BUTTONS_DESC="Should Control Buttons show?" AUTO_PLAY="Auto play" AUTO_PLAY_DESC="If yes, slideshow will begin when the page loads" INTERVAL="Interval" INTERVAL_DESC="Time (in milliseconds) for the next play/run" ITEM_OPACITY="Item opacity" ITEM_OPACITY_DESC="Opacity for thumbnail or box of number" DESCRIPTION_BACKGROUND_OPACITY="Description background opacity" DESCRIPTION_BACKGROUND_OPACITY_DESC="Select from range of 0=transparent to 1=solid" NEXT_PREV_IMAGES_OPACITY="Next/Prev Images opacity" NEXT_PREV_IMAGES_OPACITY_DESC="Opacity for the displayed part of next/previous images, values input in range 0 : 1" DESCRIPTION_FOR_EACH_ITEM="Description" DESCRIPTION_FOR_EACH_ITEM_DESC="Format the description as follows:<br/><font color="_QQ_"red"_QQ_">[desc img="_QQ_"image name"_QQ_" url="_QQ_"your url"_QQ_"]your desc[/desc]</font><br/><strong>exm: [desc img="_QQ_"sl-01.jpg"_QQ_" url="_QQ_"#"_QQ_"] blah blah blah... [/desc]</strong><br>To insert HTML tags in description (exm: <h3>, ..), format as follows:<br><font color="_QQ_"red"_QQ_">[desc img="_QQ_"image name"_QQ_" url="_QQ_"your url"_QQ_"] <br/><strong style="_QQ_"color:black"_QQ_">{{h3 style=''color:red''}}This is title{{/h3}}</strong><br/> blah blah blah...<br/>[/desc]</font>" ANIMATION_REPEAT="Animation Repeat" ANIMATION_REPEAT_DESC="If Yes, animation will repeat forever" POSTED_DATE="Date:" KEYWORD="Keyword" KEYWORD_DESC="The module matchs this keyword to get the list articles from the database." STAGE_SETTING="Stage Settings" STAGE_SETTING_DESC="Stage Setting" SHOW_READMORE="Show Readmore" SHOW_READMORE_DESC="Display the Readmore link?" ANIMATION_TRANSITION="Animation Transition" ANIMATION_TRANSITION_DESC="Select the type of transition" NAVIGATOR_SETTING="Navigation Settings" NAVIGATOR_SETTING_DESC="Navigation Settings" NAVIGATION_SHOW="Navigation Show" NAVIGATION_SHOW_DESC="Whether to display and type of Navigation" NUMBERS="Numbers" NUMBERS_DESC="Numbers" SHOW_DESCRTIPTION="Show Description" SHOW_DESCRTIPTION_DESC="Whether to display the article's decription" DESCRIPTION_MAX_LENGTH="Description Max Length" DESCRIPTION_MAX_LENGTH_DESC="Limit the length of the displayed description" SHOW_PREVIOURS_NEXT_BUTTONS="Show the "_QQ_"next"_QQ_" button and "_QQ_"previours"_QQ_" button" SHOW_PREVIOURS_NEXT_BUTTONS_DESC="Whether to show the "_QQ_"next"_QQ_" button and "_QQ_"previours"_QQ_" button" PREVIOUS="Previous" MASK_STYLE="Mask Style" MASK_STYLE_DESC="Apply for Moving animation type." MASK_WIDTH="Mask Width" MASK_WIDTH_DESC="Width of the mask in pixels, or set to "_QQ_"auto"_QQ_" for full width" MASK_HEIGHT="Mask Height" MASK_HEIGHT_DESC="Height of the mask in pixels, or set to "_QQ_"auto"_QQ_" for full height" MASK_ALIGNMENT="Mask Alignment" MASK_ALIGNMENT_DESC="Choose position of the mask" MASK_TRANSITION_STYLE="Mask Transition Style" MASK_TRANSITION_STYLE_DESC="Mask Transition Style" OPACITY="Opacity" SLIDING="Sliding" MASK_TRANSITION="Mask Transition" MASK_TRANSITION_DESC="Mask transition" USING_IMAGE_SOURCE="Using Image Source" USING_RESIZE="Using Resize" USING_CROP="Using Crop" IMAGE_SETTING="Image Setting" THUMBNAIL_MODE="Thumbnail Mode" THUMBNAIL_MODE_DESC="If you want to use image thumbnail which renders from the image source, then choose "_QQ_"crop"_QQ_" or "_QQ_"resize"_QQ_"" RESIZE_WITH_THE_RATIO="Resize With The Ratio" RESIZE_WITH_THE_RATIO_DESC="If you choose "_QQ_"yes"_QQ_", then the module will render a thumbnail with the ratio about dimension of the image source" DATE="Date" ORDER="Ordering" HITS="Most Popular" SHOW_THUMBNAIL="Show Thumbnail" SHOW_THUMBNAIL_DESC="Whether to display the thumbnail in each item." SHOW_DATE="Show Date" SHOW_DATE_DESC="Show The created date." FROM_ARCILES_SOURCE="From Articles Source" FROM_ARCILES_SOURCE_DESC="Articles Source" FROM_IMAGES_SOURCE="From Images Source" FROM_IMAGES_SOURCE_DESC="From Image Source" SOURCE_DESC="Select source of items for the Slideshow" SKIN="Skin" SKIN_FOR_SLIDER="Skin for slider" INCLUDE_TAGS="Include Tags" INCLUDE_TAGS_IN_DESCRIPTION="Tags allowed to show on item description" CLICK_LINK_OPEN_IN="Click Link Open In" CLICK_LINK_OPEN_IN_DESC="Choose the target link you want" SOURCE = "Source" CACHE_TIME="Cache Time" CACHE_TIME_DESC="The duration after which the module is updated." CACHING="Caching" CACHING_DESC="Select Whether To Cache data after SQL query fetched data from the database." TOP="Top" BOTTOM="Bottom" LEFT="Left" RIGHT="Right" DISPLAY_FEATURED_ARTICLES = "Display Featured Articles" DISPLAY_FEATURED_ARTICLES_DESC = "Choose '<strong>Show only featured articles</strong>' to only show featured articles.<br /> '<strong>Show</strong>' to show articles which include featured articles.<br /> '<strong>Hide</strong>' to not show featured articles" ADDVANCED_SETTINGS = "Addvanced Settings" ADDVANCED_SETTINGS_DESC = "Addvanced settings" NAVIGATOR_SETTINGS = "Navigator Settings" NAVIGATOR_SETTINGS_DESC = "Navigator settings" STAGE_SETTINGS = "Stage Settings" STAGE_SETTINGS_DESC = "Stage Settings" RESOURCE_SETTINGS = "Resource Settings" RESOURCE_SETTINGS_DESC = "Resource Settings" ;XML CONFIG CLONE_DESC="Clone profile" DELETE_DESC="Choose a profile to delete" SAVE_PROFILE_SUCCESSFULLY="Save Profile Successfully" CLONE_PROFILE_SUCCESSFULLY="Clone Profile Successfully" NO_PROFILE_SPECIFIED="No Profile Specified." DELETE_FAIL="Delete Fail" DELETE_PROFILE_SUCCESSFULLY_FROM_MODULE="Delete Profile Successfully From Module" DELETE_PROFILE_SUCCESSFULLY="Delete Profile Successfully" PROFILE_SETTINGS="Profile Settings" PROFILE_SETTINGS_DESC = "Profile Settings" INVALID_DATA_TO_SAVE_PROFILE="No Profile name contains space or special chracters." OPERATION_FAILED="Operation Failed: Failed to open file for writing." NO_PERMISSION="You do not have the permission to access" PROFILE_NOT_FOUND="Profile %s not found." PROFILE_FOLDER_NOT_EXIST="Profiles Folder not exist" ARE_YOUR_SURE_TO_CANCEL="Are you sure to cancel" ENTER_PROFILE_NAME="Enter an Slideshow Profile name" PROFILE_NAME_NOT_EMPTY="Profile name cannot be empty" CONFIRM_DELETE_PROFILE="Are you sure to delete this profile?" PROFILE_EXIST="Profile '%s' already exists."; NAV_THUMB_WIDTH="Thumbnail width" NAV_THUMB_WIDTH_DESC="Thumbnail Width (If Navigation was choosed the Contant Thumbnails option)" NAV_THUMB_HEIGHT="Thumbnail height" NAV_THUMB_HEIGHT_DESC="Thumbnail Height (If Navigation was choosed the Contant Thumbnails option)" POSTED_DATE="Posted date:" PLAYBACK="Playback" STOP="Stop" PLAY="Play" NEXT="Next" K2_CATEGORIES_SELECTION="Select K2 categories" K2_CATEGORIES_SELECTION_DESC="Select K2 categories use Crl + click for multi-selection." SELECT_CATEGORY_ALL = "- Select All Categories -" FROM_K2 = "From K2" JA_GALLERY="Images List" JA_GALLERY_DESC="Show images list from a folder" FOLDER_EMPTY="Image not found" TITLE="Title" LINK="Link" DESCRIPTION="Description" UPDATE="Update" CANCEL="Cancel" ANIMATION_SETTINGS="Animation Settings" ANIMATION_SETTINGS_DESC="Animation Settings" DISPLAY_SETTINGS="Display Settings" DISPLAY_SETTINGS_DESC="Display Settings" ;for jquery chosen JGLOBAL_SELECT_SOME_OPTIONS="Select some options" JGLOBAL_SELECT_AN_OPTION="Select an option" JGLOBAL_SELECT_NO_RESULTS_MATCH="No results match"