Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/happy2/installation1/includes/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/happy2/installation1/includes/application.php |
<?php /** * @package Joomla.Installation * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ defined('_JEXEC') or die; /** * Joomla Application class * * Provide many supporting API functions * * @package Joomla.Installation */ class JInstallation extends JApplication { /** * The url of the site * * @var string */ protected $_siteURL = null; /** * Class constructor * * @param array $config An optional associative array of configuration settings. * Recognized key values include 'clientId' (this list is not meant to be comprehensive). * * @return void */ public function __construct(array $config = array()) { $config['clientId'] = 2; parent::__construct($config); $this->_createConfiguration(''); // Set the root in the URI based on the application name. JURI::root(null, str_replace('/'.$this->getName(), '', JURI::base(true))); } /** * Render the application * * @return void */ public function render() { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $config = JFactory::getConfig(); $user = JFactory::getUser(); switch($document->getType()) { case 'html' : // Set metadata $document->setTitle(JText::_('INSTL_PAGE_TITLE')); break; default : break; } // Define component path define('JPATH_COMPONENT', JPATH_BASE); define('JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE', JPATH_SITE); define('JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR); // Start the output buffer. ob_start(); // Import the controller. require_once JPATH_COMPONENT.'/controller.php'; // Execute the task. $controller = JControllerLegacy::getInstance('JInstallation'); $controller->execute(JRequest::getVar('task')); $controller->redirect(); // Get output from the buffer and clean it. $contents = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $file = JRequest::getCmd('tmpl', 'index'); $params = array( 'template' => 'template', 'file' => $file.'.php', 'directory' => JPATH_THEMES, 'params' => '{}' ); $document->setBuffer($contents, 'installation'); $document->setTitle(JText::_('INSTL_PAGE_TITLE')); $data = $document->render(false, $params); JResponse::setBody($data); if (JFactory::getConfig()->get('debug_lang')) { $this->debugLanguage(); } } /** * Initialise the application. * * @param array $options * * @return void */ public function initialise($options = array()) { //Get the localisation information provided in the localise.xml file. $forced = $this->getLocalise(); // Check the request data for the language. if (empty($options['language'])) { $requestLang = JRequest::getCmd('lang', null); if (!is_null($requestLang)) { $options['language'] = $requestLang; } } // Check the session for the language. if (empty($options['language'])) { $sessionLang = JFactory::getSession()->get('setup.language'); if (!is_null($sessionLang)) { $options['language'] = $sessionLang; } } // This could be a first-time visit - try to determine what the client accepts. if (empty($options['language'])) { if (!empty($forced['language'])) { $options['language'] = $forced['language']; } else { $options['language'] = JLanguageHelper::detectLanguage(); if (empty($options['language'])) { $options['language'] = 'en-GB'; } } } // Give the user English if (empty($options['language'])) { $options['language'] = 'en-GB'; } // Set the language in the class $conf = JFactory::getConfig(); $conf->set('language', $options['language']); $conf->set('debug_lang', $forced['debug']); $conf->set('sampledata', $forced['sampledata']); } /** * @return void */ public static function debugLanguage() { ob_start(); $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); echo '<h4>Parsing errors in language files</h4>'; $errorfiles = $lang->getErrorFiles(); if (count($errorfiles)) { echo '<ul>'; foreach ($errorfiles as $file => $error) { echo "<li>$error</li>"; } echo '</ul>'; } else { echo '<pre>None</pre>'; } echo '<h4>Untranslated Strings</h4>'; echo '<pre>'; $orphans = $lang->getOrphans(); if (count($orphans)) { ksort($orphans, SORT_STRING); foreach ($orphans as $key => $occurance) { $guess = str_replace('_', ' ', $key); $parts = explode(' ', $guess); if (count($parts) > 1) { array_shift($parts); $guess = implode(' ', $parts); } $guess = trim($guess); $key = trim(strtoupper($key)); $key = preg_replace('#\s+#', '_', $key); $key = preg_replace('#\W#', '', $key); // Prepare the text $guesses[] = $key.'="'.$guess.'"'; } echo "\n\n# ".$file."\n\n"; echo implode("\n", $guesses); } else { echo 'None'; } echo '</pre>'; $debug = ob_get_clean(); JResponse::appendBody($debug); } /** * Set configuration values * * @param array $vars Array of configuration values * @param string $namespace The namespace * * @return void */ public function setCfg(array $vars = array(), $namespace = 'config') { $this->_registry->loadArray($vars, $namespace); } /** * Create the configuration registry * * @return void */ public function _createConfiguration($file) { // Create the registry with a default namespace of config which is read only $this->_registry = new JRegistry('config'); } /** * Get the template * * @return string The template name */ public function getTemplate($params = false) { if ((bool) $params) { $template = new stdClass(); $template->template = 'template'; $template->params = new JRegistry; return $template; } return 'template'; } /** * Create the user session * * @param string $name The sessions name * * @return object JSession */ public function & _createSession($name) { $options = array(); $options['name'] = $name; $session = JFactory::getSession($options); if (!$session->get('registry') instanceof JRegistry) { // Registry has been corrupted somehow $session->set('registry', new JRegistry('session')); } return $session; } /** * Returns the language code and help url set in the localise.xml file. * Used for forcing a particular language in localised releases. * * @return bool|array False on failure, array on success. */ public function getLocalise() { $xml = JFactory::getXML(JPATH_SITE . '/installation/localise.xml'); if (!$xml) { return false; } // Check that it's a localise file if ($xml->getName() != 'localise') { return false; } $ret = array(); $ret['language'] = (string)$xml->forceLang; $ret['helpurl'] = (string)$xml->helpurl; $ret['debug'] = (string)$xml->debug; $ret['sampledata'] = (string)$xml->sampledata; return $ret; } /** * Returns the installed language files in the administrative and * front-end area. * * @param boolean $db * * @return array Array with installed language packs in admin and site area */ public function getLocaliseAdmin($db=false) { jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); // Read the files in the admin area $path = JLanguage::getLanguagePath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR); $langfiles['admin'] = JFolder::folders($path); // Read the files in the site area $path = JLanguage::getLanguagePath(JPATH_SITE); $langfiles['site'] = JFolder::folders($path); if ($db) { $langfiles_disk = $langfiles; $langfiles = array(); $langfiles['admin'] = array(); $langfiles['site'] = array(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select('element,client_id'); $query->from('#__extensions'); $query->where('type = '.$db->quote('language')); $db->setQuery($query); $langs = $db->loadObjectList(); foreach ($langs as $lang) { switch($lang->client_id) { case 0: // site if (in_array($lang->element, $langfiles_disk['site'])) { $langfiles['site'][] = $lang->element; } break; case 1: // administrator if (in_array($lang->element, $langfiles_disk['admin'])) { $langfiles['admin'][] = $lang->element; } break; } } } return $langfiles; } }