Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/happy2/components/com_users/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/happy2/components/com_users/router.php |
<?php /** * @package Joomla.Site * @subpackage com_users * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ defined('_JEXEC') or die; /** * Function to build a Users URL route. * * @param array The array of query string values for which to build a route. * @return array The URL route with segments represented as an array. * @since 1.5 */ function UsersBuildRoute(&$query) { // Declare static variables. static $items; static $default; static $registration; static $profile; static $login; static $remind; static $resend; static $reset; // Initialise variables. $segments = array(); // Get the relevant menu items if not loaded. if (empty($items)) { // Get all relevant menu items. $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $menu = $app->getMenu(); $items = $menu->getItems('component', 'com_users'); // Build an array of serialized query strings to menu item id mappings. for ($i = 0, $n = count($items); $i < $n; $i++) { // Check to see if we have found the resend menu item. if (empty($resend) && !empty($items[$i]->query['view']) && ($items[$i]->query['view'] == 'resend')) { $resend = $items[$i]->id; } // Check to see if we have found the reset menu item. if (empty($reset) && !empty($items[$i]->query['view']) && ($items[$i]->query['view'] == 'reset')) { $reset = $items[$i]->id; } // Check to see if we have found the remind menu item. if (empty($remind) && !empty($items[$i]->query['view']) && ($items[$i]->query['view'] == 'remind')) { $remind = $items[$i]->id; } // Check to see if we have found the login menu item. if (empty($login) && !empty($items[$i]->query['view']) && ($items[$i]->query['view'] == 'login')) { $login = $items[$i]->id; } // Check to see if we have found the registration menu item. if (empty($registration) && !empty($items[$i]->query['view']) && ($items[$i]->query['view'] == 'registration')) { $registration = $items[$i]->id; } // Check to see if we have found the profile menu item. if (empty($profile) && !empty($items[$i]->query['view']) && ($items[$i]->query['view'] == 'profile')) { $profile = $items[$i]->id; } } // Set the default menu item to use for com_users if possible. if ($profile) { $default = $profile; } elseif ($registration) { $default = $registration; } elseif ($login) { $default = $login; } } if (!empty($query['view'])) { switch ($query['view']) { case 'reset': if ($query['Itemid'] = $reset) { unset ($query['view']); } else { $query['Itemid'] = $default; } break; case 'resend': if ($query['Itemid'] = $resend) { unset ($query['view']); } else { $query['Itemid'] = $default; } break; case 'remind': if ($query['Itemid'] = $remind) { unset ($query['view']); } else { $query['Itemid'] = $default; } break; case 'login': if ($query['Itemid'] = $login) { unset ($query['view']); } else { $query['Itemid'] = $default; } break; case 'registration': if ($query['Itemid'] = $registration) { unset ($query['view']); } else { $query['Itemid'] = $default; } break; default: case 'profile': if (!empty($query['view'])) { $segments[] = $query['view']; } unset ($query['view']); if ($query['Itemid'] = $profile) { unset ($query['view']); } else { $query['Itemid'] = $default; } // Only append the user id if not "me". $user = JFactory::getUser(); if (!empty($query['user_id']) && ($query['user_id'] != $user->id)) { $segments[] = $query['user_id']; } unset ($query['user_id']); break; } } return $segments; } /** * Function to parse a Users URL route. * * @param array The URL route with segments represented as an array. * @return array The array of variables to set in the request. * @since 1.5 */ function UsersParseRoute($segments) { // Initialise variables. $vars = array(); // Only run routine if there are segments to parse. if (count($segments) < 1) { return; } // Get the package from the route segments. $userId = array_pop($segments); if (!is_numeric($userId)) { $vars['view'] = 'profile'; return $vars; } if (is_numeric($userId)) { // Get the package id from the packages table by alias. $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery( 'SELECT '.$db->quoteName('id') . ' FROM '.$db->quoteName('#__users') . ' WHERE '.$db->quoteName('id').' = '.(int) $userId ); $userId = $db->loadResult(); } // Set the package id if present. if ($userId) { // Set the package id. $vars['user_id'] = (int)$userId; // Set the view to package if not already set. if (empty($vars['view'])) { $vars['view'] = 'profile'; } } else { JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('JGLOBAL_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND')); } return $vars; }