Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/happy2/administrator/language/en-GB/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/happy2/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_jaextmanager.ini |
COM_INSTALLER_MSG_DESCFTP="For installing or uninstalling Extensions, Joomla! will most likely need your FTP account details. Please insert in the form fields below." COM_INSTALLER_MSG_DESCFTPTITLE="FTP Login Details" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_DISCOVER_DESCRIPTION="This screen allows you to discover extensions that have not gone through the normal installation process. <br />For example, some extensions are too large in file size to upload using the web interface due to limitations of the web hosting environment. Using this feature you can upload extension files directly to your web server using some other means such as FTP or SFTP and place those extension files into the appropriate directory. <br />You can then use the discover feature to find the newly uploaded extension and activate it in your Joomla! installation. <br />Using the discover operation you can also discover and install multiple extensions at the same time." COM_INSTALLER_MSG_DISCOVER_FAILEDTOPURGEEXTENSIONS="Failed to purge extensions" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_DISCOVER_INSTALLFAILED="Discover installion unsuccessfully" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_DISCOVER_INSTALLSUCCESSFUL="Discover installion successfully" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_DISCOVER_NOEXTENSION="<strong>No extensions have been discovered.</strong> Click Discover to find new extensions that might be available for installation." COM_INSTALLER_MSG_DISCOVER_NOEXTENSIONSELECTED="No extension selected" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_DISCOVER_PURGEDDISCOVEREDEXTENSIONS="Purged discovered extensions" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_INSTALL_ENTER_A_URL="Please enter a URL" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_INSTALL_INVALID_URL="Invalid URL" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_INSTALL_NO_FILE_SELECTED="No file selected" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_INSTALL_PATH_DOES_NOT_HAVE_A_VALID_PACKAGE="Path does not have a valid package." COM_INSTALLER_MSG_INSTALL_PLEASE_ENTER_A_PACKAGE_DIRECTORY="Please enter a package directory" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_INSTALL_PLEASE_SELECT_A_DIRECTORY="Please select a directory" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_INSTALL_WARNINSTALLFILE="The installer cannot continue until file uploads are enabled for the server." COM_INSTALLER_MSG_INSTALL_WARNINSTALLUPLOADERROR="There was an error uploading this file to the server." COM_INSTALLER_MSG_INSTALL_WARNINSTALLZLIB="The installer cannot continue until Zlib is installed." COM_INSTALLER_MSG_MANAGE_NOEXTENSION="There are no installed extensions matching your query" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_UPDATE_ERROR="Error updating %s" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_UPDATE_NODESC="No description available for this item." COM_INSTALLER_MSG_UPDATE_NOUPDATES="There is no update available at the moment. Please check again later." COM_INSTALLER_MSG_UPDATE_SUCCESS="%s Successfully updated " COM_INSTALLER_MSG_UPDATE_UPDATE="Update" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_WARNINGFURTHERINFO="Further information on warnings" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_WARNINGFURTHERINFODESC="For more information on warnings, see the <a href="_QQ_"http://docs.joomla.org"_QQ_">Joomla! Documentation Site</a>; NOTE: FILL THIS IN MORE SPECIFICALLY" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_WARNINGS_JOOMLATMPNOTSET="The Joomla! temporary directory is not set" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_WARNINGS_JOOMLATMPNOTSETDESC="The Joomla! temporary directory where Joomla! copies an extension, extracts the extension and the files are copied into the correct directories. If this configuration is not set in configuration.php ($tmp_path) then you won't be able to upload extensions. Create a directory to enable Joomla! to write to the directory and fix the issue." COM_INSTALLER_MSG_WARNINGS_JOOMLATMPNOTWRITEABLE="Joomla temporary directory is not writable or does not exist" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_WARNINGS_JOOMLATMPNOTWRITEABLEDESC="The Joomla temporary directory is not writeable by the Joomla! instance, or may not exist, which may cause issues when attempting to upload extensions to Joomla!. If you are having issues uploading extensions, make sure the directory defined in your configuration.php exists or check the '%s' and set it to be writeable and see if this fixes the issue." COM_INSTALLER_MSG_WARNINGS_LOWMEMORYDESC="" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_WARNINGS_LOWMEMORYWARN="" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_WARNINGS_MEDMEMORYDESC="" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_WARNINGS_MEDMEMORYWARN="" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_WARNINGS_NONE="No warnings detected" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_WARNINGS_PHPUPLOADNOTSET="The PHP temporary directory is not set" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_WARNINGS_PHPUPLOADNOTSETDESC="The PHP temporary directory is the directory that PHP uses to store an uploaded file before Joomla! can access this file. Whilst the directory not being set is not always a problem, if you are having issues with manifest files not being detected or uploaded files not being detected, setting this in your php.ini file might fix the issue." COM_INSTALLER_MSG_WARNINGS_PHPUPLOADNOTWRITEABLE="The PHP temporary directory is not writeable" COM_INSTALLER_MSG_WARNINGS_PHPUPLOADNOTWRITEABLEDESC="The PHP temporary directory is not writeable by the Joomla! Instance, which may cause issues when attempting to upload extensions to Joomla!. If you are having issues uploading extensions, check the '%s' and set it to be writeable and see if this fixes the issue." JOOMART_PRODUCT_MANAGER = "Joomlart Extension Manager" UPGRADE_FAILURED = "Upgrade failure" SUCCESSFULLY_UPGRADED_TO_VERSION = "Successfully upgraded to version" JA_UPDATER_CAN_NOT_CREATE_BELOW_FOLDER_AUTOMATICALLY_PLEASE_MANUAL_CREATE_AND_CHMOD_IT_TO_WRIABLE = "JA updater cannot create below folder automatically. Please manual create and chmod it to wriable!" JA_UPDATER_CAN_NOT_AUTOMATICALLY_CHMOD_FOR_BELOW_FOLDER_TO_WRIABLE_PLEASE_MANUAL_CHMOD_IT_TO_WRIABLE = "JA updater cannot automatically chmod for below folder to writable. Please manually chmod it to writable!" PATH_TO_MYSQL_CLI_IS_NOT_CORRECT = "Path to mysql CLI is not correct!" PATH_TO_MYSQL_DUMP_CLI_IS_NOT_CORRECT = "Path to mysql dump CLI is not correct!" CLICK_HERE_TO_EDIT_SETTINGS = "Click here to edit settings" ALL= "-- all --" COMPONENTS = "Components" MODULES = "Modules" PLUGINS = "Plugins" TEMPLATES = "Templates" THIS_EXTENSION_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED = "This extension is not supported!" JA_UPLOADER = "JA uploader" UPLOAD_VERSION_PACKAGE = "Upload version package" UPLOAD_NOW = "Upload now" REPOSITORY = "Repository" NEW_VERSION_FOUND = "New version found!" MORE = "More" LASTEST = "Latest" SHOW_CHANGE_LOG = "Show change log" CHANGE_LOG = "Change log" VIEW_DIFFERENCE_BETWEEN_TWO_VERSIONS = "View differences between two versions" COMPARE = "Compare" UPGARDE_TO_NEW_VERSION_NOW = "Upgrade to new version now" UPGRADE_NOW = "Upgrade now" SORRY_WE_CANT_TELL_IF_YOU_ARE_USING_LATEST_VERSION = "You are using latest version. This action can not be done" FAILURED_TO_BUILD_DIFFERENCE_VIEW = "Failed to build different view." THIS_PRODUCT_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED = "This product is not supported!" FAIL_TO_GET_CHANGE_LOG = "Failed to get change log" FAIL_TO_UPGRADE = "Failed to upgrade" YOU_HAVE_SUCCESSFULLY_UPGRADED_FROM_VERSION_FROM_VERSION_TO_VERSION_TO_VERSION_AT_TIME = "You have successfully upgraded from version {from_version} to version {to_version} at {time}" FAIL_TO_RECOVERY = "Failed to rollback" YOU_ARE_SUCCESSFULLY_ROLLBACK_AT = "You have successfully rollbacked " NO_UPLOAD_TYPE_FOUND = "No upload type found" UNABLE_TO_FIND_INSTALL_PACKAGE = "Unable to find installation package" THIS_VERSION_IS_ALREDY_EXISTS_ON_YOUR_LOCAL_REPOSITORY = "This version alredy exists on your local repository" PACKAGE_IS_NOT_VALID_A_EXTENSION_OF_JOOMLA_PLEASE_CHECK_AGAIN = "Package is not valid extension of Joomla. Please check again!" WARNINSTALLFILE = "Warninstallfile" WARNINSTALLZLIB = "Warninstallzlib" NO_FILE_SELECTED = "No file selected" WARNINSTALLUPLOADERROR = "Warninstalluploaderror" PLEASE_ENTER_A_PACKAGE_DIRECTORY = "Please enter a package directory" PATH_DOES_NOT_HAVE_A_VALID_PACKAGE = "Path does not have a valid package" PLEASE_ENTER_A_URL = "Please enter a url" INVALID_URL = "Invalid url" ENABLED = "Enabled" DISABLED = "Disabled" DISABLE = "Disable" ENABLE = "Enable" ROLLBACK_TO_THIS_POINT = "Rollback to this point!" BACKUP_FILES_NOT_FOUND = "Backup files not found." RECOVERY_FILE_NOT_FOUND = "Recovery files not found!" NUM = "Num" NAME = "Name" INSTALLED = "Installed" NEW_VERSION = "New version" THERE_ARE_NO_JOOMLART_COMPONENTS_UPDATE_AVAILABLE = "There are no JoomlArt component update available" SHOW_UPGRADE_DETAIL = "Show upgrade detail" EXTENSION_CONFIGURATIONS = "Extension configurations" GENERAL_CONFIG = "General config" AUTO_CHECK_UPDATE = "Auto check update" INSTALL_MANAGEMENT = "Installation management" SERVICE_SETTINGS = "Service settings" WORKING_MODE = "Working mode" WEB_SERVICE_URI = "Web service url" LOCAL_REPOSITORY_PATH = "Local repository path" MYSQL_PATH = "Mysql path" MYSQL_DUMP_PATH = "Mysql dump path" JAUC_REPOSITORY = "JAuc repository" UPLOAD = "Upload" HELP_AND_SUPPORT = "Help and support" FILTER = "Filter" GO = "Go" EXTENSIONS = "Extensions" EXTENSION_NAME = "Extension name" AUTHOR = "Author" TYPE = "Type" VERSION = "Version" CREATED_DATE = "Created date" MAIL_TO = "Mail to" CHECK_UPDATE = "Check update" RECOVERY = "Recovery" DATA_NOT_FOUND = "Data not found" UPGRADE_DETAIL_FOR = "Upgrade detail for" LEGENDS = "Legends" SHOW = "Show" FILE_TYPE = "File type" NEW_FILE_IN_NEW_VERSION = "New file in new version" UPDATED_FILE_IN_NEW_VERSION = "Updated file in new version" REMOVED_FILE_IN_NEW_VERSION = "Removed file in new version" MODIFIED_BY_USER = "Modified by user" CREATED_BY_USER = "Created by user" NO_CHANGE = "No change" FILE_CHANGES = "File changes" STATE = "State" OPTIONS = "Options" OPEN_ALL = "Open all" CLOSE_ALL = "Close all" DASBOARD = "Dasboard" CONFIGURATIONS = "Configurations" SERVICE_SETTING = "Service setting" GENERAL = "General" INSTALLER_MANAGEMENT = "Installer management" DATE = "Date" UPDATED_VERSION = "Updated version" THERE_ARE_NO_BACKUP_AVAILABLE = "There are no backup available" UPDATE = "Update" FILE = "File" INVALID_SERVICE_DATA = "Invalid service data" MODULE = "Module" NO_CHANGES = "No changes" PLEASE_SELECT_A_DIRECTORY = "Please select a directory" UPLOAD_PACKAGE_FILE = "Upload package file" INSTALL_FROM_DIRECTORY = "Install from directory" INSTALL_FROM_URL = "Install from url" JOOMART_EXTENSIONS_MANAGER = "JoomlArt Extensions Manager" MYSQL_PATH_IS_NOT_CONFIGED = "MySQL path is not configed" MYSQL_DUMP_PATH_IS_NOT_CONFIGED = "MySQL Dump path is not configed" LOCAL_REPOSITORY_PATH_IS_NOT_CONFIGED = "Local repository path is not configed" INVALID_REQUEST = "Invalid Request!" ERRORS_OCCURED_DURING_UPGRADING_PLEASE_FIX_THEM_FIST = "Errors occured during upgrading, please fix them fist" SUCCESSFULLY_UPGRADED_TO_VERSION_S_PLEASE_REFRESH_THIS_PAGE_TO_SEE_THE_VERSION_UPDATE = "Successfully upgraded to version %s. Please refresh this page to see the version update." ERRORS_OCCURED_DURING_ROLLING_BACK_PLEASE_FIX_THEM_FIST = "Errors occured during rolling back, please fix them first" SUCCESS_WROTE_TO_FILE_S = "Success, wrote to file (%s)" CONTENT_IS_NOT_WROTE_BECAUSE_MISSING_SOME_INFORMATION = "Content is not written because missing some information" YOUR_SETTING_IS_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED = "Your setting is successfully saved" YOUR_SETTING_IS_UNSUCCESSFULLY_SAVED = "Your setting is unsuccessfully saved" ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS = "Error. File already exists" ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE = "Error. Unable to upload file" UPLOAD_COMPLETE = "Upload complete" UNABLE_TO_DELETE = "Unable to delete:" WARNFILENAME = "WARNFILENAME" SUCCESSFULLY_DELETE_A_SELETED_ITEMS = "Successfully delete a seleted item(s)." WARNDIRNAME = "WARNDIRNAME" YOU_MUST_BE_SIGNED_IN="YOU MUST BE SIGNED IN" WRONG_USERNAME_AND_PASSWORD_LOGIN_FAILED_PLEASE_TRY_AGAIN = "Wrong username and password. Login failed! Please try again" YOU_ARE_LOGGED_IN_AS_ANONYMOUS_USER="You are logged in as anonymous user." SAVE_DATA_SUCCESSFULLY="SAVE DATA SUCCESSFULLY" ERROR_OCCURRED_DATA_NOT_SAVED="ERROR OCCURRED! DATA NOT SAVED" ERROR_OCCURRED_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_THE_ITEMS_WITH_ID="ERROR OCCURRED! UNABLE TO DELETE THE ITEMS WITH ID" DELETE_DATA_SUCCESSFULLY="DELETE DATA SUCCESSFULLY" NO_COMPONENT_FILE_SPECIFIED = "No component file specified" COMPONENT = "Component" THE_XML_FILE_DID_NOT_CONTAIN_AN_ADMINISTRATION_ELEMENT = "The XML file did not contain an administration element" THE_VERSION_S_OF_S_IS_ALREADY_EXISTS_ON_LOCAL_REPOSITORY = "The version %s of %s is already exists on local repository." FAILED_TO_CREATE_DIRECTORY = "Failed to create directory" BLANKSCRIPTELEMENT = "BLANKSCRIPTELEMENT" INSTALL = "install" COULD_NOT_COPY_PHP_INSTALL_FILE = "Could not copy PHP install file." INVALIDINSTALLFILE = "INVALIDINSTALLFILE" UNINSTALL = "uninstall" COULD_NOT_COPY_PHP_UNINSTALL_FILE = "Could not copy PHP uninstall file." COULD_NOT_COPY_SETUP_FILE = "Could not copy setup file" UNKNOWN_CLIENT_TYPE = "Unknown client type" NO_MODULE_FILE_SPECIFIED = "No module file specified" NO_PLUGIN_FILE_SPECIFIED = "No plugin file specified" TEMPLATE = "Template" NO_TEMPLATE_FILE_SPECIFIED = "No template file specified" MUSTENABLELEGACY = "MUSTENABLELEGACY" INVALID_JOOMLA_EXTENSIONS = "Invalid joomla extensions" FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST = "File does not exist" WARNSAME = "WARNSAME" FAILED_TO_COPY_FOLDER_TO = "Failed to copy folder to" FAILED_TO_COPY_FILE_TO = "Failed to copy file to" RESULT = "Result" THE_S_S__VESION_S_IS_SUCCESSFULLY_UPLOADED_TO_LOCAL_REPOSITORY = "The %s "_QQ_"%s - vesion %s"_QQ_" is successfully uploaded to local repository." GO_TO_S_TO_SEE_THE_UPLOADED_FILES_OF_THIS_EXTENSIONSSMALL = "<br /><small>Go to "_QQ_"%s"_QQ_" to see the uploaded files of this extensions.</small>" JA_UPDATER_CAN_NOT_CREATE_BELOW_FOLDER_AUTOMATICALLY_PLEASE_MANUAL_DO_IT = "JA Updater cannot create below folder automatically. Please manual do it!" JA_UPDATER_CAN_NOT_AUTOMATICALLY_CHMOD_FOR_BELOW_FOLDER_TO_WRIABLE_PLEASE_MANUAL_DO_IT = "JA Updater cannot automatically chmod for below folder to wriable. Please do it manually!" A_VERSION_IS_CONSIDERRED_AS_NEW_VERSION_IF_WE_DETECT_A_HIGHER_NUMBER_IN_XML = "A version is considerred as a new version if we detect a higher number in XML file,<br /> so please make sure the extension have proper and consistent version number system in all releases.<br /> ++++++++++++++++++++++<br /> Samples of good versioning<br /> - 1.0, 1.1, 1.2<br /> - V1.0, V2.0<br /> - Version 1.0, Version 2.0<br /> - 1.0 Alpha, 1.1 Beta, 1.2 Stable<br /> ++++++++++++++++++++++++<br /> Bad versioning we can't detect<br /> - 1.0 Alpha 2, 1.0 Beta<br /> - 1.0 Beta 1, 1.0 Beta 2 (<-- hard to tell Alpha 2 or Beta are higher, they are not interger )<br /> - 1.0, 1.0.1. v2.1 (<-- not consistant)<br /> " IT_SEEM_NO_VERSION_OF_S_HAS_BEEN_UPLOADED_TO_S = "It seem no version of %s has been uploaded to %s" SORRY_NO_VERSION_UPLOADED_IN_S = "Sorry, no version uploaded in %s" PLEASE_UPDATE_THE_SERVICE_SETTING_OR_CONTACT_WITH_SERVICE_PROVIDER = "Please update the service setting or contact with service provider." NEW_VERSION_FOUND_S = "New version found! %s" WE_CAN_NOT_DETECT_WHICH_IS_A_NEWER_VERSION_BETWEEN__S_AND_S_BR_ = "We cannot detect which is a newer version between %s and %s <br />" S_NEW_VERSIONS_ARE_STORED_AT_S_IF_YOU_HAVE_NEW_VERSION_UPLOAD_IT_OR_DO_IT_VIA_FTP = "%s new versions are stored at %s If you have new version, Upload it or do it via FTP " NO_NEW_VERSION_FOUND_IN_S = "No new version found in %s" NO_NEW_VERSION_FOUND = "No new version found" INSERT_IMAGE = "Insert Image" PATH_IS_NOT_A_FOLDER_OR_THIS_FOLDER_WAS_DELETED = "Path is not a folder or this folder was deleted." LOCAL = "Local" REMOTE = "Remote" PLEASE_ENTER_SERVICE_NAME = "PLEASE ENTER SERVICE NAME" PLEASE_SELECT_SERVICE_MODE = "PLEASE SELECT SERVICE MODE" ID_MUST_NOT_BE_NULL = "ID MUST NOT BE NULL" ID_MUST_BE_NUMBER = "ID MUST BE NUMBER" CONFLICTED_COMPARE_AND_SOLVE = "Conflicted Compare and Solve" SOLVED_FILES = "Solved Files" CONFLICTED_FILES = "CONFLICTED Files" EMPTY_FOLDER = "Empty Folder" CONFLICTED_BACKUP_FILES = "Conflicted Backup Files" SERVICES = "Services" MANAGE_SERVICES = "Manage Services" LICENSE_INFORMATION = "License Information" USERNAME = "Username" PASSWORD = "Password" GENERAL_SETTINGS = "General Settings" JA_REPOSITORY = "JA Repository" EDIT = "Edit" SERVICE = "Service" WEBSITE = "Website" EMAIL = "Email" ROLLBACK = "Rollback" THESE_FILES_ARE_NEWLY_ADDED_TO_NEW_VERSIONBR__THESE_WILL_BE_ADDED_TO_USER_SITE_ON_UPGRADE = "These files are newly added to new version.<br /> These will be added to user site on upgrade." CONFICT_FILES_DESCRIPTION = "<span style="_QQ_"color:red;"_QQ_">Conflicted files:</span> Modified by you + and updated in %s as well.<br /> This file will be replaced with %s version file after the upgrade.<br /> You need to take backup of this file and reapply all of your customizations to the new file." THESE_FILES_ARE_CHANGED_IN_S_AND_ARE_NOT_MODIFIED_BY_YOU_IN_YOUR_LIVE_SITEBR__THESE_WILL_BE_UPDATED_TO_USER_SITE_ON_UPGRADE = "These files are changed in %s, and are not modified by you in your live site.<br /> These will be updated to user site on upgrade" THESE_FILES_ARE_DELETED_IN_S_VERSIONBR__THESE_WILL_BE_REMOVED_FROM_USER_SITE_ON_UPGRADE = "These files are deleted in %s version.<br /> These will be removed from user site on upgrade." MODIFIED_BY_YOU_ONLY_THERE_IS_NO_CODE_CHANGE_FROM_VERSION_S_TO_SBR__THIS_FILE_WILL_NOT_BE_OVERWRITTEN_YOUR_CUSTOMIZATION_WILL_BE_RETAINED_AFTER_THE_UPGRADE_HOWEVER_IF_YOUR_CUSTOMIZATION_CAUSE_THE_ERRORBR__YOU_WILL_NEED_TO_OVERWRITE_WITH_THE_CLEAN_FILE_OF_VERSION_S_AND_THEN_REAPPLY_YOUR_CUSTOMIZATION = "Modified by you ONLY, there is NO code change from version %s to %s.<br /> This file will not be overwritten. Your customization will be retained after the upgrade, however, if your customization cause the error,<br /> you will need to overwrite with the clean file of version %s, and then reapply your customization." THESE_FILES_ARE_CUSTOM_CREATED_BY_USER__OR_WERE_MOVED_TO_NEW_DIRECTORY_DURING_THE_INSTALLATION_PROCESSBR__NONEXTENSION_FILES_WILL_NOT_BE_AFFECTED_EXTENSION_FILES_WHICH_NEEDS_TO_MOVE_TO_OTHER_FOLDERS_DURING_INSTALLATION_WILL_BE_OVERWRITTEN = "These files are customly created by user / or were moved to the new directory during the installation process.<br /> Non-extension files will not be affected. Extension files which needs to move to other folders during installation will be overwritten." THESE_FILES_ARE_NOT_CHANGED_BETWEEN_THE_OLD_AND_NEW_VERSIONBR__THEY_WILL_NOT_BE_AFFECTED_BY_UPGRADE = "These files are not changed between the old and new version.<br /> They will not be affected by upgrade." FILE_COMPARISON_BETWEEN_S_VERSION_S_AND_S = "File Comparison between "_QQ_"%s"_QQ_" version %s and %s" CLOSE = "Close" COPY_ALL_TO_RIGHT = "Copy all to Right" VIEW_PLAIN = "View Plain" EDIT_SOURCE = "Edit Source" SAVE = "Save" COPY_ALL_TO_LEFT = "Copy all to Left" CONFLICTED_FILES_DESCRIPTION = "Conflicted files are files that both changed in new version and your current version.<br /> Conflicted files will be replaced with new files in new versions.<br /> If you wish to reapply the change/customization to the new version after upgrade,<br /> you can view and do it by copy the code changes from your customized files to new file after upgrade.<br /> Read <a href="_QQ_"index.php?option=com_JAextmanager&view=default&layout=help_support"_QQ_">Help & Support</a> for more information. " HIDE = "Hide" VERSION_S = "Version: %s" BACKUP_DATE = "Backup Date" COMMENT = "Comment" CONFLICT_S = "Conflict %s" VIEW_CONFLICTED_FILES = "View Conflicted files" VIEW = "View" ROLLBACK_NOW = "Rollback now" JOOMLART_EXTENSIONS_UPLOADER = "JoomlArt Extensions Uploader" UPLOAD_FROM_DIRECTORY = "Upload from directory" UPLOAD_FROM_URL = "Upload from URL" UPLOAD_RESULT = "Upload Result" JOOMLART_EXTENSION_UPLOADER = "JoomlArt Extension Uploader" SUCCESSFULLY_ROLLBACKED_TO_VERSION_S_PLEASE_REFRESH_THIS_PAGE_TO_SEE_THE_VERSION_UPDATE = "Successfully Rollbacked to version: %s. Please refresh this page to see the version update." BACKUP_FILE_NOT_FOUND = "Backup file not found!" EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND = "Extension not found" COMPARE_WITH_FILES_AT_THIS_POINT = "Compare with files at this point!" VIEW_YOUR_CONFLICTED_FILES = "View your conflicted files" DO_NOT_HAVE_ANY_CONFLICTED_BACKUP_FOLDER = "Do not have any conflicted backup folder" YOUR_ACCOUNT_SEEM_DOES_NOT_HAVE_ENOUGH_PERMISSION_TO_TAKE_THIS_ACTION_PLEASE_CONTACT_US_FOR_MORE_INFORMATION_OR_USE_ANOTHER_ACCOUNT = "Your account seem does not have enough permission to take this action. Please contact "_QQ_"%s"_QQ_" for more information or use another account." CAN_NOT_OPEN_THIS_FILE = "Can not open this file." ARE_YOU_REALLY_WANT_TO_DELETE = "Are you really want to delete?" PLEASE_SELECT_AN_ITEMS_FROM_THE_LIST_TO_DELETE = "Please select an Item(s) from the list to delete" FOLDERS = "Folders" FILES = "Files" EXTENSIONS_MANAGER = "Extension Manager" SERVICES_MANAGER = "Services Manager" REPOSITORY_MANAGER = "Repository Manager" JOOMLART_EXTENSIONS_MANAGER = "JoomlArt Extensions Manager" DELETE = "Delete" PREVIEW = "Preview" DIMENSIONS = "Dimensions" SIZE = "Size" SERVICES_INFORMATION = "Services Information" SERVICE_NAME = "Service Name" SERVICE_URL = "Service URL" AUTHENTICATION = "Authentication" LEAVE_BLANK_IF_THIS_SERVICE_DO_NOT_REQUIRE_AUTHENTICATION = "Leave blank if this service do not require authentication" LEAVE_BLANK_IF_NO_REQUIRE_CHANGE = "Leave blank if no require change!" PLEASE_ENTER_SERVICE_URL = "Please enter Service Url." PLEASE_ENTER_USERNAME = "Please enter Username." PLEASE_ENTER_PASSWORD = "Please enter Password." NEW_REMOTE_SERVICE = "New Remote Service" CAN_NOT_DELETE_CORE_OR_DEFAULT_SERVICE = "Can not delete core or default service" MODE = "Mode" DEFAULT = "Default" EDIT_SERVICES = "Edit Services " CORE = "Core" HAVE_NO_RESULT = "HAVE NO RESULT" SAVE_CONFIG = "Save Config"