Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/components/com_roksprocket/fields/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/components/com_roksprocket/fields/list.php |
<?php /** * @package Joomla.Platform * @subpackage Form * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2012 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE */ defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die; /** * Form Field class for the Joomla Platform. * Supports a generic list of options. * * @package Joomla.Platform * @subpackage Form * @since 11.1 */ class JFormFieldList extends JFormField { /** * The form field type. * * @var string * @since 11.1 */ protected $type = 'List'; protected static $js_loaded = false; protected $options = array(); public function __get($name) { switch ($name) { case 'class': case 'description': case 'formControl': case 'hidden': case 'id': case 'multiple': case 'name': case 'required': case 'type': case 'validate': case 'value': case 'fieldname': case 'group': return $this->$name; break; case 'input': // If the input hasn't yet been generated, generate it. if (empty($this->input)) { $this->input = ($this->multiple || $this->element['readonly'] == 'true' || $this->element['disabled'] == 'true' ) ? $this->getInput() : $this->fancyDropDown($this->getInput()); } return $this->input; break; case 'label': // If the label hasn't yet been generated, generate it. if (empty($this->label)) { $this->label = $this->getLabel(); } return $this->label; break; case 'title': return $this->getTitle(); break; } return null; } /** * Method to get the field input markup for a generic list. * Use the multiple attribute to enable multiselect. * * @return string The field input markup. * * @since 11.1 */ protected function getInput() { // Initialize variables. $html = array(); $attr = ''; if (!self::$js_loaded){ RokCommon_Header::addInlineScript($this->attachJavaScript()); self::$js_loaded = true; } // Initialize some field attributes. $attr .= $this->element['class'] ? ' class="' . (string) $this->element['class'] . ' chzn-done"' : ' class="chzn-done"'; // To avoid user's confusion, readonly="true" should imply disabled="true". if ((string) $this->element['readonly'] == 'true' || (string) $this->element['disabled'] == 'true') { $attr .= ' disabled="disabled"'; } $attr .= $this->element['size'] ? ' size="' . (int) $this->element['size'] . '"' : ''; $attr .= $this->multiple ? ' multiple="multiple"' : ''; // Initialize JavaScript field attributes. $attr .= $this->element['onchange'] ? ' onchange="' . (string) $this->element['onchange'] . '"' : ''; if ($this->element['attrs']){ $additional_attrs = explode(',',(string)$this->element['attrs']); foreach($additional_attrs as $additional_attr) { $additional_attr = strtolower(trim($additional_attr)); $attr .= $this->element[$additional_attr] ? sprintf(' %s="',$additional_attr) . (string) $this->element[$additional_attr] . '"' : ''; } } // Get the field options. $options = (array) $this->getOptions(); // Create a read-only list (no name) with a hidden input to store the value. if ((string) $this->element['readonly'] == 'true' || $this->element['disabled'] == true) { $html[] = JHtml::_('select.genericlist', $options, '', trim($attr), 'value', 'text', $this->value, $this->id); $html[] = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $this->name . '" value="' . $this->value . '"/>'; } // Create a regular list. else { $list = JHtml::_('select.genericlist', $options, $this->name, trim($attr), 'value', 'text', $this->value, $this->id); $html[] = $list; } return implode($html); } /** * Method to get the field options. * * @return array The field option objects. * * @since 11.1 */ protected function getOptions() { // Initialize variables. $options = array(); foreach ($this->element->children() as $option) { // Only add <option /> elements. if ($option->getName() != 'option') { continue; } // Create a new option object based on the <option /> element. $tmp = JHtml::_( 'select.option', (string) $option['value'], JText::alt(trim((string) $option), preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/', '_', $this->fieldname)), 'value', 'text', ((string) $option['disabled'] == 'true') ); // Set some option attributes. $tmp->class = (string) $option['class']; $tmp->divider = $option['divider']; $tmp->divider = empty($tmp->divider) ? false : true; // Set some JavaScript option attributes. $tmp->onclick = (string) $option['onclick']; // Add the option object to the result set. $options[] = $tmp; } reset($options); return $options; } public function fancyDropDown($html){ $list = $output = $displayText = $displayValue = ""; $options = $this->getOptions(); // if no options or just 1, something wrong, let's return the original html to be safe if (!count($options) || count($options) == 1) return $html; // cycling through options for the dropdown list and to get the selected option text to display foreach($options as $option){ $class = (isset($option->class) ? $option->class : "") . (isset($option->disabled) ? " disabled" : ""); $divider = (isset($option->divider)) ? $option->divider : false; $class = (strlen($class) ? 'class="'. $class . '"' : ""); $icon = (isset($option->icon) ? $option->icon : ""); if ($this->value == $option->value){ $displayText = $option->text; $displayValue = $option->value; } if (strlen($icon)) $icon_html = '<i data-dynamic="false" class="icon '.$this->fieldname.' '.$option->value.'"></i>'; else $icon_html = ""; $class = (isset($option->attr['class']) && !empty($option->attr['class']))?' class="'.$option->attr['class'].'"':''; if ($divider) { $list .= ' <li class="divider" data-divider="true" data-dynamic="false" data-text="" data-value="">'."\n"; } else { $list .= ' <li '.$class.' data-dynamic="false" data-icon="'.$icon.'" data-text="'.$option->text.'" data-value="'.$option->value.'">'."\n"; $list .= ' <a href="#"'.$class.'>'.$icon_html.'<span>'.$option->text.'</span></a>'."\n"; } $list .= ' </li>'."\n"; } // rendering output $class = $this->fieldname . " " . $displayValue; $output .= '<div class="sprocket-dropdown">'."\n"; $output .= ' <a href="#" class="btn dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">'."\n"; if (strlen($icon)) $output .= ' <i data-dynamic="false" class="icon '.$class.'"></i> '."\n"; $output .= ' <span>'.$displayText.'</span>'."\n"; $output .= ' <span class="caret"></span>'."\n"; $output .= ' </a>'."\n"; $output .= ' <ul class="dropdown-menu">'."\n"; $output .= $list; $output .= ' </ul>'."\n"; $output .= ' <div class="dropdown-original">' . $html . '</div>'."\n"; $output .= "</div>"; return $output; } protected function getLabel() { $label = $this->type; if (isset($this->element['label']) && !empty($this->element['label'])) { $label = rc__((string)$this->element['label']); $description = rc__((string)$this->element['description']); return '<label class="sprocket-tip" title="'.$description.'">'.$label.'</label>'; } else { return; } } public function addOptions($options = array()) { foreach ($options as $option) { $this->options[] = $option; } } public function addOption($option) { $this->options[] = $option; } public function setOptions($options = array()) { $this->options = $options; } protected function attachJavaScript(){ $js = array(); $js[] = "window.addEvent('domready', function(){"; $js[] = " if (typeof RokSprocket != 'undefined' && typeof RokSprocket.articles != 'undefined'){"; $js[] = " RokSprocket.articles.addEvent('onModelSuccess', function(response){"; $js[] = " RokSprocket.dropdowns.attach(document.getElements('.articles .dropdown-original select'));"; $js[] = " });"; $js[] = " };"; $js[] = "});"; return implode("\n", $js); } }