? GR0V Shell

GR0V shell

Linux www.koreapackagetour.com 2.6.32-042stab145.3 #1 SMP Thu Jun 11 14:05:04 MSK 2020 x86_64

Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/tmp/install_52baa6986a353/admin/helpers/html/
File Upload :
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/tmp/install_52baa6986a353/admin/helpers/html/joomgallery.php

// $HeadURL: https://joomgallery.org/svn/joomgallery/JG-2.0/JG/trunk/administrator/components/com_joomgallery/helpers/html/joomgallery.php $
// $Id: joomgallery.php 3848 2012-09-13 16:03:31Z chraneco $
**   JoomGallery 2                                                            **
**   By: JoomGallery::ProjectTeam                                             **
**   Copyright (C) 2008 - 2012  JoomGallery::ProjectTeam                      **
**   Based on: JoomGallery 1.0.0 by JoomGallery::ProjectTeam                  **
**   Released under GNU GPL Public License                                    **
**   License: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or have a look             **
**   at administrator/components/com_joomgallery/LICENSE.TXT                  **

defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );

 * Utility class for creating HTML Grids
 * @static
 * @package JoomGallery
 * @since   1.5.5
class JHTMLJoomGallery
   * Displays the type of an image or category
   * @param   object  $row              Data object
   * @param   string  $user_uploaded    String to display in case of user created objects
   * @param   string  $admin_uploaded   String to display in case of objects created by an administrator
   * @return  string  Html code to display the upload type
   * @since   1.5.5
  public static function type($row, $user_uploaded = 'COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_USER_UPLOAD', $admin_uploaded = 'COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_ADMIN_UPLOAD')
    $ambit = JoomAmbit::getInstance();
    if(   (isset($row->useruploaded) && $row->useruploaded)
          (!isset($row->useruploaded) && $row->owner)
      $img    = 'users.png';
      $title  = JText::_($user_uploaded);
      $img    = 'admin.png';
      $title  = JText::_($admin_uploaded);

    $imgsrc = $ambit->getIcon($img);
    $html   = '<img src="'.$imgsrc.'" alt="'.$title.'" title="'.$title.'" />'

    return $html;

   * Displays the name or user name of a category, image or comment owner
   * and may link it to the profiles of other extensions (if available).
   * @param   int     $userId
   * @param   bool    $extended
   * @return  string  The user's name
   * @since   1.5.5
  public static function displayname($userId, $extended = true)
    $userId = intval($userId);

      return JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_NO_USER');

    $config     = JoomConfig::getInstance();
    $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();

    $realname   = $config->get('jg_realname');

    $plugins    = $dispatcher->trigger('onJoomDisplayUser', array($userId, $realname, $extended));

    foreach($plugins as $plugin)
        return $plugin;

    $user = JFactory::getUser($userId);

      $username = $user->get('name');
      $username = $user->get('username');

    return $username;

   * Displays the credits
   * @return  void
   * @since   1.5.5
  public static function credits()
    $ambit = JoomAmbit::getInstance();
<div class="footer" align="center">
  <p><br />
    <a href="http://www.joomgallery.net" target="_blank">
      <img src="<?php echo $ambit->getIcon('powered_by.gif'); ?>"  class="jg-poweredby" style="border:#666 solid 1px; padding:2px;display:block;clear:both;" alt="Powered by JoomGallery" />
  <a href="mailto:team@joomgallery.net">
  <br />
  <?php echo 'Version '.$ambit->get('version'); ?>

   * Creates the path to a category which can be displayed
   * @param  int     $catid   id of category
   * @param  boolean $child   True, if category itself shall also be returned in path, defaults to false
   * @return string  category path
  public static function categoryPath($catid, $child = false)
    static $catPaths = array();
      return $catPaths[$catid];
    $separator = ' &raquo; ';
    $path      = '';

    // Get category and their parents
    $pathCats = JoomHelper::getAllParentCategories($catid, $child);

    // Construct the HTML
    if(count($pathCats) == 1)
      $path = reset($pathCats)->name;
      // Reindex the array with index from 0 to n
      $pathCatsidx = array_values($pathCats);
      $count = count($pathCatsidx);
        $path = $pathCatsidx[0]->name;

      for($i=1; $i < $count; $i++)
        $path .= $separator.$pathCatsidx[$i]->name;

    $catPaths[$catid] = $path;
    return $path;

   * Creates the HTML output to display a minithumb for an image
   * @param   object  $img            Image object holding the image data
   * @param   string  $class          CSS class name for minithumb styling
   * @param   boolean $linkattribs    Link attributes for creating a link on the minithumb, if null no link will created
   * @param   boolean $showtip        Shows the thumbnail as tip on hoovering above minithumb
   * @return  string  The HTML output
   * @since   1.5.7
  public static function minithumbimg($img, $class = null, $linkattribs = null, $showtip = true)

    $ambit    = JoomAmbit::getInstance();
    $config   = JoomConfig::getInstance();
    $html     = '';
    $linked   = ($linkattribs !== null) ? true : false;

    $thumb = $ambit->getImg('thumb_path', $img);
      $imginfo  = getimagesize($thumb);
      $url      = $ambit->getImg('thumb_url', $img);

        $html .= '<span class="hasTip" title="'.htmlspecialchars('<img src="'.$url.'" width="'.$imginfo[0].'" height="'.$imginfo[1].'" alt="'.$img->imgtitle.'" />', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'">';
        $html .= '<a '.$linkattribs.'">';
      $html .= '<img src="'.$url.'" alt="'.htmlspecialchars($img->imgtitle, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'"';
      if($class !== null)
        $html .= ' class="'.$class.'"';
      $html .= '>';
        $html .= '</a>';
        $html .= '</span>';
    return $html;

   * Creates the HTML output to display a minithumb for a category
   * @param   object  $cat      Category object holding the category data
   * @param   string  $class    CSS class name for minithumb styling
   * @param   boolean $linkattribs    Link attributes for creating a link on the minithumb, if null no link will created
   * @param   boolean $showtip  Shows the thumbnail as tip on hoovering above minithumb
   * @return  string  The HTML output
   * @since   1.5.7
  public static function minithumbcat($cat, $class = null, $linkattribs = null, $showtip = true)
    $ambit  = JoomAmbit::getInstance();
    $config = JoomConfig::getInstance();
    $html   = '';
    $linked = ($linkattribs !== null) ? true : false;

    if(isset($cat->thumbnail) && !empty($cat->thumbnail))
      $thumb = $ambit->getImg('thumb_path', $cat->thumbnail, null, $cat->cid);

        $imginfo  = getimagesize($thumb);
        $url      = $ambit->getImg('thumb_url', $cat->thumbnail, null, $cat->cid);

        // Clean category name
        $catname = str_replace('&nbsp;', '', $cat->name);
        $catname = trim(str_replace('&raquo;', '', $catname));

          $html .= '<span class="hasTip" title="'.htmlspecialchars('<img src="'.$url.'" width="'.$imginfo[0].'" height="'.$imginfo[1].'" alt="'.$catname.'" />', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'">';
          $html .= '<a '.$linkattribs.'">';
        $html .= '<img src="'.$url.'" alt="'.htmlspecialchars($catname, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').'"';
        if($class !== null)
          $html .= ' class="'.$class.'"';
        $html .= '>';
          $html .= '</a>';
          $html .= '</span>';
    return $html;

   * Creates the HTML output to display a input box and color picker field
   * @param $key        string      the identifier of the configuration option, e.g. 'jg_pathimages'
   * @param $info       string/int  current setting of the option
   * @param $stylesheet string      default will show the big layout of colorpicker box, mini the small one
   * @param $hash       bool        return the color value with preceding # or not
   * @param $float      string      sets a CSS-float
   * @param $name       string      name of input field
   * @return  string  The HTML output
   * @since   2.1.0
  public static function colorpicker($key, $info, $stylesheet = 'default', $hash = true, $float = 'none', $name='')
    $html = '';

      $name = $key;

    $doc = JFactory::getDocument();

    static $id=0;

    // Get the current value to initialize the color picker
    // and transform in RGB values
    $color = $info;

        case 3:
          list($r, $g, $b) = array($color[0], $color[1], $color[2]);
        case 4;
          list($r, $g, $b) = array($color[1], $color[2], $color[3]);
        case 6:
          list($r, $g, $b) = array($color[0].$color[1],
        case 7:
          list($r, $g, $b) = array($color[1].$color[2],

      $r = hexdec($r);
      $g = hexdec($g);
      $b = hexdec($b);

      $colorstringrgb = "[".$r.",".$g.",".$b."]";

    if($id == 1)
      //Include CSS
      $doc->addStyleSheet( JURI::root().'media/joomgallery/js/moorainbow/css/'.$stylesheet.'.css');

      // Include javascripts
      $doc->addScript( JURI::root().'media/system/js/mooRainbow.js');

    // Print the color value with preceding # or none
      $jscolorstring = "color.hex";
      $jscolorstring = "color.hex.substring(1)";

    // Set html and js
    $html .= '<div class="nowrap">';
    $html .= '  <input type="text" id="'.$key.$id.'" name="'.$name.'" value="'.$info.'"/>'."\n";
    $html .= '  <span name="jgcfgcolor'.$id.'-show" style="float:'.$float.';cursor:pointer;margin-top:5px;height:15px;width:20px;border:1px solid #000;" id="jgcfgcolor'.$id.'-show" >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>'."\n";
    $html .= '</div>';
    $html .= '<script type="text/javascript">'."\n";
    $html .= '  var r'.$id.' = new MooRainbow("jgcfgcolor'.$id.'-show", {'."\n";
    $html .= '    id: '.$id.','."\n";
    // Set no start color, if input field empty
      $html .= '    startColor: '.$colorstringrgb.','."\n";
    $html .= '    imgPath: "../media/system/images/mooRainbow/",'."\n";
    $html .= '    onComplete: function(color) {'."\n";
    $html .= '      this.element.setStyle("background-color", color.hex);'."\n";
    $html .= '      Slick.find(document, "#'.$key.$id.'").value='.$jscolorstring."\n";
    $html .= '    }'."\n";
    $html .= '  });'."\n";
    $html .= '  window.addEvent("domready", function(){'."\n";
    $html .= '    var color = Slick.find(document, "#'.$key.$id.'").value'."\n";
    $html .= '    if(color.length != 0)'."\n";
    $html .= '    {'."\n";
    $html .= '      if(color.charAt(0) != "#")'."\n";
    $html .= '      {'."\n";
    $html .= '        color = "#".concat(color)'."\n";
    $html .= '      }'."\n";
    $html .= '      Slick.find(document, "#jgcfgcolor'.$id.'-show'.'").setStyle("background-color", color)'."\n";
    $html .= '    }'."\n";
    $html .= '  })'."\n";
    $html .= '</script>'."\n";
    return $html;

   * Creates the pagination in detail/category/sub-catagory view
   * @param   string  $url          Base URL according to view, completion in this function
   * @param   int     $pageCount    Total count of all pages
   * @param   int     $currentPage  Current page
   * @param   string  $anchortag    Anchor to append
   * @param   string  $onclick      JavaScript code to insert in every link (for using Ajax pagination for example)
   * @return  string  All completed URLs to pages
   * @since   1.5.5
  public static function pagination($url, &$pageCount, &$currentPage, $anchortag = '', $onclick = '')
    $retVal   = '';
    $ellipsis = '&hellip;';
    $workPage  = 2;

    // Onclick event
      $onclick = ' onclick="'.$onclick.'"';

    // Variable for current page found and assembled
    $currItemfound = false;

    // Work on left edge
    if($currentPage == 1)
      $currItemfound = true;
      $retVal .= '<span class="jg_pagenav_active">1</span>&nbsp;';
      $retVal .= '&nbsp;<a href="'.JRoute::_(sprintf($url, 2)).$anchortag.'" title="'.JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_PAGE').' 2" class="jg_pagenav"'.sprintf($onclick, 2).'>2</a>'."\n";
      // Current page not 1
      $retVal .= '&nbsp;<a href="'.JRoute::_(sprintf($url, 1)).$anchortag.'" title="'.JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_PAGE').' 1" class="jg_pagenav"'.sprintf($onclick, 1).'>1</a>'."\n";
      if($currentPage == 2)
        $currItemfound = true;
        $retVal .= '&nbsp;<span class="jg_pagenav_active">2</span>';
        $retVal .= '&nbsp;<a href="'.JRoute::_(sprintf($url, 2)).$anchortag.'" title="'.JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_PAGE').' 2" class="jg_pagenav"'.sprintf($onclick, 2).'>2</a>'."\n";
    // Range left from current page to 1 not assembled yet
      // Construct pages left to current page
      // according to difference to left implement jumps
      // If difference to current page too low, output them exactly
      if($currentPage - $workPage < 6)
        for ($i = $workPage; $i < $currentPage; $i++)
          $retVal .= '&nbsp;<a href="'.JRoute::_(sprintf($url, $i)).$anchortag.'" title="'.JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_PAGE').' '.$i.'" class="jg_pagenav"'.sprintf($onclick, $i).'>'.$i.'</a>'."\n";
        // Otherwise output of remaining links evt. in steps
        // and in addition output of 2 left neighbours
        // completion of range at position 3 to (current page -3)
        $endRange = $currentPage - 3;
        $jump = ceil(($endRange - 5) / 4);
        if($jump == 0)
          $jump = 1;
        $workPage = $workPage + $jump;
        for($i = 1; $i < 4; $i++)
          if($jump == 1)
            $retVal .= '&nbsp;<a href="'.JRoute::_(sprintf($url, $workPage)).$anchortag.'" title="'.JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_PAGE').' '.$workPage.'" class="jg_pagenav"'.sprintf($onclick, $workPage).'>'.$workPage.'</a>'."\n";
            $retVal .= $ellipsis.'&nbsp;<a href="'.JRoute::_(sprintf($url, $workPage)).$anchortag.'" title="'.JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_PAGE').' '.$workPage.'" class="jg_pagenav"'.sprintf($onclick, $workPage).'>'.$workPage.'</a>'."\n";
          $workPage = $workPage + $jump;
        if($workPage != ($currentPage-2))
          $retVal .= $ellipsis;
        // Output of 2 pages left beside current page
        $retVal .= '&nbsp;<a href="'.JRoute::_(sprintf($url, $currentPage-2)).$anchortag.'" title="'.JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_PAGE').' '.($currentPage-2).'" class="jg_pagenav"'.sprintf($onclick, $currentPage-2).'>'.($currentPage-2).'</a>'."\n";
        $retVal .= '&nbsp;<a href="'.JRoute::_(sprintf($url, $currentPage-1)).$anchortag.'" title="'.JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_PAGE').' '.($currentPage-1).'" class="jg_pagenav"'.sprintf($onclick, $currentPage-2).'>'.($currentPage-1).'</a>'."\n";
      // Current page
      $retVal .= '&nbsp;<span class="jg_pagenav_active">'.$currentPage.'</span>&nbsp;';
      $currItemfound = true;
      $workPage = $currentPage;
    // Current page found, right beside construct 2 pages
    // max to end
    if($pageCount - $workPage < 3)
      $endRangecount = $pageCount - $workPage;
      $endRangecount = 2;
    for($i = 1; $i <= $endRangecount; $i++)
      $retVal .= '&nbsp;<a href="'.JRoute::_(sprintf($url, $workPage)).$anchortag.'" title="'.JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_PAGE').' '.$workPage.'" class="jg_pagenav"'.sprintf($onclick, $workPage).'>'.$workPage.'</a>'."\n";
    if($workPage == $pageCount)
      $retVal .= '&nbsp;<a href="'.JRoute::_(sprintf($url,$workPage)).$anchortag.'" title="'.JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_PAGE').' '.$workPage.'" class="jg_pagenav"'.sprintf($onclick, $workPage).'>'.$workPage.'</a>'."\n";
      return $retVal;
    // All ready
    if($workPage > $pageCount)
      return $retVal;
    // If only 3 pages to end remain
    if($workPage < $pageCount && ($pageCount - $workPage) < 7)
      for($i = $workPage; $i <= $pageCount; $i++)
        $retVal .= '&nbsp;<a href="'.JRoute::_(sprintf($url, $workPage)).$anchortag.'" title="'.JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_PAGE').' '.$workPage.'" class="jg_pagenav"'.sprintf($onclick, $workPage).'>'.$workPage.'</a>'."\n";
      // Output of remaining pages in steps
      // and in addition output of last page and the neighbour left
      // Complete the range (current page + 3) to (last page - 3)
      $startRange = $workPage;
      $endRange   = $pageCount-3;
      $jump       = ceil(($endRange - $startRange) / 4);
      $workPage   = $workPage + $jump;
      for($i = 1; $i < 4; $i++)
        if($jump == 1)
          $retVal .= '&nbsp;<a href="'.JRoute::_(sprintf($url, $workPage)).$anchortag.'" title="'.JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_PAGE').' '.$workPage.'" class="jg_pagenav"'.sprintf($onclick, $workPage).'>'.$workPage.'</a>'."\n";
          $retVal .= $ellipsis.'&nbsp;<a href="'.JRoute::_(sprintf($url, $workPage)).$anchortag.'" title="'.JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_PAGE').' '.$workPage.'" class="jg_pagenav"'.sprintf($onclick, $workPage).'>'.$workPage.'</a>'."\n";
        $workPage  = $workPage + $jump;
      $retVal .= $ellipsis;
      // Output of penultimate
      $retVal .= '&nbsp;<a href="'.JRoute::_(sprintf($url, $pageCount - 1)).$anchortag.'" title="'.JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_PAGE').' '.($pageCount-1).'" class="jg_pagenav"'.sprintf($onclick, $pageCount-1).'>'.($pageCount-1).'</a>'."\n";
      // Output of last
      $retVal .= '&nbsp;<a href="'.JRoute::_(sprintf($url, $pageCount)).$anchortag.'" title="'.JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_PAGE').' '.($pageCount).'" class="jg_pagenav"'.sprintf($onclick, $pageCount).'>'.($pageCount).'</a>'."\n";

    return $retVal;
