Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/tmp/install_52baa6986a353/admin/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/tmp/install_52baa6986a353/admin/changelog.php |
<?php // $HeadURL: https://joomgallery.org/svn/joomgallery/JG-2.0/JG/trunk/administrator/components/com_joomgallery/changelog.php $ // $Id: changelog.php 4041 2013-01-13 19:32:16Z erftralle $ /******************************************************************************\ ** JoomGallery 2 ** ** By: JoomGallery::ProjectTeam ** ** Copyright (C) 2008 - 2012 JoomGallery::ProjectTeam ** ** Based on: JoomGallery 1.0.0 by JoomGallery::ProjectTeam ** ** Released under GNU GPL Public License ** ** License: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or have a look ** ** at administrator/components/com_joomgallery/LICENSE.TXT ** \******************************************************************************/ defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' ); ?> CHANGELOG JOOMGALLERY (since Version 2.0.0 BETA) Legende / Legend: * -> Security Fix # -> Bug Fix + -> Addition ^ -> Change - -> Removed ! -> Note =============================================================================== 2.1.2 (20130113) =============================================================================== 20130113 # With some specific configuration settings an empty script string was added to the document head which causes problems when using caching 20130111 # Batch editing images was not possible because of wrong form validation error # In category view, the list bullet for image title was displayed in some cases even if the output of the image title was disabled 20121217 # Image distortion which was caused by incrementing image dimensions in the nametag container of the detail view has been removed 20121209 # Improved performance with very many users in configuration and image manager # Failing Ajax request at category selection if SEF is enabled fixed 20121207 # Ordering box did not change when selecting another parent category if Ajax category selection was enabled 20121203 ^ Form field 'Category' renamed to 'JoomCategory' to avoid conflicts resp. incompatibilities with Joomla! 20121107 # Searching images in MiniJoom was not possible if SEF is enabled with 'Adds Suffix to URL' 20121019 # Access rights in links to certain gallery views have not been checked in frontend user pannel and frontend user categories view =============================================================================== 2.1.1 (20121014) =============================================================================== 20121013 # Wrong numbering of 'Auto-Update' forms in the 'Installed extensions' tab of the admin panel 20121003 # Voting via Ajax was not possible if SEF is enabled with 'Adds Suffix to URL' 20121002 # Wrong value for function imagejpeg() produced an error in PHP 5.4 # Adding all images of a category to the favourites was not always possible =============================================================================== 2.1.0 (20120923) =============================================================================== 20120915 ^ Refactoring of frontend uploads for using JForm 20120913 + Possibility to add custom fields for images and categories via plugins + New option for searching categories via Ajax requests + New option for improving performance in big galleries + New option for being able to add all images of a category to the favourites + New option for preventing multiple votes (an IP lock is created) - Option 'Date/Time Format' removed because language constants are used for that 20120904 # Use same image dimensions for nametag container (#jg-img) and image container (#jg_photo_big) in detail view 20120606 # Reset limitstart in backend only if necessary for correcting the pagination # Add missing values for creating category selection box in MiniJoom # Wrong 'alt' text for feed subscription icon in category view 20120601 + Condsider global Joomla! option 'Include Site Name in Page Titles' 20120521 ^ Refactoring of backend uploads for using JForm 20120520 + Selection of thumbnail alignment in edit view for categories 20120508 # Sort function for the batch upload image file list 20120506 # Wrong display of 'Previous category' in the 'Image manager::Move images' view 20120426 + Set documents meta data taken from menu entry definition + Display category meta data (description, keywords) as image meta data in detail view if image meta data is empty 20120412 # Display of the number of category images in gallery and category view 20120409 # Category creation in interface has used invalid parent category ID 20120406 # MiniJoom could not be used in certain editors + 'Override' option for thumbnail display in gallery and category view 20120405 # Typo in SQL command fixed 20120330 # SQL error fixed, that occurs when filtering by state in 'Usrcategories' view 20120323 ^ Upgrade to Google Maps API Version 3 20120322 - Removing 'ordering' column from #__joomgallery_catg (not necessary anymore). Use 'lft' for ordering from now on. 20120319 # Do not use hardcoded user ID 42 as sender of messages and some other small fixes in messenger 20120307 ^ Use of relative instead of absolute url pathes in dynamicly created CSS file joom_settings.css =============================================================================== 2.0.0 (20120304) =============================================================================== 20120227 # Sometimes wrong thumbnail links in gallery and category view if 'Skip category view' and manual thumbnail selection was configured 20120216 # With specific server configurations the time out for the refresher was too long 20120211 # In category view the image sorting by user did not work across all image pages 20120207 # in_hidden flag of categories was not always set correctly 20120205 ^ CSS definition of different tool tip styling changed for better integration 20120127 ^ Prevent bots from voting in case of star rating without AJAX =============================================================================== 2.0.0 BETA5 (20120127) =============================================================================== 20120127 # Delete created database entry of new category if creation of folders fails + Decide dynamically whether detail or original image should be linked when thumbs are displayed with the interface 20120115 - Last references to 'ordering' column of categories table removed # Access level of images has not been checked in search query 20120113 # Access level of images has not been checked in top list queries 20120112 # Some erroneous quotation marks were inserted with the code of images when using JoomBu # Changes for following 'Strict Standards' =============================================================================== 2.0.0 BETA4 (20111224) =============================================================================== 20111224 # Missing access level checks in gallery, category and detail view 20111219 # Missing database commands in delete function of front end edit model, therefore image files where not deleted on filesystem 20111215 # wrong information of automatic detection of Image Magick if the path has been setted manually before 20111211 # Frontend upload limit check was done in backend # Redirect in Frontend JAVA-Upload not working 20111209 # Add default charset=utf to all tables in the installation SQL file removing ENGINE=MyISAM because it's not necessary anymore ^ If only the correspondent category is hidden (and not also the images in it) all images of the category will be displayed in detail view now (they can be hidden there by hide the single images in image manager) ^ Colon added to COM_JOOMGALLERY_TOPLIST_TOP instead of hard coded output 20111208 # PHP error if creating favourites zip download file failed, 404 page, if original images where missing while creating archive file for favourites zip download # Output of obsolete html code in category view if no textelements and icons are activated 20111123 # Rating not working, because Mootools library was not loaded for some configuration cases 20111122 # Small ACL bugs in fronted fixed # Report could not be sent by unregistered users 20111119 # (Sub)Category thumbnails in category view did not display always correctly if manual setting has been selected 20111118 # Limiting the image preview in image manager (edit mode) to a maximum width 20111117 # Thickbox did not work in IE 8 =============================================================================== 2.0.0 BETA3 (20111115) =============================================================================== 20111115 # Nested Set tree was not build correctly when moving a category into a category which doesn't already have sub-categories 20111114 # AJAX rating not working if display of rating in detail view (image information) not enabled 20111113 + Changing access level for multiple images in the back end 20111108 # Inserting images from MiniJoom wasn't possible after an Ajax request was done 20111107 # SEF of images shouldn't be enabled by default 20111104 # Bug in MiniJoom due to which upload in frontend wasn't possible if upload categories were specified 20111102 # Alphabetical sorting of categories in category view 20111101 + Usability improvements in category, image, comments and maintenance manager =============================================================================== 2.0.0 BETA2 (20111031) =============================================================================== 20111030 + Improvement in migration manager so that category ordering isn't lost during migration 20111025 # Wrong language constants corrected and missing constants added 20111022 # Missing language constants added 20111021 # Tooltips were not working if 'Enabled with different styling' in configuration manager # Language output in configuration manager for joom_settings.css corrected # Hits haven't been counted in default detail view if 'Use real paths' was enabled # Small fixes in the interface =============================================================================== 2.0.0 BETA (20111016) =============================================================================== 20110917 ^ new JAVA-Applet 5.0.5 Build 1566 20110714 + Options 'Image title/description in DHTML container' renamed to 'Image title/description in popup' -> functionality enlarged to all boxes 20110630 + more options for accordion + new option 'skip category view' 20110622 + Batchupload allows now any archive types defined in Joomla! 20110515 ^ new jquery version 1.6.1 for thickbox3 because of problems with IE9 and DOMready() in older jquery, small changes in thickbox.js