Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/tmp/install_52baa58b62272/admin/helpers/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/tmp/install_52baa58b62272/admin/helpers/helper.php |
<?php // $HeadURL: https://joomgallery.org/svn/joomgallery/JG-2.0/JG/trunk/administrator/components/com_joomgallery/helpers/helper.php $ // $Id: helper.php 3839 2012-09-03 17:17:47Z chraneco $ /****************************************************************************************\ ** JoomGallery 2 ** ** By: JoomGallery::ProjectTeam ** ** Copyright (C) 2008 - 2012 JoomGallery::ProjectTeam ** ** Based on: JoomGallery 1.0.0 by JoomGallery::ProjectTeam ** ** Released under GNU GPL Public License ** ** License: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or have a look ** ** at administrator/components/com_joomgallery/LICENSE.TXT ** \****************************************************************************************/ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.'); /** * JoomGallery Global Helper for the Backend * * @static * @package JoomGallery * @since 1.5.5 */ class JoomHelper { /** * Add managers to the sub-menu * * @return void * @since 2.0 */ public static function addSubmenu() { $current_controller = JRequest::getCmd('controller', 'control'); $controllers = array( 'categories' => JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_CATEGORY_MANAGER'), 'images' => JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_IMAGE_MANAGER'), 'comments' => JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMENTS_MANAGER'), 'upload' => JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_IMAGE_UPLOAD'), 'batchupload' => JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_BATCH_UPLOAD'), 'ftpupload' => JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_FTP_UPLOAD'), 'jupload' => JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_JAVA_UPLOAD'), 'config' => JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER'), 'cssedit' => JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_CUSTOMIZE_CSS'), 'migration' => JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_MIGRATION_MANAGER'), 'maintenance' => JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_MAINTENANCE_MANAGER'), 'help' => JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_HELP') ); $canDo = self::getActions(); if(!JoomConfig::getInstance()->get('jg_disableunrequiredchecks') && !$canDo->get('joom.upload') && !count(JoomHelper::getAuthorisedCategories('joom.upload'))) { unset($controllers['upload']); unset($controllers['batchupload']); unset($controllers['ftpupload']); unset($controllers['jupload']); } if(!$canDo->get('core.admin')) { unset($controllers['config']); unset($controllers['cssedit']); unset($controllers['maintenance']); } foreach($controllers as $controller => $title) { JSubMenuHelper::addEntry( $title, 'index.php?option='._JOOM_OPTION.'&controller='.$controller, $controller == $current_controller ); } } /** * Returns a list of the actions that can be performed * * @param string $type The type of the content to check * @param int $id The ID of the content (category or image) * @return JObject An object holding the results of the check * @since 2.0 */ public static function getActions($type = 'component', $id = 0) { static $cache = array(); // Create a unique key for the this pair of parameters $key = $type.':'.$id; if(isset($cache[$key])) { return $cache[$key]; } $user = JFactory::getUser(); $result = new JObject(); $actions = array('core.admin', 'core.manage', 'joom.upload', 'joom.upload.inown', 'core.create', 'joom.create.inown', 'core.edit', 'core.edit.own', 'core.edit.state', 'core.delete'); switch($type) { case 'category': $assetName = _JOOM_OPTION.'.category.'.$id; break; case 'image': $assetName = _JOOM_OPTION.'.image.'.$id; break; default: $assetName = _JOOM_OPTION; break; } foreach($actions as $action) { $result->set($action, $user->authorise($action, $assetName)); } // Store the result for better performance $cache[$key] = $result; return $result; } /** * Returns a list of all categories for that a user has permission for a given action * * @param string $action The action to check for * @return array List of category objects for which the current can do the selected action to (empty array if none) * @since 2.0 */ public static function getAuthorisedCategories($action) { $user = JFactory::getUser(); $cats = JoomAmbit::getInstance()->getCategoryStructure(true); $allowedCategories = array(); foreach($cats as $category) { $action2 = false; if($action == 'joom.upload') { $action2 = 'joom.upload.inown'; } if($action == 'core.create') { $action2 = 'joom.create.inown'; } if($action == 'core.edit') { $action2 = 'core.edit.own'; } if( $user->authorise($action, _JOOM_OPTION.'.category.'.$category->cid) || ( $action2 && $category->owner == $user->get('id') && $user->authorise($action2, _JOOM_OPTION.'.category.'.$category->cid) ) ) { $allowedCategories[] = $category; } } return $allowedCategories; } /** * Returns all parent categories of a specific category * * @param int $category The ID of the specific child category * @param boolean $child True, if category itself shall also be returned, defaults to false * @return array An array of parent category objects with cid,name,parent_id * @since 1.5.5 */ public static function getAllParentCategories($category, $child = false) { // Get category structure from ambit $ambit = JoomAmbit::getInstance(); $cats = $ambit->getCategoryStructure(); $parents = array(); if(!$category) { return $parents; } if($child) { $parents[$category] = new stdClass(); $parents[$category]->cid = $cats[$category]->cid; $parents[$category]->name = $cats[$category]->name; $parents[$category]->parent_id = $cats[$category]->parent_id; $parents[$category]->published = $cats[$category]->published; } $parentcat = $cats[$category]->parent_id; while($parentcat != 1) { $category = $parentcat; $parents[$category] = new stdClass(); $parents[$category]->cid = $cats[$category]->cid; $parents[$category]->name = $cats[$category]->name; $parents[$category]->parent_id = $cats[$category]->parent_id; $parents[$category]->published = $cats[$category]->published; $parentcat = $cats[$category]->parent_id; } // Reverse the array to get the right order $parents = array_reverse($parents, true); return $parents; } /** * Returns all categories and their sub-categories with published or no images * * @param int $cat Category ID * @param boolean $rootcat True, if $cat shall also be returned as an * element of the array * @param boolean $noimgcats True if @return shall also include categories * with no images * @param boolean $all True if all categories shall be selected, defaults to true * @param boolean $nohiddencats True, if sub-categories of hidden categories should be * filtered out, defaults to false * @return array An array of found categories * @since 1.5.5 */ public static function getAllSubCategories($cat, $rootcat = false, $noimgcats = false, $all = true, $nohiddencats = false) { // Initialise variables $cat = (int) $cat; $parentcats = array(); $parentcats[$cat] = true; $branchfound = false; $allsubcats = array(); // Get category structure from ambit $ambit = JoomAmbit::getInstance(); $cats = $ambit->getCategoryStructure($all); $stopindex = count($cats); $keys = array_keys($cats); $startindex = array_search($cat, $keys); if($startindex === false) { return $allsubcats; } // Find all cats which are subcategories of cat $hidden = array(); for($j = $startindex + 1; $j < $stopindex; $j++) { $i = $keys[$j]; $parentcat = $cats[$i]->parent_id; if(isset($parentcats[$parentcat])) { $parentcats[$i] = true; $branchfound = true; // Don't include hidden sub-categories if($nohiddencats) { if($cats[$i]->hidden) { $hidden[$i] = true; } else { if(isset($hidden[$cats[$i]->parent_id])) { $hidden[$i] = true; } } } if(!isset($hidden[$i])) { if(!$noimgcats) { // Only categories with images if($cats[$i]->piccount > 0) { // Subcategory with images in array $allsubcats[] = $i; } } else { $allsubcats[] = $i; } } } else { if($branchfound) { // Branch has been processed completely break; } } } // Add rootcat if($rootcat) { if(!$noimgcats) { // Includes images if($cats[$cat]->piccount > 0) { $allsubcats[] = $cat; } } else { $allsubcats[] = $cat; } } return $allsubcats; } /** * Wrap text * * @param string $text Text to wrap * @param int $nr Number of chars to wrap * @return string Wrapped text * @since 1.0.0 */ public static function processText($text, $nr = 40) { $mytext = explode(' ', trim($text)); $newtext = array(); foreach($mytext as $k => $txt) { if(strlen($txt) > $nr) { $txt = wordwrap($txt, $nr, '- ', 1); } $newtext[] = $txt; } return implode(' ', $newtext); } /** * Reads the category path from array. * If not set read db and add to array. * * @param int $catid The ID of the category * @return string The category path * @since 1.0.0 */ public static function getCatPath($catid) { static $catpath = array(); if(!isset($catpath[$catid])) { $database = JFactory::getDBO(); $query = $database->getQuery(true) ->select('catpath') ->from(_JOOM_TABLE_CATEGORIES) ->where('cid= '.$catid); $database->setQuery($query); if(!$path = $database->loadResult()) { $catpath[$catid] = ''; } else { $catpath[$catid] = $path.'/'; } } return $catpath[$catid]; } /** * Returns the rating clause for an SQL - query dependent on the * rating calculation method selected. * * @param string $tablealias Table alias * @return string Rating clause * @since 1.5.6 */ public static function getSQLRatingClause($tablealias = '') { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $config = JoomConfig::getInstance(); static $avgimgvote = 0.0; static $avgimgrating = 0.0; static $avgdone = false; $maxvoting = $config->get('jg_maxvoting'); $imgvotesum = 'imgvotesum'; $imgvotes = 'imgvotes'; if($tablealias != '') { $imgvotesum = $tablealias.'.'.$imgvotesum; $imgvotes = $tablealias.'.'.$imgvotes; } // Standard rating clause $clause = 'ROUND(LEAST(IF(imgvotes > 0, '.$imgvotesum.'/'.$imgvotes.', 0.0), '.(float)$maxvoting.'), 2)'; // Advanced (weigthed) rating clause (Bayes) if($config->get('jg_ratingcalctype') == 1) { if(!$avgdone) { // Needed values for weighted rating calculation $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->select('count(*) As imgcount') ->select('SUM(imgvotes) As sumimgvotes') ->select('SUM(imgvotesum/imgvotes) As sumimgratings') ->from(_JOOM_TABLE_IMAGES) ->where('imgvotes > 0'); $db->setQuery($query); $row = $db->loadObject(); if($row != null) { if($row->imgcount > 0) { $avgimgvote = round($row->sumimgvotes / $row->imgcount, 2 ); $avgimgrating = round($row->sumimgratings / $row->imgcount, 2); $avgdone = true; } } } if($avgdone) { $clause = 'ROUND(LEAST(IF(imgvotes > 0, (('.$avgimgvote.'*'.$avgimgrating.') + '.$imgvotesum.') / ('.$avgimgvote.' + '.$imgvotes.'), 0.0), '.(float)$maxvoting.'), 2)'; } } return $clause; } /** * Returns the rating of an image * * @param string $imgid Image id to get the rating for * @return float Rating * @since 1.5.6 */ public static function getRating($imgid) { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $rating = 0.0; $query = $db->getQuery(true) ->select(JoomHelper::getSQLRatingClause().' AS rating') ->from(_JOOM_TABLE_IMAGES) ->where('id = '.$imgid); $db->setQuery($query); if(($result = $db->loadResult()) != null) { $rating = $result; } return $rating; } }