Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/tmp/install_52baa401645d2/admin/tables/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/tmp/install_52baa401645d2/admin/tables/joomgalleryconfig.php |
<?php // $HeadURL: https://joomgallery.org/svn/joomgallery/JG-2.0/JG/trunk/administrator/components/com_joomgallery/tables/joomgalleryconfig.php $ // $Id: joomgalleryconfig.php 3851 2012-09-13 17:46:24Z chraneco $ /****************************************************************************************\ ** JoomGallery 2 ** ** By: JoomGallery::ProjectTeam ** ** Copyright (C) 2008 - 2012 JoomGallery::ProjectTeam ** ** Based on: JoomGallery 1.0.0 by JoomGallery::ProjectTeam ** ** Released under GNU GPL Public License ** ** License: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or have a look ** ** at administrator/components/com_joomgallery/LICENSE.TXT ** \****************************************************************************************/ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.'); /** * JoomGallery Configuration Table Class * * @package JoomGallery * @since 1.5.5 */ class TableJoomgalleryConfig extends JTable { var $id; var $group_id = 0; var $ordering = 0; /** * Configuration variables * * @var string, int */ var $jg_pathimages; var $jg_pathoriginalimages; var $jg_paththumbs; var $jg_pathftpupload; var $jg_pathtemp; var $jg_wmpath; var $jg_wmfile; var $jg_use_real_paths; var $jg_checkupdate; var $jg_filenamewithjs; var $jg_filenamereplace; var $jg_thumbcreation; var $jg_fastgd2thumbcreation; var $jg_impath; var $jg_resizetomaxwidth; var $jg_maxwidth; var $jg_picturequality; var $jg_useforresizedirection; var $jg_cropposition; var $jg_thumbwidth; var $jg_thumbheight; var $jg_thumbquality; var $jg_uploadorder; var $jg_useorigfilename; var $jg_filenamenumber; var $jg_delete_original; var $jg_wrongvaluecolor; var $jg_msg_upload_type; var $jg_msg_upload_recipients; var $jg_msg_download_type; var $jg_msg_download_recipients; var $jg_msg_zipdownload; var $jg_msg_comment_type; var $jg_msg_comment_recipients; var $jg_msg_comment_toowner; var $jg_msg_nametag_type; var $jg_msg_nametag_recipients; var $jg_msg_nametag_totaggeduser; var $jg_msg_nametag_toowner; var $jg_msg_report_type; var $jg_msg_report_recipients; var $jg_msg_report_toowner; var $jg_realname; var $jg_cooliris; var $jg_coolirislink; var $jg_contentpluginsenabled; var $jg_itemid; var $jg_ajaxcategoryselection; var $jg_disableunrequiredchecks; var $jg_userspace; var $jg_approve; var $jg_maxusercat; var $jg_maxuserimage; var $jg_maxfilesize; var $jg_usercatacc; var $jg_usercatthumbalign; var $jg_maxuploadfields; var $jg_useruploadnumber; var $jg_useruploadsingle; var $jg_useruploadbatch; var $jg_useruploadjava; var $jg_useruseorigfilename; var $jg_special_gif_upload; var $jg_delete_original_user; var $jg_newpiccopyright; var $jg_newpicnote; var $jg_redirect_after_upload; var $jg_download; var $jg_download_unreg; var $jg_download_hint; var $jg_showrating; var $jg_maxvoting; var $jg_ratingcalctype; var $jg_ratingdisplaytype; var $jg_ajaxrating; var $jg_votingonlyonce; var $jg_votingonlyreg; var $jg_showcomment; var $jg_anoncomment; var $jg_namedanoncomment; var $jg_anonapprovecom; var $jg_approvecom; var $jg_bbcodesupport; var $jg_smiliesupport; var $jg_anismilie; var $jg_smiliescolor; var $jg_report_images; var $jg_report_unreg; var $jg_report_hint; var $jg_anchors; var $jg_tooltips; var $jg_dyncrop; var $jg_dyncropposition; var $jg_dyncropwidth; var $jg_dyncropheight; var $jg_dyncropbgcol; var $jg_hideemptycats; var $jg_skipcatview; var $jg_imgalign; var $jg_firstorder; var $jg_secondorder; var $jg_thirdorder; var $jg_pagetitle_cat; var $jg_pagetitle_detail; var $jg_showgalleryhead; var $jg_showpathway; var $jg_completebreadcrumbs; var $jg_showallpics; var $jg_showallhits; var $jg_showbacklink; var $jg_suppresscredits; var $jg_showuserpanel; var $jg_showuserpanel_hint; var $jg_showuserpanel_unreg; var $jg_showallpicstoadmin; var $jg_showminithumbs; var $jg_openjs_padding; var $jg_openjs_background; var $jg_dhtml_border; var $jg_show_title_in_dhtml; var $jg_show_description_in_dhtml; var $jg_lightbox_speed; var $jg_lightbox_slide_all; var $jg_resize_js_image; var $jg_disable_rightclick_original; var $jg_showgallerysubhead; var $jg_showallcathead; var $jg_colcat; var $jg_catperpage; var $jg_ordercatbyalpha; var $jg_showgallerypagenav; var $jg_showcatcount; var $jg_showcatthumb; var $jg_showrandomcatthumb; var $jg_ctalign; var $jg_showtotalcatimages; var $jg_showtotalcathits; var $jg_showcatasnew; var $jg_catdaysnew; var $jg_showdescriptioningalleryview; var $jg_showrestrictedcats; var $jg_showrestrictedhint; var $jg_showsubsingalleryview; var $jg_category_rss; var $jg_category_rss_icon; var $jg_showcathead; var $jg_usercatorder; var $jg_usercatorderlist; var $jg_showcatdescriptionincat; var $jg_showpagenav; var $jg_showpiccount; var $jg_perpage; var $jg_catthumbalign; var $jg_colnumb; var $jg_detailpic_open; var $jg_lightboxbigpic; var $jg_showtitle; var $jg_showpicasnew; var $jg_daysnew; var $jg_showhits; var $jg_showauthor; var $jg_showowner; var $jg_showcatcom; var $jg_showcatrate; var $jg_showcatdescription; var $jg_showcategorydownload; var $jg_showcategoryfavourite; var $jg_category_report_images; var $jg_showcategoryeditorlinks; var $jg_showsubcathead; var $jg_showsubcatcount; var $jg_colsubcat; var $jg_subperpage; var $jg_showpagenavsubs; var $jg_subcatthumbalign; var $jg_showsubthumbs; var $jg_showrandomsubthumb; var $jg_showdescriptionincategoryview; var $jg_ordersubcatbyalpha; var $jg_showtotalsubcatimages; var $jg_showtotalsubcathits; var $jg_showdetailpage; var $jg_disabledetailpage; var $jg_showdetailnumberofpics; var $jg_cursor_navigation; var $jg_disable_rightclick_detail; var $jg_detail_report_images; var $jg_report_images_notauth; var $jg_showdetaileditorlinks; var $jg_showdetailtitle; var $jg_showdetail; var $jg_showdetailaccordion; var $jg_accordionduration; var $jg_accordiondisplay; var $jg_accordionopacity; var $jg_accordionalwayshide; var $jg_accordioninitialeffect; var $jg_showdetaildescription; var $jg_showdetaildatum; var $jg_showdetailhits; var $jg_showdetailrating; var $jg_showdetailfilesize; var $jg_showdetailauthor; var $jg_showoriginalfilesize; var $jg_showdetaildownload; var $jg_downloadfile; var $jg_downloadwithwatermark; var $jg_watermark; var $jg_watermarkpos; var $jg_bigpic; var $jg_bigpic_unreg; var $jg_bigpic_open; var $jg_bbcodelink; var $jg_showcommentsunreg; var $jg_showcommentsarea; var $jg_send2friend; var $jg_minis; var $jg_motionminis; var $jg_motionminiWidth; var $jg_motionminiHeight; var $jg_miniWidth; var $jg_miniHeight; var $jg_minisprop; var $jg_nameshields; var $jg_nameshields_others; var $jg_nameshields_unreg; var $jg_show_nameshields_unreg; var $jg_nameshields_height; var $jg_nameshields_width; var $jg_slideshow; var $jg_slideshow_timer; var $jg_slideshow_transition; var $jg_slideshow_transtime; var $jg_slideshow_maxdimauto; var $jg_slideshow_width; var $jg_slideshow_heigth; var $jg_slideshow_infopane; var $jg_slideshow_carousel; var $jg_slideshow_arrows; var $jg_slideshow_repeat; var $jg_showexifdata; var $jg_showgeotagging; var $jg_geotaggingkey; var $jg_subifdtags; var $jg_ifdotags; var $jg_gpstags; var $jg_showiptcdata; var $jg_iptctags; var $jg_showtoplist; var $jg_toplist; var $jg_topthumbalign; var $jg_toptextalign; var $jg_toplistcols; var $jg_whereshowtoplist; var $jg_showrate; var $jg_showlatest; var $jg_showcom; var $jg_showthiscomment; var $jg_showmostviewed; var $jg_showtoplistdownload; var $jg_showtoplistfavourite; var $jg_toplist_report_images; var $jg_showtoplisteditorlinks; var $jg_favourites; var $jg_favouritesshownotauth; var $jg_maxfavourites; var $jg_zipdownload; var $jg_usefavouritesforpubliczip; var $jg_usefavouritesforzip; var $jg_allimagesofcategory; var $jg_showfavouritesdownload; var $jg_showfavouriteseditorlinks; var $jg_search; var $jg_searchcols; var $jg_searchthumbalign; var $jg_searchtextalign; var $jg_showsearchdownload; var $jg_showsearchfavourite; var $jg_search_report_images; var $jg_showsearcheditorlinks; /** * Constructor * * @return void * @since 1.5.5 */ public function TableJoomGalleryConfig(&$db) { parent::__construct(_JOOM_TABLE_CONFIG, 'id', $db); } /** * Checks specific entries in the configuration * and makes them ready to save. * * @return boolean True, if the configuration may be saved, false otherwise * @since 1.5.5 */ public function check() { // Fix the pathes $this->jg_pathimages = $this->fixPath($this->jg_pathimages); $this->jg_pathoriginalimages = $this->fixPath($this->jg_pathoriginalimages); $this->jg_paththumbs = $this->fixPath($this->jg_paththumbs); $this->jg_pathftpupload = $this->fixPath($this->jg_pathftpupload); $this->jg_pathtemp = $this->fixPath($this->jg_pathtemp); $this->jg_wmpath = $this->fixPath($this->jg_wmpath); // Arrays, remove the first or the first two entries if more than // the first or the second entry are selected because there can't // be users chosen as well as 'No User' and 'Default Recipients'. if(is_array($this->jg_msg_upload_recipients)) { if(count($this->jg_msg_upload_recipients) > 1 && $this->jg_msg_upload_recipients[0] == -1) { unset($this->jg_msg_upload_recipients[0]); } $this->jg_msg_upload_recipients = implode(',', $this->jg_msg_upload_recipients); } if(is_array($this->jg_msg_download_recipients)) { if(count($this->jg_msg_download_recipients) > 1 && $this->jg_msg_download_recipients[0] == -1) { unset($this->jg_msg_download_recipients[0]); } $this->jg_msg_download_recipients = implode(',', $this->jg_msg_download_recipients); } if(is_array($this->jg_msg_comment_recipients)) { if(count($this->jg_msg_comment_recipients) > 1 && ($this->jg_msg_comment_recipients[0] == 0 || $this->jg_msg_comment_recipients[0] == -1)) { unset($this->jg_msg_comment_recipients[0]); if(count($this->jg_msg_comment_recipients) > 1 && $this->jg_msg_comment_recipients[1] == -1) { unset($this->jg_msg_comment_recipients[1]); } } $this->jg_msg_comment_recipients = implode(',', $this->jg_msg_comment_recipients); } if(is_array($this->jg_msg_nametag_recipients)) { if(count($this->jg_msg_nametag_recipients) > 1 && ($this->jg_msg_nametag_recipients[0] == 0 || $this->jg_msg_nametag_recipients[0] == -1)) { unset($this->jg_msg_nametag_recipients[0]); if(count($this->jg_msg_nametag_recipients) > 1 && $this->jg_msg_nametag_recipients[1] == -1) { unset($this->jg_msg_nametag_recipients[1]); } } $this->jg_msg_nametag_recipients = implode(',', $this->jg_msg_nametag_recipients); } if(is_array($this->jg_msg_report_recipients)) { if(count($this->jg_msg_report_recipients) > 1 && $this->jg_msg_report_recipients[0] == -1) { unset($this->jg_msg_report_recipients[0]); } $this->jg_msg_report_recipients = implode(',', $this->jg_msg_report_recipients); } if(is_array($this->jg_usercatorderlist)) { $this->jg_usercatorderlist = implode(',', $this->jg_usercatorderlist); } // When no array there are no ticked checkboxes submitted per $_POST if(is_array($this->jg_subifdtags)) { $subifdtags = $this->jg_subifdtags; $subifdtags_new = array(); if($subifdtags) { foreach($subifdtags as $subifdtag) { $subifdtag = intval($subifdtag); if($subifdtag > 0) { array_push($subifdtags_new, $subifdtag); } } } $this->jg_subifdtags = implode(',', $subifdtags_new); } else { $this->jg_subifdtags = ''; } // When no array there are no ticked checkboxes submitted per $_POST if(is_array($this->jg_ifdotags)) { $ifdotags = $this->jg_ifdotags; $ifdotags_new = array(); if($ifdotags) { foreach($ifdotags as $ifdotag) { $ifdotag = intval($ifdotag); if($ifdotag > 0) { array_push($ifdotags_new, $ifdotag); } } } $this->jg_ifdotags = implode(',', $ifdotags_new); } else { $this->jg_ifdotags = ''; } // When no array there are no ticked checkboxes submitted per $_POST if(is_array($this->jg_gpstags)) { $gpstags = $this->jg_gpstags; $gpstags_new = array(); if($gpstags) { foreach($gpstags as $gpstag) { $gpstag = intval($gpstag); if($gpstag >= 0) { array_push($gpstags_new, $gpstag); } } } $this->jg_gpstags = implode(',', $gpstags_new); } else { $this->jg_gpstags = ''; } // When no array there are no ticked checkboxes submitted per $_POST if(is_array($this->jg_iptctags)) { $iptctags = $this->jg_iptctags; $iptctags_new = array(); if($iptctags) { foreach($iptctags as $iptctag) { $iptctag = intval($iptctag); if($iptctag >= 0) { array_push($iptctags_new, $iptctag); } } } $this->jg_iptctags = implode(',', $iptctags_new); } else { $this->jg_iptctags = ''; } // Check ordering if($this->id == 1) { $this->ordering = 1; } else { if($this->ordering <= 1) { $this->ordering = 2; } } $corrected = false; $items = explode(',', $this->jg_filenamereplace); $this->jg_filenamereplace = ''; if($items != FALSE) { // Contains pairs of <specialchar>|<replaced char(s)> foreach ($items as $item) { if (!empty($item)) { $workarray = explode('|', trim($item)); if( $workarray != FALSE && isset($workarray[0]) && !empty($workarray[0]) && isset($workarray[1]) && !empty($workarray[1]) ) { $this->jg_filenamereplace .= $workarray[0] . '|' . $workarray[1] . ','; } else { $corrected = true; } } } $this->jg_filenamereplace = trim($this->jg_filenamereplace, ','); } else { $this->jg_filenamereplace = ''; } if($corrected) { JError::raiseNotice(500, JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_CONFIG_MSG_SETTINGS_FOR_SPECIALCHARS_CORRECTED')); } return true; } /** * Modify path * * 1. trim '/' from path and append one * * @param string $path The path to fix * @return string Modified path or root warning * @since 1.5.0 */ public function fixPath($path) { if(!JFolder::exists(JPATH_ROOT.DS.$path)) { // We assume that it's an absolute path, // so trim '/' and '\' only on the right side and append one DS $path = JPath::clean(rtrim($path, '\/').DS); } else { // Trim '/' and '\' on both sides and append slash // Additionally there should also be only '/' in the path $path = trim($path, '\/').'/'; $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path); } if($path == '/' || $path == '\\') { return 'PLEASE_DO_NOT_USE_JOOMLA_ROOT'; } return $path; } }