Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/tmp/install_52baa3a7f32f2/media/js/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/tmp/install_52baa3a7f32f2/media/js/categories.js |
// $HeadURL: https://joomgallery.org/svn/joomgallery/JG-2.0/JG/branches/ajax/administrator/components/com_joomgallery/helpers/html/joomselect.php $ // $Id: joomselect.php 3717 2012-03-22 18:33:14Z chraneco $ /******************************************************************************\ ** JoomGallery 2 ** ** By: JoomGallery::ProjectTeam ** ** Copyright (C) 2008 - 2011 JoomGallery::ProjectTeam ** ** Based on: JoomGallery 1.0.0 by JoomGallery::ProjectTeam ** ** Released under GNU GPL Public License ** ** License: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or have a look ** ** at administrator/components/com_joomgallery/LICENSE.TXT ** \******************************************************************************/ var JoomGallerySearchCategories = new Class({ Implements: [Options, Events], options: { 'inputbox': 'jg-catid-input', 'resultbox': 'jg-catid-results', 'hiddenbox': 'catid', 'moreresults': 'jg-catid-more-results', 'defaultcontent': '- Search category -', 'variablename': 'catidsearch', 'action': '', 'filter': 0, 'current': 0, 'onchange': '', 'url': 'index.php?option=com_joomgallery&task=categories.getcategories&format=json' }, initialize: function (options) { this.setOptions(options); this.searchstring = ''; this.timer = null; this.counter = 0; this.more = null; this.visible = false; this.positioned = false; this.selectedElement = -1; this.elements = []; this.inputBox = document.id(this.options.inputbox).setProperty('autocomplete', 'off'); //var c = this.inputBox.getCoordinates(); this.results = document.id(this.options.resultbox).inject(document.body); document.id(this.options.moreresults).setStyle('display', 'none'); this.results.reveal(); //this.fx = new Fx.Tween(this.results).set('opacity', 0); //this.options.keyevents = true; //window.addEvent('resize', function () { //this.results.setStyle('left', this.getLeft()) //}.bind(this)); this.addEvents(); this.keyEvents(); this.isValid.periodical(1000, this); this.results.addEvent('click', function(e) { e.stop(); }); document.addEvent('click', function(e) { //alert(e.page.y); this.cancel(); }.bind(this)); window.addEvent('resize', function(e) { this.results.position({ relativeTo: this.inputBox, position: 'bottomLeft', edge: 'upperLeft' }); }.bind(this)); this.request = new Request.JSON({ method: 'post', url: this.options.url, link: 'chain', onRequest: function() { if(this.more) { // If 'more' is greater than 0 we have already displayed some results for // the current searchstring, so display the spinner at the more link document.id(this.options.moreresults).addClass('jg-spinner'); } else { // Otherwise it is a new searchstring and we have to remove all previous results first document.id(this.options.moreresults).set('style', 'display:none;'); var children = $$('#' + this.options.resultbox + ' div.categories-results'); children.destroy(); this.inputBox.addClass('jg-spinner').reveal(); this.more = null; this.selectedElement = -1; this.elements = []; this.fireEvent('loaded'); // Position the results box now because position could be not correct earlier if(!this.positioned) { this.results.position({ relativeTo: this.inputBox, position: 'bottomLeft', edge: 'upperLeft' }); this.positioned = true; } } }.bind(this), onSuccess: function(r) { if (r.error && r.message) { alert(r.message); } if (r.messages) { Joomla.renderMessages(r.messages); } if(r.data) { if(r.data.results) { this.insertResults(r.data.results); } if(r.data.more) { // If there are more results than the sent ones // display the more link this.more = r.data.more; document.id(this.options.moreresults).reveal(); } else { this.more = null; document.id(this.options.moreresults).set('style', 'display:none;'); } } document.id(this.options.inputbox).removeClass('jg-spinner'); document.id(this.options.moreresults).removeClass('jg-spinner'); }.bind(this), onFailure: function(xhr) { alert(Joomla.JText._('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_REQUEST_ERROR')); document.id(this.options.inputbox).removeClass('jg-spinner'); document.id(this.options.moreresults).removeClass('jg-spinner'); }.bind(this), onError: function(text, error) { alert(error + "\n\n" + text); document.id(this.options.inputbox).removeClass('jg-spinner'); document.id(this.options.moreresults).removeClass('jg-spinner'); }.bind(this) }); }, /*getLeft: function () { var a = this.inputBox.getCoordinates(), x = document.id(this.options.resultbox).getSize().x; var b = document.id(window).getSize(), left; if (b.x / 2 < a.left + a.width) { left = a.left + a.width - x } else { left = a.left } if (left < 0) left = a.left; return left },*/ addEvents: function () { this.inputBox.addEvents({ 'click': function (e) { if(this.inputBox.get('value') == this.options.defaultcontent) { this.inputBox.value = ''; } e.stop(); }.bind(this), 'blur': function () { if(this.inputBox.get('value') == '') { this.inputBox.value = this.options.defaultcontent; document.id(this.options.hiddenbox).value = this.options.current; } }.bind(this), 'keydown': function (e) { e = new Event(e); $clear(this.timer); if (e.key == 'enter') e.stop() }, 'keyup': function (e) { e = new Event(e); if (e.code == 17 || e.code == 18 || e.code == 224 || e.alt || e.control || e.meta) return false; if (e.alt || e.control || e.meta || e.key == 'esc' || e.key == 'up' || e.key == 'down' || e.key == 'left' || e.key == 'right') return true; if (e.key == 'enter') e.stop(); if (e.key == 'enter' && this.selectedElement != -1) { if(this.selectedElement == -2) { this.loadMore(); } else if(this.selectedElement || this.selectedElement == 0) { eval(this.elements[this.selectedElement].get('data-onclick')); } return false; }; $clear(this.timer); this.searchstring = this.inputBox.value; this.more = null; this.timer = this.request.post.delay(500, this.request, 'searchstring=' + encodeURIComponent(this.searchstring) + '&action=' + this.options.action + '&filter=' + this.options.filter + '¤t=' + this.options.current); }.bind(this) }); }, keyEvents: function () { var b = { 'keyup': function (e) { e = new Event(e); if (e.key == 'up' || e.key == 'down' || e.key == 'enter' || e.key == 'esc') { e.stop(); if(e.key == 'esc') { this.cancel(); } else if(e.key == 'down') { if(this.selectedElement == -2) { return; } a = this.selectedElement; if(this.selectedElement + 1 < this.elements.length) { this.selectedElement++; } else { if(this.more) { this.selectedElement = -2; } else { return; } } if(a != -1) { this.elements[a].removeClass('jg-category-result-hover'); } if(this.selectedElement == -2) { document.id(this.options.moreresults).addClass('jg-category-result-hover'); } else if(this.selectedElement || this.selectedElement == 0) { new Fx.Scroll(window).toElement(this.elements[this.selectedElement]); this.elements[this.selectedElement].addClass('jg-category-result-hover'); } } else if(e.key == 'up') { a = this.selectedElement; if(this.selectedElement - 1 >= 0) { this.selectedElement--; } else { if(this.selectedElement == -2) { this.selectedElement = this.elements.length - 1; } else { return; } } if(a != -1 && a != -2) { this.elements[a].removeClass('jg-category-result-hover'); } if(a == -2) { document.id(this.options.moreresults).removeClass('jg-category-result-hover'); this.elements[this.selectedElement].addClass('jg-category-result-hover'); } else if(this.selectedElement || this.selectedElement == 0) { new Fx.Scroll(window).toElement(this.elements[this.selectedElement]); this.elements[this.selectedElement].addClass('jg-category-result-hover'); } } /*else if(e.key == 'enter') { if(this.selectedElement || this.selectedElement == 0) { eval(this.elements[this.selectedElement].get('data-onclick')); } }*/ } }.bind(this) }; if(!this.options.keyevents) { this.addEvent('loaded', function () { document.addEvent('keyup', b.keyup) }); this.addEvent('unloaded', function () { document.removeEvent('keyup', b.keyup) }) } }, insertResults : function(results) { this.visible = true; var count = this.elements.length; // For creating an individual ID for each result we use a counter this.counter = this.counter + 1; // Create a container into which all the results will be inserted var results_div = new Element('div', { id: this.options.resultbox + this.counter, 'class': 'categories-results', style: 'display:none;' }); // Create some elements for each result and insert it into the container Array.each(results, function (item, index) { var div = new Element('div', { 'class': 'jg-category-result row' + index%2, onclick: this.options.variablename + '.selectCategory(' + this.counter + index + ');', 'data-onclick': this.options.variablename + '.selectCategory(' + this.counter + index + ')' }); this.elements.push(div); //div.addEvent('click', function(e, test, test2) { //alert(arguments.length); //}.bind(this)); var path = new Element('div', { id: 'category-path' + this.counter + index, 'class': 'result-path', html: ' ' + item.path }); path.inject(div); var key = new Element('div', { id: 'category-name' + this.counter + index, 'class': 'result-name', html: ' » ' + item.name, 'data-cid': item.cid, 'data-name':item.name }); if(item.none) { key.set('data-name', '-'); } key.inject(div); div.inject(results_div); }, this); // If there aren't any results display an appropriate message if(!results.length) { var noresult = new Element('div', { 'class': 'jg-no-results', html: Joomla.JText._('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_CATEGORIES_NO_RESULTS') }); noresult.inject(results_div); } // Finally insert the container afore the more link and reveal it results_div.inject(document.id(this.options.moreresults), 'before'); document.id(this.options.resultbox + this.counter).reveal(); if(this.selectedElement == -2) { document.id(this.options.moreresults).removeClass('jg-category-result-hover'); this.selectedElement = count; this.elements[this.selectedElement].addClass('jg-category-result-hover'); } var scroll = new Fx.Scroll(window); scroll.toElementEdge.delay(500, scroll, this.options.moreresults); }, loadMore : function() { this.request.post('searchstring=' + encodeURIComponent(this.searchstring) + '&more=' + this.more + '&action=' + this.options.action + '&filter=' + this.options.filter + '¤t=' + this.options.current); }, selectCategory : function(id) { this.fireEvent('unloaded'); document.id(this.options.inputbox).value = document.id('category-name' + id).get('data-name'); document.id(this.options.hiddenbox).value = document.id('category-name' + id).get('data-cid'); this.options.defaultcontent = document.id('category-name' + id).get('data-name'); var children = $$('#' + this.options.resultbox + ' div.categories-results'); children.destroy(); document.id(this.options.moreresults).set('style', 'display:none;'); this.visible = false; if(this.options.onchange.length) { eval(this.options.onchange); } document.id(this.options.hiddenbox).fireEvent('change'); }, isValid : function() { if(document.id(this.options.hiddenbox).hasClass('invalid')) { this.inputBox.addClass('invalid'); } else { this.inputBox.removeClass('invalid'); } }, cancel : function() { if(this.visible) { this.fireEvent('unloaded'); this.inputBox.set('value', this.options.defaultcontent); var children = $$('#' + this.options.resultbox + ' div.categories-results'); children.destroy(); document.id(this.options.moreresults).set('style', 'display:none;'); this.selectedElement = -1; this.elements = []; this.visible = false; } } });