Path : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/modules/mod_vvisit_counter/includes/ |
Current File : /home/admin/public_html/old/board/modules/mod_vvisit_counter/includes/datetime.php |
<?php /** * @version $Id: datetime.php 2009-08-02 vinaora $ * @package VINAORA VISITORS COUNTER * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007 - 2009 VINAORA.COM. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL * @website http://vinaora.com * @email admin@vinaora.com */ // no direct access defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' ); ?> <?php class modVisitCounterDateTime { var $_now = null; function __construct( ){ // Determine Date/Time Now // Pls see >> http://groups.drupal.org/node/4838#comment-14101 - time() or mktime() or gmmktime() $this->_now = mktime(); } /* ** Determine Starting Date/Time of Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month ** Return Unix Time Array */ function &getTimeStart( $offset=0, $issunday=true, $now="" ){ $offset = (float) $offset; $now = (int) $now; if ( empty($now) ){ $now = mktime(); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ // Determine GMT Time (UTC+00:00) // Determine this minute, this hour, this day, this month, this year // Don't use strftime() $minute = (int) gmstrftime( "%M", $now ); $hour = (int) gmstrftime( "%H", $now ); $day = (int) gmstrftime( "%d", $now ); $month = (int) gmstrftime( "%m", $now ); $year = (int) gmstrftime( "%Y", $now ); // Determine Starting GMT Time and Local Time of Today $daystart = gmmktime( 0,0,0,$month,$day,$year ); $local_daystart = modVisitCounterDateTime::localTimeStart( $daystart, $offset, "day"); // Determine Starting GMT Time and Local Time of Yesterday // $yesterdaystart = strtotime( "-1 day", $daystart ) ; $yesterdaystart = $daystart - 86400; $local_yesterdaystart = $local_daystart - 86400; // Determine Starting GMT Time and Local Time of This Week // If Sunday is starting day of week then Sunday = 0 ... Saturday = 6 // If Monday is starting day of week then Monday = 0 ... Sunday = 6 $weekday = (int) strftime("%w", $now ); if ( !$issunday ) { if ( $weekday ) $weekday--; else $weekday = 6; } $weekstart = $daystart - $weekday*86400; $local_weekstart = modVisitCounterDateTime::localTimeStart( $weekstart, $offset, "week"); // Starting Starting GMT Time and Local Time of Last Week $lweekstart = $weekstart - 7*86400; $local_lweekstart = $local_weekstart - 7*86400; // Determine Starting GMT Time and Local Time of This Month $monthstart = gmmktime( 0,0,0,$month,1,$year ); $local_monthstart = modVisitCounterDateTime::localTimeStart( $monthstart, $offset, "month"); // Determine Starting GMT Time and Local Time of Last Month // $days_lmonth: Number days of last month (28/29, 30 or 31) $days_lmonth = (int) strftime("%d", $monthstart - 86400 ); $lmonthstart = $monthstart - $days_lmonth*86400; $local_lmonthstart = $local_monthstart - $days_lmonth*86400; $datetime = array(); $datetime["daystart"] = $daystart; $datetime["local_daystart"] = $local_daystart; $datetime["yesterdaystart"] = $yesterdaystart; $datetime["local_yesterdaystart"] = $local_yesterdaystart; $datetime["weekstart"] = $weekstart; $datetime["local_weekstart"] = $local_weekstart; $datetime["lweekstart"] = $lweekstart; $datetime["local_lweekstart"] = $local_lweekstart; $datetime["monthstart"] = $monthstart; $datetime["local_monthstart"] = $local_monthstart; $datetime["lmonthstart"] = $lmonthstart; $datetime["local_lmonthstart"] = $local_lmonthstart; return $datetime; } /* ** Determine Local Starting Time ** Return Unix Time ** Example: If Global Time (GMT+00:00) = 1248912000 (2009/07/31 - 00:00:00) ** then Local Time (GMT+07:00) = 1248912000 - 7*3600 = 1248886800, ** Local Time (GMT-05:00) = 1248912000 + 5*3600 = 1248930000 */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ function localTimeStart( $timestart, $offset=0, $type="day", $now = "" ){ $timestart = (int) $timestart; $offset = (float) $offset; $now = (int) $now; if ( empty($now) ){ $now = mktime(); } $type = strtolower( trim ($type) ); if ( $type != "day" && $type != "week" && $type != "month" ) $type = "day"; $nexttimestart = strtotime( "+1 " . $type, $timestart ) ; $lasttimestart = strtotime( "-1 " . $type, $timestart ) ; if ( $offset > 0 ) { if ( ( $nexttimestart - $now ) < $offset*60*60 ) { $timestart = $nexttimestart - $offset*60*60; } else $timestart -= $offset*60*60; } if ( $offset < 0 ) { $offset = -$offset; if ( ( $now - $timestart ) < $offset*60*60 ) { $timestart = $lasttimestart + $offset*60*60; } else $timestart += $offset*60*60; } return $timestart; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ } ?>